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We present the first genomic-scale analysis addressing the phylogenetic position of turtles, using over 1000 loci from representatives of all major reptile lineages including tuatara. Previously, studies of morphological traits positioned turtles either at the base of the reptile tree or with lizards, snakes and tuatara (lepidosaurs), whereas molecular analyses typically allied turtles with crocodiles and birds (archosaurs). A recent analysis of shared microRNA families found that turtles are more closely related to lepidosaurs. To test this hypothesis with data from many single-copy nuclear loci dispersed throughout the genome, we used sequence capture, high-throughput sequencing and published genomes to obtain sequences from 1145 ultraconserved elements (UCEs) and their variable flanking DNA. The resulting phylogeny provides overwhelming support for the hypothesis that turtles evolved from a common ancestor of birds and crocodilians, rejecting the hypothesized relationship between turtles and lepidosaurs.  相似文献   

Rod monochromacy is a rare condition in vertebrates characterized by the absence of cone photoreceptor cells. The resulting phenotype is colourblindness and low acuity vision in dim-light and blindness in bright-light conditions. Early reports of xenarthrans (armadillos, sloths and anteaters) suggest that they are rod monochromats, but this has not been tested with genomic data. We searched the genomes of Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo), Choloepus hoffmanni (Hoffmann''s two-toed sloth) and Mylodon darwinii (extinct ground sloth) for retinal photoreceptor genes and examined them for inactivating mutations. We performed PCR and Sanger sequencing on cone phototransduction genes of 10 additional xenarthrans to test for shared inactivating mutations and estimated the timing of inactivation for photoreceptor pseudogenes. We concluded that a stem xenarthran became an long-wavelength sensitive-cone monochromat following a missense mutation at a critical residue in SWS1, and a stem cingulate (armadillos, glyptodonts and pampatheres) and stem pilosan (sloths and anteaters) independently acquired rod monochromacy early in their evolutionary history following the inactivation of LWS and PDE6C, respectively. We hypothesize that rod monochromacy in armadillos and pilosans evolved as an adaptation to a subterranean habitat in the early history of Xenarthra. The presence of rod monochromacy has major implications for understanding xenarthran behavioural ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean Basin harbors a remarkable amount of biodiversity, a high proportion of which is endemic to this region. Here, we present an in‐depth study of an angiosperm species complex, in which cryptic taxonomic diversity has been hypothesized. Specifically, we focus on four currently recognized species in the Roucela complex, a well‐supported clade in the Campanulaceae/Campanuloideae: Campanula creutzburgii, C. drabifolia, C. erinus, and C. simulans. This study takes a phylogenomic approach, utilizing near‐complete plastomes and 130 nuclear loci, to uncover cryptic diversity and test hypotheses regarding hybridization and polyploidy within this clade. Genome size estimates recovered tetraploid and octoploid lineages within the currently recognized, widespread species C. erinus, showing an east‐west geographic pattern. Though genomic data clearly differentiate these two cytotypes, we failed to discern morphological differences. The formation of a cryptic octoploid lineage, distributed across the eastern Mediterranean, is hypothesized to be the result of an allopolyploid event in which one parental morphology is retained. The tetraploid C. erinus and C. creutzburgii (also a tetraploid) are implicated as parental lineages. Our results highlight the utility of target‐enrichment approaches for obtaining genomic datasets for thorough assessments of species diversity and the importance of carefully considering gene‐tree discordance within such datasets.  相似文献   

Among Glyptodontidae, Doedicurinae (late Miocene–early Holocene) includes the glyptodonts with the largest size and latest records. Doedicurinae is mainly characterised by a smooth surface of the osteoderms with large foramina, and a particular morphology of the caudal tube. All taxa except one (Doedicurus clavicaudatus) have been recognised and characterised on the basis of remains of caudal tubes and/or dorsal carapaces. This situation produced an evident overestimation of the real diversity of this group, and a taxonomic revision is needed. In fact, no Neogene skulls were known. We present and describe the first two Neogene skulls belonging to Doedicurinae (cf. Eleutherocercus antiquus). The materials come from the El Polvorín and Chapadmalal Formations, in the surroundings of Olavarría and Mar del Plata localities, respectively (Buenos Aires province, Argentina). A cladistic analysis was carried out in order to situate these materials among Glyptodontidae and inferring new synapomorphies at skull level in Doedicurinae. Cf. Eleutherocercus antiquus clusters with the Pleistocene species Doedicurus clavicaudatus showing three unambiguous synapomorphies, which in turn represents the first skull synapomorphies for Doedicurinae. Finally, the presence of cf. Eleutherocercus antiquus in the El Polvorín and Chapadmalal Formations suggests that the stratigraphic distribution of this species could include the Montehermosan–Chapadmalalan interval.  相似文献   

