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Food limitation for the cladoceran Daphnia galeta was measuredgrowing them with natural lake seston for one growing seasonunder standardized conditions in the laboratory. Growth rateswere related to several measures of food quantity. Particulateorganic carbon (POC) <30 µm was the best predictorof total food availability measured. It was better than chlorophyll-a(Chl-a) of the same size fraction, algal volume calculated fromcell counts or total particle volume from Coulter Counter measurements.Daphnids were also grown with Scenedesmus acutus under the sameconditions and their growth rates were compared. Sestonic carbonconcentrations were related to Scenedesmus carbon concentrations,that provided equal growth rates. The ratio of the carbon concentrationsof both food types (seston, Scenedesmus) represented the foodquality of seston. Thus, the nutritional quality of naturallake seston relative to a standard alga was determined overone growing season. Growth rates of seston fed animals revealedthat they were food limited during long periods of the year.This was also ascertained by standard clutch sizes of fieldanimals. However, the causes of food limitation varied withinthe duration of the studied period. Whereas during the clear-waterphase the food quantity was limiting (while the quality washigh: 100% Scenedesmus), shortly after on 10 June and 17 Junefood conditions were close to threshold concentrations due tolow food quality. For the remainder of the summer, a POC of0.3–0.6 mg C I–1 with a quality of  相似文献   

Seasonal dry weights of female and male Cyclops bicuspidatusthomasi, Diaptomus ashlandi and Diaptomus minutus were studiedin southeastern Lake Michigan during 1975–1981. Smallestanimals occurred during summer and early fall, and largest animalsin winter and spring, a pattern reported for other copepods.The range of weights for the species and sexes decreased fromwinter to summer, and converged in summer to a value of approximately2 µg/animal. Surface water temperature and abundancesof young-of-the-year (YOY) fish were inversely correlated withweights of males and females of the three copepod species. Standingstocks of important phytoplankton groups, especially pennatediatoms and flagellates, were positively correlated with copepodweight. Seasonal change of copepod body size appears to be morethan simply a function of temperature; seasonal predation byYOY fish may be a factor influencing sizes of adult copepods.  相似文献   

Failure of female reproductive capacity in the copepod Calanus helgolandicus was related to number and combination of the phytoplankton species in the diets. The maternal food effects were detectable at different levels: fecundity, oogenesis and hatching. Fecundity and hatching were normal with two single (ca. Isochrysis galbana and Prorocentrum minimum) and one mixed (Phaeodactylum tricornutum+Dunaliella tertiolecta+Pavlova lutherii+I. galbana+P. minimum) diets. With the single P. lutherii diet, fecundity decreased, but hatching remained optimal. The daily egg production and hatching rates decreased significantly in females fed the other single P. tricornutum, D. tertiolecta and mixed (P. tricornutum+D. tertiolecta+P. lutherii+I. galbana) diets, or starved. The fecundity decrease coincided with gonad atresia, which was reversible when P. tricornutum and P. lutherii diets were replaced by P. minimum diet. It was irreversible when D. tertiolecta was replaced by P. minimum, leading to female sterilization expressed by the deterioration of OS3 and OS2 oocytes, as a function of the feeding duration. We assume that atresia of female gonads was caused by the limitation of essential nutrients in food, such as fatty acids, which induced catabolism and recycling of yolk reserves and thus, maintenance of gonad integrity and low spawning rates. With the D. tertiolecta diet, abnormally high increase of ornithine concentrations in eggs showed that the ornithine metabolism and polyamine pathway were affected during oogenesis, leading atresia of oocytes to be deeply disturbed and followed up by necrosis of the gonads.  相似文献   

