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Colin J.  Bibby 《Journal of Zoology》1979,188(4):557-576
This paper describes the invertebrates of Callunetum and gorse on lowland heaths in Dorset and relates how these were exploited by the Dartford warbler Sylvia undata , a scarce bird of interest to nature conservation and one of the small number of wholly insectivorous resident passerines in Britain. Gorse had a denser invertebrate fauna than Callunetum and was used for feeding at a frequency out of proportion to its abundance. Diets of adult birds closely reflected the taxonomic composition of the gorse and Callunetum faunas exploited in the observed proportions, though some noxious taxa were avoided and below a certain limit, creatures of above average size were selected. Major foods were beetles, spiders, lepidopteran larvae and bugs. Nestling birds received a diet differing in taxonomic composition and size from that of the adults, and variations between habitats were found which accorded with observations on the habitat preferences of the Dartford warbler. An experimental investigation showed the importance of gorse as a source of food for young and the adults flew considerable distances ignoring extensive deep stands of heather nearer to the nest. The possible influence of competing insectivorous vertebrates on Dartford warblers is discussed. Various mammals and reptiles appeared to be the major vertebrate predators in Callunetum, but little competition was anticipated in gorse. Scarcity of gorse on the heaths and low densities of invertebrates in heather explained the low densities at which Dartford warblers occur.  相似文献   

Winter habitat use can influence the breeding success of migratory songbirds in temperate regions due to its impact on bird condition and breeding phenology. How such carry-over effects vary with latitude is unknown. To address this question, we examined how winter habitat use, inferred from δ13C and δ15N signatures in winter-grown feathers, influenced the breeding phenology and productivity of Yellow Warblers (Setophaga petechia) at the extreme north of their range in the Canadian arctic (68°N) and compared this population with midlatitude Yellow Warbler (51°N) and American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla; 44°N) populations reported in previous studies. In the arctic, we examined male arrival dates, female clutch initiation dates and the relationship between these timing variables and the number and quality of offspring produced within the season. In contrast to warblers breeding at midlatitudes, we find no support for an impact of winter habitat use on breeding phenology or productivity. Male arrival dates and female clutch initiation dates in both young and older individuals were not correlated with isotopic signatures acquired on the wintering grounds. Males with enriched δ15N signatures paired more rapidly after arrival, indicating a possible relationship between winter habitat use and condition. This relationship did not enhance annual productivity for these individuals, however, as the negative relationship between breeding phenology and reproductive success in our arctic population was significantly weaker than among Yellow Warblers breeding further south. This reduction or absence of timing effects on productivity in the north effectively removes one pathway through which carry-over effects can act.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Hydroelectric dam operations that lead to fluctuations in the water levels of reservoirs can influence the amount of riparian habitat available for migrating songbirds and may impact the use and quality of remaining habitat. Our objective was to determine if use of riparian habitats and mass gain by five warbler species at the Columbia River‐Revelstoke Migration Monitoring Station in British Columbia, Canada, were influenced by water levels in the surrounding Arrow Lakes Reservoir. We analyzed fall migration data collected from 1998 to 2006. Capture rates of American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla), Common Yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas), Orange‐crowned Warblers (Vermivora celata), Wilson's Warblers (Wilsonia pusilla), and Yellow Warblers (Dendroica petechia) varied between years and weeks of the migration period, but were not affected by annual or weekly variation in water levels. Annual variation in capture rates was driven by hatch‐year birds (>80% of individuals captured were juveniles) and could reflect conditions on the breeding grounds that influence productivity. We found that mass gain by the five species of warblers varied between 0.32% and 0.98% of lean body mass/hour. Mass gain did not vary between years or across weeks of the migration period and was not influenced by annual or weekly variation in reservoir water levels. Although the amount of available riparian habitat was reduced when reservoir water levels were high, we found no evidence that this loss of habitat influenced either the number of warblers or the mass gain of warblers using the riparian habitat that remained. Body mass at the time of first capture varied between years and across weeks for all five species. For American Redstarts and Orange‐crowned Warblers, body mass declined as average weekly water levels increased, a pattern that could arise if water levels influenced either their settlement decisions or length of stay.  相似文献   

