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We investigated canine teams (dogs and their handlers) on Guam as a potential tool for finding invasive brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis) in the wild. Canine teams searched a 40 × 40 m forested area for a snake that had consumed a dead mouse containing a radio-transmitter. To avoid tainting the target or target area with human scent, no snake was handled or closely approached prior to searches. Trials were conducted during the morning when these nocturnal snakes were usually hidden in refugia. A radiotracker knew the snake's location, but dog handlers and search navigators did not. Of 85 trials conducted over four months, the two canine teams had an average success rate of 35% of correctly defining an area ≤ 5 × 5 m that contained the transmittered snake; the team with more experience prior to the trials had a success rate of 44% compared with 26% for the less experienced team. Canine teams also found 11 shed skins from wild snakes. Although dogs alerted outside the vicinity of transmittered snakes, only one wild, non-transmittered snake was found during the trials, possibly reflecting the difficulty humans have in locating non-transmittered brown treesnakes in refugia. We evaluated success at finding snakes as a function of canine team, number of prior trials (i.e. experience gained during the trials), recent canine success at finding a target snake, various environmental conditions, snake perch height, and snake characteristics (snout-vent length and sex). Success rate increased over the course of the trials. Canine team success also increased with increasing average humidity and decreased with increasing average wind speed. Our results suggest dogs could be useful at detecting brown treesnakes in refugia, particularly when compared to daytime visual searches by humans, but techniques are needed to help humans find and extract snakes once a dog has alerted.  相似文献   

While only a few studies have analysed training methods used on working dogs, a recent survey in 303 Belgian military handlers revealed the use of harsh training methods on military working dogs (MWD). The present work aims at analysing the training methods used on Belgian MWD and the behaviour of handlers to objectify the performances of the dog handlers teams (DH teams) and the welfare of the animals.A standardized evaluation, including obedience and protection work exercises, was conducted on DH teams (n = 33). Every evaluation was done twice to assess the reliability of the observation methods. The behaviours of MWD and handlers were recorded on videotape and subsequently analysed. Results showed that handlers rewarded or punished their dogs intermittently. Stroking and patting the dogs were the most frequently used rewards. Pulling on the leash and hanging dogs by their collars were the most commonly used aversive stimuli.The team's performance was influenced by the training method and by the dog's concentration: (1) low-performance dogs received more aversive stimuli than high-performance dogs; (2) dog's distraction influenced the performance: distracted dogs performed less well.Handlers punished more and rewarded less at the second evaluation than at the first one. This suggests that handlers modified their usual behaviour at the first evaluation in view to present themselves in a positive light. During the second evaluation the dogs reacted to this higher frequency of aversive stimuli as they exhibited a lower posture after aversive stimuli. The authors cannot prove that the welfare of these dogs had been hampered, but there is an indication that it was under threat.Low team performances suggest that DH teams should train more regularly and undertake the usefulness of setting a new training system that would rely on: the use of more positive training methods, an increased training frequency, the elaboration of a course on training principles, and an improvement of dog handler relationship.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The accidental introduction of the brown treesnake (BTS; Boiga irregularis) to the island of Guam after World War II set off a chain of bird, bat, and lizard extirpations. Fortunately, many of the eliminated species have the potential to be restored following population reduction or eradication of the snake. The primary operational tool for population reduction is an effective snake trap, but areas subjected to long-term trapping continue to support BTS, suggesting that some adult snakes are refractory to trapping. We closed a 5-ha area to BTS emigration and immigration and surveyed the population using trapping and visual surveys to determine whether a refractory stratum of adult snakes existed and if trapping was effective for snakes of all sizes. Our surveys included 101 trapping occasions and 109 visual surveys over 309 days, resulting in 2,522 detections of 122 individuals. We detected 44 of 45 supplemented snakes by this intensive sampling effort, which also revealed that trapping was fully effective for snakes >900 mm in snout—vent length (SVL), partially effective for snakes 700–900 mm SVL, and totally ineffective for smaller juveniles (350–700 mm SVL). Visual searching was effective for snakes of all sizes. As BTS mature at approximately 950-1, 050 mm SVL, continuous trapping should suffice to eliminate recruitment in the absence of immigration. Immigration or inadequate effort is most likely responsible for the persistence of BTS in areas subject to long-term trapping. Thus, current efforts to capture trap-refractory adult snakes with alternate control tools are less likely to be successful than immigration barriers alone or in combination with elevated capture effort.  相似文献   

