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Background and aims

Our study quantified variations leaf respiration in darkness (R D) and light (R L), and associated traits along the Franz Josef Glacier soil development chronosequence in New Zealand.


At six sites along the chronosequence (soil age: 6, 60, 150, 500, 12,000 and 120,000 years old), we measured rates of leaf R D, R L (using Kok method), light-saturated CO2 assimilation rates (A), leaf mass per unit area (M A), and concentrations of leaf nitrogen ([N]), phosphorus ([P]), soluble sugars and starch.


The chronosequence was characterised by decreasing R D, R L and A, reduced [N] and [P] and increasing M A as soil age increased. Light inhibition of R occurred across the chronosequence (mean inhibition = 16 %), resulting in ratios of R L:A being lower than for R D:A. Importantly, the degree of light inhibition differed across the chronosequence, being lowest at young sites and highest at old sites. This resulted in R L:A ratios being relatively constant across the chronosequence, whereas R D:A ratios increased with increasing soil age. Log-log R-A-M A-[N] relationships remained constant along the chronosequence. By contrast, relationships linking rates of leaf R to [P] differed among leaves with low vs high [N]:[P] ratios. Slopes of log-log bivariate relationships linking R L to A, M A, [N] and [P] were steeper than that for R D.


Our findings have important implications for predictive models that seek to account for light inhibition of R, and for our understanding of how environmental gradients impact on leaf trait relationships  相似文献   

Measurements of photosynthesis at saturating irradiance and CO2 partial pressure, A max, “adjusted” normalised difference vegetation index, R aNDVI, and photochemical reflectance index, R PRI, were made on trees sampled along a soil chronosequence to investigate the relationship between carbon uptake and ecosystem development in relation to nutrient availability. Measurements were made on the three most dominant species at six sites along the sequence in South Westland, New Zealand with soil age ranging from <6 to 120,000 years resulting from the retreat of the Franz Josef glacier. The decrease in soil phosphorus availability with increasing soil age and high soil nitrogen availability at the two youngest sites, due to the presence of a nitrogen-fixing species, provided marked differences in nutrient availability. Mean A max was high at the two youngest sites, then decreased markedly with increasing site age. Analysis of the data for individual species within sites revealed separation of groups of species in the response of A max to N m and P m, suggesting complex interactions between the two nutrients. There were strong linear relationships for leaf-level R aNDVI and R PRI with A max, at high irradiance, showing that measurements of reflectance indices can be used to estimate A max for foliage with a range in morphology and nutrient concentrations. Notwithstanding the change in species composition from angiosperms to conifers with increasing site age, the presence of nitrogen-fixing species, the variability in foliage morphology from flat leaves to imbricate scales and a wide range in foliar nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, there were strong positive linear relationships between site average A max and foliage nitrogen, N m, and phosphorus, P m, concentrations on a foliage mass basis. The results provide insights to interpret the regulation of photosynthesis across natural ecosystems with marked gradients in nitrogen and phosphorus availability.  相似文献   

Hieracium pilosella: (Asteraceae) was accidentally introduced to New Zealand about 100 years ago. Since then it has become an aggressive weed, and an unexpected degree of genetic and genome size variation has been detected; features that might result from interspecies hybridization. We investigated the possibility that H. pilosella has hybridized with related taxa. Of the four other subgenus Pilosella species introduced to New Zealand, H. praealtum is the most abundant and, on morphological and distributional evidence, most likely to be the other parent. Flow cytometry was used to estimate relative genome size for 156 Hieracium plants collected from the wild. Plants assigned to either parental or hybrid morphotypes were found to comprise tetraploid and pentaploid individuals using genome size measurements, and this was confirmed with direct mitotic chromosome counts for a subset of plants. The haploid DNA content of H. praealtum was approximately 22% larger than that of H. pilosella. Putative hybrids that were tetraploid had mean genome sizes equivalent to two H. pilosella and two H. praealtum haploid chromosome sets, implying they were hybrids arising from the fertilization of two reduced gametes. Similar results were obtained from tetraploid hybrids produced by controlled pollination. However, the majority of field hybrids were pentaploid with a genome size equivalent to four H. pilosella and one H. praealtum haploid chromosome sets. We infer that these are not first-generation hybrids but represent successful backcrossing with H. pilosella and/or hybrid-hybrid crossing, and that sexual tetraploid hybrids have been the parents. We note that populations putatively of H. pilosella often comprise apomictic pentaploid hybrids. Significantly, our data indicate the emergence of sexual hybrids that provide further opportunity for gene flow among taxa in this complex.  相似文献   

