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We identified nest predators of two European thrush and three European finch species in the central North Island, New Zealand, using artificial clay eggs in active natural nests. The acceptance of the artificial egg by females was 75%, with low rates of female egg ejection (7%) or desertion (7%). Due to high predation rates we could not confirm the acceptance of six (11%) artificial eggs before predation occurred. Of the 57 nests that received an artificial egg 30 were preyed upon. We were able to successfully identify predators from 18 (60%) nests by imprints left in the artificial eggs, with rats (Rattus sp.), Australasian Harriers (Circus approximans) and Australian magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen) accounting for nine, eight and one of the predatory events respectively. In the remaining twelve predatory events imprints were too faint or no marks were left on the clay egg for identification. This study successfully demonstrates the use of an inexpensive, seldom-used method for quantifying and identifying nest predators, with low rates of nest abandonment and high rates of predator identification. We believe this method could add valuable information for future studies of nest predation in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Pathological consequences of the blood-sucking mite Ornithonyssus bursa vary between species, with its impact ranging from no measurable effect, to significant blood loss and chick mortality. In New Zealand, where several bird species are known to be parasitised by O.bursa, the effect of this mite on host fitness is unclear, as few studies have been carried out. During a three-year study of the North Island robin Petroica longipes on Tiritiri Matangi Island, the prevalence of O. bursa in robin nests and on chicks and its impact on robin chick growth and survival was measured. The presence of mites was correlated with both time of the season and humidity of the habitat, with infestation being positively correlated with later nesting attempts and more humid microclimates. Robin chicks in infested nests were significantly smaller and fledged at an earlier age than chicks in nests where no mites were detected. Despite this effect, no significant difference in body size or survival was detected between the two groups at one month post-fledging. This was most likely because chicks from mite- infested nests compensated for their retarded growth once they left the nest environment. On mainland New Zealand, where ground-dwelling mammalian predators are present, chicks forced to leave the nest at an earlier age with less developed flying skills may be at an increased risk of predation.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(5):313-320
We studied the effect of the general structure of the nest plant, especially the presence of thorns, and the structural homogeneity of the nest patch, on the vulnerability of nests to predation, using natural and artificial nests. Artificial nests placed in non-thorny plants had a significantly lower predation rate and higher daily survival rate than those in thorny plants. The addition of a ‘thorny microhabitat’ around the immediate proximity of nests placed in non-thorny plants did not have any effect on vulnerability of nests to predation. Conversely, natural nests were located in patches of habitat with a higher density of the species of plant that supported the nest compared to patches selected at random. However, daily survival rate was similar for natural nests placed in patches with a higher or lower density of the species of nest plant in the four bird species analysed. Similarly, survival of artificial nests did not increase with the presence of a higher number of plants similar to the nest plant in the nest patch. Thus, the observed patterns of survival for natural and artificial nests did not seem to support the potential prey-site hypotheses. Birds appeared to be the main nest predators in this ecosystem. Behavioural aspects of the identified predators and habitat structure could explain the lack of effect of thorns and nest patch characteristics on nest survival.  相似文献   

Capsule: Although survival of nests was similar between forest fragments and continuous forest, the range of predators differed. Artificial nests provide an under-estimate of nest predation by snakes.

Aims: To estimate the natural nest predation rate in continuous primary forest, compare it with predation rates in forest fragments. To assess the reliability of nest survival rates determined by the use of artificial nests with clay eggs and identify the main nest predators.

Methods: We observed survival of natural nests during the incubation period in continuous primary forest in Papua New Guinea. Some nests were monitored with infrared cameras. We also used artificial nests deployed with clay eggs to identify predators.

Results: There was a predation rate of 50% for natural nests and snakes were major predators of nest contents. Clutch daily survival rates (DSRs) differed among nest types. The DSR of artificial nests (0.977) was not significantly different to that of natural cup nests (0.969). Survival rates of artificial nests were similar in forest fragments and continuous forest. Forest fragments had, however, a higher proportion of avian predators than continuous forest.

