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Ship rats (Rattus rattus) were removed from sites on Pearl Island, southern Stewart Island, in 2004 and 2005, to test whether they excluded Pacific rats (R. exulans) or Norway rats (R. norvegicus) or both from podocarp-broadleaf forest. As predators can influence habitat use in rodents, Pearl Island was selected because no mammalian predators of rodents are present. Rats were trapped in two other habitats to clarify rat distribution on the island and to obtain samples for stable isotope investigation of food partitioning within habitats. The experimental removal of ship rats failed, as Pacific rats were found to share forest and shrubland with ship rats. This result contrasted with the restricted distribution of Pacific rats on Stewart Island. Ship rats were ubiquitous, and appear to have been the dominant species in podocarp-broadleaf forest on Pearl Island. The largest species, the Norway rat, was trapped only on the foreshore of Pearl Island, but on Stewart Island it is more widespread. Ship rats and Norway rats were partitioning the coastal habitat by exploiting different food sources. Stable isotopic ratios (δ15N and δ13C) in muscle samples from Norway rats revealed a strong marine signature, suggesting intensive foraging in the intertidal zone. Ship rats trapped in the same habitat exhibited mixed terrestrial and marine sources in their diet. There was little obvious partitioning between ship rats and Pacific rats in forest, except a possible delay in breeding in Pacific rats relative to ship rats. Whether Norway rats select the intertidal zone to forage, or were excluded from forest by ship rats is unknown, but competitive exclusion is likely. Estimated densities of rats were low (2.1–5.1 rats ha-1 in forest, 1.42 rats ha-1 in shrubland) and similar to other New Zealand sites with low soil fertility. Further research will be required to elucidate the roles of food quality, habitat structure and predation in facilitating habitat selection in these species.  相似文献   

The relative abundance of ship rats (Rattus rattus), Norway rats (R. norvegicus), and Pacific rats (R. exulans), was measured in four vegetation types on Stewart Island/Rakiura, over six consecutive seasons. Ship rats were found in all four vegetation types and dominated in podocarp-broadleaf forest and riparian shrubland. Norway rats were most common in subalpine shrubland and Pacific rats dominated in manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) shrubland. Analysis of micro-habitat affinities for the three species showed that ship rats were habitat generalists. Norway rats were associated with plants of damp sites. Pacific rats showed a significant positive relationship with increasing amounts of the ground cover wire rush, (Empodisma minus). Reasons for the observed habitat use on Stewart Island could include physiological adaptation to cold and wet conditions in Norway rats; the avoidance of predation or inter-specific competition by Pacific rats; and possibly preference for more structurally complex vegetation types by ship rats.  相似文献   

Habitat use, migration, mortality and growth of the chevron snakehead Channa striata in a rainfed rice farming landscape of north‐east Thailand were studied through a tagging experiment. A total of 751 fish were captured, tagged and released during three distinct events in the late dry season, and in the beginning and at the end of the wet season. Rice fields provided the major wet season habitat for C. striata . Small trap ponds built to provide dry season habitat on farms provided 20% of catches and, if not harvested, could increase recruitment to the spawning stock by >30% despite accounting for <1% of dry season habitat by area. Migrations were localized (mostly <500 m). Up‐migration from perennial to seasonal water bodies at the beginning of the wet season involved longer distances and took place over a longer time than down‐migration at the end of the wet season. Natural mortality rates were extremely high, particularly during the period of down‐migration. Fishing mortality rates were high in absolute terms, but contributed only 6–36% to the total mortality. Growth was seasonal with a maximum towards the end of the wet season. Snakeheads have successfully colonized the rainfed rice farming landscape, where populations can withstand intensive exploitation and respond well to aquatic habitat management on farmland.  相似文献   

