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Cell cycle checkpoints that are engaged in response to damaged and unreplicated DNA may serve additional, constitutive functions. In the developing Xenopus laevis embryo, the checkpoint kinase Chk1 is transiently activated at the midblastula transition (MBT), a period of extensive cell cycle remodeling including the acquisition of cell cycle checkpoints. The timing of many cell cycle remodeling events at the MBT, such as the lengthening of cell cycles, depends upon a critical nucleocytoplasmic (N/C) ratio. However, other events, including the degradation of maternal cyclin E, do not depend upon the N/C ratio, and are regulated by an autonomous developmental timer. To better understand what regulates Chk1 activation at the MBT, embryos were treated with aphidicolin, at different developmental times and for different lengths of time, to reduce the DNA content at the MBT. Chk1 was activated at the MBT in these embryos establishing that Chk1 activation occurs independently of the N/C ratio. Cdc25A is normally phosphorylated by Chk1 at the MBT and then degraded. The degradation of Cdc25A demonstrated partial dependence on DNA content, suggesting that factors other than Chk1 regulate its degradation. When the cyclin E developmental timer was disrupted with the Cdk2 inhibitor Δ34-Xic1, Chk1 was still activated at the MBT, indicating that activation of Chk1 at the MBT was not directly linked to the cyclin E timer. Conversely, unreplicated or damaged DNA, delayed the degradation of cyclin E at the MBT, indicating that the cyclin E/Cdk2 timer is sensitive to engagement of cell cycle checkpoints.  相似文献   

Dissociated animal cap blastomeres of Xenopus laevis blastulae were cultured at a low Ca level (1 microM) from 9th to 18th cell cycle at 22 +/- 1 degrees C and observed by a time-lapse video recorder. Blastomeres cleaved unequally to increase variability in cell size as cell cycles progressed, but synchronously at a constant cell cycle time of about 30 min up to the 12th cleavage in diploid cells, and up to the 13th cleavage in haploid cells, regardless of their cell sizes. Thereafter, blastomeres cleaved asynchronously at varying cell cycle times in proportion to the inverse square of their radii. The transition from the cell size-independent to -dependent cell cycles occurred at the critical cell radius, 37.5 microm for the diploid and 27.9 microm for the haploid. While the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide (CHX) lengthened cell cycle times two- to six-fold, epidermal growth factor (EGF) had no significant effect on the cell cycle. CHX-treated blastomeres synchronously cleaved at a constant cell cycle time of 60 min up to the 12th cleavage. Thereafter, cell cycle times became variable in proportion to the inverse square of radii in the presence of CHX at 0.10-0.14 microg/ml, but to the inverse cube of radii at 0.18 microg/ml. The critical cell size of CHX-treated blastomeres for the transition from cell size-independent to -dependent cell cycles remained the same as that of untreated blastomeres. Frequency distributions of cell cycle times of synchronous cell cycles were monomodal with the peak at 30 min, except for CHX-treated blastomeres with the peak at 60 min. In contrast, frequency distributions of asynchronous cell cycles were polymodal with peaks at multiples of a unit time of 30-35 min. To explain these results, we propose that blastomere cytoplasm has 30-min cycles that repeatedly produce mitosis promoting factor (MPF) in a quantity proportional to the cell surface area. MPF is neutralized when it titrates a nuclear inhibitor present in a quantity proportional to the genome size, and sequestered in the nucleus. When the total amount of MPF produced exceeds the threshold required to titrate all of the inhibitor, mitosis is initiated.  相似文献   

In Xenopus embryos, cell cycle elongation and degradation of Cdc25A (a Cdk2 Tyr15 phosphatase) occur naturally at the midblastula transition (MBT), at which time a physiological DNA replication checkpoint is thought to be activated by the exponentially increased nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio. Here we show that the checkpoint kinase Chk1, but not Cds1 (Chk2), is activated transiently at the MBT in a maternal/zygotic gene product-regulated manner and is essential for cell cycle elongation and Cdc25A degradation at this transition. A constitutively active form of Chk1 can phosphorylate Cdc25A in vitro and can target it rapidly for degradation in pre-MBT embryos. Intriguingly, for this degradation, however, Cdc25A also requires a prior Chk1-independent phosphorylation at Ser73. Ectopically expressed human Cdc25A can be degraded in the same way as Xenopus Cdc25A. Finally, Cdc25A degradation at the MBT is a prerequisite for cell viability at later stages. Thus, the physiological replication checkpoint is activated transiently at the MBT by developmental cues, and activated Chk1, only together with an unknown kinase, targets Cdc25A for degradation to ensure later development.  相似文献   