In many New Zealand threatened species (birds, lizards, frogs, invertebrates) recovery programmes dogs are a significant conservation management tool. Protected species detection dogs have regularly been used to locate rare birds since the 1970’s and more recently lizards. They have been used to detect, but not capture, kakapo, takahe, kiwi, whio, pateke, taiko, skinks and geckos, for monitoring and translocation purposes. Kakapo would possibly be extinct today if dogs had not been used to locate birds on Stewart Island and Fiordland for translocation to predator-free islands before predators and old age eliminated these original remnant populations. Use of these dogs on the kiwi recovery projects has advanced the progress of these projects by about ten years. Predator detection dogs support threatened species recovery programmes and their role is to enhance other predator control methods. They have been regularly used since 2002 following a successful three-year pilot project to prove their usefulness. These dogs are used to detect the presence of mammalian predators including rodents, mustelids, cat and hedgehog. They are particularly useful when predator numbers are low when other predator detection methods (tracking tunnels, traps, gnaw sticks) have difficulty confirming their presence. Once detected by the dogs the predators are killed using toxins, traps or shooting. Dogs are used for: surveillance of supposedly predator-free sites; as a tool to focus predator a process of handler application and interview, and a two-step assessment and certification system for dogs and handlers guide these Department of Conservation dog programmes. There are currently 11 predator dog handlers and 26 protected species dog handlers in the programmes.  相似文献   

Humans and dogs have coexisted for thousands of years, during which time we have developed a unique bond, centered on companionship. Along the way, we have developed purebred dog breeds in a manner that has resulted unfortunately in many of them being affected by serious genetic disorders, including cancers. With serendipity and irony the unique genetic architecture of the 21st century genome of Man's best friend may ultimately provide many of the keys to unlock some of nature's most intriguing biological puzzles. Canine cytogenetics has advanced significantly over the past 10 years, spurred on largely by the surge of interest in the dog as a biomedical model for genetic disease and the availability of advanced genomics resources. As such the role of canine cytogenetics has moved rapidly from one that served initially to define the gross genomic organization of the canine genome and provide a reliable means to determine the chromosomal location of individual genes, to one that enabled the assembled sequence of the canine genome to be anchored to the karyotype. Canine cytogenetics now presents the biomedical research community with a means to assist in our search for a greater understanding of how genome architectures altered during speciation and in our search for genes associated with cancers that affect both dogs and humans. The cytogenetics 'toolbox' for the dog is now loaded. This review aims to provide a summary of some of the recent advancements in canine cytogenetics.  相似文献   

Although habitat selection has been studied in a variety of snake taxa, little is known about habitat selection in aquatic snake species. Additionally, due to their small size and secretive nature, juvenile snakes are seldom included in habitat selection studies. The Eastern cottonmouth Agkistrodon piscivorus is a semi-aquatic pit viper known to use ambush, sit-and-wait foraging strategies. Ambush hunters are likely to select habitats that increase opportunity for successful prey capture while minimizing predation risk and maintaining appropriate thermal and hydric conditions. We characterized the foraging strategy and microhabitat use of cottonmouths at Ellenton Bay, an isolated Carolina bay freshwater wetland on the Savannah River Site in SC, USA. We measured habitat characteristics of 55 ambush sites used by 51 individual cottonmouths located during nighttime visual surveys, as well as 225 randomly selected sites within our search area. Cottonmouths exhibited an ontogenetic shift in foraging strategy with juveniles using predominately ambush foraging around the edge of the wetland while adults were most often encountered actively moving within the wetland. Principal components analysis revealed that juveniles selected foraging microhabitats that were different from random and consisted of mud substrate with sparse vegetation, whereas adults occupied a greater variety of microhabitats that did not differ from random. Concomitantly, free-ranging cottonmouths exhibited ontogenetic shifts in diet: juveniles consumed mostly salamanders, while adults ate a greater variety of prey including other snakes and birds. Our results highlight the importance of understanding how ontogenetic changes in coloration, diet and predation risk influence foraging strategy and microhabitat selection in snakes.  相似文献   

