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The role played by microRNAs (miRs) as common regulators in physiologic processes such as development and various disease states was recently highlighted. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) linked to RHO (which encodes rhodopsin) is the most frequent form of inherited retinal degeneration that leads to blindness, for which there are no current therapies. Little is known about the cellular mechanisms that connect mutations within RHO to eventual photoreceptor cell death by apoptosis.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a major source of blindness caused by a large variety of mutations that lead to the death of rod photoreceptors. After rods die, cones gradually die from progressive oxidative damage. Several types of antioxidant formulations have been shown to reduce cone cell death over a relatively short-time frame, but in order for this strategy to be translated into a new treatment for patients with RP, prolonged effects will be needed. In this study, we determined that orally administered N-acetylcysteine (NAC) reduced cone cell death and preserved cone function by reducing oxidative damage in two models of RP, rd1(+/+) and rd10(+/+) mice. In rd10(+/+) mice, supplementation of drinking water with NAC promoted partial maintenance of cone structure and function for at least 6 months. Topical application of NAC to the cornea also reduced superoxide radicals in the retina and promoted survival and functioning of cones. Since oral and/or topical administration of NAC is feasible for long-term treatment in humans, and NAC has a good safety profile, it is reasonable to consider clinical trials to evaluate the effects of prolonged treatment with NAC in patients with RP.  相似文献   

Subretinal injections with glial cell line‐derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) rescue morphology as well as function of rod cells in mouse and rat animal models of retinitis pigmentosa. At the same time, it is postulated that this effect is indirect, mediated by activation of retinal Müller glial (RMG) cells. Here, we show that Cyr61/CCN1, one of the secreted proteins up‐regulated in primary RMG after glial cell line‐derived neurotrophic factor stimulation, provides neuroprotective and pro‐survival capacities: Recombinant Cyr61 significantly reduced photoreceptor (PR) cells death in organotypic cultures of Pde6brd1 retinas. To identify stimulated pathways in the retina, we treated Pde6brd1 retinal explants with Cyr61 and observed an overall increase in activated Erk1/2 and Stat3 signalling molecules characterized by activation‐site‐specific phosphorylation. To identify Cyr61 retinal target cells, we isolated primary porcine PR, RMG and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells and exposed them separately to Cyr61. Here, RMG as well as RPE cells responded with induced phosphorylation of Erk1/2, Stat3 and Akt. In PR, no increase in phosphorylation in any of the studied proteins was detected, suggesting an indirect neuroprotective effect of Cyr61. Cyr61 may thus act as an endogenous pro‐survival factor for PR, contributing to the complex repertoire of neuroprotective activities generated by RMG and RPE cells.


Transgenic mice expressing a dominant mutation in the gene for the phototransduction molecule rhodopsin undergo retinal degeneration similar to that experienced by patients with the retinal degenerative disease, retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Although the mutation is thought to cause photoreceptor degeneration in a cell‐autonomous manner, the fact that rod photoreceptor degeneration is slowed in chimeric wild‐type/mutant mice suggests that cellular interactions are also important for maintaining photoreceptor survival. To more fully characterize the nature of the cellular interactions important for rod degeneration in the RP mutant mice, we have used an in vitro approach. We found that when the retinas of the transgenic mice were isolated from the pigmented epithelium and cultured as explants, the rod photoreceptors underwent selective degeneration with a similar time course to that observed in vivo. This selective rod degeneration also occurred when the cells were dissociated and cultured as monolayers. These data indicate that the mutant rod photoreceptors degenerate when removed from their normal cellular relationships and without contact with the pigmented epithelium, thus confirming the relative cell autonomy of the mutant phenotype. We next tested whether normal retinal cells could rescue the mutant photoreceptors in a coculture paradigm. Coculture of transgenic mouse with wild‐type mouse or rat retinal cells significantly enhanced transgenic rod photoreceptor survival; this survival‐promoting activity was diffusible through a filter, was heat labile, and not present in transgenic retinal cells. Several peptide growth factors known to be present in the retina were tested as the potential survival‐promoting molecule responsible for the effects of the conditioned medium; however, none of them promoted survival of the photoreceptors expressing the Pro23His mutant rhodopsin. Nevertheless, we were able to demonstrate that the mutant photoreceptors could be rescued by an antagonist to a retinoic acid receptor, suggesting that the endogeneous survival‐promoting activity may function through this pathway. These data thus confirm and extend the findings of previous work that local trophic interactions are important in regulating rod photoreceptor degeneration in retinitis pigmentosa. A diffusible factor found in normal but not transgenic retinal cells has a protective effect on the survival of rod photoreceptors from Pro23His mutant rhodopsin mice. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 39: 475–490, 1999  相似文献   