The decipherment of higher level relationships among the orders of Afrotheria – an extraordinary assumption in mammalian evolution – constitutes one of the major disputes in the evolutionary history of mammals. Recent comprehensive studies of various genomic data, including mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, chromosomal syntenic associations and retroposon insertions support strongly the monophyly of Afrotheria. However, the relationships within Afrotheria have remained ambiguous and there is a necessity for a more sophisticated analysis (i.e. combination of gene phylogeny and Rare Genomic Changes (RGCs)), which could aid in the comprehension of the evolutionary history of this old group of mammals. The present study investigated the phylogenetic relationships within Afrotheria by analysing a data set of coding and non-coding sequences (~32 000 bp) comprising 57 orthologous genes and 31 RGCs, such as chromosomal associations and retroposon insertions, and re-evaluated a molecular timescale for afrotherian mammals using a Bayesian relaxed clock approach. The interordinal afrotherians phylogeny presented here contributed to the elucidation of the evolutionary history of this ancient clade of mammals, which is one of the most unorthodox proposals in mammalian biology. This is critical not only for understanding how Afrotheria evolved in Africa, but also to comprehend the early biogeographical history of placental mammals.  相似文献   

A cladistic investigation of the phylogenetic relationships among the three extant anteater genera and the three undoubted extinct myrmecophagid genera is performed based upon osteological characteristics of the skull and postcranial skeleton. One hundred seven discrete morphological characters are analyzed using the computer program PAUP. Characters are polarized via comparison to the successive xenarthran outgroups Tardigrada (represented by the living sloth Bradypus) and Cingulata (represented by the recent armadillos Dasypus and Euphractus). The analysis results in a single most-parsimonious tree (TL = 190, CI = 0.699, RI = 0.713). The tree corroborates the monophyly of the subfamilies Cyclopinae and Myrmecophaginae, the former including the extant Cyclopes and the Pliocene genus Palaeomyrmidon. Within the Myrmecophaginae the Miocene genus Protamandua is the sister taxon to a clade including the remaining three genera. The recent Tamandua is in turn the sister taxon to the extant Myrmecophaga plus the Pliocene genus Neotamandua. Contrary to the suggestions of recent authors, weak support is provided for the taxonomic distinctiveness of the latter genus from the recent Myrmecophaga. The monophyly of the Myrmecophagidae is supported by 15 unequivocal synapomorphies. The monophyly of the Cyclopinae and Myrmecophaginae is supported by 3 and 13 unambiguous synapomorphies, respectively. The enigmatic Eocene genus Eurotamandua, from the Messel fauna of Germany, is coded for the 107 morphological characters above and included in two subsequent PAUP analyses. The palaeanodont Metacheiromys is also added to these two analyses as a nonxenarthran outgroup to test for the possibility that Eurotamandua lies outside the Xenarthra. In the first analysis, Eurotamandua is constrained a priori to membership in the Vermilingua. The single most-parsimonious tree (TL = 224, CI = 0.618) that results places Eurotamandua as the sister group to the remaining anteater genera, contra Storch and Habersetzer's (1991) assignment of Eurotamandua to the vermilinguan subfamily Myrmecophaginae. Eurotamandua shares six unequivocal synapomorphies with other anteaters, including the absence of teeth and the presence of a lateral tuberosity on the fifth metatarsal. The remaining vermilinguans are united by 11 unequivocal synapomorphies, plus an additional 10 ambiguous synapomorphies. In the second analysis, the position of Eurotamandua is unconstrained. The resulting single most-parsimonious tree (TL = 219, CI = 0.632) places Eurotamandua outside Vermilingua as the sister group to the Pilosa (Vermilingua plus Bradypus). The monophyly of this node is supported by four unambiguous synapomorphies in the unconstrained analysis. Further manipulation of this second analysis shows that placement of Eurotamandua as the sister group to the Xenarthra or to the Palaeanodonta adds three steps to the shortest tree but is more parsimonious than its placement as a sister group to the Vermilingua is the previous analysis. The addition of pangolins to the analysis does little to alter the major phylogenetic conclusions of the study. The allocation of Eurotamandua to the Xenarthra, but as a sister group to the Pilosa, is a novel arrangement which leaves open the biogeographic question of how a xenarthran reached Western Europe during the Eocene.  相似文献   