This study characterizes food neophobia in semi-free ranging rhesus macaques. In experiment one, monkeys received novel and familiar foods during periods of normal provisioning and when provisioning was suspended. The monkeys did discriminate between novel and familiar foods and continued to exhibit neophobia when provisioning was suspended. In experiment two, food was either tossed to subjects or placed in the habitat so that monkeys discovered food without the observer in close proximity. Rhesus macaques were more likely to eat a novel food that was hand-tossed to them compared to food they discovered in their habitat. This study suggests that food neophobia is a robust trait in rhesus macaques and that a history of provisioning may affect the expression of the trait.  相似文献   

Male/female pairs of adult milkweed bugs, Oncopeltus faciatus were offered reduced food rations (100 mg milkweed seeds/week, 50 mg seeds/week, and 25 mg seeds/week) at 232C, 14L : 10D photoperiod. The high rate of food consumption normally occurring during the teneral period (first 8 days posteclosion) and subsequent food consumption were reduced on both reduced rations. Initial fresh weight was lost by bugs on both reduced rations and their weekly fresh body weight tended to remain less than bugs on the 100 mg seeds/week ration.Normal onset of egg production (about 3 weeks posteclosion) was delayed 6 weeks and normal length of a female's life (13–14 weeks) was increased 7–8 weeks on the 25 mg seeds/week ration. Rate of egg production exhibited a linear decrease with decrease in food ration on both reduced rations due to an increased interclutch interval, while fresh egg weight, duration of egg stage, number of eggs/clutch and percentage of clutches containing fertile eggs were little affected.Gross egg production efficiency (efficiency of conversion of ingested food into eggs = dry mg egg production × 100/dry mg food ingested) was high on both the 100 and 50 mg seeds/week rations (27.9% and 21.1%, respectively) and low (7.7%) on the 25 mg seeds/week ration. These data are discussed in the context of the reciprocal interaction between nutrient intake and egg production.  相似文献   

We studied under laboratory conditions the post-embryonic developmentalrates (from nauplii to adult stage) of Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides,commonly found in the eutrophic and hypertrophic local ponds,in relation to different food types. Nauplii hatched from theeggs collected from laboratory-maintained mass cultures werereared at 25l.5C, using the following test diets: bacteria(Klebsiella aerogenes), cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa,as single cells and in the form of colonies), green algae (Chlorella,Scenedesmus and Chlorogonium), ciliates (Tetrahymena) and rotifers(Brachionus angularis). The developmental rates were fastest,and the proportion of nauplii reaching the copepodid stage andthat of copepodids reaching the adult stage the highest, withChlorogonium, followed by ciliates and rotifers. Developmentwas incomplete with bacteria and Microcys-tis.Ttie algae Chlorellaand Scenedesmus supported complete post-embryonic developmentonly when cultured in media enriched with beef extract, bactotryptoneand yeast extract. With rotifers as the exclusive food, >70%of the nauplii reached the copepodid stage, and >85% of thecopepodids the adult stage. The ratio (Dc/Dn) of copepodid duration(Dc) and naupliar duration (Dn) was significantly differentfrom 1.0, indicating the absence of isochronal development inM.thermocyclopoides. Our results show that post-embryonic developmentin this species is not possible with certain algal diets, probablybecause of nutritional deficiencies, and that the later stagenauplii are capable of capturing rotifers and utilizing themas food to complete their development to the adult stage.  相似文献   

Centropages typicus females oscillated between a dark, ripestage of oogenesis and a light, unripe stage of primary oocytes.The number of eggs released after 24 h under different experimentalconditions was strongly dependent on the reproductive statusof females at the time of incubation.  相似文献   

