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Plantation forests are of increasing importance worldwide for wood and fibre production, and in some areas they are the only forest cover. Here we investigate the potential role of exotic plantations in supporting native forest-dwelling carabid beetles in regions that have experienced extensive deforestation. On the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand, more than 99% of the previous native forest cover has been lost, and today exotic pine (Pinus radiata) plantations are the only forest habitat of substantial area. Carabids were caught with pitfall traps in native kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) forest remnants and in a neighbouring pine plantation, grassland and gorse (Ulex europaeus) shrubland. A total of 2,700 individuals were caught, with significantly greater abundance in traps in young pine, grassland and gorse habitats than in kanuka and older pine. Rarefied species richness was greatest in kanuka, a habitat that supported two forest specialist species not present in other habitat types. A critically endangered species was found only in the exotic plantation forest, which also acts as a surrogate habitat for most carabids associated with kanuka forest. The few remaining native forest patches are of critical importance to conservation on the Canterbury Plains, but in the absence of larger native forest areas plantation forests are more valuable for carabid conservation than the exotic grassland that dominates the region.  相似文献   

Fire occurs relatively frequently in beech (Nothofagus) forest in drought prone eastern areas of the South Island, New Zealand. Because beech is poorly adapted to fire, and is slow to regenerate, forest is normally replaced by scrub or grassland. Seeding was investigated as a means of restoring mountain beech (N. solandri var. cliffortioides) forest after fire destroyed 300 ha of forest at Mt. Thomas, Canterbury, in 1980. A mixture of mountain beech, Leptospermum scoparium and other small tree and shrub species was sown within a year of the fire in the presence and absence of pasture species as a cover crop, and fertiliser. Seeding of mountain beech and L. scoparium was successful, but other species were of limited success. Competition from pasture species inhibited establishment of all native species. Fertiliser increased L. scoparium plant numbers in the first year but had no other beneficial effect on establishment of native species. Leptospermum scoparium provided a dense shrub cover in plots where the native species were sown in the absence of pasture species, but mountain beech had begun to overtop the shrub canopy by 20 years after seeding. Browsing by insects or small animals in the first 2 years is suggested as the main cause of mortality in mountain beech. Mountain beech seeded at 1.4 kg/ha resulted in about 1800 saplings/ha at age 20. It is suggested that seeding the wider burn area more than 2 years after the fire would have been unsuccessful because of competition from herbaceous species, especially Agrostis capillaris, which rapidly invaded the burnt area. A strategy is outlined for establishing mountain beech over large areas when limited quantities of seed are available.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of the width of patches of native eucalypt forest on bird occurrence in stands of exotic radiata pine ( Pinus radiata ) forests that surrounded such patches. Boundaries between eucalypt and pine forests were surveyed to examine bird occurrence and species richness at different distances in the pine matrix from eucalypt forest edges. Birds were counted by the area search method within 0.5 ha quadrats at 32 study sites (where sites spanned the boundaries of pine and eucalypt forests). Data were examined using generalised linear mixed models. Species richness and occurrence of particular species in quadrats located within pine forests decreased with increasing distance from eucalypt patches. This resulted, in part, from the fact that several species found in native patches also use pine plantations as additional foraging areas. Species richness decreased more quickly with distance from eucalypt patches in younger than in older pine stands. The width of native forest patches also influenced bird occurrence in adjacent pine forest matrix. Bird species richness decreased more rapidly in exotic plantations adjacent to wide rather than narrow patches of native forest. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have previously reported that dimensions of patches can influence the use of surrounding matrix. We introduce the term "halo effect" for the influence of patch attributes on the differential use of matrix adjacent to native patches. These patterns highlight that conservation efforts in patchy environments should protect not only native patches but also adjacent areas of matrix into which animals extend their home ranges.  相似文献   

The effects of suburb age and distance from remnant native vegetation on the species richness and density of bird populations in Canberra were studied from June 1982 to May 1983. Mean total number of bird species increased with age of the suburbs < 12 years old. The density of birds also increased with suburb age. The number of open forest and woodland species increased with the age of the suburbs but the number of grassland and exotic species remained largely unchanged. These increases in bird species richness and density represented a response to changes in habitat conditions over time and were not a direct response to the suburb age per se. Such habitat changes reflected the growth of trees and, to a lesser extent, the increased cover of shrubs. The numbers of open forest, woodland and grassland species decreased with distance of suburban sites from native vegetation areas. The number of exotic species, however, remained unaffected. The density of individual birds of grassland and exotic species increased with distance of sites from remnant native vegetation.  相似文献   