Based on embryological and morphological evidence, Lophophorata was long considered to be the sister or paraphyletic stem group of Deuterostomia. By contrast, molecular data have consistently indicated that the three lophophorate lineages, Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda and Phoronida, are more closely related to trochozoans (annelids, molluscs and related groups) than to deuterostomes. For this reason, the lophophorate groups and Trochozoa were united to Lophotrochozoa. However, the relationships of the lophophorate lineages within Lophotrochozoa are still largely unresolved. Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian analyses were performed based on a dataset comprising 11,445 amino acid positions derived from 79 ribosomal proteins of 39 metazoan taxa including new sequences obtained from a brachiopod and a phoronid. These analyses show that the three lophophorate lineages are affiliated with trochozoan rather than deuterostome phyla. All hypotheses claiming that they are more closely related to Deuterostomia than to Protostomia can be rejected by topology testing. Monophyly of lophophorates was not recovered but that of Bryozoa including Ectoprocta and Entoprocta and monophyly of Brachiozoa including Brachiopoda and Phoronida were strongly supported. Alternative hypotheses that are refuted include (i) Brachiozoa as the sister group of Mollusca, (ii) ectoprocts as sister to all other Lophotrochozoa including Platyzoa, and (iii) ectoprocts as sister or to all other protostomes except chaetognaths.  相似文献   

Large-scale, spatially explicit models of adaptive radiation suggest that the spatial genetic structure within a species sampled early in the evolutionary history of an adaptive radiation might be higher than the genetic differentiation between different species formed during the same radiation over all locations. Here we test this hypothesis with a spatial population genetic analysis of Hypoplectrus coral reef fishes (Serranidae), one of the few potential cases of a recent adaptive radiation documented in the marine realm. Microsatellite analyses of Hypoplectrus puella (barred hamlet) and Hypoplectrus nigricans (black hamlet) from Belize, Panama and Barbados validate the population genetic predictions at the regional scale for H. nigricans despite the potential for high levels of gene flow between populations resulting from the 3-week planktonic larval phase of Hypoplectrus . The results are different for H. puella , which is characterized by significantly lower levels of spatial genetic structure than H. nigricans . An extensive field survey of Hypoplectrus population densities complemented by individual-based simulations shows that the higher abundance and more continuous distribution of H. puella could account for the reduced spatial genetic structure within this species. The genetic and demographic data are also consistent with the hypothesis that H. puella might represent the ancestral form of the Hypoplectrus radiation, and that H. nigricans might have evolved repeatedly from H. puella through ecological speciation. Altogether, spatial genetic analysis within and between Hypoplectrus species indicate that local processes can operate at a regional scale within recent marine adaptive radiations.  相似文献   

The aim of the current investigation was to test the general convention that the Dasyaceae, Delesseriaceae and Rhodomelaceae are all monophyletic families of the red algal order Ceramiales. Phylogenetic relationships among 45 ceramialean taxa were determined, including eight ceramiacean, 18 dasyacean, nine delesseriacean and eight rhodomelacean species, plus two of uncertain ceramialean affinities, based on 34 anatomical characters and nuclear small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequences. Results from our ‘total-evidence’ approach were consistent with the notion that the Dasyaceae, Delesseriaceae and Rhodomelaceae have evolved from a common ancestor within a paraphyletic Ceramiaceae. Our data indicate, however, that the Rhodomelaceae alone is monophyletic at the family level, with both the Dasyaceae and Delesseriaceae polyphyletic. In particular we resolved two independent and well-supported lineages for the included Dasyaceae, viz., a Dasya group and a Heterosiphonia group, which were as distinct from one another as they were from the Rhodomelaceae and the various lineages of Delesseriaceae. The molecular data alone were equivocal on the issue of monophyly of the Dasyaceae. We therefore advocate conservative taxonomic revisions as an interim step towards eventual resolution of familial-level taxonomy in the Ceramiales. Based on our results, the Heterosiphonioideae H.-G. Choi, Kraft, I.K. Lee et G.W. Saunders subfam. nov. is proposed for Heterosiphonia and five closely related genera, and the Dasyoideae Schmitz et Falkenberg is emended for the remaining taxa. Although the Dasyoideae is a natural group, it is in need of a thorough systematic reinvestigation at the generic level. Our analyses indicate that the genus Dasya is polyphyletic or paraphyletic in excluding Dasysiphonia, Eupogodon and Rhodoptilum and that Heterosiphonia japonica also has affinities to this group, taxonomic issues that will be addressed in detail elsewhere.  相似文献   