When exposed to an anesthetized snake, feral black-tailed prairie dogs living in a high-snake-density area approached ambivalently and investigated the snake, typically near the head. Snake-investigation was interrupted intermittently, when the prairie dog jumped away, foot thumped or jump yipped, and approached the snake again. This behavior attracted other prairie dogs, who behaved similarly. Message analyses of two apparent signaling acts — foot thumping and jump yipping — demonstrated that they convey information that withdrawal from the snake has become less likely, and continued interaction with the snake more likely. Prairie dogs in a zoo and feral prairie dogs in a low-snake-density area were unresponsive to immobile snakes, but reacted strongly when the snake was permitted to move. We compared these results to similar data on California ground squirrels and discussed the selection pressures, and ontogenetic and perceptual processes that may have acted as determinants of this snake-directed behavior.  相似文献   


The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is known to have evolved from gray wolves, about 15,000 years ago. They frequently exist as free-ranging populations across the world. They are typically scavengers and well adapted to living among humans. Most canids living in and around urban habitats tend to avoid humans and show crepuscular activity peaks. In this study, we carried out a detailed population-level survey on free-ranging dogs in West Bengal, India, to understand the activity patterns of free-ranging dogs in relation to human activity. Using 5669 sightings of dogs, over a period of 1 year, covering the 24 h of the day, we carried out an analysis of the time activity budget of free-ranging dogs to conclude that they are generalists in their habit. They remain active when humans are active. Their activity levels are affected significantly by age class and time of the day. In addition, we provide a detailed ethogram of free-ranging dogs. This, to our knowledge, is the first study of this kind, which might be used to further study the eco-ethology of these dogs.


The distributions of three species of sea snake (olive sea snake: Aipysurus laevis, spine-bellied sea snake: Lapemis curtus, and ornate sea snake: Hydrophis ocellatus) were estimated over 14° of latitude within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) using data from baited remote underwater video stations (BRUVS). A total of 2,471 deployments of BRUVS were made in a range of locations, in sites open and closed to trawl fishing. Sightings of sea snakes were analysed alongside six spatial factors [depth, relative distance across (longitude) and along (latitude) the GBRMP, proximity to land, proximity to the nearest reef, and habitat complexity] to determine the factors that most strongly influenced the distribution and abundance of sea snakes. The results showed a strong latitudinal effect on the distribution of all three sea snake species, with the highest densities and diversities occurring in central and southern GBRMP locations, while the northern Great Barrier Reef was relatively depauperate in terms of both occurrence and diversity. Shallow inshore areas were identified as key habitats for A. laevis and L. curtus, whereas deeper offshore habitats were most important for H. ocellatus. No significant difference was found in the mean number of snakes sighted per hour between sites open and closed to trawling. There was a high degree of congruence in the distribution of sea snakes estimated from the BRUVS data and results from previous trawl and underwater visual surveys, demonstrating the utility of BRUVS to estimate distribution and relative abundance in these species of sea snake at broad spatial scales in a non-extractive manner.  相似文献   


This study reports on three years of prospective, longitudinal data on the psychological well-being of the human handlers and the health and behavior of the search and rescue dogs deployed in New York City and Washington, DC in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Eighty-five human handlers (63 deployed and 22 controls) and ninetyfour dogs (66 deployed, 28 controls) were assessed at multiple time points including 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years after the 9/11 attacks. Humans were assessed for psychological health by structured clinical interview and self-report. Dogs were assessed for physical health and behavior by veterinary records and handler report. For humans, deployment after 9/11 did indeed represent a relatively short-term risk factor for developing symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). By and large, however, the sample showed remarkable resilience as a whole, and overall rates of DSM-IV diagnoses were quite low. By year 3, 9/11 deployment no longer conferred any special risk. On the other hand, long-term employment in an emergency profession did emerge as a significant risk factor for symptoms of PTSD by year 3. With respect to the interaction between handler emotional well-being and canine health and behavior, we found that physical illness and/or death in the dog was prospectively associated with greater symptoms of depression in the handler. We also found that symptoms of depression and PTSD in the handlers prospectively predicted behavioral problems in the dogs over time. Separation anxiety, attachment/attention seeking, chasing, and excitability emerged in the dogs at 1 year. Behavioral problems escalated to aggression towards other dogs at year 2 and separation anxiety, aggression towards other dogs, and aggression towards strangers at year 3. Like any relationship, the partnership between a handler and his or her working dog can confer both protection—when the relationship is going well and both members are healthy—and vulnerability—when either member is physically ill or psychologically or behaviorally distressed.  相似文献   