Summary Although many native species are now used in the revegetation of soil disturbances in Australian alpine areas, exotic species were, until recently, the only components of seed mixes. The use of exotic species and fertilizer was justified by their availability and low cost, and the prediction that native species would replace the exotic sward, presumably once soil nutrient levels dropped to those found in native vegetation. There was no apparent regard for the invasive capacities of the exotic species used. An investigation of a road verge on the Bogong High Plains, revegetated with a mixture of exotic species in the late 1950s, has shown that colonization by native plants can be very slow. Although many native species had colonized by 1993, exotic species still provided 50% of the cover. Agrostis capillaris accounted for most of this. The major native colonizers were Carex spp., Colobanthus affinis , Euchiton spp., Leptinella filicula , Poa hiemata , Ranunculus victoriensis and Scleranthus biflorus . Poa hiemata provided by far the most cover of the native colonizers. There have been considerable increases in the cover and number of native species on the verge since 1989. Cattle grazing and trampling are likely to have limited colonization of native plants prior to the removal of livestock in 1991. Recommendations are made on approaches to future revegetation in the alpine area.  相似文献   

The delivery of environmental flows for biodiversity benefits within regulated river systems can potentially contribute to exotic weed spread. This study explores whether exotic plants of a floodplain forest in Victoria, Australia, are characterised by specific functional groups and associated plant traits linked to altering hydrological conditions over time. Permanently marked 20 × 20 m2 plots from five wetland sites in Eucalyptus camaldulensis floodplain forest were sampled twice, first in the early 1990s (1993–1994) and then 15 years later (2007–2008). Species cover abundance data for understorey vegetation communities were segregated by season and analysed using ordination analysis. Exotic species richness was modelled as a function of site flooding history and native species richness using general linear models. Site ordinations by detrended correspondence analysis showed differential community compositions between survey dates, but native and exotic species were not clearly differentiated in terms of DCA1 scores. Most exotics belonged to functional groups containing annual species that germinate and reproduce under drier conditions. Exotics reproducing under wetter conditions were in the minority, predominantly perennial and capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction. Site flooding history and native species richness significantly predicted exotic species richness. Vegetation changes are partially structured by reduced flood frequency favouring increased abundance of exotic, sexually reproducing annuals at drier sites. Sites of low flood frequency are more sensitive to future exotic weed invasion and will require targeted management effort. Flow restoration is predicted to benefit propagule dispersal of species adopting dual regeneration strategies, which are predominantly natives in this system.  相似文献   

Chapman H  Robson B  Pearson ML 《Heredity》2004,92(3):182-188
Understanding the breeding system and population genetic structure of invasive weed species is important for biocontrol, and contributes to our understanding of the evolutionary processes associated with invasions. Hieracium lepidulum is an invasive weed in New Zealand, colonising a diverse range of habitats including native Nothofagus forest, pine plantations, scrubland and tussock grassland. It is competing with native subalpine and alpine grassland and herbfield vegetation. H. lepidulum is a triploid, diplosporous apomict, so theoretically all seed is clonal, and there is limited potential for the creation of variation through recombination. We used intersimple sequence repeats (ISSRs) to determine the population genetic structure of New Zealand populations of H. lepidulum. ISSR analysis of five populations from two regions in the South Island demonstrated high intrapopulation genotypic diversity, and high interpopulation genetic structuring; PhiST = 0.54 over all five populations. No private alleles were found in any of the five populations, and allelic differentiation was correlated to geographic distance. Cladistic compatibility analysis indicated that both recombination and mutation were important in the creation of genotypic diversity. Our data will contribute to any biocontrol program developed for H. lepidulum. It will also be a baseline data set for future comparisons of genetic structure during the course of H. lepidulum invasions.  相似文献   