1. The Grampians National Park in Victoria is a ‘hot spot’ for freshwater crayfish diversity, with seven species from six genera occurring in sympatry. Few studies have examined how multiple species of freshwater crayfish co‐exist across landscapes consisting of a mosaic of perennial and seasonal habitats. Despite their endemicity and likely key role in freshwaters, the ecology and biology of these crayfish remains unknown. 2. This study determined the distribution and habitat use of five crayfish species (Euastacus bispinosus, Cherax destructor, Geocharax falcata, Gramastacus insolitus and Engaeus lyelli). Seasonal sampling surveys ascertained whether crayfish distribution was related to habitat type, environmental or physicochemical variables, catchment or season. 3. Distribution was directly related to habitat type and the environmental and physicochemical variables that characterised habitats. Engaeus lyelli, G. falcata and G. insolitus occurred predominantly in floodplain wetlands and flooded vegetation habitats, E. bispinosus occurred only in flowing soft‐sediment channels and C. destructor was found in all catchments and habitat types studied. Gramastacus insolitus co‐occurred with G. falcata at all sites except two, so no distinct habitat separations were apparent for these two species. 4. A high percentage cover of boulders was the best indicator of crayfish absence, and discriminated between habitat types and crayfish species: it was probably a surrogate for a larger range of environmental and physicochemical variables. Catchment and season did not affect crayfish distribution. 5. These crayfish species varied in their degree of habitat specialisation from strongly generalist (C. destructor) to occupying only a specific habitat type (E. bispinosus). Some species appeared specialised for seasonal wetlands (G. insolitus and G. falcata). Overlap in site occupancy also varied: G. insolitus and G. falcata distributions were strongly associated, whereas C. destructor appeared to occur opportunistically across habitats, both alone and co‐occurring with all the other species. 6. Management strategies to conserve multiple species of crayfish co‐existing within landscapes will need to incorporate a range of perennial and seasonal habitat types to ensure sufficient space is available for species to maintain different occupancy patterns. Given that water resources are under increasing pressure and are strongly regulated within the Grampians National Park, this may present a conservation challenge to water managers in this location.  相似文献   

Habitat use by squirrel monkeys (Saimiri oerstedi) in Costa Rica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyses movement patterns, habitat preferences, activity schedules, and dispersion of troop members in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri oerstedi) in relation to seasonal changes in food abundance in a Costa Rican tropical wet forest. Secondary forest was the preferred habitat and use of primary forest and late successional forest was limited primarily to seasons when food availability was low. Range area differed between seasons, varying from 79 to 110 ha, and totaling 176 ha over 11 months. The number of hectares used, hourly rate of group movement, and proportion of time spent foraging each season were all negatively related to relative food abundance. There was a tendency to spend less time in foraging activities in the middle of the day and to spend more time exclusively in travel at dawn and dusk. In all seasons dispersion was least when the troop was travelling and it was generally greatest during seasons of low food abundance. Measures of the allocation of time by the troop to food-related activities and the extent of troop dispersion each season were consistent with estimates based on behavior sampling of individuals.  相似文献   

Brown lemmings reach much higher densities than collared lemmings near Barrow, Alaska, and captures from 19 summers of snap trapping confirm previous reports that brown lemmings prefer lower, wetter habitats than do collared lemmings. Data also support the hypothesis that brown lemmings concentrate in higher habitats during early summer when melt water floods lower habitats, then shift to lower habitats where preferred food is more available as the waters recede. This pattern appears similar to seasonal shifts in habitat use reported for Norwegian lemmings. Two hypotheses were not supported by our data: (1) Unlike Norwegian lemmings, brown lemmings did not expand their use of suboptimal habitats at higher population densities. Rather, absolute densities changed in concert so that the relative densities among habitats remained unchanged. (2) Preferential use of polygon troughs during winter, as indicated by patterns of winter grazing, was not simply a function of snow depth. Instead it appeared to be related to shoot density of preferred foods. Nearly all patterns of habitat use seemed to be linked to food availability. Other factors, such as protection from predators by vegetative cover in summer and increased insulation from deeper snow in winter, did not appear to influence the distribution of lemmings as strongly.  相似文献   

Tree Sparrows Passer montanus showed a strong preference for nest-sites adjacent to wetland habitats, and avoidance of sites on intensively managed mixed farmland distant from Rutland Water. A variety of wetland edge habitats were frequently used by foraging adult birds when provisioning nestlings, and invertebrate prey of aquatic origin was frequently recorded in chick diet. We suggest that the wetland edge habitats at the study sites played a key role in providing adequate diversity and availability of suitable invertebrate prey to allow successful chick rearing throughout the long breeding season of this multi-brooded passerine. It is possible that large areas of formerly occupied farmland in the UK no longer provide these invertebrate resources due to the effects of intensification in the late 20th century. There was no evidence that the availability of supplementary seed food within 1 km of the nest-site influenced nest-site choice, or affected productivity. It is probable that the importance of seed food resources to the persistence of Tree Sparrow populations operates on a larger spatial scale than that tested in this study, due to the greater mobility of Tree Sparrows in the non-breeding season, when seed resources are most likely to be a key limiting factor. When considering conservation management aimed at recovering breeding populations of Tree Sparrows, the key resources of seed food, invertebrate food and nest-sites must be made available at appropriate spatial scales.  相似文献   