Conclusion: Although, we observed similar survival rates in artificial and natural nests, the composition of nest predators was different between natural and artificial nests. Artificial nests were not suitable for estimating the real predation caused by reptiles. Nevertheless, we find that participation of avian nest predators can be estimated correctly with the use of artificial nests.  相似文献   


Many bird species endemic to alpine New Zealand are now at critically low densities and restricted in range, making predator‐prey research difficult. We used artificial nests in the Borland Valley, Fiordland National Park, to investigate (1) which introduced species is the most frequent nest predator in the two habitats, (2) whether nest survival differs between habitats, and (3) the utility of artificial nests for guiding conservation management. We used different types of artificial nest in 2 different years and undertook a calibration study of the two types. In 2003, survival of artificial nests containing wax eggs and chicken eggs was high in both habitats. In 2004, survival of artificial nests containing plastilina eggs and chicken eggs was low in both habitats, but was higher in alpine grassland compared with beech forest. Stoats and possums were the most frequent predators (36 and 22% respectively of artificial plastilina nests in alpine grassland and high‐altitude beech forest combined); these percentages did not vary significantly between habitats. Given the low density and sparse distribution of vulnerable species in much of New Zealand, data from artificial nests can be a useful tool for studying predation in these remote and difficult habitats, or at least, preferable to ignorance. However, the type of artificial nest used can strongly affect the rate at which they are destroyed.  相似文献   

Three factors and their interaction effects are increasingly recognized as important determinants of nest predation: nest concealment, nest height, and predator type. The risk of nest predation is predicted to vary across these variables because of nest detectability and accessibility. In general, however, few studies examine how these three variables interact in relation to nest predation, focusing instead on either nest concealment or nest height (whereby predator identity is usually not known). In this study, we examine the role of nest concealment and nest height for nest survival using both artificial and natural nests in the superb fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus). We indirectly identified potential predators through marks left on artificial eggs and footprints left on tracking tunnels. Predation level at artificial nests was lower than at natural nests, and this could be due to a failure of some nest predators to locate cryptic nests in the absence of cues provided by parental activity. Our results supported the prediction that exposed and concealed nests have different levels of nest predation, which can be explained by variation in predator type. Visual predators were only detected at exposed nests, and survival from visual predators was lower for high nests that were also exposed. However, olfactory predators were detected irrespective of nest height or nest concealment. Because rodents use olfaction to locate nests, this could explain the lack of association between nest concealment and predation outcome at low nests. In addition, rodent footmarks near nests were significantly associated with rodent tooth marks on eggs.  相似文献   

Artificial nest experiments (ANEs) are widely used to obtain proxies of natural nest predation for testing a variety of hypotheses, from those dealing with variation in life-history strategies to those assessing the effects of habitat fragmentation on the persistence of bird populations. However, their applicability to real-world scenarios has been criticized owing to the many potential biases in comparing predation rates of artificial and natural nests. Here, we aimed to test the validity of estimates of ANEs using a novel approach. We related predation rates on artificial nests to population viability analyses in a songbird metapopulation as a way of predicting the real impact of predation events on the local populations studied. Predation intensity on artificial nests was negatively related to the species' annual population growth rate in small local populations, whereas the viability of large local populations did not seem to be influenced, even by high nest predation rates. The potential of extrapolation from ANEs to real-world scenarios is discussed, as these results suggest that artificial nest predation estimates may predict demographic processes in small structured populations.  相似文献   

