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The forests of Rangatira Island (218 ha) in the Chatham Islands are a critical breeding site for a number of rare and threatened forest bird species, but are also home to more than three million seabirds, which could significantly affect forest regeneration processes. We surveyed the forests of Rangatira Island by establishing 40 permanent forest plots, estimated seabird density through burrow counts, and analysed soil properties. To determine if seabirds were impacting on forest regeneration, we established exclosures (0.25 m2) in 30 of the forest plots, and examined the role of canopy gaps in forest regeneration. The tallest current forest (c. 15 m), dominated by Plagianthus chathamicus, has mostly regenerated since stock were removed in 1959. Mean burrow density was estimated to be 1.19 per square metre, all soils were highly acidic (pH 3.36–5.18), and burrow density was positively correlated with soil phosphorus. Seedling density of woody species in seabird exclosures measured after 9, 24 and 33 months was significantly higher than in the adjacent non-gap plots, and seedling density was positively associated with reduced canopy cover. Seedling densities were also significantly higher in canopy gaps than in adjacent non-gap plots, but seabird burrow density was significantly lower in gaps. These results suggest that canopy gaps allow forest regeneration despite the negative impacts of seabird burrowing. However, the gap makers, largely senescing Olearia traversii, are slowly disappearing from the forests. The cohort of Plagianthus that has regenerated following farm abandonment may progressively collapse, allowing regeneration to continue in small openings, but there is also the potential for a catastrophic blowdown. This might have serious implications for forest-dwelling birds, invertebrates, and plants.  相似文献   

New Zealand stream crayfish: functional omnivores but trophic predators?   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
1. The feeding ecology of the crayfish Paranephrops planifrons in streams draining catchments in native forest and pastoral land was investigated using analyses of both stomach contents and stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. We aimed to (1) identify the energy sources of crayfish, (2) determine whether these were affected by ontogeny or land use change, and (3) assess the functional and trophic roles of crayfish in New Zealand hill-country streams.
2. In native forest streams, crayfish stomach contents were dominated volumetrically by leaf detritus (>60%), but in pasture streams aquatic invertebrates constituted more than 40% of stomach volumes and leaf detritus <30%. Stable isotope analyses revealed that crayfish from both native forest and pasture streams incorporated energy from aquatic invertebrates into their body tissue but did not appear to utilize detritus for growth. Therefore, deforestation had little impact on crayfish energy sources.
3. In native forest streams, adult crayfish (≥20 mm orbit-carapace length (OCL)) consumed greater amounts of leaf detritus than juvenile crayfish, but a corresponding change in stable isotope signatures was not detected. Ontogenetic shifts in diet were not consistent between land use suggesting that change in local habitat and food resources, as a result of land use change, affect crayfish food choice more than factors related solely to age or size.
4. Crayfish appear to occupy the trophic position of a predator, but by functioning as omnivores, they have dual roles as both predators and processors of organic matter. The use of gut content analysis in conjunction with stable isotope analyses revealed that the functional and trophic roles of P. planifrons differed, with implications for the interpretation of diet studies and understanding of the role of omnivores in food webs.  相似文献   

An ecological collapse has precipitated pioneering conservation initiatives in New Zealand. Many terrestrial communities in t he New Zealand archipelago have been devastated by over-exploitation, introduced mammals and habitat destruction. More recently, marine ecosystems have been depleted by over-harvesting. To mitigate against these losses, conservation in terrestrial environments has focused on protection of species and habitats. A similar approach is now under way in marine environments with the establishment of ‘no-take’ marine reserves. On land, conservation is now reaching beyond protection t o the eradication of pests from islands and restoration of their terrestrial ecosystems. Restoration on islands not only reduces threats to rare species; it also raises opportunities to investigate how species interact. In the sea, marine reserves not only enhance the diversity of depleted marine communities; they may also augment stocks of commercially harvested species. These initiatives provide many lessons that could be applied to degraded habitats elsewhere.  相似文献   