Iron-associated oxidative injury plays a role in retinal degeneration such as age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. The metallo-complex zinc-desferrioxamine (Zn/DFO) may ameliorate such injury by chelation of labile iron in combination with release of zinc. We explored whether Zn/DFO can affect the course of retinal degeneration in the rd10 mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa. Zn/DFO-treated animals showed significantly higher electroretinographic responses at 3 and 4.5 weeks of age compared with saline-injected controls. Corresponding retinal (photoreceptor) structural rescue was observed by quantitative histological and immunohistochemical techniques. When administered alone, the components of the complex, Zn and DFO, showed a lesser, partial effect. TBARS, a marker of lipid peroxidation, and levels of oxidative DNA damage as quantified by 8-OHdG immunostaining were significantly lower in Zn/DFO-treated retinas compared with saline-injected controls. Reduced levels of retinal ferritin as well as reduced iron content within ferritin molecules were measured in Zn/DFO-treated retinas. The data, taken together, suggest that the protective effects of the Zn/DFO complex are mediated through modulation of iron bioavailability, leading to attenuation of oxidative injury. Reducing iron-associated oxidative stress using complexes such as Zn/DFO may serve as a “common pathway” therapeutic approach to attenuate injury in retinal degeneration.  相似文献   

Cone photoreceptor cell death in inherited retinal diseases, such as Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), leads to the loss of high acuity and color vision and, ultimately to blindness. In RP, a vast number of mutations perturb the structure and function of rod photoreceptors, while cones remain initially unaffected. Extensive rod loss in advanced stages of the disease triggers cone death by a mechanism that is still largely unknown. Here, we show that secondary cone cell death in animal models for RP is associated with increased activity of histone deacetylates (HDACs). A single intravitreal injection of an HDAC inhibitor at late stages of the disease, when the majority of rods have already degenerated, was sufficient to delay cone death and support long-term cone survival in two mouse models for RP, affected by mutations in the phosphodiesterase 6b gene. Moreover, the surviving cones remained light-sensitive, leading to an improvement in visual function. RNA-seq analysis of protected cones demonstrated that HDAC inhibition initiated multi-level protection via regulation of different pro-survival pathways, including MAPK, PI3K-Akt, and autophagy. This study suggests a unique opportunity for targeted pharmacological protection of secondary dying cones by HDAC inhibition and creates hope to maintain vision in RP patients even in advanced disease stages.Subject terms: Neuroscience, Neurological disorders  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa is a hereditary eye disease that affects photoreceptors and leads to blindness. The discovery of a microbial light-gated channel and the subsequent development of similar 'optogenetic' sensors have opened the door to creating artificial photoreceptors in the remaining retinal circuits of retinitis pigmentosa retinas via gene therapy. Here we review recent studies in animal models of retinitis pigmentosa that have combined knowledge of retinal cell types, circuits and computations with the ability to equip cell types with optogenetic sensors in order to restore visual activity. We also discuss the translational potential of this therapy.  相似文献   

Changes induced by mutations in rhodopsin that are associated with the degenerative visual disease retinitis pigmentosa result in an altered pattern of light absorption according to quantum mechanical simulations and reference experimental works. Eleven single-point mutations associated with retinitis pigmentosa at and in the proximity to the retinal binding pocket of rhodopsin have been modeled in silico and their spectra calculated with the NDOL (Neglect of Differential Overlap accounting L azimuthal quantum number) a priori method. The altered pattern of absorption found would lead to cumulative consequences in energy dissipation with aging. Different energy balances in the case of mutants at the very molecular level, compared to native nonmutated rhodopsin, can cause permanent cellular stress and would play a role in the progression of the retine degenerative process. It could explain the worsening of the pathological condition mostly in adults and suggests the probable beneficial effects of using quenching drugs and protection devices against excess of light in the early stages of life for avoiding or reducing potential damage.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of inherited diseases that cause blindness due to the progressive death of rod and cone photoreceptors in the retina. There are currently no effective treatments for RP. Inherited mutations in rhodopsin, the light-sensing protein of rod photoreceptor cells, are the most common cause of autosomal-dominant RP. The majority of mutations in rhodopsin, including the common P23H substitution, lead to protein misfolding, which is a feature in many neurodegenerative disorders. Previous studies have shown that upregulating molecular chaperone expression can delay disease progression in models of neurodegeneration. Here, we have explored the potential of the heat-shock protein co-inducer arimoclomol to ameliorate rhodopsin RP. In a cell model of P23H rod opsin RP, arimoclomol reduced P23H rod opsin aggregation and improved viability of mutant rhodopsin-expressing cells. In P23H rhodopsin transgenic rat models, pharmacological potentiation of the stress response with arimoclomol improved electroretinogram responses and prolonged photoreceptor survival, as assessed by measuring outer nuclear layer thickness in the retina. Furthermore, treated animal retinae showed improved photoreceptor outer segment structure and reduced rhodopsin aggregation compared with vehicle-treated controls. The heat-shock response (HSR) was activated in P23H retinae, and this was enhanced with arimoclomol treatment. Furthermore, the unfolded protein response (UPR), which is induced in P23H transgenic rats, was also enhanced in the retinae of arimoclomol-treated animals, suggesting that arimoclomol can potentiate the UPR as well as the HSR. These data suggest that pharmacological enhancement of cellular stress responses may be a potential treatment for rhodopsin RP and that arimoclomol could benefit diseases where ER stress is a factor.  相似文献   

