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Internationally, invasive vertebrate species pose a significant threat to biodiversity, agricultural production and human health. To manage these species a wide range of tools, including traps, are used. In New Zealand, brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), stoats (Mustela ermine), and ship rats (Rattus rattus) are invasive and there is an ongoing demand for cost-effective non-toxic methods for controlling these pests. Recently, traps with multiple-capture capability have been developed which, because they do not require regular operator-checking, are purported to be more cost-effective than traditional single-capture traps. However, when pest populations are being maintained at low densities (as is typical of orchestrated pest management programmes) it remains uncertain if it is more cost-effective to use fewer multiple-capture traps or more single-capture traps. To address this uncertainty, we used an individual-based spatially explicit modelling approach to determine the likely maximum animal-captures per trap, given stated pest densities and defined times traps are left between checks. In the simulation, single- or multiple-capture traps were spaced according to best practice pest-control guidelines. For possums with maintenance densities set at the lowest level (i.e. 0.5/ha), 98% of all simulated possums were captured with only a single capacity trap set at each site. When possum density was increased to moderate levels of 3/ha, having a capacity of three captures per trap caught 97% of all simulated possums. Results were similar for stoats, although only two potential captures per site were sufficient to capture 99% of simulated stoats. For rats, which were simulated at their typically higher densities, even a six-capture capacity per trap site only resulted in 80% kill. Depending on target species, prevailing density and extent of immigration, the most cost-effective strategy for pest control in New Zealand might be to deploy several single-capture traps rather than investing in fewer, but more expense, multiple-capture traps.  相似文献   

The introduced Australian brushtail possum is a major vertebrate pest in New Zealand, with impacts on conservation and agriculture being managed largely through poisoning operations. Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is registered for use in controlling possums and despite its many advantages it is expensive and relatively inhumane. Combination of a high proportion of aspirin with a low proportion of cholecalciferol was effective in killing high proportions of groups of acclimatised, caged possums: this is attributed to both an unexpectedly high toxicity of the type of cholecalciferol used, and a proposed synergistic mechanism between the two compounds. Death was caused by localised damage to heart ventricles by aspirin, and inhibition of tissue repair by both aspirin and cholecalciferol. The observed toxicosis had lower impact on the welfare of possums than either compound administered alone, particularly aspirin alone. Residue analyses of bait remains in the GI tract suggested a low risk of secondary poisoning by either compound. The combination of cholecalciferol and aspirin has the potential to meet key requirements of cost-effectiveness and humaneness in controlling possum populations, but the effect of the combination in non-target species has yet to be tested.  相似文献   

The kukupa or New Zealand pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) is gradually declining on the New Zealand mainland, due mostly to predation by introduced pest mammals including ship rats (Rattus rattus) and brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). We report on a co-operative project between Maori landowners, the Department of Conservation, and Manaaki Whenua–Landcare Research researchers to restore a Northland kukupa population and to examine kukupa nesting success in relation to pest abundance. Ship rats and possums were targeted by trapping and poisoning throughout Motatau Forest (350 ha) from 1997 to 1999; only possums were targeted in 2000. All 13 kukupa nests located before pest control started in late 1997 failed at the egg stage, but all seven nests located in 1998–99 successfully fledged young when trapping and tracking indices of possums and ship rats were less than 4%. After pest control, counts of kukupa and some other bird species increased at Motatau compared with counts in a nearby non-treatment block, suggesting numbers of adult kukupa can be increased in small forest areas by intensive pest control. This increase is due at least partly to increased nest success. Evidence from time-lapse video cameras, sign remaining at nests, and nest success rates under different pest control regimes suggest both ship rats and possums are important predators at kukupa nests.  相似文献   

