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Population patterns through twenty years of oldfield succession   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Using 48 permanent, 0.5×2.0 m quadrats, changes in species composition and cover were followed in an oldfield abandoned after plowing in the spring of 1960. Twenty years of data collected since then show the succession to be individualistic, that is, composed of broadly overlapping population curves through time. In general, the population curves exhibit long, persistent tails, indicating that, through this time span, succession is a process in which species that are present for much of the time become dominant at different times. Invasion and extinction are not the major mechanisms of community change. Bi- or multi-modal peaks were discovered in some species, but there is no clear explanation of such patterns yet. Many species which are important later in the sequence invade early. Information on the biologies of representative species from early, middle, and late portions of the sequence are correlated with the population patterns. In particular, the mode of dispersal, life cycle, germination behavior, and assimilation requirements are related to species positions. However, there is need for coordinated, comparative study of species strategies as well as experimental study of species interactions in order to more fully understand the mechanisms of this succession. The patterns discovered in this oldfield are compatible with contemporary concepts of succession as an organism-based phenomenon, in which probabilistic gap creation and filling are critical.Nomenclature follows Fernald (1958).The late Dr. Murray F. Buell, Dr. Helen F. Buell, and the late Dr. John A. Small deserve special mention because, in 1958, they began the long-term, permanent quadrat study partly reported here. Such unselfish, prospective behavior merits notice and I am happy to acknowledge my debt to them. I thank Helen Buell for her patient teaching and helpful discussion and criticism. Dr. Thomas G. Siccama encoded the pre-1971 data. I thank Ms. Angela Salvemini for patient and trustworthy entry of the more recent data. The Research Council of Rutgers University partially defrayed the cost of a computer terminal, and Dr. R. T. T. Forman, Director of HMF, provided computing funds. I have benefitted from discussions with Dr. R. J. Frye, and from criticism by Dr. F. A. Bazzaz and Dr. T. D. Lee. The figures were prepared by Lisa Bandazian.  相似文献   

Population size changes reshape genomic patterns of diversity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Elucidating the forces responsible for genomic variation is critical for understanding evolution. Under standard conditions, X-linked diversity is expected to be three-quarters the level of autosomal diversity. Empirical data often deviate from this prediction, but the reasons for these departures are unclear. We demonstrate that population size changes can greatly alter relative levels of X-linked and autosomal variation: population size reductions lead to particularly low X-linked diversity, whereas growth elevates X-linked relative to autosomal diversity. Genetic variation from a diverse array of taxa supports an important role for this effect in accounting for population differences in the ratio of X-linked to autosomal diversity. Consideration of this effect may improve the inference of population history and other evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

The influence of mating practices on genetic structure has been an area of great interest for anthropologists. In this paper, the techniques of potential mates analysis are employed to explore the mating patterns observed among the Jirels, a tribal population of eastern Nepal. Genealogical, anthropometric, dermatoglyphic, and demographic data for members of seven Jirel villages are used. Potential mate pools for a sample of 268 females are enumerated by village. Age structure and the Jirel restriction against clan endogamy are found to severely limit the number of males who are potential mates for a given female. The mating structure of the population is illuminated by statistical analysis of the characteristics of 160 actual mate pairs and all corresponding potential mate pairs. Using this approach several general mate choice practices were verified: 1) biological kin tend to be avoided as mates, 2) members of the same clan are excluded as potential mates, 3) mate exchange between clans is nonrandom, 4) individuals similar in age tend to be selected as mates, and 5) mates are drawn from the natal village more often than random expectation. A multivariate phenotypic distance measure between individuals did not reveal any evidence for assortative mating for either anthropometric or dermatoglyphic characters.  相似文献   

Fifteen isolates ofHortaea werneckii, causative agent of tinea nigra in man, were examined with respect to restriction fragment length polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA. Seven types of mtDNA, interpreted as populations, could be distinguished, with similarities between the restriction patterns ranging from 32 to 79%. Much of the variance originated from length mutations. Of the seven populations four represented isolates from man, two of which also comprised isolates from other sources. This makes adaptation ofH. werneckii towards association with man in its evolution unlikely; similarity in the chemical and/or physical characteristics of the different isolation sources, viz. salinity, seems more probable. mtDNA types were not correlated with geographic origin. Isolates with the same mtDNA type are widely geographically distributed.  相似文献   