The white smut fungus (Entyloma ageratinae) and the gall fly (Procecidochares alani) were released in New Zealand in 1998 and 2001 respectively to suppress mist flower (Ageratina riparia). The fungus established and spread rapidly, crossing 80 km of sea to Great Barrier Island within 2 years. The mean number of P. alani galls increased exponentially to 1.96/stem at release sites, but dispersal was slow. The impact of the biocontrol agents was monitored once annually from 1998/99 to 2003/04, at up to 51 sites in the North Island. The mean percentage of live leaves infected with fungus rapidly reached nearly 60%. Maximum plant height declined significantly. In heavy infestations, mean percentage cover of mist flower declined from 81 to 1.5%. Galls were only recorded towards the end of the impact study, and at low mean numbers. As mist flower declined, the species richness and mean percentage cover of native plants increased. In contrast, the species richness and mean percentage cover of exotic plants (excluding mist flower) did not change significantly. Many plant species colonizing the plots were important native mid- or late-successional shrubs or trees. With few exceptions, the exotic plant species common in the plots were not weeds that appeared to threaten native forest habitats. There was only a weak “replacement weed effect” from the potentially serious invader African club moss (Selaginella kraussiana). These data, together with reports of reduced threats to rare endemic plants from mist flower, suggest this rapid, well-monitored weed biocontrol program was very successful.  相似文献   

Changes in Hieracium abundance in Eastern Otago tussock grassland were examined by sampling 163 sites in 1982 and again in 1992. For Hieracium pilosella, H. praealtum and H. lepidulum, as well as Agrostis capillaris for comparison, colonisation of new sites was recorded, as well as extinction of species from sites over the 10 years, and changes in cover. H. pilosella colonised the majority of sites from which it had been absent in 1982; it disappeared from only a few sites where it had been present at very low cover. In sites where it remained over the decade, its cover increased by 50%. Its rate of increase was very similar to that recorded for North Canterbury, but with no indication of the 34% stabilisation point that has been hypothesised for the latter area. H. praealtum and H. lepidulum, in contrast, remained absent from most sites, and colonised only a few; in very few sites was their cover greater than 1%. Agrostis capillaris was widespread and abundant, but increased little over the period. The sites where H. pilosella colonised tended to be degraded, with a greater, and increasing, percentage of bare ground and low tussock cover. The few sites where it disappeared were ones where pasture improvement had occurred, as seen in the increase of species indicative of pasture development. Several explanations are considered for the increase in H. pilosella in recent decades. The increase of this species in Eastern Otago has been greater than that of most other exotic species. Changes in land management have contributed to its increase, but probably changes caused indirectly by government policy, not gradual degradation. Genetic changes in the species, and metapopulation dynamics, have not been investigated, but they could well have contributed to Hieracium invasion.  相似文献   

Plantations are established for a variety of reasons including wood production, soil and water conservation, and more recently, carbon sequestration. The effect of this growing land-use change on biodiversity, however, is poorly understood and considerable debate exists as to whether plantations are ‘green deserts’ or valuable habitat for indigenous flora and fauna. This paper synthesizes peer-reviewed articles that provide quantitative data on plant species richness in plantations and paired land uses, most often representative of pre-plantation land cover. The results of this synthesis suggest that the value of plantations for biodiversity varies considerably depending on whether the original land cover is grassland, shrubland, primary forest, secondary forest, or degraded or exotic pasture, and whether native or exotic tree species are planted. The results of this study suggest that plantations are most likely to contribute to biodiversity when established on degraded lands rather than replacing natural ecosystems, such as forests, grasslands, and shrublands, and when indigenous tree species are used rather than exotic species. These findings can help guide afforestation and reforestation programs, including those aimed at increasing terrestrial carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Laura Sessions  Dave Kelly 《Oikos》2002,96(1):102-109
This study provides an example of how invasive plant species may indirectly affect native species through apparent competition by altering the local invertebrate community. The native New Zealand fern Botrychium australe (Ophioglossaceae) is thought to benefit from disturbances such as fire, because this species is generally found in disturbed habitats with low shade and increasing competition. However, in this study we show that a mapped population of B. australe experienced a marked decrease in survival and reproduction after an accidental fire in May 1995. Mortality was not due to the direct effects of fire; in the year following the fire, survival was normal and reproduction was higher than in previous years. However, after 1996 an introduced grass ( Agrostis capillaris ) spread across the area and B. australe survival in the second to fourth years after the fire (1996–1999, 59.63%) was significantly lower than survival before the fire, and plants did not produce spores at all during this 3-yr period. B. australe survival was not lower in plots with dense A. capillaris growth. From 1997 onwards, B. australe plants suffered very extensive defoliation by a herbivore, and insecticide and molluscicide experiments in 1999 and 2000 showed that the introduced slug Deroceras reticulatum was responsible for the damage. The slug increased after the fire in association with the spread of Agrostis capillaris , probably because this plant created a suitable habitat for slugs.  相似文献   