Pest monitoring methods should provide unbiased accurate estimates of pest densities and locations, while also minimizing time‐in‐field and costs. Recent pest mammal monitoring studies have found that chew cards are more effective than conventional mammal monitoring methods, but little experimental work has been done to determine optimal experimental duration or quantify the risks of saturation by one species biasing detections of other species. Here, we used chew cards in three sites within Awarua wetland (Southland, New Zealand) to investigate the optimal amount of time required to detect targeted pest species (rats, possums and mice), and to examine the potential of rats and possums to bias detection rates of other species. We found depressed detections of possums and rats where a contraspecific had been detected on a card, which is consistent with previous studies of a similar duration on interspecies interference. This experiment is the first to analyse the rates at which species detections accrue over the course of a survey, and we found rat detections lagged behind possums for the first four nights. We modelled the effect of survey duration and relative rat abundance on the likelihood of further possum detections. Duration and rat abundance interacted, meaning there are trade‐offs to be considered with regard to duration: shorter durations may avoid the risk of saturation in areas of high pest density, but risk not sampling sparse or neophobic populations. Our data suggest that chew cards remain one of the most sensitive pest monitoring tools for rats and possums, compared to conventional methods such as tracking tunnels and wax tags. In areas of moderate pest densities, we suggest that a duration of five nights is optimal for detecting pests. However, in areas of high pest density the sensitivity of chew cards may render them unsuitable because of saturation and interspecies interference effects.  相似文献   

We conducted a field trial to determine whether percutaneous challenge of wild brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) with virulent Mycobacterium bovis, the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis (TB), resulted in subsequent transmission of M. bovis to other possums. We then used our results to make a preliminary first direct estimate of the ‘TB detection probability’ or transmission rate in wild possums. Seven free-living adult possums in the Rimutaka Forest Park, New Zealand, were captured, GPS-collared, experimentally challenged and then released. Possum populations surrounding the challenged individuals were examined for secondary cases 4–8 months post-challenge. Of 37 possums caught within the home ranges of the challenged individuals, one had confirmed TB. As no TB was detected in 355 other possums examined in this study, or 659 possums in a concurrent study in the immediate vicinity, we conclude that this represents the first documented case of onward transmission of M. bovis from an experimentally challenged possum in the wild. This pilot trial therefore gives some confidence that the new percutaneous challenge model for TB in possums can be used to obtain empirical estimates of TB detection probabilities. The calculated probability of onward transmission (‘detection’) here was just 0.027; however, with the possibility that further transmission events would have occurred from the one challenged possum removed from the trial before it had died, or if our trapping missed secondary cases, this value could be an underestimate. The implications of this low preliminary estimate are discussed.  相似文献   

Introduced brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) are controlled over large parts of New Zealand to protect canopy trees. The condition of canopy trees is one of the cues used to trigger possum control, but selecting an indicator of canopy tree condition is difficult because many factors unrelated to possum browsing can affect canopy condition, and indices based on canopy scoring may not always quickly detect real changes in possum herbivory. We therefore investigated the usefulness of the percentage of fallen mahoe (Melicytus ramiflorus) and kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) leaves browsed by possums (‘fallen-leaf browse’ or ‘FLB’) as a trigger for control aimed at protecting these tree species. We collected leaves falling from kamahi and mahoe trees every two months for two years at two study areas in the central North Island, one with initially high possum abundance (Oriuwaka) and the other with low possum abundance (Otupaka). We classified each of 92 384 leaves as either not-browsed, possum-browsed or insect-browsed. There was a strong and similar seasonal pattern in the mean number of fallen leaves per tree for both mahoe and kamahi at both study areas; fewest leaves fell in winter, and the most leaves fell in spring and early summer. Mahoe and kamahi FLB exhibited a similar seasonal pattern at both areas, being lowest in winter and highest in spring and early summer. FLB for both mahoe and kamahi declined following control of possums to low densities at Oriuwaka. The proportion of fallen mahoe and kamahi leaves browsed by possums was small compared with those browsed by insects or not browsed. We show that spring/early summer (i.e. September–December) is the best period for sampling FLB and that the mean FLB can be estimated with a CV of 20% if one trap is randomly placed under the canopy of each of 24 randomly located trees. However, CVs were much larger in other seasons and when possum abundance was low. We consider FLB to be a sensible trigger for initiating possum control when the objective of control is to protect canopy trees, but further work is needed to determine the relationships between possum abundance, FLB, canopy condition, and key tree demographic rates.  相似文献   