In Otago shelf waters surface swarms of krill (Nyctiphanes australis),hyperiid amphipods (Parathemisto spp.) and galatheid crab larvae(Munida gregaria) provide an abundant summer food source forplanktivores. We tested the hypothesis that aggregation of avianplanktivores depends upon the spatial distribution of theirprey. Gulls (Larus scopulinus, L.bulleri, L.dominicanus), sootyshearwaters (Puffinus griseus) and white-fronted terns (Sternastriata) showed significantly aggregated distributions. Thedistribution of birds sitting on the sea surface was correlatedwith the abundance pattern of krill but was not correlated withthe distribution of smaller hyperiid amphipods. The distributionof flying red-billed gulls (L.scopulinus), black-billed gulls(L.bulleri) and sooty shearwaters was correlated with the krilldistribution but black-backed gulls (L.dominicanus) were not.Stomach contents of black-billed gulls were dominated by krill,in contrast to sooty shearwaters, which ate a higher proportionof Minida, and black-backed gulls, which contained Munida andfish. No amphipods were found in bird stomachs. There was nosignificant correlation between bird distributions and the hydrographicregime, water depth or distance offshore. The distribution ofprey rather than hydrographic regime was a more important determinantof bird distributions at this spatial scale (2.6–12 km)and location.  相似文献   

Efforts are being made to upscale restoration of New Zealand's native ecosystems. Success depends, however, on consideration of several key issues that need to be built into restoration planning, implementation and monitoring. This study makes eight recommendations to improve the prospect of obtaining the hoped‐for biodiversity conservation outcomes.  相似文献   

Many New Zealanders are planning and implementing riparian management, and riparian fencing and planting are now standard best practice tools for water quality and habitat restoration. New Zealand has a long history of action, with the first catchment riparian schemes and science dating back to the 1970s. As a result of this, there is now solid scientific evidence that demonstrates the value of a range of management actions including the following: riparian zones and buffers for livestock exclusion (fencing with or without planting), nutrient processing, shading small streams for temperature control, providing leaf and wood input to stream ecosystems, and enhancing fish and invertebrate habitat. In the last decade or so, on‐ground action has accelerated significantly with the introduction of dairy industry and government agreed targets. In 2015, 96% of dairy cows had been excluded from waterways >1 m wide and >30 cm deep on land that cows graze during the milking season providing impetus for on‐ground action to spread into other pastoral industries. Tools for planning, managing and implementing successful riparian restoration have proliferated, informed by on‐ground successes and failures. Despite this, there remain challenges for individuals or communities planning riparian restoration. Careful case‐by‐case assessment is recommended to ensure that plans match design to local landscape constraints and can realistically contribute to improved water quality or habitat outcomes.  相似文献   

Rats (Rattus rattus, Rattus norvegicus, Rattus exulans) are important invaders on islands. They alter vegetation indirectly by preying on burrowing seabirds. These seabirds affect vegetation through nutrient inputs from sea to land and physical disturbance through trampling and burrowing. Rats also directly affect vegetation though consumption of seeds and seedlings. Seedling communities on northern New Zealand islands differ in composition and densities among islands which have never been invaded by rats, are currently invaded by rats, or from which rats have been eradicated. We conducted experimental investigations to determine the mechanisms driving these patterns. When the physical disturbance of seabirds was removed, in soils collected from islands and inside exclosures, seedling densities increased with seabird burrow density. For example, seedling densities inside exclosures were 10 times greater than those outside. Thus the negative effects of seabirds on seedlings, by trampling and uprooting, overwhelm the potentially beneficial effects of high levels of seed germination, seedling emergence, and possibly seed production, which result from seed burial and nutrient additions. Potential seedling density was reduced on an island where rats were present, germination of seeds from soils of this island was approximately half that found on other islands, but on this island seedling density inside exclosures was 7 times the density outside. Although the total negative effects of seabirds and rats on seedling densities are similar (reduced seedling density), the differences in mechanisms and life stages affected result in very different filters on the plant community.  相似文献   

The idea that naturalised invading plants have fewer phytophagous insects associated with them in their new environment relative to their native range is often assumed, but quantitative data are few and mostly refer to pests on crop species. In this study, the incidence of seed-eating insect larvae in flowerheads of naturalised Asteraceae in New Zealand is compared with that in Britain where the species are native. Similar surveys were carried out in both countries by sampling 200 flowerheads of three populations of the same thirteen species. In the New Zealand populations only one seed-eating insect larva was found in 7800 flowerheads (0.013% infected flowerheads, all species combined) in contrast with the British populations which had 487 (6.24%) flowerheads infested. Possible reasons for the low colonization level of the introduced Asteraceae by native insects in New Zealand are 1) the relatively recent introduction of the plants (100-200 years), 2) their phylogenetic distance from the native flora, and 3) the specialised nature of the bud-infesting habit of the insects.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration in urban environments in New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In the last two decades, the research and practice of restoration in New Zealand has extended into urban ecosystems, where it presents unique challenges and opportunities. This account reviews the history and current state of ecological restoration in urban environments in a country with one of the longest traditions of restoration in the world.  相似文献   