Some of the most vexing problems of deep level relationship that remain in angiosperms involve the superrosids. The superrosid clade contains a quarter of all angiosperm species, with 18 orders in three subclades (Vitales, Saxifragales and core rosids) exhibiting remarkable morphological and ecological diversity. To help resolve deep-level relationships, we constructed a high-quality chromosome-level genome assembly for Tiarella polyphylla (Saxifragaceae) thus providing broader genomic representation of Saxifragales. Whole genome microsynteny analysis of superrosids showed that Saxifragales shared more synteny clusters with core rosids than Vitales, further supporting Saxifragales as more closely related with core rosids. To resolve the ordinal phylogeny of superrosids, we screened 122 single copy nuclear genes from genomes of 36 species, representing all 18 superrosid orders. Vitales were recovered as sister to all other superrosids (Saxifragales + core rosids). Our data suggest dramatic differences in relationships compared to earlier studies within core rosids. Fabids should be restricted to the nitrogen-fixing clade, while Picramniales, the Celastrales-Malpighiales (CM) clade, Huerteales, Oxalidales, Sapindales, Malvales and Brassicales formed an “expanded” malvid clade. The Celastrales-Oxalidales-Malpighiales (COM) clade (sensu APG IV) was not monophyletic. Crossosomatales, Geraniales, Myrtales and Zygophyllales did not belong to either of our well-supported malvids or fabids. There is strong discordance between nuclear and plastid phylogenetic hypotheses for superrosid relationships; we show that this is best explained by a combination of incomplete lineage sorting and ancient reticulation.  相似文献   

Oresitrophe and Mukdenia (Saxifragaceae) are epilithic sister genera used in traditional Chinese medicine. The taxonomy of Mukdenia, especially of M. acanthifolia, has been controversial. To address this, we produced plastid and mitochondrial data using genome skimming for Mukdenia acanthifolia and Mukdenia rossii, including three individuals of each species. We assembled complete plastomes, mitochondrial CDS and nuclear ribosomal ETS/ITS sequences using these data. Comparative analysis shows that the plastomes of Mukdenia and Oresitrophe are relatively conservative in terms of genome size, structure, gene content, RNA editing sites and codon usage. Five plastid regions that represent hotspots of change (trnH-psbA, psbC-trnS, trnM-atpE, petA-psbJ and ccsA-ndhD) are identified within Mukdenia, and six regions (trnH-psbA, petN-psbM, trnM-atpE, rps16-trnQ, ycf1 and ndhF) contain a higher number of species-specific parsimony-informative sites that may serve as potential DNA barcodes for species identification. To infer phylogenetic relationships between Mukdenia and Oresitrophe, we combined our data with published data based on three different datasets. The monophyly of each species (Oresitrophe rupifraga, M. acanthifolia and M. rossii) and the inferred topology ((M. rossii, M. acanthifolia), O. rupifraga) are well supported in trees reconstructed using the complete plastome sequences, but M. acanthifolia and M. rossii did not form a separate clade in the trees based on ETS + ITS data, while the mitochondrial CDS trees are not well-resolved. We found low recovery of genes in the Angiosperms353 target enrichment panel from our unenriched genome skimming data. Hybridization or incomplete lineage sorting may be the cause of discordance between trees reconstructed from organellar and nuclear data. Considering its morphological distinctiveness and our molecular phylogenetic results, we strongly recommend that M. acanthifolia be treated as a distinct species.  相似文献   