Duane A. Peltzer  David A. Wardle 《Oikos》2016,125(8):1121-1133
Soil chronosequences are a powerful tool for understanding how limitation of plant growth by nutrients and light changes throughout ecosystem development, but experimental tests of how availability of these resources interact to influence plant performance as ecosystem development proceeds are rare. We utilise the well‐characterised Franz Josef soil chrononosequence in New Zealand, a sequence of sites caused by a retreating glacier that spans ca 120 000 years and that includes all stages of ecosystem development from primary succession through to retrogression. Soil fertility is relatively low at either end of the sequence due to limitation of biological processes initially by N and ultimately by P whereas light availability is lowest at intermediate stages of the sequence dominated by tall forest. Growth and leaf traits of nine woody plant species, including those that occur widely along the chronosequence and those that are restricted to short portions of it, were quantified in a mesocosm experiment. Phytometers of these species were each grown in each of nine soils collected from throughout the chronosequence at either high (30%) or low (2%) light levels; these soil and light conditions represent the full variation observed along the sequence. Plant growth and biomass were greatest in soils from intermediate stages of the chronosequence and in high light. However, the stimulatory effects of soil fertility largely disappeared under shaded conditions that are characteristic of intermediate stages of ecosystem development. Our results demonstrate that long‐term changes in soil fertility and light availability that occur throughout ecosystem development had direct effects on plant species performance, but that there were stronger interactive effects of soils and light availability. Because light and soil resource availability shift predictably but have different trajectories throughout ecosystem development, our results help to understand variation in plant species performance and community assembly along complex environmental gradients.  相似文献   

We studied vegetation change on 142 permanently marked transects spread throughout tussock grasslands of Otago and Canterbury, in areas subject to both pastoral and conservation management. The transects were established between 1982 and 1986 and remeasured between 1993 and 1999, providing a record of vegetation change at each site over an interval varying from 10 to 15 years. Each transect consisted of 50 quadrats, each 0.25m(2), in which the presence of all vascular plant species had been recorded. For each transect, we calculated the change between measurements in the mean number of species recorded per quadrat, and the change in the total number of species recorded per transect. Averaged across all transects, there was a significant decline in species richness between measurements at both the quadrat and transect scales. Small herbs (those less than or equal to2 cm tall, excluding Hieracium species) showed the greatest decline. On average, more than one quarter of the small herb species present in a quadrat at the first measurement had disappeared within 10 years. Larger herbs, ferns, rushes, sedges and grasses (excluding Chionochloa species) also declined significantly in species richness, reflecting declines in the abundance of species in these groups. Woody species richness remained constant, while species in the genera Chionochloa and Hieracium increased significantly in mean quadrat species richness, reflecting increases in the abundance of these species along transects. The rate of decline in mean quadrat species richness was unrelated to changes in the abundance of either Chionochloa or Hieracium species, or to an overall increase in total vegetation cover on transects. The rate of decline in species richness was also unrelated to the level of grazing or burning between measurements. However, the rate of decline in species richness was greater at lower elevation, on schist rock and on yellow-brown and yellow-grey soils. Our results suggest that a major compositional change is occurring in these grasslands at a rate that is independent of local variation in management and independent of the widespread invasion of these grasslands by Hieracium species.  相似文献   