In the Appalachian portion of their breeding range, Golden‐winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) nest in shrubland and regenerating forest communities created and maintained by disturbance. Because populations of Golden‐winged Warblers have exhibited precipitous declines in population throughout their Appalachian breeding range, management activities that create or maintain early successional habitat are a priority for many natural resource agencies and their conservation partners. Within these early successional habitats, however, additional information is still needed concerning the relative importance of different vegetation features in selection of breeding territories by Golden‐winged Warblers. Our objective, therefore, was to use logistic regression to estimate the probability of territory‐level occupancy by Golden‐winged Warblers in north‐central Pennsylvania at two sites, each with its own early successional community, based on vegetation characteristics. Our communities were composed of shrublands and regenerating forest sites resulting from two disturbances: agriculture and forest fire. Despite differences in vegetation structure, portions of both study areas (regenerating forest and old field) supported territorial Golden‐winged Warblers. Probability of territory occupancy by Golden‐winged Warblers increased with percent blackberry (Rubus) cover in the regenerating forest community, and decreased as basal area and distance to microedge increased (i.e., as vegetation patchiness decreased) in both communities. These habitat features have also been found to influence other aspects of Golden‐winged Warbler breeding ecology such as nest‐site selection, pairing success, and territory abundance. Vegetation features influencing Golden‐winged Warbler territory establishment can differ among shrubland and regenerating forest communities, and management decisions and outcomes may be affected by these differences. Our study provides a starting point for a more comprehensive hypothesis‐driven occupancy survey to investigate features of the territories of Golden‐winged Warblers across a broader geographic range and in different vegetation communities.  相似文献   

BRIAN J. GILL 《Ibis》1982,124(2):123-147
I studied the breeding of Grey Warblers Gerygone igata (Muscicapidae: Acanthizinae) in forest near Kaikoura, New Zealand, between 1976 and 1979. Only males sang and singing occurred all year. From late July to January pairs defended self-contained territories of 0·25–1·73 ha but they occupied larger home ranges when not breeding. Territorial adults were strictly sedentary all year. The average annual mortality of breeding adults was 18·5% and the predicted life-expectancy 4·9 years, which is remarkable in a bird weighing 6–7 g. The breeding season from first building to last fledging was six months long and it began early. Exceptionally, Grey Warblers may build and lay before the shortest day. As the season progressed warblers nested lower on average, both in absolute terms and relative to the tree nested in and canopy at the site. Warblers built in 7–27 days then delayed up to eight days before laying. Only females built and at no stage of breeding did males feed their mates. Both sexes fed the young. Grey Warblers laid for 15–16 weeks of the year and first clutches were laid asynchronously during 5–6 weeks. Eggs of a clutch appeared at two-day intervals and each egg weighed 1·5 g when fresh (23% of mean adult weight). Clutch size was nearly constant (mean 3·9, mode 4, range 3–5). The incubation period was 17–21 days (mean 19·5 days) and the nestling period 15–19 days (mean 17·2 days). On average the clutch hatched over 1·4 days, even though incubation commenced with the laying of the last egg. Nestlings reached maximum weight on Days 13–14 on average and then receded in weight by 4%, apparently through loss of water. All healthy nestlings exceeded mean adult weight during development by up to 39%. Nestlings from broods of two were at first lighter on average than those from larger broods, but in the second half of the nestling period twins were significantly the heaviest. Grey Warblers were fed for 28–35 days after fledging and they survived well while dependent on parents. Fledglings dispersed up to 3 km or more at independence and only 5% per annum joined the breeding population. Of nests that received eggs, 42% produced at least one fledgling. On average each breeding adult raised 2·0 fledglings per season. Of 265 eggs in 73 nests 70% hatched and 38% produced fledglings. Of 185 nestlings 54% fledged. Probably the main cause of mortality of eggs and nestlings was predation by introduced rodents and mustelids. Grey Warblers raise two small broods slowly during a long breeding season, rather than investing in one large quickly-reared brood. In New Zealand's mild climate the warbler's food supply may not decline severely in winter, and the population of warblers may remain so close to the limit set by food that extra for breeding is hard to obtain. Thus the breeding strategy may be adapted to a restricted food supply.  相似文献   