Understanding biological diversity and the mechanisms of the Sino-Japanese disjunctions are major challenges in eastern Asia biogeography. The Sino-Japanese flora has been broadly studied as an ideal model for plant phylogeography. Diabelia Landrein (Caprifoliaceae) is an East Asian genus, with a disjunctive distribution across the Sino-Japanese region. However, relationships within Diabelia remain elusive. In this study, we reconstructed the phylogeny of Diabelia and inferred historical biogeography and evolutionary patterns based on nuclear and plastid sequences from target enrichment and genome skimming approaches, respectively. We found that the main clades within Diabelia were discordant between nuclear and plastid trees. Both nuclear and plastid phylogenetic analyses supported five main clades: Diabelia serrata (Siebold & Zucc.) Landrein, Diabelia tetrasepala (Koidz.) Landrein, Diabelia sanguinea (Makino) Landrein, Diabelia stenophylla (Honda) Landrein, and Diabelia spathulata (Siebold & Zucc.) Landrein. Species network analyses revealed that Diabelia tetrasepala is likely the result of a hybridization event. Divergence time estimation and ancestral area reconstructions showed that Diabelia originated in Japan during the early Miocene, with subsequent vicariance and dispersal events between Japan and Korea, and between Japan and China. Overall, our results support the division of Diabelia into five main clades and the recognition of five species in the genus. This research provides new insights into the species delimitation and speciation processes of taxonomically complex lineages such as Diabelia.  相似文献   

Concatenated SSU (18S) and partial LSU (28S) sequences (2 kb) from 12 ingroup taxa, comprising 2 phoronids, 2 members of each of the craniid, discinid, and lingulid inarticulate brachiopod lineages, and 4 rhynchonellate, articulate brachiopods (2 rhynchonellides, 1 terebratulide and 1 terebratellide) were aligned with homologous sequences from 6 protostome, deuterostome and sponge outgroups (3964 sites). Regions of potentially ambiguous alignment were removed, and the resulting data (3275 sites, of which 377 were parsimony-informative and 635 variable) were analysed by parsimony, and by maximum and Bayesian likelihood using objectively selected models. There was no base composition heterogeneity. Relative rate tests led to the exclusion (from most analyses) of the more distant outgroups, with retention of the closer pectinid and polyplacophoran (chiton). Parsimony and likelihood bootstrap and Bayesian clade support values were generally high, but only likelihood analyses recovered all brachiopod indicator clades designated a priori. All analyses confirmed the monophyly of (brachiopods+phoronids) and identified phoronids as the sister-group of the three inarticulate brachiopod lineages. Consequently, a revised Linnean classification is proposed in which the subphylum Linguliformea comprises three classes: Lingulata, ‘Phoronata’ (the phoronids), and ‘Craniata’ (the current subphylum Craniiformea). Divergence times of all nodes were estimated by regression from node depths in non-parametrically rate-smoothed and other chronograms, calibrated against palaeontological data, with probable errors not less than 50 My. Only three predicted brachiopod divergence times disagree with palaeontological ages by more than the probable error, and a reasonable explanation exists for at least two. Pruning long-branched ingroups made scant difference to predicted divergence time estimates. The palaeontological age calibration and the existence of Lower Cambrian fossils of both main brachiopod clades together indicate that initial genetic divergence between brachiopod and molluscan (chiton) lineages occurred well before the Lower Cambrian, suggesting that much divergence between metazoan phyla took place in the Proterozoic.

See also Electronic Supplement at: http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/05-11.htm  相似文献   

A recent molecular analysis strongly supported sister group relationship between flamingos (Phoenicopteridae) and grebes (Podicipedidae), a hypothesis which has not been suggested before. Flamingos are long-legged filter-feeders whereas grebes are morphologically quite divergent foot-propelled diving birds, and sister group relationship between these two taxa would thus provide an interesting example of evolution of different feeding strategies in birds. To test monophyly of a clade including grebes and flamingos, I performed a cladistic analysis of 70 morphological characters which were scored for 17 taxa. Parsimony analysis of these data supported monophyly of the taxon (Podicipedidae + Phoenicopteridae) and the clade received high bootstrap support. Previously overlooked morphological, oological and parasitological evidence is recorded which supports this hypothesis, and which makes the taxon (Podicipedidae + Phoenicopteridae) one of the best supported higher-level clades within modern birds. The phylogenetic significance of some fossil flamingo-like birds is discussed. The Middle Eocene taxon Juncitarsus is most likely the sister taxon of the clade (Podicipedidae + (Palaelodidae + Phoenicopteridae)) although resolution of its exact systematic position awaits revision of the fossil material. Contrary to previous assumptions, it is more parsimonious to assume that flamingos evolved from a highly aquatic ancestor than from a shorebird-like ancestor.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 157–169.  相似文献   

