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The underlying ethos of ‘nature’s benefits’ contributing to human wellbeing provides a common platform for understanding the function and value of biodiversity for stakeholders. Diverse societal worldviews however create differences in the way cultures relate to and understand the environment. The objective of this study was to identify community-based indicators and metrics used by Māori in New Zealand to monitor forest health and community wellbeing. Eighty semi-directed interviews were conducted with 55 forest users within the Tuawhenua tribal group to identify forest health indicators and associated gradient of metrics to assess each indicator. Indicators were grouped within nine culturally-relevant themes: (1) food procurement (mahinga kai), (2) natural productivity (hua o te whenua), (3) nature of water (āhua o te wai), (4) nature of the land (āhua o te whenua), (5) nature of the forest (āhua o te ngahere), (6) perpetual occupation of land and place (ahikaaroa), (7) spiritual dimension (taha wairua), (8) physical health (taha kikokiko), and (9) mental health (taha hinengaro). Within these themes, indicators and associated metrics were aligned within two monitoring approaches: field survey and interview-based. Community members (n = 35 individuals) were asked to prioritise field survey indicators using a seven point Likert Scale of importance. A second survey was also conducted with Tuawhenua elders (n = 43 individuals) to determine changes in the frequency of forest use by the community. A decline in the proportion of the community venturing into the forest over the last 60 years for activities such as hunting, fishing, camping, and collecting plant resources was reported. This decline in regular forest use suggests a field survey approach would be an effective method for applying community-based indicators and to gain an understanding of forest health. Forest indicators that are evaluated over a longer timeframe (months, seasons or even years), or those indicators aligned with community wellbeing, would be better evaluated using an interview-based approach. The alignment of some community-based indicators with scientific-based measures would enrich and deepen knowledge about the state of biodiversity, broaden the relevance of monitoring and reporting within indigenous communities, and help to mitigate issues of ‘shifting baselines’.  相似文献   

An undisturbed podocarp-broadleaved rain forest was sampled in eight strata (synusiae): canopy, small tree, shrub, low shrub, herb, ground, epiphyte and liane. Independent classifications of the quadrats were performed using the eight strata, and the classifications were correlated. Relations between strata were significant, but weak. Using records of plants of all ages, the relations largely reflected the presence of seedlings of woody species in the ground and herb strata. Using only records of species present as adults, the relations were quite different, and at least some seemed to reflect sociological interactions. Relations between a tree and a herb stratum was lower than in McCune & Antos' (1981) investigation, probably because of the narrow ecological range of the present study area.  相似文献   

C. L. Brack 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(1):104-112

Forests currently cover over 20% of the Australian continent and are an important resource, subject to a wide range of economic and environmental pressures. These lands support substantial numbers of forest-dependent species with national forest inventories providing important information on biodiversity. National scale information on these forests has been collected or collated since 1988 under the National Forest Inventory (NFI) programme, but substantial problems with the ‘snap shot’ approach have been recognized, particularly with respect to monitoring change and a consequent move towards a permanent and sample-based continental forest monitoring framework (CFMF) has been proposed. CFMF is proposed to consist of three Tiers: (1) satellite imagery of the continent to identify forest and change in forest cover; (2) systematic high-resolution remotely sensed data and (3) permanent ground points at 20×20 km grid interception points. The CFMF approach is in line with the international trend of national forest inventories in developed countries although the Tier 2 approach offers a useful extension. An alternative inventory approach is provided by the National Carbon Accounting System (NCAS) which models the mass of carbon and nitrogen in seven separate living and dead biomass pools for any point under forest or agriculture land use since 1970. The NCAS approach allows fine spatial and temporal monitoring of changes in these carbon and nitrogen biomass pools, and predictions of changes that result from policy or management decisions. This paper briefly reviews NFI, NCAS and the proposed CFMF, with particular emphasis on issues of use and potential for monitoring biodiversity in this biologically very diverse country.  相似文献   

Unravelling prehistoric anthropogenic impacts on biodiversity represents a key challenge for biologists and archaeologists. New Zealand's endemic Stewart Island Shag (Leucocarbo chalconotus) comprises two distinct phylogeographic lineages, currently restricted to the country's south and southeast. However, fossil and archaeological remains suggest a far more widespread distribution at the time of Polynesian settlement ca. 1280 AD, encompassing much of coastal South Island. We used modern and ancient DNA, radiocarbon dating, and Bayesian modelling, to assess the impacts of human arrival on this taxon. Our analyses show that the southeast South Island (Otago) lineage was formerly widespread across coastal South Island, but experienced dramatic population extinctions, range retraction and lineage loss soon after human arrival. By comparison, the southernmost (Foveaux Strait) lineage has experienced a relatively stable demographic and biogeographic history since human arrival, retaining much of its mitochondrial diversity. Archaeological data suggest that these contrasting demographic histories (retraction vs. stability) reflect differential human impacts in mainland South Island vs. Foveaux Strait, highlighting the importance of testing for temporal and spatial variation in human‐driven faunal declines.  相似文献   