Fey K  Banks PB  Korpimäki E 《Oecologia》2008,157(3):419-428
Ecosystems of three trophic levels may be bottom-up (by food-plant availability) and/or top-down (by predators) limited. Top-down control might be of greater consequence when the predation impact comes from an alien predator. We conducted a replicated two-factor experiment with field voles (Microtus agrestis) during 2004-2005 on small islands of the outer archipelago of the Baltic Sea, south-west Finland, manipulating both predation impact by introduced American mink (Mustela vison) and winter food supply. In autumn 2004, we live-trapped voles on five islands from which mink had been consistently removed, and on four islands where mink were present, and provided half of these islands with 1.8 kg oats per vole. Body mass of female voles increased as a response to supplementary food, whereas both food supplementation and mink removal increased the body mass of male voles in subsequent spring. During winter, there was a positive effect of supplementary food, but in the subsequent summer, possible positive long-term impacts of food supplementation on field voles were not detected. Mink removal appeared not to affect density estimates of field voles during the winter and summer immediately after food addition. Trapping data from 2004 to 2005 and 2007 suggested, however, that in two out of three summers densities of voles were significantly higher in the absence than in the presence of mink. We conclude that vole populations on small islands in the archipelago of the Baltic Sea are mainly bottom-up limited during winter (outside the growing season of food plants), when food availability is low, and limited by mink predation during summer which slows population growth during the reproductive season of voles.  相似文献   

Calanus finmarchicus, one of the dominant copepods species of the North Atlantic, often encounters low food concentration or quality during the reproductive period; however, our knowledge on the effect of these conditions on reproduction processes is scarce. The present study combines experiments with histological observations to describe the response of C. finmarchicus to limited food focussing on (1) oocyte maturation processes, (2) gonad morphology, (3) egg production rates as a function of spawning frequency and clutch size, and (4) the fuelling of egg production by measuring carbon and nitrogen content of the females. In the laboratory, C. finmarchicus females were exposed to 0, 10, 50, 150 or >300 μg C l−1 for several days. To account for food quality and season, reproductive activity was compared in April and July 1999 between females feeding on diatoms or dinoflagellates. The effect of feeding history was studied in February with females fed and starving prior to the experiment. Feeding conditions had severe effects on oocyte maturation process. Hence, egg production varied significantly with food concentration and quality, season and feeding history due to variation in both clutch size and spawning frequency. Clutch size differed by a factor of 2-4 between food limited and well fed females, and is thus an important parameter for modelling egg production. Changes in clutch size were related to changes of the number of maturing oocytes in the females gonads indicating that the latter can be used to precise the prediction of egg production from preserved samples. The proportion of females carrying at least some mature oocytes was relatively high at low food availability. Apparently, these females used internal body reserves as the carbon and nitrogen content decreased significantly under these conditions. These results indicate that C. finmarchicus embarks on the strategy to enable reproduction in all or many females of a population at low rates when feeding conditions are unfavourable.  相似文献   

  • 1 An experiment was conducted to investigate potential impacts of food limitation and copepod predation on juvenile survival of Chaoborus purtctipennis. We tested the hypotheses that: (i) juvenile survival of Chaoborus is influenced more by copepod predation than by starvation in a productive environment, and (ii) food limitation and predation interact to affect survival.
  • 2 Effects of food concentration (approximately 800, 1400 and 2300 microzooplankton 1-?1) and predator density (0, 1 and 2 Mesocydops edax 1-?1) on Chaoborus development and survival were evaluated using a 3 × 3 factorial design. Jars containing lake water, the appropriate food and predator treatments, and two Chaoborus (<12h old) were rotated on a plankton wheel at 25°C. Survival and developmental stage were monitored daily until all individuals had either died or moulted to instar II.
  • 3 Predation by Mesocydops was the major source of mortality, causing 87.5% of Chaoborus deaths over all treatments. Chaoborus mortality was significantly higher in treatments with Mesocydops (67–100%) than in predator-free treatment (0–13%).
  • 4 Development time was significantly longer in the low-density food treatment than in the highest food treatment.
  • 5 No significant interaction between food limitation and predation was detected.
  • 6 These results suggest that predation by copepods may limit recruitment of juvenile Chaoborus in productive lakes.