A proposed method to determine chronological age of crustaceans uses putative annual bands in the gastric mill ossicles of the foregut. The interpretation of cuticle bands as growth rings is based on the idea that ossicles are retained through the moult and could accumulate a continuous record of age. However, recent studies presented conflicting findings on the dynamics of gastric mill ossicles during ecdysis. We herein study cuticle bands in ossicles in four species of commercially important decapod crustaceans (Homarus gammarus, Nephrops norvegicus, Cancer pagurus and Necora puber) in different phases of the moult cycle using dissections, light microscopy, micro-computed tomography and cryo-scanning electron microscopy. Our results demonstrate that the gastric mill is moulted and ossicles are not retained but replaced during ecdysis. It is therefore not plausible to conclude that ossicles register a lifetime growth record as annual bands and thereby provide age information. Other mechanisms for the formation of cuticle bands and their correlation to size-based age estimates need to be considered and the effect of moulting on other cuticle structures where ‘annual growth bands’ have been reported should be investigated urgently. Based on our results, there is no evidence for a causative link between cuticle bands and chronological age, meaning it is unreliable for determining crustacean age.  相似文献   

New Zealand forests grow under highly oceanic climates on an isolated southern archipelago. They experience a combination of historical and environmental factors matched nowhere else. This paper explores whether the New Zealand tree flora also differs systematically from those found in other temperate and island areas. A compilation of traits and distributions from standard floras is used to compare the New Zealand tree flora with those of Europe, North America, Chile, southern Australia, Fiji and Hawaii. New Zealand has a large number of trees (215 species ≥6 m in height). It is more tree-rich than temperate North America and Europe having up to 50% more species at a quadrat scale of 2.5? latitude x 2.5? longitude. However, this richness is due to a greater abundance of small trees (≤15 m in height) and we argue that it is a legacy of allopatric speciation and radiation during the late Neogene (2.5?10 million yrs ago) when the New Zealand landmass was repeatedly split into smaller island groups and mountain building occurred. The leaves of New Zealand trees, along with those of southeast Australia, are smaller and narrower than those of the temperate northern hemisphere. Dominance of the canopy by small-leaved evergreen conifers and angiosperms may have facilitated the persistence of small tree species in the lower canopy. The proportion of tree species with a deciduous or divaricating habit, and toothed-margin leaves, increases with latitude, suggesting a link with lower winter temperatures in the south. Tree species richness decreases with increasing latitude and, in conformity with Rapoport?s Rule, latitudinal range width increases. Wide-range trees are mainly bird-dispersed, fast-growing seral small trees, or long-lived, tall podocarps. Wide-range trees appear to have no greater tolerance of climate extremes than narrow-range trees, and their persistence at high latitudes derives from their enhanced colonization ability.  相似文献   



The proportion of male births has been shown to be over 50% in temperate climates around the world. Given that fluctuations in ambient temperature have previously been shown to affect sex allocation in humans, we examined the hypothesis that ambient temperature predicts fluctuations in the proportion of male births in New Zealand.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We tested three main hypotheses using time series analyses. Firstly, we used historical annual data in New Zealand spanning 1876–2009 to test for a positive effect of ambient temperature on the proportion of male births. The proportion of males born ranged by 3.17%, from 0.504 to 0.520, but no significant relationship was observed between male birth rates and mean annual temperature in the concurrent or previous years. Secondly, we examined whether changes in annual ambient temperature were negatively related to the proportion of male stillbirths from 1929–2009 and whether the proportion of male stillbirths negatively affected the proportion of male live births. We found no evidence that fewer male stillbirths occurred during warmer concurrent or previous years, though a declining trend in the proportion of male stillbirths was observed throughout the data. Thirdly, we tested whether seasonal ambient temperatures, or deviations from those seasonal patterns, were positively related to the proportion of male births using monthly data from 1980–2009. Patterns of male and female births are seasonal, but very similar throughout the year, resulting in a non-seasonal proportion of male births. However, no cross correlations between proportion of male births and lags of temperature were significant.