Summary Nest predation has been considered an important factor in the evolution of avian life histories: smaller clutches and shorter incubation and nestling periods are expected where nest predation has significant effects on reproductive success. Unlike the Australian avifauna, terrestrial New Zealand birds have evolved in the absence of reptilian and mammalian predators. Here we compare the reproductive strategies of terrestrial native New Zealand birds with those of their Australian sister taxa. In 11 of 14 comparisons, New Zealand birds were larger than their Australian relatives, but we did not find any significant differences in reproductive tactics between the two regions, a result inconsistent with the nest predation hypothesis. We discuss several reasons why this may be so. One possibility is that selection imposed on avian life history tactics by mammalian predators following the arrival of humans in New Zealand has led to strategies similar to those adopted in Australia.  相似文献   

Brown rust of barley (Puccinia hordei) is widespread in New Zealand and causes crop losses in some years. The cultivars presently grown lack adequate genetic resistance but a highly resistant line has been produced. Twelve different virulence combinations were identified in the pathogen population using the Welsh differential lines; there were differences between North Island and South Island isolates; and no virulence was observed for resistance conferred by factors Pa 3 and Pa 7.  相似文献   

Identifying predators at nests of small birds in a New Zealand forest   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
K. P. BROWN  H. MOLLER  J. INNES  P. JANSEN 《Ibis》1998,140(2):274-279
Time-lapse video equipment was used to film continuously at nests of two small passerines, the New Zealand Robin Petroica australis and the Tomtit Petroica macrocephala , in an indigenous broadleaf/hardwood forest in central North Island, New Zealand. The nests were illuminated with infrared light to allow night-time observations of predator and parent bird behaviour, and signs left at nests were linked to predator identity. Introduced Ship Rats Rattus rattus and the small native owl or Ruru Ninox novaeseelandiae were filmed preying on eggs or chicks on 12 occasions, and Ship Rats scavenged on eggs on two occasions. Parent birds sometimes altered the signs left at nests after predation, which confused identification of the predator, while Ship Rat scavenger and predator signs were indistinguishable. This suggests that attempts to identify predators from nest signs could be misleading and potentially a widespread problem. Time-lapse video filming with infrared illumination is potentially the least biased method of identifying predators, but it is expensive and so is best used in conjunction with simpler methods. This study found no evidence that filming altered predation rates or that the predators or parent birds reacted strongly to the camera or lights, so we believe that filming is a valuable and safe technique to guide management for the recovery of critically endangered species that are threatened by predators.  相似文献   

The size frequency distributions and foods of the larvae of Archichauliodes diversus (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) and Stenoperla prasina (Plecoptera: Eustheniidae) were studied for a year in the Glentui River, South Island, New Zealand. These two species are the largest invertebrate predators inhabiting streams and rivers in New Zealand, where they are the only carnivorous members of their respective orders. Both species occupied the same habitat with A. diversus being slightly more abundant in most months. Many small larvae occurred within the sediments of the stream bed, whereas more larger larvae were found on stones lying on the surface. A wide size range of larvae was present throughout the year and the median size (in terms of head width) of both species was similar in most months. Larval growth could not be determined from field data and the life cycles of both species can be described as non-seasonal. Quantitative sampling in 5 months provided estimates of population densities. These were maximal in December when values of 136/m2 for A. diversus and 114/m2 for S. prasina were obtained. Larval Chironomidae and mayflies of the genus Deleatidium were the most frequently taken prey of both predators in all months, and no strong relationship between size or species of predator and size of prey was found. Caseless trichopteran larvae formed a less important component of the diets of both species and detritus was ingested by some individuals. No instances of cannibalism and only one example of cross-predation by each predator was seen. Diel sampling in November showed that large Deleatidium larvae were relatively more abundant in the guts of insect predators and in nocturnal drift samples than in the benthos. This suggests that their greater activity at night may increase their susceptibility to predation by nocturnal feeders. No clear ecological segregation of the two species with respect to habitat or prey utilization was found and there was no obvious interspecific competition for food, which appeared to be abundant at all times. Finally, the prevalence of non-seasonal life cycles in New Zealand aquatic insects is discussed in relation to the low degree of speciation in several groups.  相似文献   

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