In the mid‐twentieth century, many lakes near Sudbury, Canada, were severely contaminated by acid and metal emissions from local smelters. For example, in the early 1970s, Middle Lake had pH of 4.2, and Cu and Ni levels both >0.5 mg L?1 . To determine if crustacean zooplankton could recover from such severe and chronic damage, Middle Lake was neutralized in 1973. A comparison of its zooplankton with that of 22 reference (pH > 6) lakes indicates that the planktonic Copepoda completely recovered by 2001. In contrast, the cladoceran assemblage improved but did not recover. Colonist sources existed – Cladocera and Copepoda occurred with equal frequency in area lakes – but six separate colonizations by cladoceran species failed. We argue that local factors, metal toxicity and predation by yellow perch, have, to date, prevented cladoceran recovery. Nonetheless, the complete copepod recovery is encouraging, given the severity and duration of pre‐neutralization stress.  相似文献   

Boggs CL  Freeman KD 《Oecologia》2005,144(3):353-361
Allocation of larval food resources affects adult morphology and fitness in holometabolous insects. Here we explore the effects on adult morphology and female fitness of larval semi-starvation in the butterfly Speyeria mormonia. Using a split-brood design, food intake was reduced by approximately half during the last half of the last larval instar. Body mass and forewing length of resulting adults were smaller than those of control animals. Feeding treatment significantly altered the allometric relationship between mass and wing length for females but not males, such that body mass increased more steeply with wing length in stressed insects as compared to control insects. This may result in changes in female flight performance and cost. With regard to adult life history traits, male feeding treatment or mating number had no effect on female fecundity or survival, in agreement with expectations for this species. Potential fecundity decreased with decreasing body mass and relative fat content, but there was no independent effect of larval feeding treatment. Realized fecundity decreased with decreasing adult survival, and was not affected by body mass or larval feeding treatment. Adult survival was lower in insects subjected to larval semi-starvation, with no effect of body mass. In contrast, previous laboratory studies on adult nectar restriction showed that adult survival was not affected by such stress, whereas fecundity was reduced in direct 11 proportion to the reduction of adult food. We thus see a direct impact of larval dietary restriction on survival, whereas fecundity is affected by adult dietary restriction, a pattern reminiscent of a survival/reproduction trade-off, but across a developmental boundary. The data, in combination with previous work, thus provide a picture of the intra-specific response of a suite of traits to ecological stress.  相似文献   

Marmot species exhibit a great diversity of social structure, mating systems and reproductive skew. In particular, among the social species (i.e. all except Marmota monax), the yellow-bellied marmot appears quite different from the others. The yellow-bellied marmot is primarily polygynous with an intermediate level of sociality and low reproductive skew among females. In contrast, all other social marmot species are mainly monogamous, highly social and with marked reproductive skew among females. To understand the evolution of this difference in reproductive skew, I examined four possible explanations identified from reproductive skew theory. From the literature, I then reviewed evidence to investigate if marmot species differ in: (1) the ability of dominants to control the reproduction of subordinates; (2) the degree of relatedness between group members; (3) the benefit for subordinates of remaining in the social group; and (4) the benefit for dominants of retaining subordinates. I found that the optimal skew hypothesis may apply for both sets of species. I suggest that yellow-bellied marmot females may benefit from retaining subordinate females and in return have to concede them reproduction. On the contrary, monogamous marmot species may gain by suppressing the reproduction of subordinate females to maximise the efficiency of social thermoregulation, even at the risk of departure of subordinate females from the family group. Finally, I discuss scenarios for the simultaneous evolution of sociality, monogamy and reproductive skew in marmots.  相似文献   