It has been proposed and is now widely accepted that in Xenopus laevis embryogenesis RNA synthesis starts only at and after 12 rounds of cleavage, at the time of the midblastula transition (MBT). In this report, however, we provide evidence that RNA synthesis takes place prior to the MBT stage in normally developing Xenopus embryos. In the present experiments, we cultured fertilized eggs in 80 mM phosphate buffer and loosened the adhesion between blastomeres, so that [3H]uridine could be incorporated into blastomeres from the surrounding medium. By this method and also by microinjection of [3H]GTP, we found that embryos synthesize heterogeneous, nonribosomal, high-molecular-weight RNAs and a relatively small amount of low-molecular-weight RNA as early as the sixth cleavage. RNAs synthesized were not of mitochondrial origin, and the synthesis was sensitive to actinomycin D and alpha-amanitin. From these results we conclude that mRNA-like RNA and low-molecular-weight RNA start to be synthesized during the cleavage stage.  相似文献   

At the Xenopus midblastula transition (MBT), cell cycles lengthen, and checkpoints that respond to damaged or unreplicated DNA are established. The MBT is triggered by a critical nucleocytoplasmic (N/C) ratio; however, the molecular basis for its initiation remains unknown. In egg extracts, activation of Chk1 checkpoint kinase requires the adaptor protein Claspin, which recruits Chk1 for phosphorylation by ATR. At the MBT in embryos, Chk1 is transiently activated to lengthen the cell cycle. We show that Xenopus Claspin is phosphorylated at the MBT at both DNA replication checkpoint-dependent and -independent sites. Further, in egg extracts, Claspin phosphorylation depends on a threshold N/C ratio, but occurs even when ATR is inhibited. Not all phosphorylation that occurs at the MBT is reproduced in egg extracts. Our results identify Claspin as the most upstream molecule in the signaling pathway that responds to the N/C ratio and indicate that Claspin may also respond to an independent timer to trigger the MBT and activation of cell cycle checkpoints.  相似文献   

Noncoding Y RNAs are essential for the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication in mammalian cell extracts, but their role in this process during early vertebrate development is unknown. Here, we use antisense morpholino nucleotides (MOs) to investigate Y RNA function in Xenopus laevis and zebrafish embryos. We show that embryos in which Y RNA function is inhibited by MOs develop normally until the midblastula transition (MBT) but then fail to replicate their DNA and die before gastrulation. Consistent with this observation, Y RNA function is not required for DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts but is required for replication in a post-MBT cell line. Y RNAs do not bind chromatin in karyomeres before MBT, but they associate with interphase nuclei after MBT in an origin recognition complex (ORC)-dependent manner. Y RNA-specific MOs inhibit the association of Y RNAs with ORC, Cdt1, and HMGA1a proteins, suggesting that these molecular associations are essential for Y RNA function in DNA replication. The MBT is thus a transition point between Y RNA-independent and Y RNA-dependent control of vertebrate DNA replication. Our data suggest that in vertebrates Y RNAs function as a developmentally regulated layer of control over the evolutionarily conserved eukaryotic DNA replication machinery.  相似文献   

The cleavage cycle, which is initiated by fertilization, consists of only S and M phases, and the gap phases (G1 and G2) appear after the midblastula transition (MBT) in the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. During early development in Xenopus, we examined the E2F activity, which controls transition from the G1 to S phase in the somatic cell cycle. Gel retardation and transactivation assays revealed that, although the E2F protein was constantly present throughout early development, the E2F transactivation activity was induced in a stage-specific manner, that is, low before MBT and rapidly increased after MBT. Introduction of the recombinant dominant negative E2F (dnE2F), but not the control, protein into the 2-cell stage embryos specifically suppressed E2F activation after MBT. Cells in dnE2F-injected embryos appeared normal before MBT, but ceased to proliferate and eventually died at the gastrula. These cells contained decreased cdk activity with enhanced inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc2 at Tyr15. Thus, E2F activity is required for cell cycle progression and cell viability after MBT, but not essential for MBT transition and developmental progression during the cleavage stage.  相似文献   