The presence of brodifacoum residues in possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) livers following routine possum control was investigated. Possums were poisoned in six nature reserves in the Wellington Region, New Zealand, using cereal baits containing 20 mg kg(-1) brodifacoum dispensed from bait stations. Thirty-five surviving possums, and five dead possums were sampled from the reserves following poisoning, and their livers analysed for the presence of brodifacoum. The majority (83%) of samples contained brodifacoum at concentrations ranging from 0.007 mg kg(-1) to 6.2 mg kg(-1). The presence of significant quantities of brodifacoum in possum carcasses following poisoning operations creates potential for secondary and tertiary poisoning of non-target species.  相似文献   

In New Zealand, the introduced marsupial brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is a pest species subject to control measures, primarily to limit its ability to transmit bovine tuberculosis (TB) to livestock and for conservation protection. To better define parameters for targeted possum control and TB surveillance, we here applied a novel approach to analyzing GPS data obtained from 44 possums fitted with radio-tracking collars, producing estimates of the animals’ short-term nocturnal foraging patterns based on 1-, 3- or 5-nights’ contiguous data. Studies were conducted within two semi-arid montane regions of New Zealand’s South Island High Country: these regions support low-density possum populations (<2 possums/ha) in which the animals’ home ranges are on average larger than in high-density populations in forested habitat. Possum foraging range width (FRW) estimates increased with increasing monitoring periods, from 150-200m based on a single night’s movement data to 300-400m based on 5 nights’ data. The largest average FRW estimates were recorded in winter and spring, and the smallest in summer. The results suggest that traps or poison-bait stations (for lethal control) or monitoring devices (for TB surveillance), set for > 3 consecutive nights at 150m interval spacings, would likely place >95% of the possums in this type of habitat at risk of encountering these devices, year-round. Modelling control efficacy against operational expenditure, based on these estimations, identified the relative cost-effectiveness of various strategies that could be applied to a typical aerial poisoning operation, to reduce the ongoing TB vectorial risk that possums pose in the High Country regions. These habitat-specific findings are likely to be more relevant than the conventional pest control and monitoring methodologies developed for possums in their more typical forested habitat.  相似文献   

Brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) are the main wildlife host of bovine tuberculosis in New Zealand. The disease cycle can be broken by intensive large-scale reduction of possum populations to low levels. That strategy has been successfully applied over much of New Zealand, to the point that a key question now is whether the disease has indeed been locally eliminated, so that the expensive disease control programme can be stopped. However, it is usually too expensive to survey the few possums left. We have therefore developed a new approach to characterising the Tb detection capabilities of any wild animal species that can host the disease. The approach assigns each individual animal and spatially-explicit “detection kernel” that combines data on average range utilisation with probabilities of becoming infected when Tb is present in possums at the lowest sustainable level. We describe the principles involved, and compare the detection capabilities and cost-effectiveness across the species that are commonly being used for this purpose – wild pigs (Sus scrofa), ferrets (Mustela furo), and deer (Cervus spp.).  相似文献   

It is not clear whether animals consistently change their home ranges in response to density reduction. This is important to understand for better management of pest species where sustained control is required. Our objective was to measure whether home ranges of Australian brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) change following density reduction, using global positioning system (GPS) tracking. We experimentally reduced the densities of 2 populations (1 high-density at 7 possums/ha and 1 low-density at 1.5 possums/ha) and did not manipulate another population. We then monitored home ranges of individual possums. The high-density manipulated population had a significant increase in home-range size and overlap within 5 weeks following reduction, whereas the other 2 populations did not. This research suggests that changes in possum home ranges following control are likely influenced by the initial density of the pest population. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The importance of possums as competitors with livestock for pasture is sometimes used as justification for possum control. Unfortunately a confusion of wet and dry weight values of pasture and daily consumption by possums appears to have resulted in a significant overestimate of the economic costs of possums as pasture pests. A correctly estimated daily dry matter intake of pasture by possums is 0.0144 kg pasture dry matter per possum per day. For a possum density of 1 ha-1, this amounts to a reduction of about 1% of a stock unit ha-1 year-1. At higher possum densities, which often occur on farms adjacent to forest or scrub, losses would be correspondingly higher. A more direct way to measure possum impact on pasture production would be to use exclosures.  相似文献   