Results showed, across all hypotheses under examination, that ambient temperatures were not related to the proportion of male births or the proportion of male stillbirths in New Zealand. While there is evidence that temperature may influence human sex allocation elsewhere, such effects of temperature are not universal.  相似文献   

To investigate the phylogenetic relationships and geographical structure among landlocked populations of the black mudfish, Neochanna diversus, mitochondrial DNA nucleotide sequence data were sampled from seven populations from the Waikato and Northland regions of New Zealand. The complete D-loop region was sequenced from 70 individuals, with 913 bp from the tRNA-pro end used in population and phylogenetic analysis. A tandem repeat array, which ranged in size up to 200 bp, was found in most populations at the 3′ end of the D-loop that was not able to be aligned for analysis. Of the seven sites sampled, two from Northland exhibited significant sequence divergence from all other sites. There was also a clear distinction among remaining Northland sites and those from the Waikato. An additional 518 bp segment of the 16S region was sequenced from all sites and compared with the other New Zealand mudfish species, N. apoda, N. burrowsius and the Tasmanian mudfish Galaxias (Neochanna) cleaveri using Galaxias maculatus as an outgroup. Both D-loop and 16S sequence data provided strong evidence for a cryptic species of mudfish present in Northland. The significant genetic structure apparent in the black mudfish appears most probably to be attributed to geological conditions during the Pliocene, where peat wetlands became apparent in the Waikato while Northland consisted of disjunct ‘islands’. Conservation and management of these populations must take into account the historical processes that have shaped these patterns of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Metacercariae of the trematode Curtuteria australis (Echinostomatidae) accumulate in the foot of the New Zealand cockle Austrovenus stutchburyi, severely impairing the cockle's ability to burrow under the sediments. This results in increased predation by birds on cockles, and thus enhanced transmission rates of the parasite to its bird definitive hosts. This host manipulation by the trematode is costly: fish regularly crop the tip of the foot of cockles stranded on the sediment surface, killing any metacercariae they ingest. A second, previously undetected trematode species (characterized by 23 collar spines) co-existing with C. australis, has been found in the foot of cockles in the Otago Harbour, South Island, New Zealand. The relative abundance of the two species varies among localities, with the identity of the numerically dominant species also changing from one locality to the next. Both C. australis and the new species have a strong preference for encysting in the tip of the cockle's foot, where their impact on the burrowing ability of the host is greatest, and where they both face the risk of cropping by fish. Results indicate that these two species are ecological equivalents, and their combined numbers determine how the cockle population is affected.  相似文献   

The following new taxa of leaf beetles are described from Chinese provinces Gansu, Sichuan, and Xinjiang based on the material of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, where the types are deposited: Chrysolina confucii sp. n., Ch. daosana sp. n., Ch. infernalis sp. n., Ch. gruevi sp. n., Ch. songpana sp. n., Phratora alternata sp. n., Taipinus rotundatus gen. et sp. n., Oreomela milae sp. n. (Chrysomelinae) and Zangastra sichuanica sp. n. (Galerucinae).  相似文献   

The hypothesis that early plant radiations on islands dampen diversification and reduce habitat occupancy of later radiations via niche pre-emption has never, to our knowledge, been tested. We investigated clade-level dynamics in plant radiations in the alpine zone, New Zealand. Our aim was to determine whether radiations from older colonizations influenced diversification and community dominance of species from later colonizations within a common bioclimatic zone over the past ca 10 Myr. We used stem ages derived from the phylogenies of 17 genera represented in alpine plant communities in the Murchison Mountains, Fiordland, and assessed their presence and cover in 262 (5 × 5 m) vegetation plots. Our results show clear age-related community assembly effects, whereby congenerics from older colonizing genera co-occur more frequently and with greater cover per unit area than those from younger colonizing genera. However, we find no evidence of increased species richness with age of colonization in the alpine zone. The data support priority effects via niche pre-emption among plant radiations influencing community assembly.  相似文献   