The distribution, abundance, and life histories of benthic invertebrates were investigated in a small, Nothofagus forest stream in North Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand. The fauna was dominated by Trichoptera and Plecoptera; Mollusca and fish were absent. Large particle detritivores and scrapers were the predominant functional groups found. Larval Philopotamidae (Trichoptera) were the only abundant filter feeders. Nymphs of the stonefly Spaniocerca zelandica and of mayflies, Deleatidium spp., were the most abundant animals on plant detritus; Deleatidium spp. were abundant on stones also. The distribution of invertebrates in riffles, loose stones, pools, and plunge pools was examined using mesh colonisation trays lifted in September, November, February, and May after respectively 88, 69, 98, and 94 days in situ. Most species were widely distributed, and sample densities of the more abundant insect species showed weak positive correlations with the biomass of detritus present in trays in most months. The turbellarian Neppia montana was overrepresented in trays compared with stream samples, but the relative abundance of most other species appeared to be similar to that on the stream bed. A large amount of silt accumulated in trays during a heavy flood, and was colonised mainly by the oligochaete Eiseniella tetraedra. Information on the life histories of 15 species of Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Coleoptera was obtained from a 1-year monthly sampling programme, in which 36 taxa were distinguished, and from collections of adult insects made over a 3–4-year period. Most species had poorly synchronised life histories, in that a wide size range was apparent among individuals in most months. Eight species emerged in at least 4 months; S. zelandica and the philopotamid Hydrobiosella stenocerca were taken in 8 and 9 months respectively.  相似文献   

The assessment of ecological significance is a key part of a territorial local authority’s (TLA) responsibility to provide for the protection of areas of significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna as required under Section 6(c) of the Resource Management Act (RMA) 1991. While a number of methods have been used to achieve this, these have been largely unpublished and there is considerable variability in the approach taken by different TLAs. We propose four criteria (rarity and distinctiveness, representativeness, ecological context, and sustainability) for assessing significance of indigenous biodiversity in terms of RMA Section 6(c). These criteria could form the basis for a consistent national approach to significance assessment. These criteria have been developed from early assessment schemes such as the Protected Natural Areas Programme. While there is no one “right” system for conservation assessment, we hope this paper will stimulate discussion amongst the ecological community on the best ways to undertake significance assessment.  相似文献   

The 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity has not only focused attention on the concept of biodiversity it has also set expectations that the signatory nations will establish objectives. It is suggested here that the use of biodiversity standards could have a useful role in quantifying these objectives. The use of biodiversity standards is explored in connection with the levels of biodiversity In plantation forests. Forest plantations have been used for the basis of this investigation because such plantations could be used as large-scale experiments in which the use of standards, and the ecological monitoring of these standards, could be researched. The impact of intensive forestry practices on wildlife has often been the cause of concern and indeed controversy. Recently there has been a move towards the development of multipurpose forest plantations where management for recreation and wildlife takes place alongside management for timber. Some forest authorities are actively looking at ways of restoring levels of biodiversity in plantation forests. We suggest that if levels of biodiversity are to be restored, then forest managers must have something to aim for; that is, there must be a standard. The adoption of standards could provide a means whereby forest managers can meet biodiversity objectives. Standards may also enable managers to determine the effectiveness of those management practices which are intended to increase levels of biodiversity. We suggest a conceptual plan which combines a monitoring procedure with biodiversity objectives.  相似文献   

监测是评估生物多样性保护进展的有效途径   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生物多样性保护受到国际社会的广泛关注,继2010年国际生物多样性年之后,联合国又于2010年12月21日宣布2011-2020年为国际生物多样性十年,并号召各国政府和社会各界积极行动起来,为实施<生物多样性公约>第十次缔约方大会通过的2011-2020年生物多样性保护战略规划作出贡献.该战略规划提出了未来十年的全球生物多样性保护目标,包括5个战略目标和20个具体目标(http://www.cbd.int/deci-sion/cop/).  相似文献   

