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The acid mucopolysaccharides of connective tissue   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  

The acid mucopolysaccharides of cattle retina   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. Two polysaccharides were isolated from the interstitial matrix surrounding the photoreceptor cells of cattle retina. They were liberated from this region of the tissue in a soluble form after agitation of whole retinas in 0.9% sodium chloride. One, which comprises two-thirds of the polysaccharides present, is a hyaluronidase-sensitive ;half-sulphated' chondroitin sulphate containing uronic acid, galactosamine and sulphate in the molar proportions 1.27:1.0:0.54. The other is a hyaluronidase-resistant non-sulphated heteropolysaccharide for which the name sialoglycan is proposed. It contains galactose, glucosamine and sialic acid in the molar proportions 2.4:1.0:0.4. Both polysaccharides contain only small amounts of nitrogen in excess of the amount calculated from their amino sugar and sialic acid content. 2. A similar combination of mucopolysaccharides is associated with the pigment epithelial-cell layer but in quantities only one-fifth of those present in the adjacent matrix area. 3. The ease with which they are released into aqueous media is consistent with the assumption that they are present in the extracellular spaces in both of these tissue layers. 4. The retinal residue left after removal of the two soluble polysaccharides is rich in amino sugar- and sialic acid-containing polymers, which appear to be firmly bound to the tissue fragments. 5. About one-third of the sialic acid and one-tenth of the amino sugar could be extracted with chloroform-methanol. The components in this fraction were tentatively identified as gangliosides. 6. Digestion of the chloroform-methanol-insoluble residue with Pronase yielded as the principal product a heteropolysaccharide containing 16.5% of glucosamine, 24.3% of neutral sugar (galactose plus fucose) and 18.1% of sialic acid. This substance has been classified as a sialoglycan of composition similar to (but not identical with) that of the soluble one isolated from the matrix area of the tissue.  相似文献   

The acid mucopolysaccharides in normal urine   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

A spectrophotometric method for determination of bromopyruvate, based on the reaction with 2-nitro-5-thiobenzoic acid, is described. The reaction is complete in 30 min at room temperature in 0.1 m Tris-MES, 1 mm EDTA, pH 8.0. The method is sensitive to at least 1 × 10?5m bromopyruvate. Reagents are stable, easy to prepare, and specific for β-halopyruvate. Bromopyruvate solutions must be prepared fresh daily. Solutions of bromopyruvate at pH 8.0 and 23°C have a half-life of 3 hr.  相似文献   

Identification of acid mucopolysaccharides by micro electrophoresis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Synopsis Evidence is presented to demonstrate that acid mucopolysaccharides will stain with the periodic acid-Schiff technique following prolonged oxidation with periodic acid. Smears of purified acid mucopolysaccharides begin to stain slightly with the Schiff reagent after 4 hr of periodate oxidation and reach an optimal staining intensity some time between 7 and 16 hr. The acid mucopolysaccharides in umbilical cord and cock's comb sections begin to stain at about 7 hr, reaching an optimum between 16 and 24 hr. It is suggested that the mechanism of staining of acid mucopolysaccharides in the PAS technique appears to derive from cleavage oftrans groups of the hexuronic acid fraction which require prolonged oxidation since the theoretical more yield is reached with difficulty. Moreover, it would appear that the mechanism of staining with glycogen under the usual conditions of PAS staining perhaps derives from end-group oxidation and subsequent Schiff staining of the engendered aldehydes since glycogen is almost entirely in thetrans configuration. Acid mucopolysaccharides, on the other hand, will not stain uncer the usual conditions as they appear to have a negligible proportion of end groups.  相似文献   

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