Progressive rod-cone degeneration (prcd) is a late-onset, autosomal recessive photoreceptor degeneration of dogs and a homolog for some forms of human retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Previously, the disease-relevant interval was reduced to a 106-kb region on CFA9, and a common phenotype-specific haplotype was identified in all affected dogs from several different breeds and breed varieties. Screening of a canine retinal EST library identified partial cDNAs for novel candidate genes in the disease-relevant interval. The complete cDNA of one of these, PRCD, was cloned in dog, human, and mouse. The gene codes for a 54-amino-acid (aa) protein in dog and human and a 53-aa protein in the mouse; the first 24 aa, coded for by exon 1, are highly conserved in 14 vertebrate species. A homozygous mutation (TGC --> TAC) in the second codon shows complete concordance with the disorder in 18 different dog breeds/breed varieties tested. The same homozygous mutation was identified in a human patient from Bangladesh with autosomal recessive RP. Expression studies support the predominant expression of this gene in the retina, with equal expression in the retinal pigment epithelium, photoreceptor, and ganglion cell layers. This study provides strong evidence that a mutation in the novel gene PRCD is the cause of autosomal recessive retinal degeneration in both dogs and humans.  相似文献   

J. Neurochem. (2012) 122, 1047-1053. ABSTRACT: Retinitis pigmentosa is a group of diseases in which one of hundreds of mutations causes death of rod photoreceptor cells and then cones gradually die from oxidative damage. As different mutations cause rod cell death by different mechanisms, mutation-specific treatments are needed. Another approach is to use a neurotrophic factor to promote photoreceptor survival regardless of the mechanism of cell death, and previous studies have demonstrated encouraging short-term results with gene transfer of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). We generated rd10 mice with doxycycline-inducible expression of GDNF in photoreceptors (Tet/IRBP/GDNF-rd10 mice) or retinal pigmented epithelial cells (Tet/VMD2/GDNF-rd10 mice). In doxycycline-treated Tet/IRBP/GDNF-rd10 mice, there was a 9.3?×?10(4) -fold increase in Gdnf mRNA at P35 and although it decreased over time, it was still increased by 9.4?×?10(3) -fold at P70. Gdnf mRNA was increased 4.5?×?10(2) -fold in doxycycline-treated Tet/VMD2/GDMF-rd10 mice at P35 and was not significantly decreased at P70. GDNF protein levels were increased about 2.3-fold at P35 and 30% at P70 in Tet/IRBP/GDNF-rd10 mice, and in Tet/VMD2/GDNF-rd10 mice they were increased 30% at P35 and not significantly increased at P70. Despite the difference in expression, Tet/IRBP/GDNF-rd10 and Tet/VMD2/GDNF-rd10 mice had comparable significant increases in outer nuclear layer thickness and mean photopic and scotopic ERG b-wave amplitudes compared with rd10 mice at P35 which decreased, but was still significant at P70. Compared with rd10 mice, Tet/IRBP/GDNF-rd10 and Tet/VMD2/GDNF-rd10 mice had comparable significant improvements in cone density at P50 that decreased, but were still significant at P70. These data indicate that despite a large difference in expression of GDNF, Tet/IRBP/GDNF-rd10 and Tet/VMD2/GDNF-rd10 provide comparable slowing of photoreceptor degeneration, but cannot stop the degeneration.  相似文献   

In vertebrate rods, dark and light conditions produce changes in guanosine 3′,5′‐cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) and calcium (Ca2+) levels, which are regulated by the opposing function of several proteins. During the recovery of a bright flash, guanylate cyclase (GUCY) helps raise cGMP to levels that open cGMP‐gated calcium sodium channels (CNG) to increase Na+ and Ca2+ influx in the outer segment. In contrast, light activates cGMP phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) causing rapid hydrolysis of cGMP, CNG closure, and reduced Na+ and Ca2+ levels. In Pde6b mouse models of retinitis pigmentosa (RP), photoreceptor death is preceded by abnormally high cGMP and Ca2+ levels, likely because of continued synthesis of cGMP by guanylate cyclases and unregulated influx of Ca2+ to toxic levels through CNG channels. To reverse the effects of Pde6b loss of function, we employed an shRNA knockdown approach to reduce the expression of Gucy2e or Cnga1 in Pde6bH620Q photoreceptors prior to degeneration. Gucy2e‐ or Cnga1‐shRNA lentiviral‐mediated knockdown GUCY2E and CNGA1 expression increase visual function and photoreceptor survival in Pde6bH620Q mice. We demonstrated that effective knockdown of GUCY2E and CNGA1 expression to counteract loss of PDE6 function may develop into a valuable approach for treating some patients with RP.  相似文献   