中国森林生物多样性保护和恢复措施的制订依赖于生物多样性的监测信息。设计一个有效的生物多样性监测网络是一项复杂的系统工程。监测网络的设计框架可分为监测目标、监测对象、监测指标、取样策略、数据采集和处理、网络维护以及组织工作等几个部分。目前, 国际上已有5个得到广泛认可的生物多样性监测网络, 包括地球观测组织-生物多样性监测网络、全球森林监测网络、热带生态评估与监测网络、泛欧洲森林监测网络和亚马逊森林清查网络, 它们的监测目标、监测内容和方法、样地布局及部分监测成果各有特色。我们试图在全国生物多样性监测、森林资源清查和森林生态系统定位研究的基础上, 通过网络布局、建设和运行, 形成中国森林生物多样性监测网(Chinese Forest Biodiversity Monitoring Network, Sino BON-CForBio)及其监测规范体系。该网络的科学目标是, 在全国尺度上研究不同典型地带性森林的生物多样性维持机制、监测森林生物多样性变化并阐明其机理、研究生物多样性变化的效应。该网络布局以《中国植被区划》中的森林植被区划成果作为顶层设计和监测样地选择的核心依据, 设计了4个层级的监测系统; 其监测指标体系以生物多样性核心指标为主, 并结合我国传统森林群落调查方法进行拓展; 预期建成国家水平上的森林生物多样性监测网络, 阐明森林生物多样性维持机制和生物多样性变化的效应, 同时对重大生态保护工程的生物多样性保护效果进行有效性监测和验证型监测。  相似文献   

Marine biodiversity and its distribution in the New Zealand region were determined using historical data for an appropriate indicator taxon, the Bryozoa. Bryozoans were identified as belonging to three communities, termed Intertidal/Shelf/Slope (ISS) and Deep-Sea 1 and 2 (DS1 and DS2). Biodiversity was assessed using measures based on relatedness of species, average taxonomic distinctness and variation in taxonomic distinctness. High values of biodiversity for the ISS community are particularly concentrated at both ends of two main islands of New Zealand; the biogenic substratum of the Three Kings Plateau and Foveaux Strait. High values of biodiversity for the DS1 community were primarily located on the seamounts of the northern edge of the Chatham Rise. Values of biodiversity for stations comprising the DS2 community were generally low. The relationship between bryozoan community composition/biodiversity and depth suggested that habitat availability/heterogeneity, sedimentary perturbation and primary productivity could be evoked to explain the pattern of biodiversity observed. The results of the study indicate particular areas of the shelf and deep-sea environment that could be protected in order to conserve New Zealand's marine biodiversity.  相似文献   

N. Alterio    K. Brown    H. Moller 《Journal of Zoology》1997,243(4):863-869
Eleven radio-tagged stoats ( Mustela erminea ) and one weasel ( M. nivalis ) died of secondary poisoning following Talon 20 PTM (20 ppm brodifacoum) poisoning operations which killed mice ( Mus musculus ), ship rats ( Rattus rattus ) and probably brushtail possums ( Trichosurus vulpecula ) in a New Zealand beech ( Nothofagus ) forest. This poisoning method could be an especially useful way of restoring New Zealand native bird populations because it kills several predator species in one operation. Potential unwanted side-effects must be researched before its routine use. This research also demonstrates the potential hazards of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides to conservation of rodent predators in Europe.  相似文献   

Pristine New Zealand forest soil is a strong methane sink   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methanotrophic bacteria oxidize methane (CH4) in forest soils that cover ~30% of Earth's land surface. The first measurements for a pristine Southern Hemisphere forest are reported here. Soil CH4 oxidation rate averaged 10.5±0.6 kg CH4 ha?1 yr?1, with the greatest rates in dry warm soil (up to 17 kg CH4 ha?1 yr?1). Methanotrophic activity was concentrated beneath the organic horizon at 50–100 mm depth. Water content was the principal regulator of (r2=0.88) from the most common value of field capacity to less than half of this when the soil was driest. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that soil temperature was not very influential. However, inverse co‐variability confounded the separation of soil water and temperature effects in situ. Fick's law explained the role of water content in regulating gas diffusion and substrate supply to the methanotrophs and the importance of pore size distribution and tortuosity. This analysis also showed that the chambers used in the study did not affect the oxidation rate measurements. The soil was always a net sink for atmospheric CH4 and no net CH4 (or nitrous oxide, N2O) emissions were measured over the 17‐month long study. For New Zealand, national‐scale extrapolation of our data suggested the potential to offset 13% of CH4 emissions from ca. 90 M ruminant animals. Our average was about 6.5 times higher than rates reported for most Northern Hemisphere forest soils. This very high was attributed to the lack of anthropogenic disturbance for at least 3000–5000 years and the low rate of atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Our truly baseline data could represent a valid preagricultural, preindustrial estimate of the soil sink for temperate latitudes.  相似文献   