Habitat used for predator escape may be a factor limiting restoration of desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexicana) in small mountain ranges in New Mexico. Female bighorn sheep seek isolation in discrete areas for parturition. Although parturition sites are used only for <3 days they play an important role in neonate survival. We compared habitat characteristics at pre-parturition (n = 21), parturition (n = 38), random (n = 38), and post-parturition sites (n = 21). At each site we calculated distance to steep terrain, elevation, ruggedness, slope, and visibility. Parturition and post-parturition sites were higher in elevation and more rugged than sites used during pre-parturition. Post-parturition sites were closer to terrain with 100% slope than the pre-parturition or parturition sites. Post-parturition sites had higher visibility and steeper slopes than the pre-parturition sites. Parturition sites were steeper, higher in elevation, more rugged, and had lower visibility than the random sites. Fidelity to parturition sites was observed on 1 of 38 occasions. Because lambing sites are used for short periods they are poorly understood and often ignored by land managers. Additional research is recommended in other desert bighorn sheep populations to understand better and predict habitat use during the lambing period.  相似文献   

《Journal of Ornithology》1994,135(1):184-191

We analyzed the spatial relationship between the location and the size of the 69 Grey Heron colonies existing in 1994 in refuge areas in eastern France after recolonisation following the decline of the species in the 19(th) century. We used five variables describing the hydrographical network, which are known to play a part in the location of the colonies in this area. The results showed that the distribution of the breeding colonies was not governed by the same elements of the hydrographical network. Three local strategies of spatial utilization were observed: the first one privileged the large but not dense rivers; the second, the dense network of small rivers; and the third, the ponds that were more restricted geographically. The spatial organization of the hydrographical elements is thus very important in the distribution and the size of the Grey Heron colonies.  相似文献   

The Namib Desert golden mole (Eremitalpa granti namibensis) is morphologically, physiologically and behaviourally specialized for living in the harsh loose‐sand desert. Ecological studies have relied on visually tracking animals on the surface of sand dunes. A radio tag would allow individuals to be more reliably located, even while under the sand. We developed a radio attachment and gathered preliminary data on winter habitat use by six individuals during 21 days. We compare data from previous studies and suggest that the greater diurnal activity, smaller home ranges, and more restricted movement patterns that we found are related to the unusual thermal and metabolic biology of Eremitalpa.  相似文献   

利用无线电遥测位点分析红腹锦鸡的生境利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了解红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus pictus)的生境利用及其季节变化以及对距森林边缘不同距离的生境的利用情况,我们于1996年1月-8月、1998年11月-1999年9月分别在陕西佛坪和贵州宽阔水自然保护区,采用无线电遥测位点与随机点相比较的方法,从不同时空尺度定量分析了红腹锦鸡的生境利用。两研究区共遥测24只红腹锦鸡个体(亚成体和成体,6♂,15♀,3亚♂),其遥测位点分布与随机点比较,冬、春和夏季3季节中均有极显著差异,落入各区域的活动位点与其期望位点数之间也存在着极显著差异。这说明红腹锦鸡对生境的利用不是随机的,而是有选择地利用。红腹锦鸡对距森林边缘不同距离的生境的利用有选择性,并存在着明显的季节变化。分析结果表明,红腹锦鸡在冬、春季对森林边缘和林缘开阔区的利用较多,有一定偏好。红腹锦鸡在两研究区的生境利用模式相似,但在对森林边缘和林缘开阔区的利用强度上,宽阔水研究区显著大于佛坪研究区[动物学报49(2):179一184,2003]。  相似文献   

Habitat use by beech martens in a fragmented landscape   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We investigated key habitat features used by beech martens occupying a fragmented agricultural landscape. Locations of eight martens were radio-monitored daily for 4–12 months each. We evaluated the selection of home ranges within a geographic area, as well as the selection of habitat features within home ranges, using random simulations for comparison. Home ranges included more wood and scrub vegetation, and less arable land, than random simulations. They also included a higher proportion of watercourses with continuous vegetation along their verges, and were closer to these watercourses than random simulations. Within home ranges, beech martens used wood and scrub vegetation, and farm buildings, more intensively than expected, and arable land less than expected. On average, beech martens stayed close to watercourses (where most of the wood vegetation occurred) but not to farm buildings, indicating that only the former shaped beech marten movements. By these findings, arable land appeared to act as a seldom traversed barrier, making farm buildings uneasy to reach if they are located far from watercourses.  相似文献   