An important component of the restoration strategy for the critically endangered kaki or black stilt (Himantopus novaezelandiae) is captive breeding for release. Since 1981 1,879 eggs were collected from wild and captive pairs, with birds laying up to four clutches. Eggs were incubated artificially and most chicks reared by hand until released as juveniles (about 60 days) or sub‐adults (9–10 months). Because survival in captivity is a significant determinant of the number of birds available for release, we wished to identify sources of variation in mortality to assess potential impacts of management on productivity. Hatchability was 78% for captive‐laid eggs and 91% for wild‐laid eggs. Survival of hatched eggs was 82% by 10 months of age for both wild and captive birds. Most egg mortality occurred early in incubation and around hatching: the timing of mortality was unaffected by whether birds were captive or wild, hybrid or pure kaki, or when eggs were laid. Heavier hatchlings showed higher initial survival, as did chicks from wild parents. Hatchlings from fourth‐laid eggs showed lowest survival, even though hatchling mass tended to increase with hatch order. Survival of chicks subjected to major health interventions was 69% after 4 months. No differences in survival were found between different genders, hybrids and pure kaki, hand‐reared or parent‐reared birds, chicks hatching early or late in the season, different seasons, different‐sized groups of chicks, chicks reared in different brooders, juveniles kept in different aviaries, and chicks from subsequent clutches. Birds subjected to minor health interventions were equally likely to survive as healthy chicks (82%). Survival was high despite aggressive management (quadruple clutching and collecting late in the season). Differences between captive and wild birds suggest further improvements could be made to captive diet. Wide variation in hatchability between parent pairs substantiates the practice of breaking up poorly performing pairs. Zoo Biol 0:1–16, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Brian J.  Gill 《Ibis》1983,125(1):40-55
For three seasons starting in 1976 I studied the breeding of Shining Cuckoos Chrysococcyx lucidus in forest near Kaikoura, New Zealand. There is no evidence that the cuckoo parasitizes any host on mainland New Zealand other than the Grey Warbler Gerygone igata. A nestling cuckoo returned to within 1 km of its natal site in a subsequent breeding season, presumably after migrating beyond New Zealand. Empirical and theoretical estimates of the area occupied by Shining Cuckoos while breeding are given. Cuckoos near Kaikoura laid during ten weeks, the modal week of laying following seven weeks after the presumed peak of arrival of birds in New Zealand. First clutches of the host escaped parasitism because they were laid before most cuckoos arrived. Parasitized clutches received one cuckoo egg which replaced a host's egg. It was laid before, just after or long after the host began incubating, and mimicry was lacking. Cuckoo eggs, which were about 8% of the adult cuckoo's weight, hatched in 14–17 days. The frequency of parasitism near Kaikoura was 55% of late clutches (n = 40).
At 3–7 days old, nestling Shining Cuckoos evicted from the nest all other contents. The nestling period was at least 19 days. Growth in weight followed a logistic curve and the equation is given. Just over half the cuckoo eggs produced fledglings. The effect of brood-parasitism on the Grey Warbler's productivity was small. Only 17% of late warbler eggs, and late eggs only, were prevented by parasitism from yielding fledglings. Late laying by some Shining Cuckoos (relative to the host's incubational cycle), and late eviction, often led to brief inter-specific competition among nestlings for food. The brief coexistence of young Warblers and Cuckoos in the nest may explain the apparent mimicry by newly-hatched Shining Cuckoos of the host's young.  相似文献   