Rapid changes of the biosphere observed in recent years are caused by both small and large scale drivers, like shifts in temperature, transformations in land-use, or changes in the energy budget of systems. While the latter processes are easily quantifiable, documentation of the loss of biodiversity and community structure is more difficult. Changes in organismal abundance and diversity are barely documented. Censuses of species are usually fragmentary and inferred by often spatially, temporally and ecologically unsatisfactory simple species lists for individual study sites. Thus, detrimental global processes and their drivers often remain unrevealed. A major impediment to monitoring species diversity is the lack of human taxonomic expertise that is implicitly required for large-scale and fine-grained assessments. Another is the large amount of personnel and associated costs needed to cover large scales, or the inaccessibility of remote but nonetheless affected areas.To overcome these limitations we propose a network of Automated Multisensor stations for Monitoring of species Diversity (AMMODs) to pave the way for a new generation of biodiversity assessment centers. This network combines cutting-edge technologies with biodiversity informatics and expert systems that conserve expert knowledge. Each AMMOD station combines autonomous samplers for insects, pollen and spores, audio recorders for vocalizing animals, sensors for volatile organic compounds emitted by plants (pVOCs) and camera traps for mammals and small invertebrates. AMMODs are largely self-containing and have the ability to pre-process data (e.g. for noise filtering) prior to transmission to receiver stations for storage, integration and analyses. Installation on sites that are difficult to access require a sophisticated and challenging system design with optimum balance between power requirements, bandwidth for data transmission, required service, and operation under all environmental conditions for years. An important prerequisite for automated species identification are databases of DNA barcodes, animal sounds, for pVOCs, and images used as training data for automated species identification. AMMOD stations thus become a key component to advance the field of biodiversity monitoring for research and policy by delivering biodiversity data at an unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution.  相似文献   

Efforts are being made to upscale restoration of New Zealand's native ecosystems. Success depends, however, on consideration of several key issues that need to be built into restoration planning, implementation and monitoring. This study makes eight recommendations to improve the prospect of obtaining the hoped‐for biodiversity conservation outcomes.  相似文献   

Leaves come in a remarkable diversity of sizes and shapes. However, spatial patterns in leaf trait diversity are rarely investigated and poorly resolved. We used a hierarchical approach to evaluate vertical variability in leaf morphology (i.e., leaf trait diversity) in 16 common tree and shrub species inhabiting a New Zealand forest. Height-related heterogeneity in leaf area, specific leaf area, circularity and length to width ratio was analyzed at three scales: (1) among leaves within plants, (2) among plants within species and (3) among species within functional groups (i.e., trees vs. shrubs). Results were scale dependent. Among-leaf morphological diversity was unrelated to plant height. Among-individual morphological diversity increased with the average height of each species, indicating that taller plant species express a greater range of leaf traits than shorter species. Among-species morphological diversity was higher in shrubs than in trees. We hypothesize that scale-dependent patterns in leaf trait diversity result from scale-dependent adaptations to forest environmental conditions. As trees grow from the forest floor into the canopy, they are exposed to a range of environmental conditions, which may select for a range of leaf traits through ontogeny. Conversely, shrubs never reach the forest canopy and may instead be differentially adapted to suites of environmental conditions associated with different stages of forest recovery from tree-fall disturbances. Overall results indicate that vertical patterns in leaf trait diversity exist. However, their strength and directionality are strongly scale-dependent, suggesting that different processes govern leaf shape diversity at different levels of ecological organization.  相似文献   