We report mutations in the gene for topoisomerase I-binding RS protein (TOPORS) in patients with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP) linked to chromosome 9p21.1 (locus RP31). A positional-cloning approach, together with the use of bioinformatics, identified TOPORS (comprising three exons and encoding a protein of 1,045 aa) as the gene responsible for adRP. Mutations that include an insertion and a deletion have been identified in two adRP-affected families--one French Canadian and one German family, respectively. Interestingly, a distinct phenotype is noted at the earlier stages of the disease, with an unusual perivascular cuff of retinal pigment epithelium atrophy, which was found surrounding the superior and inferior arcades in the retina. TOPORS is a RING domain-containing E3 ubiquitin ligase and localizes in the nucleus in speckled loci that are associated with promyelocytic leukemia bodies. The ubiquitous nature of TOPORS expression and a lack of mutant protein in patients are highly suggestive of haploinsufficiency, rather than a dominant negative effect, as the molecular mechanism of the disease and make rescue of the clinical phenotype amenable to somatic gene therapy.  相似文献   

Clinical and genetic heterogeneity in retinitis pigmentosa   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Summary The clinical course of defective vision and blindness has been investigated in relation to different modes of genetic transmission in a large series of 93 families with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). For autosomal dominant RP, two clinical subtypes could be distinguished according to the delay in macular involvement. In the severe form, macular involvement occurred within 10 years, while in the mild form, macular involvement occurred after 20 years. Interestingly, a significant increase of mean paternal age (38.8 years, mean controls in France = 29.1 years, P < 0.001) was found in this form of RP, a feature which is suggestive of new mutations. For autosomal recessive RP, four significantly different clinical subtypes could be recognized, according to both age of onset and the pattern of development (P < 0.001), namely cone-rod dystrophy and early-onset severe forms on the one hand (mean age of onset = 7.6 years), late-onset mild forms and senile forms on the other. Similarly, two significantly different clinical subtypes could be recognized in X-linked RP, according to both mode and age of onset, which were either myopia (mean age = 3.5±0.5 years) or night blindness (mean age = 10.6±4.1 years, P < 0.001). By contrast, no difference was noted regarding the clinical course of the disease, which was remarkably severe whatever the clinical subtype (blindness before 25 years). In addition, all obligate carriers in our series were found to have either severe myopia or pigment deposits in their peripheral retina. Finally, sporadic RP represented the majority of cases in our series (42%). There was a considerable heterogeneity in this group, and at least three clinical forms could be recognized, namely cone-rod dystrophy, early onset-severe forms and late onset moderate forms. At the beginning of the disease, the hereditary nature of the sporadic forms was very difficult to ascertain (especially between 7–10 years) and only the clinical course could possibly provide information regarding the mode of inheritance. However, the high level of consanguinity, and the high sex ratio in early onset and severe sporadic forms (including cone-rod dystrophy), was suggestive of an autosomal or X-linked recessive inheritance, while increased paternal age in late onset forms was suggestive of autosomal dominant mutations.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of diseases in which many different mutations cause rod photoreceptor cells to die and then gradually cone photoreceptors die due to progressive oxidative damage. In this study, we have shown that peroxynitrite-induced nitrosative damage also occurs. In the rd1 mouse model of RP, there was increased staining for S-nitrosocysteine and nitrotyrosine protein adducts that are generated by peroxynitrite. Peroxynitrite is generated from nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide radicals. After degeneration of rods, injection of hydroethidine resulted in strong fluorescence in the retina of rd1 mice, indicating high levels of superoxide radicals, and this was reduced, as was nitrotyrosine staining, by apocynin, suggesting that overaction of NADP(H) oxidase is at least partially responsible. Treatment of rd1 mice with a mixture of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors markedly reduced S-nitrosocysteine and nitrotyrosine staining and significantly increased cone survival, indicating that NO-derived peroxynitrite contributes to cone cell death. Treatment with 7-nitroindazole, a relatively specific inhibitor of neuronal NOS, also significantly reduced cone cell death, but aminoguanidine, a relatively specific inhibitor of inducible NOS, did not. These data suggest that NO generated by neuronal NOS exacerbates oxidative damage to cones in RP and that combined therapy to reduce NO and oxidative stress should be considered.  相似文献   

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