NG2(+) cells in the adult rat spinal cord proliferate after spinal cord injury (SCI) and are postulated to differentiate into mature glia to replace some of those lost to injury. To further study these putative endogenous precursors, tissue at 3 days after SCI or from uninjured adults was dissociated, myelin partially removed and replicate cultures grown in serum-containing or serum-free medium with or without growth factors for up to 7 days in vitro (DIV). Cell yield after SCI was 5-6 times higher than from the normal adult. Most cells were OX42(+) microglia/macrophages but there were also more than twice the normal number of NG2(+) cells. Most of these coexpressed A2B5 or nestin, as would be expected for glial progenitors. Few cells initially expressed mature astrocyte (GFAP) or oligodendrocyte (CC1) markers, but more did at 7 DIV, suggesting differentiation of glial precursors in vitro. To test the hypothesis that NG2(+) cells after SCI express progenitor-like properties, we prepared free-floating sphere and single cell cultures from purified suspension of NG2(+) cells from injured spinal cord. We found that sphere cultures could be passaged in free-floating subcultures, and upon attachment the spheres clonally derived from an acutely purified single cell differentiated into oligodendrocytes and rarely astrocytes. Taken together, these data support the hypothesis that SCI stimulates proliferation of NG2(+) cells that are glial progenitor cells. Better understanding the intrinsic properties of the NG2(+) cells stimulated by SCI may permit future therapeutic manipulations to improve recovery after SCI.  相似文献   

Thornicroft's giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis thornicrofti, is a geographically isolated subspecies of giraffe found only in north‐east Zambia. The population only occurs in Zambia's South Luangwa Valley, an area which interestingly places it between the current distribution of Masai (G. c. tippelskirchi) giraffe to the north, and the Angolan (G. c. angolensis) and South African (G. c. giraffa) giraffe in the south‐west and south, respectively. Specific studies have been undertaken on the ecology of this subspecies, but their population genetics remains unknown. We studied 34 individuals from the South Luangwa National Park and adjacent Lupande Game Management Area and seven individuals from northern Botswana. The complete cytochrome b and control region sequences of the mitochondrial genome were sequenced and analysed together with database data by maximum likelihood tree reconstruction and maximum parsimony network analyses. The giraffe from Zambia's South Luangwa Valley are most closely related to the subspecies G. c. tippelskirchi and part of their radiation. However, they form a unique population that would benefit from increased research and conservation management.  相似文献   

Myosuppressin peptides dramatically diminish contractions of the gut and heart. Thus, delineating mechanisms involved in myosuppressin signaling may provide insight into peptidergic control of muscle contractility. Drosophila myosuppressin (DMS, TDVDHVFLRFamide) structure-activity relationship (SAR) was investigated to identify an antagonist and explore signaling. Alanyl-substituted, N-terminal truncated, and modified amino acid analogs identified residues and peptide length required for activity. Immunochemistry independently provided insight into myosuppressin mechanisms. DMS decreased gut motility and cardiac contractility dose dependently; the different effective concentrations at half maximal-response were indicative of tissue-specific mechanisms. Replacement of aspartic acid 2 (D2) generated an analog with different developmental- and tissue-specific effects; [A2] DMS mimicked DMS in adult gut (100% inhibition), yet decreased larval gut contractions by only 32% with increased potency in pupal heart (126% inhibition). The DMS active core differed across development and in tissues; adult (DHVFLRFamide) and larval gut (TDVDHVFLRFamide), and adult (VFLRFamide) and pupal heart (VFLRFamide). Substitution of D2 and D4 with a modified amino acid, p-benzoyl-phenylalanine, produced developmental- and tissue-specific antagonists. In the presence of protease inhibitors, DMS and VFLRFamide were more effective in adult gut, but lower or unchanged in pupal heart compared to peptide or analog alone, respectively. DMS-specific antisera stained neurons that innervated the gut or heart. This study describes novel antagonists and data to identify developmental- and tissue-specific mechanisms underlying the pleotropic effects of myosuppressin in muscle physiology.  相似文献   