Bacteria belonging to the genus Aeromonas are indigenous to aquatic environments. Once regarded as unimportant human pathogens, reports of opportunistic infections caused by these organisms have appeared increasingly in the medical literature. To estimate the potential for human infection by Aeromonas where limited water resources are being used intensively, we studied the spatial and temporal variation and incidence of antimicrobial resistance among environmental isolates of Aeromonas from two urban playa lakes in Lubbock, Texas. Aeromonas population densities varied seasonally, with the highest densities occurring from mid-April to late October. The greatest range of densities was 100-fold, from 2.50 to 255.17 colony-forming units per 0.1 mL of water sample. Densities also varied with water depth, although the variation did not display a consistent pattern. One hundred fifty-one Aeromonas isolates were divided into 10 species or subspecies groups by using the BIOLOG identification system. Nine isolates displayed resistance to co-trimoxazole, tetracycline, and cefuroxime, and none was resistant to more than one of these antimicrobial agents. In summary, the results of this study showed that the densities of Aeromonas peak in the late spring and again in late summer, times when human activity around the playa lakes is also high. Thus, we infer that human exposure to these potential pathogens varies seasonally. Compared to other published studies, the incidence of antimicrobial-resistant Aeromonas is relatively low in urban playa lakes in Lubbock, Texas. Nevertheless, resistant organisms were detected.  相似文献   

【目的】明确北京北部山区粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)的种群动态和扑灯规律,探索粘虫的早期监测预警技术。【方法】2011年,在北京延庆利用时控开关控制探照灯诱虫器对粘虫的种群动态进行监测,并对整夜诱虫数量自动分时段取样。获得逐日种群动态数据和相关的生物学参数,使用Grads分析粘虫数量与空中风场的关系。【结果】全年诱集粘虫蛾9 699头,单日诱蛾最高1 366头。全年诱蛾可分为3个世代,各个世代种群均由多个高峰组成,并非陆续增加。性比分析发现雌虫数量显著多于雄虫。分时段数据显示粘虫整夜的扑灯节律可分为迁入型、迁出型或本地繁殖型、过境型和迁入迁出混合型。风场分析表明,诱虫高峰与空中风场偏南气流的频率与持续时间高度一致。【结论】北京延庆全年发生粘虫3个世代,二代幼虫造成的危害最大。一代和二代诱蛾数与空中是否存在偏南气流密切相关。雌虫可能具有更强的迁飞能力。对粘虫扑灯节律数据深入分析,可为迁飞种群是否在本地降落繁殖提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of populations and settlements across a country and their interconnectivity and accessibility from urban areas are important for delivering healthcare, distributing resources and economic development. However, existing spatially explicit population data across Africa are generally based on outdated, low resolution input demographic data, and provide insufficient detail to quantify rural settlement patterns and, thus, accurately measure population concentration and accessibility. Here we outline approaches to developing a new high resolution population distribution dataset for Africa and analyse rural accessibility to population centers. Contemporary population count data were combined with detailed satellite-derived settlement extents to map population distributions across Africa at a finer spatial resolution than ever before. Substantial heterogeneity in settlement patterns, population concentration and spatial accessibility to major population centres is exhibited across the continent. In Africa, 90% of the population is concentrated in less than 21% of the land surface and the average per-person travel time to settlements of more than 50,000 inhabitants is around 3.5 hours, with Central and East Africa displaying the longest average travel times. The analyses highlight large inequities in access, the isolation of many rural populations and the challenges that exist between countries and regions in providing access to services. The datasets presented are freely available as part of the AfriPop project, providing an evidence base for guiding strategic decisions.  相似文献   

Mixing zones between aquatic ecosystems are known diversity hot spots, but so far no study evaluated the effect of mixing waters on bacterial metabolism. Samplings were performed in four of the major Amazonian rivers, and aquatic bacterial production (BP) was measured both before the confluences and in the mixing zones downstream of the confluences. BP in mixing zones was higher than before the confluence in 75% of cases, representing an increase ranging from 31% to more than 1,000% of BP. In most of these cases, the confluence zone was formed by aquatic ecosystems that differed in the water type (environmental conditions and limiting nutrients to BP). The proportional contribution of the water from each source in the mixture had no impact on the outcome of BP in the mixtures, while BP in the mixtures peaked after 12 h of mixing, indicating that the increase in BP can continue downstream from the confluence zone. Overall, the results presented here do not contradict the low aquatic bacterial metabolism suggested for most Amazonian waters, but show that this general pattern may be sprinkled with hot spot areas of high bacterial metabolism in the confluence of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地盐生草甸主要植物群落种群格局的研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
本文采用方差/均值法,Greig-Smith格局分析法及Hill格局分析法,探讨了科尔沁沙地盐生草甸主要植物群落种群格局及其成因。结果表明,羊草群落和野古草群落中的大部分种为聚集分布,羊草与野古草群落交错区中所有种为聚集分布,其最小面积为0.01m~2,最大面积为6.4×6.4m~2。邻接格子最小取样面积应小于0.05×0.05m~2,最适取样面积为40.96m~2,小规模格局是种子扩散和营养繁殖的结果,中规模起因于匍匐和长根茎的扩散,大规模则取决于土壤总盐分及pH值。  相似文献   