Canine visceral leishmaniasis is an important zoonosis in Brazil. However, infection patterns are unknown in some scenarios such as rural settlements around Atlantic Forest fragments. Additionally, controversy remains over risk factors, and most identified patterns of infection in dogs have been found in urban areas. We conducted a cross-sectional epidemiological survey to assess the prevalence of leishmaniasis in dogs through three different serological tests, and interviews with owners to assess features of dogs and households around five Atlantic Forest remnants in southeastern Brazil. We used Generalized Linear Mixed Models and Chi-square tests to detect associations between prevalence and variables that might influence Leishmania infection, and a nearest neighbor dispersion analysis to assess clustering in the spatial distribution of seropositive dogs. Our findings showed an average prevalence of 20% (ranging from 10 to 32%) in dogs. Nearly 40% (ranging from 22 to 55%) of households had at least one seropositive dog. Some individual traits of dogs (height, sterilization, long fur, age class) were found to positively influence the prevalence, while some had negative influence (weight, body score, presence of ectoparasites). Environmental and management features (number of cats in the households, dogs with free-ranging behavior) also entered models as negative associations with seropositivity. Strong and consistent negative (protective) influences of the presence of chickens and pigs in dog seropositivity were detected. Spatial clustering of cases was detected in only one of the five study sites. The results showed that different risk factors than those found in urban areas may drive the prevalence of canine leishmaniasis in farm/forest interfaces, and that humans and wildlife risk infection in these areas. Domestic dog population limitation by gonadectomy, legal restriction of dog numbers per household and owner education are of the greatest importance for the control of visceral leishmaniasis in rural zones near forest fragments.  相似文献   

The ability to use multiple cues in assessing predation risk is especially important to prey animals exposed to multiple predators. Wall lizards, Podarcis muralis, respond to predatory attacks from birds in the open by hiding inside rock crevices, where they may encounter saurophagous ambush smooth snakes. Lizards should avoid refuges with these snakes, but in refuges lizards can also find non‐saurophagous viperine snakes, which lizards do not need to avoid. We investigated in the laboratory whether wall lizards used different predator cues to detect and discriminate between snake species within refuges. We simulated predatory attacks in the open to lizards, and compared their refuge use, and the variation in the responses after a repeated attack, between predator‐free refuges and refuges containing visual, chemical, or visual and chemical cues of saurophagous or non‐saurophagous snakes. Time to enter a refuge was not influenced by potential risk inside the refuge. In contrast, in a successive second attack, lizards sought cover faster and tended to increase time spent hidden in the refuge. This suggests a case of predator facilitation because persistent predators in the open may force lizards to hide faster and for longer in hazardous refuges. However, after hiding, lizards spent less time in refuges with both chemical and visual cues of snakes, or with chemical cues alone, than in predator‐free refuges or in refuges with snake visual cues alone, but there were no differences in response to the two snake species. Therefore, lizards could be overestimating predation risk inside refuges. We discuss which selection pressures might explain this lack of discrimination of predatory from similar non‐predatory snakes.  相似文献   