Accurate species delimitation is crucial for biodiversity conservation. The Acer series Campestria comprises four species, A. campestre L., A. miyabei Maxim., A. miaotaiense P. C. Tsoong, and A. yangjuechi Fang & P. L. Chiu. To clarify controversies over the taxonomic status of the latter three endangered species, we undertook phylogenomic, morphological, and niche differentiation analyses in series Campestria. Our coalescent species tree of 544 and 77 single-copy nuclear genes supported series Campestria as monophyletic, with A. yangjuechi having the closest relationship with A. miaotaiense. However, in the plastome-derived tree based on 64 protein coding sequences, the four species did not cluster together, and each of them grouped with some other sympatric Acer species. Given this nuclear-cytoplasmic conflict, we hypothesize that A. yangjuechi have been subject to nuclear gene introgression and plastid (pt) capture involving another sympatric maple, that is, A. amplum Rehder. Principal component analysis and machine learning based on morphological data could not separate A. yangjuechi and A. miaotaiense, but they both could be clearly distinguished from A. miyabei. Moreover, the niche overlap tests of the two more widespread species, A. miyabei and A. miaotaiense, showed they clearly occupy distinct niches. Overall, we conclude that A. miyabei and A. miaotaiense are distinct species, while A. yangjuechi (endemic to Mt. Tianmu/East China) should be treated as a subspecies of A. miaotaiense. Our study points out that multiple lines of phylogenomic, morphological, and ecological evidence prove highly useful in species delimitation. Additionally, our results should help to inform conservation measures for endangered species of the genus Acer/series Campestria in East Asia.  相似文献   

All extant green plants belong to 1 of 2 major lineages, commonly known as the Chlorophyta (most of the green algae) and the Streptophyta (land plants and their closest green algal relatives). The scaly green flagellate Mesostigma viride has an important place in the debate on the origin of green plants. However, there have been conflicting results from molecular systematics as to whether Mesostigma diverges before the Chlorophyta/Streptophyta split or is an early diverging flagellate member of the Streptophyta. Previous studies employed either a limited taxon sampling (plastid and mitochondrial genomes) or a small number of phylogenetically informative sites (single nuclear genes). Here, we use large data sets from the nuclear (125 proteins; 29,319 positions), mitochondrial (33 proteins; 6,622 positions), and plastid (50 proteins; 10,137 positions) genomes with an expanded taxon sampling (21, 13, and 28 species, respectively) to reevaluate the phylogenetic position of Mesostigma. Our study supports the placement of Mesostigma in the Streptophyta (as an early diverging lineage) and provides evidence that systematic biases have played a role in generating some of the previous conflicting results. Importantly, we demonstrate that using an increased taxon sampling as well as more realistic models of evolution allows increasing congruence among the nuclear, mitochondrial, and plastid data sets.  相似文献   



A major goal of systematic biology is to uncover the evolutionary history of organisms and translate that knowledge into stable classification systems. Here, we integrate three sets of genome-wide data to resolve phylogenetic relationships in Cornaceae (containing only Cornus s.l.), reconstruct the biogeographic history of the clade, and provide a revised classification using the PhyloCode to stabilize names for this taxonomically controversial group.


We conducted phylogenetic analyses using 312 single-copy nuclear genes and 70 plastid genes from Angiosperms353 Hyb-Seq, plus numerous loci from RAD-Seq. We integrated fossils using morphological data and produced a dated phylogeny for biogeographical analysis.


A well-resolved, strongly supported, comprehensive phylogeny was obtained. Biogeographic analyses support an origin and rapid diversification of Cornus into four morphologically distinct major clades in the Northern Hemisphere (with an eastern Asian ancestor) during the late Cretaceous. Dispersal into Africa from eastern Asia likely occurred along the Tethys Seaway during the Paleogene, whereas dispersal into South America likely occurred during the Neogene. Diversification within the northern hemisphere likely involved repeated independent colonization of new areas during the Paleogene and Neogene along the Bering Land Bridge, the North Atlantic Land Bridge, and the Tethys Seaway. Thirteen strongly supported clades were named following rules of the PhyloCode.


Our study provides an example of integrating genomic and morphological data to produce a robust, explicit species phylogeny that includes fossil taxa, which we translate into an updated classification scheme using the PhyloCode to stabilize names.  相似文献   

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