Why do males often have extravagant morphological and behavioural traits, and why do females prefer to mate with such males? The answers have been the focus of considerable debate since Darwin''s The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex appeared in 1871. Recently the broadening of investigation to include fields outside evolutionary biology has shed new light on mate choice and sexual selection. Here, we focus on a specific set of hypotheses relating the biology of resisting disease-causing organisms with the production of condition-dependent sexual signals (advertisements). We present a framework that distinguishes three different hypotheses about trade-offs within the immune system that affect general condition. Hamilton and Zuk''s original hypothesis suggests that hosts fight off disease through resistance to particular pathogens, which consequently lowers resistance to other pathogens. Changes in pathogens over evolutionary time in turn favours changes in which genes confer the best resistance. Alternatively, the immunocompetence hypotheses suggests that the energetic costs of mounting a response to any pathogen compete for resources with other things, such as producing or maintaining advertisements. Finally, improving resistance to pathogens could increase the negative impacts of the immune system on the host, via immunopathologies such as allergies or autoimmune diseases. If both disease and immunopathology affect condition, then sexual advertisements could signal a balance between the two. Studies of hypothesized links between genes, condition, the immune system and advertisements likely will require careful consideration of which hypothesis is being considered, and may necessitate different measures of immune system responses and different experimental protocols.  相似文献   

Summary The allocation of energy to carapace formation, respiration, growth, and reproduction were examined in two parthenogenetic clones ofDaphnia magna (Cladocera) cultured at two levels of food (Chlorella) concentration. Clonal differences in energy allocation were more apparent at high ration (1.5 g C mL-1) than at low ration (0.3 g C mL-1). These differences included respiratory and molting costs, and the timing of energy allocation to growth and reproduction. A comparison of active vs. anesthetized animals revealed that the interclonal difference in respiration rate was the result of a difference in activity level. In both clones mass-specific rates of respiration, growth, and brood production all decreased at low vs. high ration levels, whereas mass-specific molt-loss rate increased. Lowered food concentration decreased the relative allocation of energy to growth and reproduction, but increased allocation to maintenance (respiration and carapace formation). These allocation responses to food limitation indicated that for both clones the highest energy priority was carapace formation. However, the relative priority of respiration, growth and reproduction varied with age and clone. In juveniles (instars 1–4) the priority ranking of growth was essentially equal to that of respiration, whereas respiration always had higher priority in adults (instars 5–9). All three possibilities for the relative ranking of growth and reproduction (i.e., growth>reproduction, growth=reproduction, and reproduction>growth), as specified by different models in the literature, were observed depending on age and clone. The energy allocation rules were also shown to vary between other daphniid species. Furthermore, metabolic responses to chronic food limitation may be different from responses to acute food deprivation. In this study, one clone showed a greater decrease in respiration rate as a result of lifetime food limitation than did the other, but the opposite was true when these clones were exposed to 48 h of starvation. These differences in allocation rules and in acute vs. chronic responses may have to be considered when using physiological data to modelDaphnia populations.  相似文献   

The efficient and effective monitoring of individuals and populations is critically dependent on correct species identification. While this point may seem obvious, identifying the majority of the more than 100 natural enemies involved in the spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana--SBW) food web remains a non-trivial endeavor. Insect parasitoids play a major role in the processes governing the population dynamics of SBW throughout eastern North America. However, these species are at the leading edge of the taxonomic impediment and integrating standardized identification capacity into existing field programs would provide clear benefits. We asked to what extent DNA barcoding the SBW food web would alter our understanding of the diversity and connectence of the food web and the frequency of generalists vs. specialists in different forest habitats. We DNA barcoded over 10% of the insects collected from the SBW food web in three New Brunswick forest plots from 1983 to 1993. For 30% of these specimens, we amplified at least one additional nuclear region. When the nodes of the food web were estimated based on barcode divergences (using molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTU) or phylogenetic diversity (PD)--the food web became much more diverse and connectence was reduced. We tested one measure of food web structure (the "bird feeder effect") and found no difference compared to the morphologically based predictions. Many, but not all, of the presumably polyphagous parasitoids now appear to be morphologically-cryptic host-specialists. To our knowledge, this project is the first to barcode a food web in which interactions have already been well-documented and described in space, time and abundance. It is poised to be a system in which field-based methods permit the identification capacity required by forestry scientists. Food web barcoding provided an effective tool for the accurate identification of all species involved in the cascading effects of future budworm outbreaks. Integrating standardized barcodes within food webs may ultimately change the face of community ecology. This will be most poignantly felt in food webs that have not yet been quantified. Here, more accurate and precise connections will be within the grasp of any researcher for the first time.  相似文献   