Predation selects against conspicuous colors in bird eggs and nests, while thermoregulatory constraints select for nest-building behavior that regulates incubation temperatures. We present results that suggest a trade-off between nest crypticity and thermoregulation of eggs based on selection of nest materials by piping plovers (Charadrius melodus), a ground-nesting bird that constructs simple, pebble-lined nests highly vulnerable to predators and exposed to temperature extremes. Piping plovers selected pebbles that were whiter and appeared closer in color to eggs than randomly available pebbles, suggesting a crypsis function. However, nests that were more contrasting in color to surrounding substrates were at greater risk of predation, suggesting an alternate strategy driving selection of white rocks. Near-infrared reflectance of nest pebbles was higher than randomly available pebbles, indicating a direct physical mechanism for heat control through pebble selection. Artificial nests constructed of randomly available pebbles heated more quickly and conferred heat to model eggs, causing eggs to heat more rapidly than in nests constructed from piping plover nest pebbles. Thermal models and field data indicated that temperatures inside nests may remain up to 2–6°C cooler than surrounding substrates. Thermal models indicated that nests heat especially rapidly if not incubated, suggesting that nest construction behavior may serve to keep eggs cooler during the unattended laying period. Thus, pebble selection suggests a potential trade-off between maximizing heat reflectance to improve egg microclimate and minimizing conspicuous contrast of nests with the surrounding substrate to conceal eggs from predators. Nest construction behavior that employs light-colored, thermally reflective materials may represent an evolutionary response by birds and other egg-laying organisms to egg predation and heat stress. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Monitoring bird nests with cameras provides an opportunity to identify the cause of nest failure and record the behavior of individuals. However, leaving an object continuously within sight of a nest could have potential negative effects on nesting success. We compared daily survival rates of nests monitored using cameras and human visitation to nests tracked via human visitation only to test for potential additional effects of camera monitoring on predation rates. From 2006 to 2008, experiments were conducted on Bylot Island (Nunavut) using 80 artificial nests and 53 real nests of Baird's Sandpipers ( Calidris bairdii ) and White-rumped Sandpipers ( Calidris fuscicollis ). Rates of predation on real and artificial nests varied considerably among years. However, survival rates of camera-monitored nests did not differ from those of nests monitored without cameras. Predators of artificial nests included Arctic foxes ( Vulpes lagopus ), Glaucous Gulls ( Larus hyperboreus ), and Long-tailed Jaegers ( Stercorarius longicaudus ), whereas Arctic foxes were responsible for all camera-recorded predation events at real nests. Camera monitoring should be promoted as a viable method for monitoring nests of Arctic shorebirds because our results indicate that placing cameras at nests does not bias estimates of nest survival obtained via nest visits.  相似文献   

Summary To examine if differences in egg predation rates could explain differences in bird community composition, egg predation was studied in two years on small islands in a South Swedish lake and on the nearby mainland using both natural and artificial nests.In plots with similar vegetation, the combined density of ground- and tree-nesting bird species did not differ between the islands and the mainland. Egg predation rates were similar on islands and the mainland for natural Turdus nests in two years, and for artificial Turdus and Phylloscopus nests. Unmarked and unvisited experimental nests suffered similar rate of egg predation as marked and visited nests. Egg predation rates were higher on natural nests when artificial nests were also put out, increasing the total nest density. Initial egg predation rates in artificial nests were also higher than later when nest density had decreased by 75%.The egg predators involved differed for artificial Phylloscopus nests between the islands and the mainland. Small mammals were apparently responsible for 29% of the predation on the mainland, but none on the islands. Artificial Turdus nests near crow nests suffered from a higher egg predation rate than nests further away from crow nests. Daily survival rates of Turdus nests increased from the laying to the incubation and further to the fledging state.Egg predation can not explain differences in bird community composition between islands and mainland in the present case.  相似文献   