Prospects for tropical forest biodiversity in a human-modified world   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The future of tropical forest biodiversity depends more than ever on the effective management of human-modified landscapes, presenting a daunting challenge to conservation practitioners and land use managers. We provide a critical synthesis of the scientific insights that guide our understanding of patterns and processes underpinning forest biodiversity in the human-modified tropics, and present a conceptual framework that integrates a broad range of social and ecological factors that define and contextualize the possible future of tropical forest species. A growing body of research demonstrates that spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity are the dynamic product of interacting historical and contemporary human and ecological processes. These processes vary radically in their relative importance within and among regions, and have effects that may take years to become fully manifest. Interpreting biodiversity research findings is frequently made difficult by constrained study designs, low congruence in species responses to disturbance, shifting baselines and an over-dependence on comparative inferences from a small number of well studied localities. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the potential prospects for biodiversity conservation can be explained by regional differences in biotic vulnerability and anthropogenic legacies, an ever-tighter coupling of human-ecological systems and the influence of global environmental change. These differences provide both challenges and opportunities for biodiversity conservation. Building upon our synthesis we outline a simple adaptive-landscape planning framework that can help guide a new research agenda to enhance biodiversity conservation prospects in the human-modified tropics.  相似文献   

Litterfall in a mixed conifer-angiosperm temperate forest in northern New Zealand was traced for 5 years to determine the patterns of litter production and turnover for conifer and angiosperm components of the forest. Basal area and above-ground biomass was shared approximately equally between conifer (mostly Agathis australis; New Zealand kauri) and angiosperm species (plus tree ferns). The five-year mean annual litterfall, excluding macro-litter, was 7.76± 0.39(SEM) t ha?1 and ranged from 6.77±0.70 t ha?1 in 1983–4 to 8.79±1.00 t ha?1 in 1987–8. Mean monthly litterfall showed a strong seasonal pattern with low rates in winter and early spring, increasing to a peak in early autumn. There were major differences in the nature and timing of litterfall between the conifer and angiosperm fractions. Angiosperm leaf litter reached a maximum in early summer, while conifer litterfall showed highest rates for leaves, twigs and cone scales in late summer-autumn. Conifer reproductive structures (strobili and cone scales) contributed from 13 to 21% of total litterfall, a value high relative to other temperate forests. However, conifer leaf turnover was low relative to that for the angiosperms. Size of the microlitter store was 16.16±1.97 t ha?1 prior to conifer cone fall, and 18.70±2.02 t ha?1 following it, and conifer litter made up 76–78% of the total litter store. The estimated mean annual decomposition constant, k, was 0.39 overall, 0.33 for conifer leaf litter and 0.71 for angiosperm leaf litter, values which agree well with previously published rates for decomposition in this forest stand. Differences in the costs of biomass production and rates of turnover, as measured by litterfall and decomposition, may help to explain the functional coexistence of conifers and angiosperms in mixed forests.  相似文献   

Summary For the 70% of New Zealand under private ownership, native biodiversity conservation has to occur within a landscape that must also provide a productive return to land owners. Recent New Zealand legislation, especially the Resource Management Act 1991, promotes sustainable management on private land by allowing for the economic and cultural well-being of local communities while providing for the protection of natural resources including native biodiversity. We suggest that, to effectively conserve native biodiversity in rural landscapes, we need to consider four key issues: (i) what might be realistic goals for native biodiversity conservation; (ii) how might we better arrange different land uses to meet both native biodiversity and production goals; (iii) what is the optimum arrangement of native biodiversity; and (iv) how native biodiversity conservation can improve productive returns to land managers. Options to enhance native biodiversity conservation include a variety of incentives (e.g. management agreements, financial incentives and regulatory systems) and onsite management options (e.g. remnant management, restoration plantings, weed and pest control, use of native species for commercial and amenity purposes, use of exotic species to facilitate native biodiversity). The importance of taking a landscape-based rather than a paddock-based approach to management is emphasized.  相似文献   

This study examined how forest edges influenced leaf and floral herbivory, as well as seed predation, in a native New Zealand mistletoe species, Alepis flavida. Plants growing on forest edges and in forest interior were compared, and effects of plant size and the neighbouring conspecific plant community were also examined. Leaf herbivory by possums was significantly greater on forest edges than in forest interior in a year of high possum damage, but not in a year with low damage levels. Insect leaf herbivory did not differ between forest edges and interior. Although equal numbers of plants on edges v. interior experienced some floral damage by a specialist caterpillar, there were significantly higher levels of damage on plants growing in the forest interior than on forest edges. Plants with floral damage were larger than plants without damage, and distance to neighbouring mistletoe plants was positively correlated with amount of floral damage, but only for plants in the interior. Significantly greater numbers of plants on edges than in the interior exhibited seed predation by the same specialist caterpillar that caused floral damage, suggesting greater fruit abortion rates in the interior. Amounts of seed damage were inversely correlated with plant size. Forest edges had much stronger effects on leaf herbivory by possums, as well as floral herbivory and seed predation, than did plant size or the neighbouring plant community.  相似文献   

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