This article reviews cell cycle changes that occur during midblastula transition (MBT) in Xenopus laevis based on research carried out in the authors' laboratory. Blastomeres dissociated from the animal cap of blastulae, as well as those in an intact embryo, divide synchronously with a constant cell cycle duration in vitro, up to the 12th cell cycle regardless of their cell sizes. During this synchronous cleavage, cell sizes of blastomeres become variable because of repeated unequal cleavage. After the 12th cell cycle blastomeres require contact with an appropriate protein substrate to continue cell division. When nucleocytoplasmic (N/C) ratios of blastomeres reach a critical value during the 13th cycle, their cell cycle durations lengthen in proportion to the reciprocal of cell surface areas, and cell divisions become asynchronous due to variations in cell sizes. The same changes occur in haploid blastomeres with a delay of one cell cycle. Thus, post-MBT cell cycle control becomes dependent not only on the N/C relation but also on cell surface activities of blastomeres. Unlike cell cycle durations of pre-MBT blastomeres, which show monomodal frequency distributions with a peak at about 30 min, those of post-MBT blastomeres show polymodal frequency distributions with peaks at multiples of about 30 min, suggesting 'quantisement' of the cell cycle. Thus, we hypothesised that MPF is produced periodically during its unit cycle with 30 min period, but it titrates, and is neutralized by, an inhibitor contained in the nucleus in a quantity proportional to the genome size; however, when all of the inhibitor has been titrated, excess MPF during the last cycle triggers mitosis. At MBT, cell cycle checkpoint mechanisms begin to operate. While the operation of S phase checkpoint to monitor DNA replication is initiated by N/C relation, the initiation of M phase checkpoint operation to monitor chromosome segregation at mitosis is regulated by an age-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryos after Triadimefon exposure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The triazole derivative Triadimefon (FON) is a systemic fungicide used to control powdery mildews, rusts, and other fungal pests. Some data have already been published about the teratogenic activity of this compound: craniofacial malformations were found in mouse, rat, and Xenopus laevis embryos exposed to FON. These alterations were correlated to defective branchial arch development possibly caused by abnormal neural crest cell (NCC) migration into the branchial mesenchyme. As the migration of NCCs is controlled by the HOX code and by an anteroposterior retinoic acid (RA) gradient, we analyzed the expression of CYP26, a key enzyme in RA metabolism, following FON exposure. The increased expression of this gene and the ability of citral (a RA inhibitor) to reduce the teratogenic effects of the fungicide support the notion that endogenous RA is involved in the mechanism of action of FON. Moreover, by in situ hybridization, we studied the effects of FON exposure at gastrula stage on the expression of some genes involved in craniofacial development, hindbrain patterning, and NCC migration. We observed abnormal localization of xCRABP, Hoxa2 and Xbap signal expression at the level of migrating NCC domains, whereas in the hindbrain, we did not find any alteration in Krox20 and Hoxa2 expression.  相似文献   

Checkpoint pathways inhibit cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) to arrest cell cycles when DNA is damaged or unreplicated. Early embryonic cell cycles of Xenopus laevis lack these checkpoints. Completion of 12 divisions marks the midblastula transition (MBT), when the cell cycle lengthens, acquiring gap phases and checkpoints of a somatic cell cycle. Although Xenopus embryos lack checkpoints prior to the MBT, checkpoints are observed in cell-free egg extracts supplemented with sperm nuclei. These checkpoints depend upon the Xenopus Chk1 (XChk1)-signaling pathway. To understand why Xenopus embryos lack checkpoints, xchk1 was cloned, and its expression was examined and manipulated in Xenopus embryos. Although XChk1 mRNA is degraded at the MBT, XChk1 protein persists throughout development, including pre-MBT cell cycles that lack checkpoints. However, when DNA replication is blocked, XChk1 is activated only after stage 7, two cell cycles prior to the MBT. Likewise, DNA damage activates XChk1 only after the MBT. Furthermore, overexpression of XChk1 in Xenopus embryos creates a checkpoint in which cell division arrests, and both Cdc2 and Cdk2 are phosphorylated on tyrosine 15 and inhibited in catalytic activity. These data indicate that XChk1 signaling is intact but blocked upstream of XChk1 until the MBT.  相似文献   

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