Canada Warblers (Cardellina canadensis) are long‐distance Neotropical migrants, but little is known about their migratory behavior and ecology. We examined the fall migration of Canada Warblers at two sites, Darién and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in northern Colombia from 2011 to 2015 using constant‐effort mist‐netting. Our objectives were to determine: 1) breeding origins and connectivity patterns, 2) migratory pathways, 3) the phenology of migration, 4) possible differences in movements between ages and sexes, 5) their body condition when arriving in Colombia, and 6) evidence of stopover and refueling. Stable hydrogen isotopes (δ2Hf) in flight feathers were analyzed to estimate breeding origins of captured Canada Warblers in North America. The δ2Hf values revealed that most Canada Warblers captured in the Darién likely originated from the central and northeastern regions of their breeding range. The capture of all but one of 162 Canada Warblers in the Darién also indicates a migration route through Central American rather than across the Caribbean Sea. Most captured birds were hatch‐year birds (91% vs. 9% after hatch‐year birds), and we captured more females (67%) than males (33%). Canada Warblers migrated through the Darién from 20 September to early November, with most arriving in mid‐October. Most (89%) individuals arrived with low fuel reserves. These results combined with estimated flight ranges revealed that 46% of the individuals captured in the Darién likely needed to refuel to continue migrating, whereas 31% could continue 50 to 200 km beyond our capture site. However, no individuals were recaptured so stopover duration could not be determined. Canada Warblers may adopt a strategy of 1‐d stopovers and short flights or, alternatively, the Darién may represent low‐quality habitat and birds quickly left our study site in search of suitable habitat. Further study is needed to determine the possible importance of other (montane) habitats for Canada Warblers in the Darién region to prioritize conservation actions.  相似文献   

Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea) are a species with declining populations that exhibit regional variation in habitat selection and demographic rates. The Ozark region of the south‐central United States likely provides important habitat for Cerulean Warblers, but little is known about their breeding biology in that region. We studied Cerulean Warblers in riparian forests of the Ozarks of Arkansas from 2018 to 2020. We assessed multi‐scale habitat selection for vegetative and topographic features, documented their breeding biology, estimated within‐season and annual apparent survival, and estimated territory sizes. We found that Cerulean Warblers selected riparian habitat characterized by large‐diameter trees across all spatial scales. Contrary to the results of previous studies, males appeared to avoid white oaks (Quercus spp., Section Quercus) at the territory scale, but this avoidance may reflect an underlying preference for riparian habitat. Our logistic‐exposure estimate of nest survival (0.32; 85% confidence interval: 0.21–0.46) was similar to the median of estimates reported in previous studies. Our results indicate that maintaining riparian forests with large trees is important to provide suitable habitat for Cerulean Warblers in the Ozark region. Because of similarities in habitat selection among regions, some management practices from other populations, including retaining large trees and promoting a heterogeneous canopy structure, may be useful for managing for Cerulean Warblers in riparian areas of the Ozarks. However, selection for topography and tree species by Cerulean Warblers in our study also suggests that region‐specific management strategies will be beneficial. Finally, our demographic rate estimates for this population should prove valuable in future full‐annual‐cycle population modeling efforts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Despite being widespread and easily observed, little is known about the life history of Glaucous Gulls ( Larus hyperboreus ). From 1984 to 2007, we examined their breeding biology and demography at Coats Island, Nunavut, Canada, where they nest alongside a colony of 30,000 pairs of Thick-billed Murres ( Uria lomvia ). The gulls fed mainly on murre eggs and chicks and by scavenging adult carcasses. The median age at first breeding was 5 yr, and the mean age was 4.8 ± 0.9 yr. Adult survival was estimated as 0.84 ± 0.03 (SE). The mean clutch size was 2.56 eggs and the mean number of young reared per year was 1.6 (range = 0.9–2.2). Birds reared at the colony provided 40% of recruits. Assuming that survival of locally reared chicks that emigrated was similar to that of chicks that returned to the colony, about 22% of the young gulls survived to breeding age. The timing of breeding by Glaucous Gulls appeared related to the timing of laying by murres. Although the demographic characteristics of Glaucous Gulls in our study were similar to those of populations of other large gulls, adult survival was at the lower end of the range for populations of large Larus gulls. There is some evidence that Glaucous Gulls exhibit lower survival than large gulls breeding in temperate areas, possibly because of contaminant burdens. In general, however, the demographic characteristics of large gulls show little variation and are probably a product of their common phylogeny.  相似文献   