The riverine forests of the northern city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada display strong resilience to disturbance and are similar in species composition to southern boreal mixedwood forest types. This study addressed questions such as, how easily do exotic species become established in urban boreal forests (species invasiveness) and do urban boreal forest structural characteristics such as, native species richness, abundance, and vertical vegetation layers, confer resistance to exotic species establishment and spread (community invasibility)? Eighty-four forest stands were sampled and species composition and mean percent cover analyzed using ordination methods. Results showed that exotic tree/shrub types were of the most concern for invasion to urban boreal forests and that exotic species type, native habitat and propagule supply may be good indicators of invasive potential. Native forest structure appeared to confer a level of resistance to exotic species and medium to high disturbance intensity was associated with exotic species growth and spread without a corresponding loss in native species richness. Results provided large-scale evidence that diverse communities are less vulnerable to exotic species invasion, and that intermediate disturbance intensity supports species coexistence. From a management perspective, the retention of native species and native forest structure in urban forests is favored to minimize the impact of exotic species introductions, protect natural succession patterns, and minimize the spread of exotic species.  相似文献   

Luca Borghesio 《Plant Ecology》2009,201(2):723-731
This study focuses on the effect of fire on lowland heathlands at the extreme southern edge of their European distribution (Vauda Nature Reserve, NW Italy). Forty-nine plots (50 m radius) were surveyed between 1999 and 2006. Each year, fire occurrences were recorded and per cent cover of four vegetation types (grassland, heath, low shrubland, and tall shrubland) was estimated in each plot. Vascular plant species richness was also recorded in 255, 1 m2 quadrats. After a fire, grassland vegetation expanded, but then declined rapidly as heath and shrubland recovered: 7 years after a fire, tall shrubland encroached on to more than 40% of the plots, and grassland declined from 50% to 20% cover. Between 1999 and 2006, Betula pendula shrubland greatly expanded, while grassland decreased over most of the Reserve, even where fire frequency was high. Tall shrubland had low plant diversity and was dominated by widespread species of lower conservation value. By contrast, early successional vegetation (grassland and low shrubland) had higher richness and more narrowly distributed species, indication that the development of tall shrubland causes significant species loss in the heathland. Italian lowland heathlands are characterized by high rates of shrubland encroachment that threatens both habitat and species diversity. Burning frequencies of once in 3–6 years seem appropriate in this habitat, but burning alone might not suffice without actions to increase herbivore grazing.  相似文献   

Fruiting trees in degraded areas are attractive for frugivorous birds and may become centers of regeneration. However, a number of tree species in degraded areas are exotic species. Thus, the question arises whether these exotic species can also act as foci for forest regeneration. In the farmland adjacent to Kakamega Forest, Kenya, we investigated the frugivore assemblage in, and seed rain and seedling establishment under, 29 fruiting exotic guava trees ( Psidium guajava ) at different distances to the forest. The results show that 40 frugivorous bird species visited guava trees. All of the seed and 82 percent of the seedling species found under the treecrowns were animal dispersed, 58 and 57 percent of them late-successional species, respectively. Path analysis revealed that the abundance of frugivorous birds, seeds, and seedlings did not decrease up to a distance of 2 km from the forest. Surprisingly, the abundance of frugivorous shrubland birds, animal-dispersed seeds, and late-successional seeds showed an increase with increasing distance from forest. Even though they are exotics, fruiting guava trees may have a positive effect on forest regeneration and might prove valuable for management plans concerning forest restoration.  相似文献   

Lunt  Ian D. 《Plant Ecology》1997,130(1):21-34
Soil seed banks of anthropogenic native grassland and grassy forest remnants on the Gippsland Plain in south-eastern Australia were studied using the seedling emergence method. Intact examples of both ecosystems are rare, owing to extensive agricultural development. Both ecosystems are assumed to have been derived since European settlement from the same original, grassy forest ecosystem. It was hypothesised that species now restricted to grassland remnants might persist in the soil seed bank of forest remnants, and vice versa. This hypothesis was not supported. In total, 25554 seedlings of at least 155 species emerged from forest and grassland seed banks collectively. Small-seeded, annual and perennial herbs were most abundant. Forest seedbanks differed substantially in composition from grassland seedbanks, and both essentially contained a subset of the species in the vegetation. Forest seedbanks contained significantly more species and individuals of annual and perennial native dicotyledons than grassland seedbanks. Seedbanks made a major contribution to local diversity, since many species in the seed bank at each quadrat were not recorded from the vegetation, but only a minor contribution to regional diversity. Species in the seedbank that were absent from all vegetation samples were recorded at few quadrats, except Juncus species, which were widespread and abundant in the seedbank. The apparent absence from forest seed banks of species that are best represented in grassland remnants (and vice versa), suggests that there is little opportunity of recruiting grassland-restricted species in forest remnants by instigating grassland management practices.  相似文献   