Mathis WN  Sueyoshi M 《ZooKeys》2011,(114):29-40
Two new species of the genus Cyamops (Diptera: Periscelididae), the first from New Zealand, are described. The two newly described species are: Cyamops alessandrae and Cyamops crosbyi. A key to the genera of the subfamily Stenomicrinae and to the species of Cyamops from the Australasian/Oceanian Region and detailed illustrations of structures of the male terminalia are provided.  相似文献   

We used a minirhizotron system to investigate the influence of three major factors—root morphology, root depth, and season of root emergence—on root survivorship and longevity in a Kobresia humilis meadow on the Tibetan Plateau during the growing season of 2009. Root longevity was assessed by survival analysis, Kaplan–Meier analysis, and Cox proportional hazards regression. Root longevity was correlated positively with root diameter. A 17.5 % decrease in the risk of mortality was associated with a 0.1-mm increase in diameter. Roots distributed in the top 10 cm of the soil had significantly shorter longevities than roots at greater depths, with a 48 % decrease of mortality risk for each 10-cm increase in soil depth from the surface to 40 cm. Of all the factors examined, the season of root emergence had the strongest effect on root lifespan. Roots that emerged in May and June had shorter longevity than roots that emerged later in the year, and roots that emerged in September and October were more likely to survive over winter. Our findings indicated that life-history traits of roots in K. humilis meadows are highly heterogeneous, and this heterogeneity should be considered when modeling the contribution of roots to carbon and nitrogen fluxes in this type of meadow ecosystem. Moreover, temporal, spatial, and compositional variations in root longevity must be considered.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):93-105

A new liverwort species from Western Nelson Ecological Province of New Zealand known from a single sterile specimen is described. It is unusual in having well-developed stem paraphyllia, and the leaves and underleaves are divided with three levels of ciliate division in a pinnate manner. This morphology suggested membership of Trichocoleaceae or Trichotemnomaceae, but other features of the plant made placement in either family seem unnatural. We determined its position by conducting phylogenetic analyses of rbcL, rps4 and trnL–F sequence datasets from 35 exemplars, and further confirmation of the position was carried out by an extended analysis using rbcL sequence dataset of 59 exemplars. The surprising result is that it belongs within the genus Chiloscyphus, where it is unique in these features. We describe this new species as Chiloscyphus trichocoleoides. Placing the new species in Chiloscyphus has broadened the generic concept of Chiloscyphus, and its phylogenetic relationship within and to other genera such as Clasmatocolea and Heteroscyphus needs further investigation. The results also show that the same morphological features seen in Chiloscyphus and in Trichocoleaceae and Trichotemnomaceae have developed independently.  相似文献   


One new genus and ten new species of antipatharian corals are described from the New Zealand region. Differential diagnoses are given and comparisons are made to related nominal species. Described as new is the genus Acanthosaropathes and the following species: Antipathes coronata, A. dicrocrada, A. polyhedra, Acanthosaropathes uniseriata, Phanopathes ctenocrada, Cupressopathes simplex, Stylopathes stenotes, Stauropathes stellata, Telopathes tasmaniensis, and Heteropathes intricata. This research highlights the diversity of deepsea corals for the region, improves knowledge of the distributional limits of species, which in turn can inform assessments of species prevalence for conservation initiatives and management decisions.  相似文献   

Smaragdina schereri sp. n., Chrysolina jiangi sp. n., Ch. geae sp. n., Ch. gansuica sp. n., Sclerophaedon daccordii sp. n., Neophaedon sichuanicus sp. n., Oreomela inflata sp. n., Xingeina nigrolucens sp. n., Shaira hemipteroides sp. n. and Calomicrus atroviridis sp. n. from Sichuan, Gansu, and Yunnan provinces of China are described. Types of the new species are deposited in the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.  相似文献   

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