Nest survival is an important part of breeding success in grassland ecosystems, and the location of nests can determine vulnerability to different predators. We conducted an experiment with artificial nests to evaluate jointly the predation rate on nests at different spatial scales (landscape, patch and tussock) and the relative abundance of potential nest predators (small mammals and birds) in a temperate grassland area. In November 2014 and 2016, we installed 288 artificial nests in Common Pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana grasslands in the southeastern Pampas region, Argentina. The nests were placed in two 10-ha plots in a continuous grassland patch (c. 900 ha) within a reserve and in two small grassland patches (1.5 and 1.8 ha) in an agricultural matrix (landscape-scale), at the patch edge and inside the patches (patch-scale), and at two heights within the tussock grass (tussock-scale). In 2016, we also conducted live trapping of small mammals and surveyed birds along strip transects at the sampling sites. Nests located in patches within an agricultural matrix and near the edge had greater relative survival than those set in the reserve and inside the patches, respectively. This might be explained by the lower relative abundance of small mammals that we found outside the reserve. Artificial nest survival values recorded at the landscape-scale contrasted with those previously observed for natural nests. Our results could be partly explained by differences in nest density between agro-patches and those within the reserve. Future studies could also evaluate the role of parental nest defence on nest survival.  相似文献   

Native throughout Asia, rhesus macaques are believed to have the widest native range of any non-human primate and are capable of adapting to an extensive diversity of habitats. Rhesus macaques have caused environmental degradation in introduced habitats, including decreasing bird populations through nest predation. In the 1930s, rhesus macaques were intentionally introduced into what is today Silver Springs State Park (SSSP), central Florida, in an effort to increase tourism. Our objective was to determine whether introduced rhesus macaques in SSSP would consume eggs presented in artificial nests. We used camera traps adjacent to 100 open-cupped artificial bird nests baited with quail eggs near the Silver River. Nests were placed in shrubs and left in the field site for 12 days, representative of the incubation period of native passerine species. Twenty-one nests were depredated by rhesus macaques, nine by nest predators other than macaques, and five nests by an unidentified predator. Nests were more likely to be depredated by macaques when located in areas of high macaque relative abundance. This study suggests introduced rhesus macaques may influence nest predation rates of native bird species in natural areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Grassland birds endemic to the central shortgrass prairie ecoregion of the United States have experienced steep and widespread declines over the last 3 decades, and factors influencing reproductive success have been implicated. Nest predation is the major cause of nest failure in passerines, and nesting success for some shortgrass prairie birds is exceptionally low. The 3 primary land uses in the central shortgrass prairie ecoregion are native shortgrass prairie rangeland (62%), irrigated and nonirrigated cropland (29%), and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP, 8%). Because shortgrass–cropland edges and CRP may alter the community of small mammal predators of grassland bird nests, I sampled multiple sites on and near the Pawnee National Grasslands in northeast Colorado, USA, to evaluate 1) whether small mammal species richness and densities were greater in CRP fields and shortgrass prairie–cropland edges compared to shortgrass prairie habitats, and 2) whether daily survival probabilities of ground-nesting grassland bird nests were negatively correlated with densities of small mammals. Small mammal species richness and densities, estimated using trapping webs, were generally greater along edges and on CRP sites compared to shortgrass sites. Vegetation did not differ among edges and shortgrass sites but did differ among CRP and shortgrass sites. Daily survival probabilities of artificial nests at edge and CRP sites and natural nests at edge sites did not differ from shortgrass sites, and for natural nests small mammal densities did not affect nest survival. However, estimated daily survival probability of artificial nests was inversely proportional to thirteen-lined ground squirrel (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus) densities. In conclusion, these data suggest that although land-use patterns on the shortgrass prairie area in my study have substantial effects on the small mammal community, insufficient data existed to determine whether land-use patterns or small mammal density were affecting grassland bird nest survival. These findings will be useful to managers for predicting the effects of land-use changes in the shortgrass prairie on small mammal communities and avian nest success.  相似文献   