Predatory snakes are argued to have been largely responsible for the origin of primates via selection favoring expansion of the primate visual system, and even today snakes can be deadly to primates. Neurobiological research is now beginning to reveal the mechanisms underlying the ability of primates (including humans) to detect snakes more rapidly than other stimuli. However, the visual cues allowing rapid detection of snakes, and the cognitive and ecological conditions contributing to faster detection, are unclear. Since snakes are often partially obscured by vegetation, the more salient cues are predicted to occur in small units. Here we tested for the salience of snake scales as the smallest of potential visual cues by presenting four groups of wild vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pytherythrus) with a gopher snake (Pituophis catenifer) skin occluded except for no more than 2.7 cm, in natural form and flat, the latter to control for even small curvilinear cues from their unusual body shape. Each of these treatments was preceded by a treatment without the snakeskin, the first to provide a baseline, and the second, to test for vigilance and memory recall after exposure to the snakeskin. We found that (1) vervets needed only a small portion of snakeskin for detection, (2) snake scales alone were sufficient for detection, (3) latency to detect the snakeskin was longer with more extensive and complex ground cover, and (4) vervets that were exposed to the snakeskin remembered where they last saw “snakes”, as indicated by increased wariness near the occluding landmarks in the absence of the snakeskin and more rapid detection of the next presented snakeskin. Unexpectedly, adult males did not detect the snakeskin as well as adult females and juveniles. These findings extend our knowledge of the complex ecological and evolutionary relationships between snakes and primates.  相似文献   

Snakes have provided a serious threat to primates throughout evolution. Furthermore, bites by venomous snakes still cause significant morbidity and mortality in tropical regions of the world. According to the Snake Detection Theory (SDT Isbell, 2006; 2009), the vital need to detect camouflaged snakes provided strong evolutionary pressure to develop astute perceptual capacity in animals that were potential targets for snake attacks. We performed a series of behavioral tests that assessed snake detection under conditions that may have been critical for survival. We used spiders as the control stimulus because they are also a common object of phobias and rated negatively by the general population, thus commonly lumped together with snakes as “evolutionary fear-relevant”. Across four experiments (N = 205) we demonstrate an advantage in snake detection, which was particularly obvious under visual conditions known to impede detection of a wide array of common stimuli, for example brief stimulus exposures, stimuli presentation in the visual periphery, and stimuli camouflaged in a cluttered environment. Our results demonstrate a striking independence of snake detection from ecological factors that impede the detection of other stimuli, which suggests that, consistent with the SDT, they reflect a specific biological adaptation. Nonetheless, the empirical tests we report are limited to only one aspect of this rich theory, which integrates findings across a wide array of scientific disciplines.  相似文献   

Prevalence of dirofilarial infection in raccoon dogs in Japan.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus) is known to acquire canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) infection. We surveyed the prevalence of heartworm infection in free-ranging raccoon dogs in the Nishi-Tama (Tokyo) and Kanagawa areas of Japan. A total of 75 raccoon dog carcasses, including 29 animals from the Nishi-Tama area and 46 from the Kanagawa area, were necropsied between 1992 and 1993. Eight out of 75 raccoon dogs were found to be infected (overall 10.7%). The prevalence of infection was 6 and 16% in Nishi-Tama and Kanagawa, respectively. Microfilarial production was observed in the uterus of one female adult dog.  相似文献   


