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Can ecological relationships between bat species be predicted largely on the basis of morphology? This question was addressed by investigating skull morphology of two cryptic species of the pipistrelle bat. Since 45 Pipistrellus pipistrellus apparently eats larger prey than 55 P. pipistrellus, we predicted that it would have a larger overall skull size, a larger dentary apparatus, and a larger gape. To test these predictions, variables were measured from skulls of the two cryptic species, and comparisons made between them. In accordance with our predictions, overall skull size was larger in 45 P. pipistrellus than in 55 P. pipistrellus, and 45 P. pipistrellus had a longer lower jaw and the distance between the jaws at maximum gape was larger. In addition, 45 P. pipistrellus had longer upper canines, which may allow it to pierce harder prey items than 55 P. pipistrellus. Only some aspects of dietary differences between the two cryptic species could be explained by differences in skull morphology, and we suggest that empirical data, at least on diet and habitat use, are also required to explain mechanisms of resource partitioning among species in bat communities.  相似文献   

Predel R  Gäde G 《Peptides》2005,26(1):3-9
The primary structures and molecular mass data of neuropeptides that are released from major neuroendocrine sites of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, are well known. In the current study we extensively surveyed neuropeptides of the corpora cardiaca, the corpora allata and the abdominal perisympathetic organs, from 14 related cockroach species belonging to the family Blattidae. Mainly, this survey was executed by using mass spectrometric methods (MALDI-TOF MS). Peptides which appeared to be modified, as judged from their mass data and comparison with known data from P. americana, were fragmented by means of the post-source decay technique to determine their amino acid sequence. Single organ preparations sufficed to reveal the peptide pattern in neurohemal organs and to identify species-specific modifications, making it possible to glean information also from tissues of less abundant species that were caught during field trips. The peptide inventory described in this study is very typical of cockroaches of the family Blattidae and clearly separates this taxon from other taxa of cockroaches. The majority of neuropeptides was identical in all investigated species. Some peptides, however, displayed remarkable variations in their sequence which hint to a differential rate of modification among peptides of the same neuropeptide family. These modifications serve to distinguish further relatedness of taxa within the Blattidae.  相似文献   

DNA sequencing (cytochrome oxidase I; 82 sequences; 25 locations) of a species complex of Australian six-rayed sea-stars (genus Patiriella) reveals four well-supported mtDNA clades, corresponding to P. oriens, P. occidens, P. medius, and P. gunnii. These clades have non-random geographic distributions along an east to west axis that are broadly consistent with the biogeographic provinces of southern Australia proposed by. The taxa are deeply divergent (minimum 7.5%) and are estimated to have originated during the late Pliocene. By contrast, intra-clade divergences are small, typically less than 1.0%. Phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA provides strong support for the combined monophyly of multicoloured forms (P. oriens, P. occidens, and P. medius; 100% bootstrap support) and suggests that P. medius (central) and P. occidens (western) may be sister taxa (up to 76% bootstrap support). Maximum likelihood analysis of nuclear DNA sequences (actin; 1437 bp) yields an optimal tree largely consistent with mtDNA groupings, but with little bootstrap support. The biogeographic distribution of P. oriens (eastern) and P. occidens (western) is roughly consistent with a vicariant model involving allopatric divergence during glaciation. In addition, we propose that the Great Australian Bight may also have retained isolated populations during glacial periods, perhaps explaining the "central" distributions of P. gunnii and P. medius.  相似文献   