Habitat use by seed-eating birds: a scale-dependent approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The seedbank in arable farmland represents an important foraging resource for birds, particularly in grassland landscapes where alternative foraging opportunities may be scarce. We used a stepwise approach to examine the importance of seed food resources for farmland birds in winter. First, results from a large-scale experiment in which seed resources were manipulated to test the notion that birds aggregate at food resources, subject to a minimum threshold level. Secondly, a multiscale approach was used to characterize habitat use at a landscape scale and how this may inform agri-environment implementation. Overall seed resources declined sharply over the winter and were relatively low in most arable fields. Large-scale declines in the arable seedbank mean that much habitat may not be of sufficient quality to support foraging bird populations through a winter. At a landscape scale, extensive analyses of breeding season abundance show that bird abundance is most influenced by arable (i.e. seed-rich) habitat in grassland landscapes. The scale at which birds respond to habitat differs between species, and is related to the extent of between-season movements. Implementation of agri-environment schemes will need to consider both the quality of habitat and the context in which it is provided if recent declines in farmland bird populations are to be reversed.  相似文献   

Habitat use and nesting sites of 12 triplefin species (Tripterygiidae) were investigated at 26 coastal and offshore rocky reef locations in north-eastern New Zealand. Within these locations, 17 broad-scale habitats and 14 fine-scale habitats were surveyed using visual transects. In terms of broad-scale habitat use, four species, Notoclinops segmentatus , Forsterygion lapillum , Forsterygion varium and Ruanoho whero showed a high similarity in distribution, irrespective of depth or habitat characteristics. The distributions of Bellapiscis lesleyae , Cryptichthys jojettae and Ruanoho decemdigitatus were relatively similar, being primarily confined to shallow habitats providing a high degree of shelter. Forsterygion flavonigrum , Forsterygion malcolmi and Notoclinops caerulepunctus were all predominantly found beyond 10 m, irrespective of habitat characteristics. Despite the majority of species using several distinct fine-scale habitats, a high degree of variation was apparent between species, with the majority of species showing extremely low overlap of fine-scale habitats used. Differences in fine-scale habitat use were not apparent when comparing the nesting sites of species. All nests were found in fine-scale habitats, presumably affording a high degree of shelter from predation and physical disturbance. Interspecific partitioning of spatial resources probably occurs by depth and microhabitat in this species assemblage in north-eastern New Zealand.  相似文献   

Habitat assessment by parasitoids: mechanisms for patch use behavior   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Animals foraging for patchily distributed resources may optimizetheir foraging decisions concerning the patches they encounter,provided that they base these decisions on reliable informationabout the profitability of the habitat as a whole. Females ofthe parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes exploit aphid hosts,which typically aggregate in discrete colonies. We show herehow between-colony travel time and the number of aphids in previouslyvisited colonies affect parasitoid foraging behavior. We firstassumed that parasitoids use travel time and previous colonysize to estimate a mean rate of fitness gain in the habitatand derived quantitative predictions concerning the effect ofthese two variables on patch residence time and patch-leavingrate of attack. We then tested these theoretical predictionsin laboratory experiments in which female parasitoids were allowedto visit two successive colonies. As predicted, the observedresidence time in the second colony increased with increasingtravel time and decreasing size of the first colony. Patch-leavingrate of attack decreased with increasing travel time but wasnot affected by previous colony size. These results suggestthat parasitoids use these two variables to assess habitat quality.However, discrepancies between the data obtained and quantitativepredictions show that the effect of travel time on patch usemay be more complex than assumed in our model.  相似文献   

Introduced mice were trapped in the three main vegetation types on subantarctic Auckland Island, New Zealand, over three trapping sessions, in winter 2007. Fifty mice were trapped over 675 trap-nights. Mice were caught most often in upland tussock grassland and more often in rata forest than in shrubland but there were no significant differences among the catch rates in these habitats. Upland tussock grassland appeared to have been a better vegetation type for mice, as adult females were trapped only there and mean weight of adult males was heavier there than of adult males from the other vegetation types.  相似文献   

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