Scramble competition models of begging predict that junior nestlingswill be more affected by food limitation than seniors. Thesemodels assume that food allocation is under offspring controland, hence, predict that this change in food distribution iscaused by a differential behavioral response by seniors andjuniors. By using the bluethroat (Luscinia svecica svecica)as our model species, we induced food limitation by removingthe male parent temporarily. We found that, as predicted, fooddistribution became more biased in disfavor of juniors whenfood was limited. However, there was no significant differencein the behavioral responses of seniors and juniors (i.e., positioningin the nest or begging postures) to food limitation that couldexplain the change in food distribution. Hence, there was noevidence that seniors controlled food distribution. As predictedif parents preferentially fed seniors, nestling rank affectedfood distribution when controlling for variation in nestlingbehaviors. Furthermore, as expected if the increased skew infood distribution under food limitation was caused by activefood allocation by parents, nestling rank had a greater effecton food distribution under food limitation than under normalconditions. The present study suggests that food distributionin passerine birds is determined not only by nestling behaviors(begging posture and positioning) alone but also by parentalpreferences for seniors based on nonsignaling cues, such asbody size.  相似文献   

Plant mating systems are driven by several pre‐pollination factors, including pollinator availability, mate availability and reproductive traits. We investigated the relative contributions of these factors to pollination and to realized outcrossing rates in the patchily distributed mass‐flowering shrub Rhododendron ferrugineum. We jointly monitored pollen limitation (comparing seed set from intact and pollen‐supplemented flowers), reproductive traits (herkogamy, flower size and autofertility) and mating patterns (progeny array analysis) in 28 natural patches varying in the level of pollinator availability (flower visitation rates) and of mate availability (patch floral display estimated as the total number of inflorescences per patch). Our results showed that patch floral display was the strongest determinant of pollination and of the realized outcrossing rates in this mass‐flowering species. We found an increase in pollen limitation and in outcrossing rates with increasing patch floral display. Reproductive traits were not significantly related to patch floral display, while autofertility was negatively correlated to outcrossing rates. These findings suggest that mate limitation, arising from high flower visitation rates in small plant patches, resulted in low pollen limitation and high selfing rates, while pollinator limitation, arising from low flower visitation rates in large plant patches, resulted in higher pollen limitation and outcrossing rates. Pollinator‐mediated selfing and geitonogamy likely alleviates pollen limitation in the case of reduced mate availability, while reduced pollinator availability (intraspecific competition for pollinator services) may result in the maintenance of high outcrossing rates despite reduced seed production.  相似文献   

Plant mating systems represent an evolutionary and ecological trade‐off between reproductive assurance through selfing and maximizing progeny fitness through outbreeding. However, many plants with sporophytic self‐incompatibility systems exhibit dominance interactions at the S‐locus that allow biparental inbreeding, thereby facilitating mating between individuals that share alleles at the S‐locus. We investigated this trade‐off by estimating mate availability and biparental inbreeding depression in wild radish from five different populations across Australia. We found dominance interactions among S‐alleles increased mate availability relative to estimates based on individuals that did not share S‐alleles. Twelve of the sixteen fitness variables were significantly reduced by inbreeding. For all the three life‐history phases evaluated, self‐fertilized offspring suffered a greater than 50% reduction in fitness, while full‐sib and half‐sib offspring suffered a less than 50% reduction in fitness. Theory indicates that fitness costs greater than 50% can result in an evolutionary trajectory toward a stable state of self‐incompatibility (SI). This study suggests that dominance interactions at the S‐locus provide a possible third stable state between SI and SC where biparental inbreeding increases mate availability with relatively minor fitness costs. This strategy allows weeds to establish in new environments while maintaining a functional SI system.  相似文献   

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