Populus euphratica is a poplar species growing in arid regions of Central Asia, where its distribution remains nevertheless restricted to river-banks or to areas with an access to deep water tables. To test whether the hydraulic architecture of this species differs from that of other poplars with respect to this ecological distribution, the vulnerability to cavitation of P. euphratica was compared with that of P. alba and of P. trichocarpa x koreana. The occurrence of a potential hydraulic segmentation through cavitation was also investigated by assessing the vulnerability of roots, stems, and leaf mid-rib veins. Cryo-scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM) was used to assess the level of embolism in fine roots and leaf mid-ribs and a low pressure flowmeter (LPFM) was used for stems and main roots. The cryo-SEM technique was validated against LPFM measurements on paired samples. In P. alba and P. trichocarpa x koreana, leaf mid-ribs were more vulnerable to cavitation than stems and roots. In P. euphratica, leaf mid-ribs and stems were equally vulnerable and, contrary to what has been observed in other species, roots were significantly less vulnerable than shoots. P. euphratica was by far the most vulnerable. The water potential inducing 50% loss of conductivity in stems was close to -0.7 MPa, against approximately -1.45 MPa for the two others species. Such a large vulnerability was confirmed by recording losses of conductivity during a gradual drought. Moreover, significant stem embolism was recorded before stomatal closure, indicating the lack of an efficient safety margin for hydraulic functions in this species. Embolism was not reversed by rewatering. These observations are discussed with respect to the ecology of P. euphratica.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterizations of plant K+ transport systems aside from Arabidopsis have been increasing over the past decade, favored by the availability of more and more plant genome sequences. Information now available enables the comparison of some of these systems between species. In this review, we focus on three families of plant K+ transport systems that are active at the plasma membrane: the Shaker K+ channel family, comprised of voltage-gated channels that dominate the plasma membrane conductance to K+ in most environmental conditions, and two families of transporters, the HAK/KUP/KT K+ transporter family, which includes some high-affinity transporters, and the HKT K+ and/or Na+ transporter family, in which K+-permeable members seem to be present in monocots only. The three families are briefly described, giving insights into the structure of their members and on functional properties and their roles in Arabidopsis or rice. The structure of the three families is then compared between plant species through phylogenic analyses. Within clusters of ortologues/paralogues, similarities and differences in terms of expression pattern, functional properties and, when known, regulatory interacting partners, are highlighted. The question of the physiological significance of highlighted differences is also addressed.  相似文献   

To understand the success of invasive species, it is important to know whether colonization events are facilitated by adaptive evolution or are limited to sites where a species is pre-adapted to thrive. Studies of the ancient colonization patterns of an invader in its native range provide an opportunity to examine its natural history of adaptation and colonization. This study uses molecular (internal transcribed spacer sequence and amplified fragment length polymorphism) and common garden approaches to assess the ancient patterns of establishment and quantitative trait evolution in the invasive shrub Hypericum canariense. This species has an unusually small and discrete native range in the Canary Islands. Our data reveal two genetic varieties with divergent life histories and different colonization patterns across the islands. Although molecular divergence within each variety is large (pairwise FST from 0.18 to 0.32 between islands) and nearly as great as divergence between them, life-history traits show striking uniformity within varieties. The discrepancy between molecular and life-history trait divergence points to the action of stabilizing selection within varieties and the influence of pre-adaptation on patterns of colonization. The colonization history of H. canariense reflects how the relationship between selective environments in founding and source populations can dictate establishment by particular lineages and their subsequent evolutionary stasis or change.  相似文献   

Citizen‐science databases have been used to develop species distribution models (SDMs), although many taxa may be only georeferenced to county. It is tacitly assumed that SDMs built from county‐scale data should be less precise than those built with more accurate localities, but the extent of the bias is currently unknown. Our aims in this study were to illustrate the effects of using county‐scale data on the spatial extent and accuracy of SDMs relative to true locality data and to compare potential compensatory methods (including increased sample size and using overall county environmental averages rather than point locality environmental data). To do so, we developed SDMs in maxent with PRISM‐derived BIOCLIM parameters for 283 and 230 species of odonates (dragonflies and damselflies) and butterflies, respectively, for five subsets from the OdonataCentral and Butterflies and Moths of North America citizen‐science databases: (1) a true locality dataset, (2) a corresponding sister dataset of county‐centroid coordinates, (3) a dataset where the average environmental conditions within each county were assigned to each record, (4) a 50/50% mix of true localities and county‐centroid coordinates, and (5) a 50/50% mix of true localities and records assigned the average environmental conditions within each county. These mixtures allowed us to quantify the degree of bias from county‐scale data. Models developed with county centroids overpredicted the extent of suitable habitat by 15% on average compared to true locality models, although larger sample sizes (>100 locality records) reduced this disparity. Assigning county‐averaged environmental conditions did not offer consistent improvement, however. Because county‐level data are of limited value for developing SDMs except for species that are widespread and well collected or that inhabit regions where small, climatically uniform counties predominate, three means of encouraging more accurate georeferencing in citizen‐science databases are provided.  相似文献   