To determine how the cost of reproduction varies with brood size, a population of blue tits (Parus caeruleus) breeding in Wytham Wood, England, was manipulated over a three year period. Two hundred sixteen pairs were randomly assigned 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15 nestlings; nestlings were exchanged soon after hatching. Survival of adult females (as measured by the proportion recaptured in the following winter and/or spring) declined significantly with increasing brood size in two out of three years; there was significant year-to-year variation in the relationship of recapture rate to brood size. Mean female recapture rates (averaged over the three years) declined in a linear fashion (P < 0.01). There was no significant linear or curvilinear relationship between male-recapture rate and brood size in any of the three years nor was there a significant linear or curvilinear relationship for the data averaged over the three years. Nevertheless, recapture proportions for males differed significantly with respect to brood size (χ2 test, P < 0.05). The possibility that experimental brood size influences subsequent dispersal (and therefore biases measures of survival based on recapture rates to differing degrees) was examined by comparing distances moved by breeding adults from one year to the next. There was no relationship between brood size and dispersal distance within the study area for either sex, except that females given broods of three were significantly more likely to move more than 300 m than were those given broods of 6–15 young. Both males and females showed evidence of a cost with respect to future fecundity: as brood size increased, the number of surviving offspring produced in the following year decreased from 1.5–1.6 (for adults that had reared 3–6 young) to 0.4 (for those that had reared 15 young). The relationship of future reproductive success to experimental brood size did not differ among years or between the sexes. The number of eggs laid and number of young hatched in year n + 1 did not differ significantly with respect to brood size in year n; rather, differences in future fecundity reflected differences in the survival prospects of young reared in year n + 1.  相似文献   

Kirtland's Warblers (Setophaga kirtlandii) are an endangered species with specialized habitat requirements, and the only documented nesting location in Canada is an Army installation. From 2007 to 2010, I compared habitat characteristics of sites occupied and not occupied by Kirtland's Warblers at Garrison Petawawa located ~200 km northwest of Ottawa, Ontario. Sites occupied by Kirtland's Warblers (N = 11) had greater percent cover of low sweet blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium; 31.2%), coral lichen (Cladina stellaris; 0.4%), reindeer lichen (Cladonia rangiferina; 8.3%), and wavy‐leaved moss (Dicranum polysetum; 4.3%) than unoccupied sites (N = 6). I found no difference in tree species composition between sites, with jack pine (Pinus banksiana), white pine (Pinus strobus), red pine (Pinus resinosa), poplar (Populus tremuloides), and red maple (Acer rubra) present in both used and unused sites. Forest stands occupied by Kirtland's Warblers were significantly younger (< 20 yr old) than unoccupied sites, and most occupied sites were within former fire zones and sites where jack pines had been planted. Thus, breeding habitat of Kirtland's Warblers in Canada consisted of young pine trees, with more red pine than in their breeding habitat in Michigan, and ground cover including blueberry, lichens, and mosses. These results suggest that Kirtland's Warblers may be less selective in their habitat requirements than previously thought, and should provide guidance for recovery groups and regulatory agencies in accurately delineating suitable habitat for these warblers in Canada.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined the causes and impacts of human disturbance on birds, but little is known about how these impacts vary among habitats. This is of applied importance both for predicting bird responses to changes in disturbance and in planning how to reduce disturbance impacts. The Dartford Warbler Sylvia undata , a key heathland breeding species, occupies territories in a range of heathland types. Three territory habitat groups were identified: heather-dominated territories, heather territories with significant areas of European Gorse Ulex europaeus and territories containing Western Gorse U. gallii . Productivity was significantly affected by the timing of breeding in all habitats, but disturbance only appeared to have a significant impact on the productivity of birds in heather territories. Disturbance events in heather territories delayed breeding pairs for up to 6 weeks. This significantly decreased both the number of successful broods raised and the average number of chicks fledged per pair. Nests situated close to territory boundaries in heather territories, with high numbers of disturbance events, were more likely to fail outright. It was determined that an average of between 13 and 16 people passing through a heather territory each hour would delay breeding pairs sufficiently to prevent multiple broods.  相似文献   