Abstract An experiment, involving 2000 members of the public, determined the identity of nest predators in urban environments. Experimental nests of halved tennis balls covered with coconut fibre and wool were manufactured to resemble the nests of willie wagtails, Rhipidura leucophrys. The identity of predators was determined by analysis of imprints left in artificial eggs made of coloured modelling clay. Sixty-four per cent of nests were preyed upon, with most predation being the result of large birds. Direct observations of predation (n = 134) indicated that pied currawongs were the most common large bird, accounting for 52% of all predation. Predation incidence was higher in gardens with more trees and in which kookaburras, Dacelo novaeguineae, were fed frequently. Among nests placed in trees, nest predation was correlated with nest height. Eggs camouflaged by speckling experienced a similar incidence of predation to plain eggs. This study provides evidence to support the contention that pied currawongs are a major threat to the persistence of small birds in Australian urban environments.  相似文献   

Identifying predators at nests of small birds in a New Zealand forest   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
K. P. BROWN  H. MOLLER  J. INNES  P. JANSEN 《Ibis》1998,140(2):274-279
Time-lapse video equipment was used to film continuously at nests of two small passerines, the New Zealand Robin Petroica australis and the Tomtit Petroica macrocephala , in an indigenous broadleaf/hardwood forest in central North Island, New Zealand. The nests were illuminated with infrared light to allow night-time observations of predator and parent bird behaviour, and signs left at nests were linked to predator identity. Introduced Ship Rats Rattus rattus and the small native owl or Ruru Ninox novaeseelandiae were filmed preying on eggs or chicks on 12 occasions, and Ship Rats scavenged on eggs on two occasions. Parent birds sometimes altered the signs left at nests after predation, which confused identification of the predator, while Ship Rat scavenger and predator signs were indistinguishable. This suggests that attempts to identify predators from nest signs could be misleading and potentially a widespread problem. Time-lapse video filming with infrared illumination is potentially the least biased method of identifying predators, but it is expensive and so is best used in conjunction with simpler methods. This study found no evidence that filming altered predation rates or that the predators or parent birds reacted strongly to the camera or lights, so we believe that filming is a valuable and safe technique to guide management for the recovery of critically endangered species that are threatened by predators.  相似文献   

Analysis of the nest environment of tuatara Sphenodon punctatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Water potential and temperature were monitored in 20 natural nests of tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus , through 12 months of incubation on Stephens Island, New Zealand. Tuatara nest in rookeries in open pasture, in sites that often are more than 100m from residential burrows located beneath the closed canopy of native bush. Nest tunnels are approximately 197 mm long, 73mm wide, and 45mm high, and have a slightly expanded chamber at the end. Eggs are generally deposited in 1-3 layers in the terminal chamber. The top eggs are 30-155mm below the soil surface, and an air space of as much as 20 mm may exist between the uppermost egg and the top of the chamber. Each nest receives an average of 8.6 eggs that imbibe water and swell during incubation. Only 48% of eggs have hatched or are still alive 12 months after oviposition. Survival by embryos is higher in moist nests than in dry ones. Variation in temperature in nests has only a small influence on survival, and this influence may be mediated indirectly by effects of temperature on the water exchanges experienced by incubating eggs. Water potentials in the soil of closed canopy forest on Stephens Island are high enough to support embryogenesis, but temperatures are too low. Thus, females leave the forest to nest in areas where soil temperatures are suitable for incubation.  相似文献   

As a consequence of habitat loss, breeding in man-made habitats has become increasingly common for many coastal breeding bird species. While artificial sites provide valuable substitutes, they may also be more attractive, and importantly, differ in quality from natural sites. Therefore, information on habitat specific breeding success and their potential for supporting stable populations are needed. We compared little tern (Sternula albifrons) breeding success (nest and hatching success) between natural habitat (sandy beaches) and artificial port habitat at Bothnian Bay, Finland from 2006 to 2011. We further reviewed published estimates on pre-fledging and adult survival for little terns and least terns (Sternula antillarum), and used these ranges to estimate plausible parameter spaces for population growth rates given our estimates of breeding success. Nest success was among the highest reported for little terns in the artificial habitat (82 %) while being lower in the natural habitat (58 %). This difference may have resulted from differences in colony sizes and levels of disturbance. Hatching success did not differ significantly, but the percentage of successful nests containing unhatched eggs was twice as high in the natural habitat. The parameter spaces for population growth rates indicated that the artificial habitat has good potential to sustain stable populations (66 % positive growth rate) while for the natural habitat this potential was lower (37 % positive growth rate). While our results suggest that artificial habitats can be very productive breeding sites for habitat deprived tern populations, management should concentrate on improving both habitats with emphasis on natural sites.  相似文献   