Identifying regions of the human genome that have been targets of natural selection will provide important insights into human evolutionary history and may facilitate the identification of complex disease genes. Although the signature that natural selection imparts on DNA sequence variation is difficult to disentangle from the effects of neutral processes such as population demographic history, selective and demographic forces can be distinguished by analyzing multiple loci dispersed throughout the genome. We studied the molecular evolution of 132 genes by comprehensively resequencing them in 24 African-Americans and 23 European-Americans. We developed a rigorous computational approach for taking into account multiple hypothesis tests and demographic history and found that while many apparent selective events can instead be explained by demography, there is also strong evidence for positive or balancing selection at eight genes in the European-American population, but none in the African-American population. Our results suggest that the migration of modern humans out of Africa into new environments was accompanied by genetic adaptations to emergent selective forces. In addition, a region containing four contiguous genes on Chromosome 7 showed striking evidence of a recent selective sweep in European-Americans. More generally, our results have important implications for mapping genes underlying complex human diseases.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are replacing microsatellites for population genetic analyses, but it is not apparent how many SNPs are needed or how well SNPs correlate with microsatellites. We used data from the gopher tortoise, Gopherus polyphemus—a species with small populations, to compare SNPs and microsatellites to estimate population genetic parameters. Specifically, we compared one SNP data set (16 tortoises from four populations sequenced at 17 901 SNPs) to two microsatellite data sets, a full data set of 101 tortoises and a partial data set of 16 tortoises previously genotyped at 10 microsatellites. For the full microsatellite data set, observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity and FST were correlated between SNPs and microsatellites; however, allelic richness was not. The same was true for the partial microsatellite data set, except that allelic richness, but not observed heterozygosity, was correlated. The number of clusters estimated by structure differed for each data set (SNPs = 2; partial microsatellite = 3; full microsatellite = 4). Principle component analyses (PCA) showed four clusters for all data sets. More than 800 SNPs were needed to correlate with allelic richness, observed heterozygosity and expected heterozygosity, but only 100 were needed for FST. The number of SNPs typically obtained from next‐generation sequencing (NGS) far exceeds the number needed to correlate with microsatellite parameter estimates. Our study illustrates that diversity, FST and PCA results from microsatellites can mirror those obtained with SNPs. These results may be generally applicable to small populations, a defining feature of endangered and threatened species, because theory predicts that genetic drift will tend to outweigh selection in small populations.  相似文献   

This study tests population genetic patterns across the Eurasian dreissenid mussel invasions of North America—encompassing the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (1986 detection) and the quagga mussel D. rostriformis bugensis (detected in 1990, which now has largely displaced the former in the Great Lakes). We evaluate their source-spread relationships and invasion genetics using 9–11 nuclear microsatellite loci for 583 zebra mussels (21 sites) and 269 quagga mussels (12 sites) from Eurasian and North American range locations, with the latter including the Great Lakes, Mississippi River basin, Atlantic coastal waterways, Colorado River system, and California reservoirs. Additionally, mtDNA cytochrome b gene sequences are used to verify species identity. Our results indicate that North American zebra mussels originate from multiple non-native northern European populations, whereas North American quagga mussels trace to native estuaries in the Southern Bug and Dnieper Rivers. Invasive populations of both species show considerable genetic diversity and structure (zebra F ST = 0.006–0.263, quagga F ST = 0.008–0.267), without founder effects. Most newer zebra mussel populations have appreciable genetic diversity, whereas quagga mussel populations from the Colorado River and California show some founder effects. The population genetic composition of both species changed over time at given sites; with some adding alleles from adjacent populations, some losing them, and all retaining closest similarity to their original composition. Zebra mussels from Kansas and California appear genetically similar and assign to a possible origin from the St. Lawrence River, whereas quagga mussels from Nevada and California assign to a possible origin from Lake Ontario. These assignments suggest that overland colonization pathways via recreational boats do not necessarily reflect the most proximate connections. In conclusion, our microsatellite results comprise a valuable baseline for resolving present and future dreissenid mussel invasion pathways.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship among traits distinguishing populations of C. tectorum and the extent to which existing trait associations reflect underlying (genetic) tradeoffs. Highly consistent trait associations were found in a comparison of 52 populations representing the western part of the geographical range of the species. In addition to a tight integration of traits reflecting plant stature and inflorescence development, there were consistent links between vegetative and reproductive traits; populations characterized by individuals with large leaves and tall stems with terminal branches usually had larger heads, flowers and fruits (achenes) than those whose individuals had small leaves and a short stem branched from the base. There was a weak negative relationship between the extent of leaf dissection and plant stature; short and compact plants had more deeply lobed leaves than tall plants with terminal branches. Few of these associations were present among families representing a single population of C. tectorum , but there was remarkable similarity between the correlations at the between-population level and those obtained in two segregating F2 progenies of crosses between contrasting populations. Hence, provided that the F2 correlations have a strong genetic basis, it appears that the course of population divergence has been constrained by the underlying correlation structure, although some trait associations may also be a result of selection operating in a correlated fashion on functionally related traits, perhaps leading to linkage disequilibrium of parental traits in the first segregating generation of a cross between ecologically differentiated populations.  相似文献   