We studied annual and lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of both sexes of common buzzard Buteo buteo in eastern Westphalia, Germany. We followed a bottom‐up approach starting from individual breeding attempts, over lifetime reproductive success to derive population demography. Annual breeding performance and survival followed a quadratic relationship with breeding experience; individuals starting their breeding career were less likely to survive and breed successfully than birds of intermediate breeding experience. According to an analysis of selection gradients, both the opportunity and intensity of selection peaked in the early stages of the breeding career. The distribution of both LRS and another fitness measure, λ, was highly skewed, with ca 17% of adult birds producing 50% of fledglings in both sexes. Besides breeding life span and number of breeding attempts, habitat quality and plumage morph were significant predictors of LRS. There were strong differences in LRS and λ between the plumage morphs in both sexes: intermediate pigmented buzzards were much more successful than either dark or light ones. There was no significant difference between buzzard cohorts either in LRS or λ, nor did these fitness measures differ between individuals starting their breeding career at different conditions of food availability. Based on individual life histories, we formed a transition matrix and analysed its properties to study the population as a whole. This analysis showed that the population growth rate was close to unity (0.906, bootstrapped 95% confidence limits: 0.834 and 0.962). Analysis of reproductive values and elasticities further emphasised colour morph differences: the contribution of intermediate individuals to population growth greatly exceeded that of dark or light individuals. Thus most phenomena on all levels from individual breeding attempts over lifetime reproductive success to population demography can be explained by the fitness differences between the colour morphs with the intermediate morph maintaining the current population renewal potential.  相似文献   

青海省海北地区高寒草甸雀形目鸟类的繁殖生产力   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张晓爱  赵亮  刘泽华 《动物学报》2000,46(3):265-270
通过对高寒草甸10种雀形目鸟类繁殖生产力研究表明,高寒草甸鸟类的繁殖生产与鸟类栖息地所处的地理环境、营巢类型和繁殖方式密切相关。其中繁殖季节长度和窝卵数是影响高寒草甸鸟类繁殖生产力的两个最重要的因子(P〈0.05)。鸟类平均繁殖生产力为2.80(只/对.年)。  相似文献   

David N.  Nettleship 《Ibis》1973,115(2):202-217
Turnstones arrive on Ellesmere Island in late May or early June. Pair-formation takes place during migration, or after arrival in courtship groups along the beaches, or on the nest territory, depending on weather conditions. Pair-formation was not observed at Hazen Camp in 1966 as most birds were already paired when observations began on 3 June. The preferred nesting habitat was Dryas-hummocked tundra closely associated with a marsh, stream, or pond. A census area of 240 ha supported 13 breeding pairs, possibly 14; the total number of pairs breeding in the Hazen Camp study area was estimated to be 70 (3.04 pairs/km2). Egg-laying began on 10 June, with 46% of the first eggs laid 13–15 June. 62% of the sets were completed between 19 and 21 June. Both sexes incubated, the female regularly and the male sporadically. Hatching was also well synchronised; most clutches hatched between 7 and 14 July. Nest success was high (79%). After hatching territories dissolved and family groups moved freely over the tundra, concentrating at ponds where food was readily available for the young. Both adults attended the young during the pre-fledging period, but the females apparently departed long before the young fledged. Males left once the young could fly and the adult fall migration was complete by early August with the exception of late breeders. Most of the young departed in the second half of August. Fall migration is complete by late August or early September. The breeding season appears to be timed so that the young are raised when food is most abundant. Food supply (dipterous insects, especially adult chironomids) was highest from 8 to 12 July at the peak of the hatching period. While food supply for the young declined during the growing period, the early departure of half the adult population, and family movements over the tundra, appeared to reduce the food demand correspondingly. Food appeared to influence the distribution of breeding pairs markedly, restricting them to the vicinity of marshes, streams, and ponds. Territoriality displayed by Turnstones is believed to be closely associated with the protection of the nest against predators and adult food requirements during incubation; it also seems likely that territory has at least a local effect in regulating the number of breeding pairs.  相似文献   