Many bird species do not make their own nests; therefore, selection of existing sites that provide adequate microclimates is critical. This is particularly true for owls in north temperate climates that often nest early in the year when inclement weather is common. Spotted owls use three main types of nest structures, each of which are structurally distinct and may provide varying levels of protection to the eggs or young. We tested the hypothesis that spotted owl nest configuration influences nest microclimate using both experimental and observational data. We used a wind tunnel to estimate the convective heat transfer coefficient (h(c)) of eggs in 25 potential nest configurations that mimicked 2 nest types (top-cavity and platform nests), at 3 different wind speeds. We then used the estimates of h(c) in a biophysical heat transfer model to estimate how long it would take unattended eggs to cool from incubation temperature (~36°C) to physiological zero temperature (PZT; ~26°C) under natural environmental conditions. Our results indicated that the structural configuration of nests influences the cooling time of the eggs inside those nests, and hence, influences the nest microclimate. Estimates of time to PZT ranged from 10.6 minutes to 33.3 minutes. Nest configurations that were most similar to platform nests always had the fastest egg cooling times, suggesting that platform nests were the least protective of those nests we tested. Our field data coupled with our experimental results suggested that nest choice is important for the reproductive success of owls during years of inclement weather or in regions characterized by inclement weather during the nesting season.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Nest predation is the primary cause of nest failure in most passerine birds, and increases in nest predation associated with anthropogenic habitat disturbance are invoked as explanations for population declines of some bird species. In most cases, however, the identity of the nest predators is not known with certainty. We monitored active bird nests with infrared time-lapse video cameras to determine which nest predators were responsible for depredating bird nests in northern New Hampshire. We monitored 64 nests of 11 bird species during three breeding seasons, and identified seven species of predators during 14 predation events. In addition, we recorded two instances of birds defending nests from predators and, in both cases, these nests were ultimately lost to predation. These results contrast with other studies in terms of the relatively high proportion of nests depredated by raptors and mice, as well as the absence of any predation by snakes. The diverse suite of predators in this and other studies is likely to confound our understanding of patterns of nest predation relative to fragmentation and habitat structure.  相似文献   

Forest loss and fragmentation in Indonesia may seriously affect the survivorship of forest birds and lead to local extinction of bird populations. We used 786 artificial nests baited with quail eggs to examine the effect of habitat alteration on nest predation in Lore Lindu National Park, Sulawesi. Natural forest and four habitats of forest margin areas: forest edge, forest gardens, coffee plantations, and secondary forest, were studied. Two types of artificial nests, ground and shrub nests were placed in these habitats at two different locations for a period of 8 days. In addition, we used automatic cameras and cage-traps to identify the predators. Nests in shrubs experienced significantly higher predation rates in forest margin areas than in natural forest. Predation on ground nests did not differ significantly between these habitat types, but was significantly higher than that on shrub nests in each habitat except forest edge. Rodents were the most common predators of both nests, but shrub nests were also susceptible to Dwarf cuscus (Strigocuscus celebensis), squirrels, and tree snakes. The nest predation rates we found were among the highest found in tropical rainforests, probably a consequence of the unique predator assemblages of Sulawesi. These results suggest that egg survival is negatively affected by human intervention and that human-induced habitats might have only limited importance for the conservation of Sulawesi's largely endemic understorey avifauna. These considerations might be important since forest margins comprise significant proportions of protected areas on Sulawesi and play an important role in future Park zoning concepts as well as in conservation-oriented land use management.  相似文献   

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