A single five night pulse of sodium monofluroacetate (0.15% 1080) applied in bait stations at two different spacing intervals, 100 and 200 m, along forestry roads in New Zealand beech forest, killed all four of the resident radio-tagged stoats (Mustela erminea) and all three of the resident radio- tagged wild house cats (Felis catus) by secondary poisoning. Gut contents of predators indicated that house mice (Mus musculus), ship rats (Rattus rattus) and bushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) were important sources of the toxin. High kills of predators, possums and rats at both 100 and 200 m spacing regimes suggest that greater efficacy of controlling these pests would be achieved with the latter method. Evidence suggests that routine management of possums and rats using 1080 and brodifacoum has resulted in widespread control of small mammalian carnivores by secondary poisoning in New Zealand forests. However, aerial application of poison can kill large numbers of tomtits (Petroica macrocephala) and robins (Petroica australis) and few other native bird species have been adequately monitored through such operations. Reducing risks to native wildlife is responsible ecological management. Use of bait stations along forestry roads or tracks may be fundamental in mounting cost-effective :Large-scale ground-based protection of native wildlife through safer predator controls.  相似文献   

为发展毛皮工业,新西兰19世纪中叶从澳大利亚引入刷尾负鼠(Trichosurus vulpecula),后成为新西兰一大害兽,刷尾负鼠不仅因破坏当地植被,捕食鸟蛋等而严重影响了新西兰的生物多样性,而且因其传播结核病菌对当地畜牧业造成了很大损失,新西兰每年花费巨额资金来控制这一害兽,虽然刷尾负鼠在一些孤立的岛屿和重复自然保护区已完全被消灭或得到有交和的控制,但在新西兰大部分地区其分布却还在扩展,依然威胁着新西兰的生物多样性和农牧业生产,传统的控制方法包括兽夹捕杀,射杀和药物灭杀,其效果不佳的主要原因是:1)受资金的限制;2)小面积控制后因为种群密度减小,负鼠的生育率,存活率随之增高,加上新个体从周围迁入,种群数量迅速恢复,生物防治特别是免疫绝育法被认为是经济,人道及有效的方法,新的研究结果证明刷尾负鼠具有一雄多雌的繁殖方式,而且在雌兽被绝育后,种群中雄兽与雌兽之比率反而增高,因此雌兽绝育可能不会降低雌雄负鼠之间的接触频率,这些研究结果表明免疫绝育控制刷尾负鼠是很有前景的。  相似文献   

Brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) in central Northland have been monitored for up to 32 months of sustained exposure to brodifacoum poison. The cereal baits were placed in bait stations to target brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). Annual survival of 55 radio-tagged adult kiwi in two poisoned forest patches has been high (95.9%), and similar to that in two nearby unpoisoned forest patches and in the patches before poison was used (95.3%). The two adult birds tested of the four that died in the poisoned areas had no traces of brodifacoum at the detection limit of 0.05 mg kg(-1). With an improved detection limit of 0.02 mg kg(-1), no traces of brodifacoum were found in nine eggs collected over 18 months after adults were first exposed to the poison. Of four chicks tested (detection limit: 0.005 to 0.02 mg kg(-1)), that had apparently died of natural causes or were killed by predators, three contained traces of brodifacoum (0.01—0.18 mg kg(-1)). The median survival of 39 radio-tagged chicks in the poisoned areas (36 days) was significantly better than that of 18 chicks in untreated areas nearby (15 days). Kiwi chicks may be more vulnerable than adult kiwi to accidental poisoning because of physiological or behavioural differences; however, the effects of sustained exposure to low levels of brodifacoum poison may not be visible in the adult population for several years. At this stage of the ongoing study, the benefits to kiwi of this method of pest control outweigh the costs, because chick survival is greatly improved.  相似文献   