YASUO EZAKI 《Ibis》1988,130(4):427-437
Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains. Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains. Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains. Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains. Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that a bird's clutch size is not limited by the amount of resources available at the time of laying but that differences in the availability of food for nestlings is the ultimate underlying factor determining spatio-temporal variations in clutch size. However, habitat-related variations in egg production ability has yet to be investigated explicitly. We studied the breeding of Great Tits Parus major in deciduous and coniferous forests in the same area. The sizes of both the clutches and the eggs were, on average, larger in the former habitat than in the latter. A number of females were induced to lay more eggs than usual by removing four eggs from designated experimental clutches early in the laying period. These manipulated females laid approximately one egg more than control females, with the number of additional eggs laid not differing between the habitats. However, in both study years the relative size of the extra eggs – relative to the mean size of earlier laid eggs of the same clutch – was smaller in the coniferous habitat than in the deciduous habitat, while there was no habitat-related difference in the relative size of the last-laid eggs of control clutches. This result indicates that some form of proximate limitation during egg-laying period can contribute to the relatively small clutches and eggs in the coniferous habitat. Our results emphasize the need to take egg production costs into account when attempting to account for spatial variation in the reproductive behaviour of birds.  相似文献   

Capsule Use of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data identified suitable Willow Warbler habitat based on mean vegetation height. This habitat model provided maps of distribution and occupation of suitable habitat.

Aims To identify habitat associations in woods with different vegetation structure and management systems during a period of low Willow Warbler populations.

Methods Locations of all Willow Warblers were mapped during the breeding season in three woods of contrasting management; recent low intervention, actively coppiced woodland and high forest with clear‐fells. Height profile models of each wood were derived from airborne LiDAR. The mean vegetation height at locations with Willow Warblers and a sample from the rest of the wood were used to produce models of optimum habitat and breadth of habitat occupied in each wood. The habitat model was then used to produce maps of suitable habitat.

Results The habitat models did not differ between woods, with highest probability of Willow Warbler occurrence in mean vegetation heights of 3.7–5.3 m. Habitat of heights 6–11 m appeared less suitable, being only partly occupied. Habitat maps showed that habitat of suitable height was only occupied when it occurred as large patches; smaller patches (mostly <0.5 ha) and edges along rides and fields were not used.

Conclusion The use of LiDAR derived measures of vegetation height identified areas of suitable habitat for Willow Warblers. Willow Warblers occupied areas of low mean vegetation height either as early successional or open canopy woodland in all woods. Height‐based habitat maps can identify areas of suitable habitat within larger expanses of heterogeneous woodland and are a potentially useful tool in assessing changes in extent of what are often temporary patches of habitat.  相似文献   

Capsule?After a population crash following a long period of winter freezing and snow blanketing the ground, Dartford Warblers underwent a population recovery, positive in heathlands but non-existent in nearby early-growth forest.

Aims?To estimate the impact of a severe winter episode on the population size of Dartford Warblers in two habitats, heathland and early-growth forest.

Methods?We analysed data collected on 124 point counts in three successive years, 1 year before and 2 years after the cold spell. We first estimated trends in detected numbers in the two habitats. Second, we used distance sampling and capture–recapture approaches to estimate global population sizes corrected for detection probability, verifying that the observed trends were not biased by detection probability.

Results?Warbler populations crashed after the severe winter in 2008–9, while numbers increased in spring 2010 only on heathlands, not in early-growth forests. Variation in detection probability alone could not explain this difference.

Conclusion After the severe winter episode, Dartford Warblers showed a short-term population recovery only in heathland.  相似文献   

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