Appropriate physical activity is beneficial for physical and psychosocial wellbeing, and it is recommended for people to have 30 minutes of activity on most days of the week, to yield 150 minutes per week. Getting sufficient physical activity particularly challenges people with visual disabilities, and few health-promotion interventions have focused on adults with this disability. Recently, dog walking has been promoted in communities as a way to increase people's physical activity. We surveyed guide-dog partners to assess whether their guide dogs facilitated walking. We also assessed the welfare of these dogs, including their physical activity and social interactions with other dogs and people, especially as there is some concern that these dogs have too little freedom. For comparison, we assessed large and small companion dogs and their handlers, as well. A web-based survey was conducted among people living with guide dogs or companion (pet) dogs: large companion dogs (51 lb or more) and small companion dogs (50 lb or less). Guide-dog partners walked significantly more than handlers of either small or large companion dogs (Guide-dog partners met the healthy standard of 150 min per week of walking, at a level 10 times more than owners of large companion dogs). Guide dogs walked with their partners more frequently and for longer durations per day than owners of companion dogs. Guide dogs with their handlers met more people outside of their homes than did owners of companion dogs, but the groups did not differ in the number of dogs they greeted outside of the house. The frequencies of going to off-leash areas did not differ among the three groups. The findings indicate that having a dog as a guide can lead to a higher amount of walking among guide-dog partners, and that guide dogs have a higher quality of life, in terms of quantity of physical activity and social interactions, compared with large or small companion dogs.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 19 jaguars (Panthera onca), nine pumas (Puma concolor), and two ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) were collected between January 1999 and March of 2005 and tested for presence of canine distemper virus (CDV). All cats were free-ranging animals living in two protected areas in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. In addition, 111 domestic dogs from nearby areas were sampled for CDV. Our results show the first evidence of CDV exposure in Brazilian free-ranging felids. From the 30 samples analyzed, six jaguars and one puma were tested seropositive for CDV. All seropositive large felids were from Ivinhema State Park, resulting in 31.5% of the sampled jaguars or 60% of the total jaguar population in Ivinhema State Park, and 11.28% of the sampled pumas. From the total 111 domestic dogs sampled, 45 were tested seropositive for CDV. At Morro do Diabo State Park, 34.6% of the dogs sampled were positive for CDV, and 100% at Ivinhema State Park. Canine distemper virus in wild felids seems to be related with home range use and in close association with domestic dogs living in nearby areas.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to develop a bait and baiting system capable of delivering one effective dose of oral rabies vaccine to each member of a free-ranging African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) pack. Trials were conducted between June and October 2000. The results of cafeteria-style bait preference trials testing seven candidate baits in captive wild dogs revealed a significant preference for chicken heads (June trials: P = 0.023, September trials: P = 0.021). Trials using a topical biomarker (rhodamine B) showed that chicken head baits were sufficiently chewed on most occasions to rupture the vaccine container. Free-ranging wild dogs and young pups ingested chicken head baits. Significant dominance of bait intake by a single individual was seen in four of six study packs and in the three packs in which an alpha pair could be distinguished, the dominant feeder was an alpha animal. Pattern of bait distribution and degree of satiation had no effect on pack coverage (proportion of pack ingesting at least one bait). Pack coverage was significantly related to trial number (r = 0.71, P < 0.001), with pack coverage increasing with increased exposure of the pack to the baits. During 46 hr of diurnal observations of free-ranging wild dogs only two baits were lost to non-target species. A baiting system for the oral vaccination of captive and free-ranging wild dogs is proposed.  相似文献   

A detector dog for screwworms (Diptera: Calliphoridae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A male German wirehaired pointer, Canis familiaris L., was trained to search for and locate screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel); pupae; and animals infested with screwworms. The command, "find it" led to the detection of a screwworm-infested animal and the command "search" led to the detection of screwworm pupae. After approximately 5 mo of training, the dog could detect screwworm-infested animals. After 3 mo more of training, the dog could detect screwworm pupae. Through 7 August 1989, the dog had a success rate of 100% (265 tests) with training dummies and 94.7% (18 successes for 19 tests) with screwworm-infested animals, for an overall success rate of 99.7% (285 successes for 286 tests). Use of detector dogs at quarantine stations could result in increased efficiency, economic savings, and decreased possibility of reintroduction of screwworms into eradicated areas.  相似文献   

Small mammals have a number of means to detect and avoid predators, including visual, auditory and olfactory cues. Olfactory cues are particularly important for nocturnal or fossorial species where visual cues would not be as reliable. The Cape ground squirrel (Xerus inauris) is a semi‐fossorial, diurnal mammal from southern Africa. Cape ground squirrels encounter multiple species of predatory snake that pursue individuals underground where visual and social cues are limited. We assessed whether Cape ground squirrels use odours to discriminate between snakes by presenting a non‐venomous snake, a venomous snake and a control odour collected on polyethylene cubes to 11 adult female squirrels from 11 different social groups. Cape ground squirrels responded by inspecting the cube, displaying snake harassment–associated behaviours and decreasing time spent in close proximity to snake odours when compared with a control. They also displayed discrimination between two snake species by increasing the frequency of cube inspection and increasing harassment behaviours with venomous snake odours when compared with non‐venomous snake odours. We conclude that Cape ground squirrels respond with snake‐specific antipredator behaviours when presented olfactory cues alone. Olfactory discrimination may be maintained by the decreased utility of other methods of predator detection: sight and group detection, in below‐ground encounters.  相似文献   

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