Folsomia manolachei Bagnall, 1939 (Collembola), is a widespread and common European species. However, it may represent a complex of species also associated with the climatically more extreme environments of the karst landforms. Three species of the genus Folsomia, distributed in the Slovak Karst region (Central Europe), namely three different populations of F. manolachei, and one population of F. penicula and F. candida, were analysed using a partial sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI barcoding section). The DNA barcoding suggested the existence of cryptic diversity in populations of the eurytopic species Folsomia manolachei. The cold‐adapted population of ‘F. manolachei’ was abundant in primary soil on stony debris near the permanent floor ice (yearly air temperature ~0°C) in the collapsed karst doline of the Silická ?adnica Ice Cave. It showed a genetic differentiation supported by intra‐ and interspecific distances that ranged from 0.0% to 1.4% and from 19.2% to 24.0%, respectively. Analysis using Taxon DNA showed a large barcoding gap between intra‐ and interspecific COI sequences. Genetic differentiation suggests a scenario of cryptic speciation in the population of ‘F. manolachei’ occupying harsh soils near the floor ice. A survival test showed the different responses of ‘F. manolachei’ and other populations to low temperature. Within a temperature range from ?3 to ?10°C, the ‘F. manolachei’ population from Silická ?adnica was the most cold‐resistant, showing a lethal dose LD50 of ?7.8°C. The two forest populations of F. manolachei had LD50 ?6.1°C and ?6.0°C, respectively; the most cold‐sensitive F. penicula showed an LD50 of ?5.4°C. The survival of the tested springtails significantly decreased with temperature (p < 0.0001). The lethal temperature and the shape of the survival–temperature curves were different in different populations. The impact of population was significant at p < 0.0001, and the interaction between population and temperature at p < 0.039 was significant as well. Crypticity vs. phenotypic plasticity in Folsomia manolachei populations is discussed in terms of DNA barcoding and the cold tolerance data provided by this study.  相似文献   

We found previously that the peripheral CD4 T-cell populations of heavily exposed A-bomb survivors contained fewer na?ve T cells than we detected in the corresponding unexposed controls. To determine whether this demonstrable impairment of the CD4 T-cell immunity of A-bomb survivors was likely to affect the responsiveness of their immune systems to infection by common pathogens, we tested the T cells of 723 survivors for their ability to proliferate in vitro after a challenge by each of the Staphylococcus aureus toxins SEB, SEC-2, SEC-3, SEE and TSST-1. The results presented here reveal that the proliferative responses of T cells of A-bomb survivors became progressively weaker as the radiation dose increased and did so in a manner that correlated well with the decreasing CD45RA-positive (na?ve) [but not CD45RA-negative (memory)] CD4 T-cell percentages that we found in their peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) populations. We also noted that the T cells of survivors with a history of myocardial infarction tended to respond poorly to several (or even all) of the S. aureus toxins, and that these same individuals had proportionally fewer CD45RA-positive (na?ve) CD4 T cells in their PBL populations than we detected in survivors with no myocardial infarction in their history. Taken together, these results clearly indicate that A-bomb irradiation led to an impairment of the ability of exposed individuals to maintain their na?ve T-cell pools. This may explain why A-bomb survivors tend to respond poorly to toxins encoded by the common pathogenic bacterium S. aureus.  相似文献   

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