Bird populations were monitored for one year (October 1990- October 1991) to determine whether the 1080 poison used to eradicate possums and wallabies on Rangitoto Island had had any detrimental effects on them. There was no significant decline in bird numbers recorded immediately after poisoning, with four species increasing in abundance (P <0.001). Twelve months after the operation the abundance of four species had increased significantly (P <0.001). The poisoning does not appear to have had any negative effect on the bird populations of Rangitoto, while the removal of browsing mammals may in future prove to have beneficial effects.  相似文献   

Poisonous baits used for pest control in New Zealand commonly contain green dye and cinnamon oil to make them less attractive to birds. Research aimed at reducing the impact of poison based pest control on birds has shown that some birds are initially deterred from feeding on blue or, to a lesser extent, green coloured food and are attracted to yellow or red food. We determined whether colours that deter or attract birds affected the acceptance of non-toxic and toxic cereal baits by captive brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). Individual possums were offered, daily, a choice between a standard green dyed non-toxic cereal bait and either a blue dyed(17 possums) or yellow dyed non-toxic bait (16 possums) for 10 days. Following this, for the first group of 17 possums, 1080 toxin was added to either the green bait (9 possums) or blue bait (8 possums) and possums were offered the green versus blue choice again. Two additional groups that had not previously been fed cereal baits were also given a choice between blue and green baits, one of which was toxic. All possums offered non-toxic bait ate less on the first day of presentation than on subsequent days. There was no difference in acceptance of either blue or yellow coloured non-toxic bait compared to the standard green non- toxic bait on any days. Bait colour appeared to be unimportant in cereal bait choice and did not deter possums from eating any of the baits. The addition of toxin to baits did not significantly alter bait choice in any groups, although some individuals which had no previous experience with baits ate more toxic than non-toxic bait. These data suggest that adding a stronger bird deterring colour (i.e., blue) to poisonous baits is unlikely to adversely affect the acceptance of baits by possums.  相似文献   

Browsing by introduced brushtail possums is linked to major declines in mistletoe abundance in New Zealand, yet in some areas mistletoes persist, apparently unaffected by the presence of possums. To determine the cause of this spatial variation in impact I investigated the abundance and condition (crown dieback and extent of possum browse) of two mistletoes (Alepis flavida, Peraxilla tetrapetala) and abundance and diet of possums in two mountain beech (Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides) forests in the central-eastern South Island of New Zealand. Mistletoe is common and there are long-established uncontrolled possum populations in both forests. Mistletoes were abundant (216?1359 per hectare) and important in possum diet (41?59% of total diet), but possum density was low (c. 2 per hectare) in both areas. Possum impacts were slight with low browse frequencies and intensities over much of the study sites. However, impacts were significantly greater at a forest margin, where possum abundance was highest, and at a high-altitude site where mistletoe density was lowest. Mistletoe crown dieback was inversely proportional to intensity of possum browsing. These results suggest that the persistence of abundant mistletoe populations at these sites is due to mistletoe productivity matching or exceeding consumption by possums in these forests of low possum-carrying capacity, rather than low possum preference for the local mistletoe populations.  相似文献   