不同地区不同尺度下栓皮栎种群的空间分布格局   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
种群的分布格局与空间尺度有密切的关系.本研究将传统方法与点格局分析法结合起来,探讨了不同地区不同尺度下栓皮栎种群的空间分布.结果显示:随着样方面积的增大,种群的聚集度都有逐渐增大的趋势,当样方面积为10 0、2 0 0 m2 时,部分地区的丛生指标It、Cassie指数CA 小于零,当样方面积大于或等于4 0 0 m2 时,丛生指标It>0、Cassie指数CA>0、平均拥挤度m* >>1、L loyd聚块性指标和Morisita指数Iδ>1.用Morisita指数的随机分布偏离度的显著性F分布检验,当样方面积达到4 0 0 m2时,栓皮栎种群表现为聚集分布.同时,对不同地区不同样方面积上的栓皮栎种群进行Taylor和Iwao模型回归,Taylor回归系数b的变化从样方10 0、2 0 0 m2的b<1到4 0 0 m2的b>1,Iwao模型参数α、β值都表现为α>0 ,β>1,说明其分布格局主要表现为聚集分布.当样方面积为6 0 0、80 0 m2时,栓皮栎种群的空间格局呈现出随机分布.  相似文献   

Populations of the guppy, Poecilia reficulata , in N. Trinidad exhibit marked population differentiation in allozyme frequencies. Here we investigate six further populations electrophoretically at 25 enzyme-coding loci to examine patterns in geographical structuring, genotypic distributions and genetic diversity. With one exception, possibly related to an experimental introduction, populations divided broadly (dendrogram of Nei's mean genetic identity, Ī) in accordance with proposed ancestral colonization. Most populations were in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, though some significant deficits in heterozygotes were detected. Incorporating information from published data, markedly hjgher levels of genetic diversity (mean observed heterozygosity, o) were recorded in lowland [o= 0.0382 ± k0406 ( s.e .), n = 9] compared with upstream populations [o= 0.0112 ± 00034 (S.E.), n = 9]. Patterns are discussed in relation to historical and present-day evolutionary forces.  相似文献   

Begonia is one of the largest angiosperm genera, containing over 1500 species. Some aspects of the distribution of biodiversity in the genus, such as the geographical restrictions of monophyletic groups, the rarity and morphological variability of widespread species, and a preponderance of narrow endemics, suggest that restricted gene flow may have been a factor in the formation of so many species. In order to investigate whether this inference based on large-scale patterns is supported by data at the population level, we examined the distribution of genetic variation within Begonia sutherlandii in the indigenous forests of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, using microsatellite markers. Despite the species being predominantly outbreeding, we found high and significant levels of population structure (standardized      = 0.896). Even within individual populations, there was evidence for clear differentiation of subpopulations. There is thus congruence in evolutionary patterns ranging from interspecific phylogeny, the distribution of individual species, to the levels of population differentiation. Despite this species-rich genus showing a pan-tropical distribution, these combined observations suggest that differentiation occurs over very local scales. Although strongly selected allelic variants can maintain species cohesion with only low levels of gene flow, we hypothesize that in Begonia , gene flow levels are often so low, that divergence in allopatry is likely to be a frequent occurrence, and the lack of widespread species may in part be attributable to a lack of a mechanism for holding them together.  相似文献   

Interfacing a minicomputer with a high resolution densitometer permits the online acquisition and statistical analysis of population parameters for experimental and control sample patterns of various macromolecules obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This technique, illustrated in this paper using protein from the brains of Japanese quail, enables the experimenter to make comparisons which were previously not readily available for electrophoresis.  相似文献   

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