  • 1 Blood-fed Anopheles culicifacies were collected in a cow-baited hut, marked with fluorescent powder and released in the same hut. Captured mosquitoes were checked for the presence of marks from the previous day's releases. These checks were carried out on those captured in the release hut and in three similar huts at distances of up to 500 m away.
  • 2 By dividing the percentage found to be marked in the outlying huts by the percentage marked found on the same day in the release hut, estimates were made of the extent of ‘overlap’ between the populations sampled by the different huts.
  • 3 Evidence from the rate of build-up in the percentage marked, from the daily loss rate when a ‘pulse’ of a different colour mark was used, and from the parity rate, gave information on mosquito survival and the interval between marking and recapture. This was notably high in view of earlier field work on the same species in India and of the fact that all houses on the site of the present experiment had been sprayed with malathion.

We study how endemic, native and introduced arthropod species richness, abundance, diversity and community composition vary between four different habitat types (native forest, exotic forest of Cryptomeria japonica, semi-natural pasture and intensive pasture) and how arthropod richness and abundance change with increasing distance from the native forest in adjacent habitat types in Santa Maria Island, the Azores. Arthropods were sampled in four 150 m long transects in each habitat type. Arthropods were identified to species level and classified as Azorean endemic, single-island endemic (SIE), native, or introduced. The native forest had the highest values for species richness of Azorean endemics, SIEs and natives; and also had highest values of Azorean endemic diversity (Fisher’s alpha). In contrast, the intensive pasture had the lowest values for endemic and native species richness and diversity, but the highest values of total arthropod abundance and introduced species richness and diversity. Arthropod community composition was significantly different between the four habitat types. In the semi-natural pasture, the number of SIE species decreased with increasing distance from the native forest, and in the exotic forest the abundance of both Azorean endemics and SIEs decreased with increasing distance from the native forest. There is a gradient of decreasing arthropod richness and abundance from the native forest to the intensive pasture. Although this study demonstrates the important role of the native forest in arthropod conservation in the Azores, it also shows that unmanaged exotic forests have provided alternative habitat suitable for some native species of forest specialist arthropods, particularly saproxylic beetles.  相似文献   

Little is known about the patterns and dynamics of exotic species invasions at landscape to regional spatial scales. We quantified the presence (identity, abundance, and richness) and characteristics of native and exotic species in estuarine strandline plant communities at 24 sites in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA. Our results do not support several fundamental predictions of invasion biology. Established exotics (79 of 147 recorded plant species) were nearly indistinguishable from the native plant species (i.e. in terms of growth form, taxonomic grouping, and patterns of spatial distribution and abundance) and essentially represent a random sub-set of the current regional species pool. The cover and richness of exotic species varied substantially among quadrats and sites but were not strongly related to any site-level physical characteristics thought to affect invasibility (i.e. the physical disturbance regime, legal status, neighboring habitat type, and substrate characteristics). Native and exotic cover or richness were not negatively related within most sites. Across sites, native and exotic richness were positively correlated and exotic cover was unrelated to native richness. The colonization and spread of exotics does not appear to have been substantially reduced at sites with high native diversity. Furthermore, despite the fact that the Rhode Island strandline system is one of the most highly-invaded natural plant communities described to date, exotic species, both individually and as a group, currently appear to pose little threat to native plant diversity. Our findings are concordant with most recent, large-scale investigations that do not support the theoretical foundation of invasion biology and generally contradict small-scale experimental work.  相似文献   

Components of litter accession were measured for 2 years in two re growth eucalypt stands, a Nothofagus mixed forest, and a tall shrubland in the temperate forests of southern Tasmania. Total annual litterfall (t ha-1) ranged from 4.77 to 5.64 in the regrowth eucalypt stands and 4.06 to 4.94 and 1.95 to 2.17 in the Nothofagus mixed forest and tall shrubland, respectively. Significant correlations were found between annual litterfall of individual tree species and their respective basal area measured at 1.3 m height. The seasonal patterns of litterfall were most closely related to mean maximum temperatures. However, fall of non-leaf material was also related to gale force winds associated with the spring equinox.  相似文献   

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