The impact of browsing by introduced brushtail possums on mixed beech—broadleaved forests in South Westland was estimated from the amount of conspicuous canopy dieback present in 1989- 1990. Aerial and ground-based reconnaissance in all catchments indicated most canopies (84%) were intact. The remaining 16% of canopies were affected by conspicuous dieback, principally of southern rata (Metrosideros umbellata) and/or fuchsia (Fuchsia excorticata). Major dieback nuclei were located in the three areas with the longest history of browsing by possums, which had spread from three known liberation centres. At each dieback nucleus, the amount of dieback reflected the abundance of possum-preferred canopy species. Because South Westland forests contain lower proportions of such species, they are less susceptible to dieback than the conifer-broadleaved forests of central Westland. However, the present low amounts of dieback in South Westland mainly reflect low overall possum densities and a short period of occupation. The occurrence of key possum- preferred species indicates that about one-third of the forests could develop conspicuous canopy dieback if possum numbers increase and 44-94% are susceptible to canopy and/or understorey depletion. By 1992, the few areas selected for sustained possum control effort in Westland under-represented the range of forest composition. However, recently boosted funding for possum control has provided the opportunity to protect representative forest tracts before the onset of widespread ecosystem depletion in South Westland.  相似文献   

Introduced rodents and possums in New Zealand eat flowers, fruits, seeds and seedlings, but little is known about their impact on forest regeneration. We investigated seedling establishment in exclosures with mesh of two different sizes to exclude (1) possums and (2) possums and rats, at two mainland forest sites (beech–podocarp–broadleaved and second-growth broadleaved–podocarp) near Dunedin. We recorded all new woody seedlings that established over the next 2 years. The number of seedlings with true leaves differed significantly between treatments after 1.5 years at both sites and after 2 years in beech–podocarp–broadleaved forest. This effect was broadly consistent across all species including pepper tree (Pseudowintera colorata), whose adult foliage is unpalatable to possums. Cotyledonous seedlings were relatively ephemeral, but differed significantly in abundance between treatments in second-growth broadleaved–podocarp forest after 1.5 and 2 years. In second rowth broadleaved–podocarp forest, possums were present throughout the study but rats were rare. Numbers of seedlings did not differ significantly between exclosures with different mesh sizes which admitted or excluded rats. In beech–podocarp–broadleaved forest, rats were present periodically throughout the study, but possums may have been scarce during the final 7 months as a result of pest control. At this location, 80 seedlings with true leaves occurred in exclosures that excluded possums and rats, 3.6 times as many as on control plots and 2.1 times as many as in exclosures that deterred only possums. The consequences of these pest impacts on seedling recruitment for forest regeneration must be confirmed in longer-term studies. Exclosures can be effectively used to experimentally separate the impacts of different herbivores on seedling establishment.  相似文献   

Aerial poisoning operations with carrot or cereal baits are used to control brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) populations in New Zealand forests for ecosystem conservation and to stop the spread of bovine tuberculosis to cattle and deer herds on adjacent farmland. Although various measures have been implemented to reduce the incidence of bird kills, dead birds continue to be found after poison operations. Colour- banded North Island tomtits (Petroica macrocephala toitoi) were monitored in treatment and non-treatment areas in Pureora Forest Park to determine the costs and benefits of aerial 1080 possum poisoning operations to tomtit populations. The August 1997 operation (carrot baits with very little chaff, 0.08 % w/w 1080, 10 kg ha(-1)), resulted in 11 (79%) of 14 tomtits disappearing, but none of nine from the non-treatment area. Whether the birds died of primary or secondary poisoning is unknown. No tomtits in either treatment or non-treatment areas disappeared following the August 1998 operation (cereal baits, 0.08% w/w 1080, 5 kg ha(-1)). The carrot bait operation resulted in almost all possums and rodents being killed, but a few possums and rodents survived the cereal bait operation, apparently because of a gap in bait distribution. During the 1997/98 nesting season, tomtit pairs in the 1997 treatment area had high nesting success (80% of nests fledged chicks, mean of four fledglings per nest). Even so, by the following spring it seemed that the population had not recovered to its pre-poison level. Further research on this topic is warranted, the priority being to monitor tomtit mortality during more aerial 1080-cereal bait operations in order to assess the likely risks of using those baits.  相似文献   

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