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Greiling  Dunrie A.  Kichanan  Nopporn 《Plant Ecology》2002,161(2):175-183
The controls of seedling emergence and survival determine the potential distribution of adult plants and, thereby, plant community structure. Seed availability, competition from established neighbors, and seedling predation may all limit seedling recruitment. In this field experiment, we followed the emergence and survival of seedlings of three perennial forbs, Achillea millefolium, Hypericum perforatum, and Monarda fistulosa, in old-fields in southeastern Michigan, USA. As adults, all three have aromatic foliage that may deter herbivory, but seedlings may be more susceptible than adults. To establish the relative importance of potential controls on seedling numbers, we manipulated seed availability through seed additions, the influence of competitors by neighbor-removals, and the influence of insect herbivores with insecticide in a fully factorial field experiment. Seed addition and insecticide never affected seedling emergence for any species. Competition from established neighbors controlled seedling emergence for all three species and decreased Achillea survival. Insecticide significantly increased Monarda seedling survival in competition plots, significantly increased Hypericum survival in open plots, and had no effect on Achillea. Notably, insecticide increased survival of the native Monarda fistulosa more than the two introduced species. While neighbors strongly reduced emergence and survival of all three species, herbivores acted on a species-specific basis. These results suggest the differential effects of insects may contribute more to the seedling species composition and abundance patterns than the less-selective influence of competition.  相似文献   

The effect of herbivory and resource availability on the competitive ability of different plant species has been an area of intense debate amongst plant ecologists for at least two decades, but the interactive effects of herbivory and plant competition between woody and herbaceous plants are rarely studied and theory is poorly developed. This study used experimental manipulations on transplanted and naturally occurring mountain beech (Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides) seedlings to show the effects of deer browsing and competition from deer-induced, herbaceous turf communities on mountain beech regeneration in New Zealand. Differences in the species composition of these turfs had little effect on mountain beech seedling establishment, but turf removal increased seedling growth and survivorship, showing that competition with other plants had direct effects on mountain beech regeneration. Deer browsing reduced the establishment and growth of seedlings, but the size of this effect did not vary with light and nutrient availability. There was no immediate compositional response of turf communities following the removal of deer browsing. The addition of nutrients appeared to reduce the intensity of belowground competition (stem growth increased relative to root growth) and increase seedling mortality, but there was no effect of changing levels of light. These results showed simple and direct negative effects of deer browsing on mountain beech regeneration. Indirect negative effects on regeneration were caused by deer-induced turf communities. We found little evidence for interactive effects between herbivory, plant competition and the availability of light or nutrients on seedling regeneration, which suggests that these factors acted independently. Nomenclature: Beever et al. (1992); Parsons et al. (1995); Edgar and Connor (2000); and Brownsey and Smith-Dodsworth (2000). Raukaua simplex is described by Mitchell et al. (1997). Coprosma “taylorae” is referred to by Eagle (1986) and Halocarpus biformis, Phyllocladus alpinus, Podocarpus hallii and Podocarpus nivalis by Wilson and Galloway (1993).  相似文献   


Background and aims

We ask how productivity responses of alpine plant communities to increased nutrient availability can be predicted from abiotic regime and initial functional type composition.


We compared four Caucasian alpine plant communities (lichen heath, Festuca varia grassland, Geranium-Hedysarum meadow, snow bed community) forming a toposequence and contrasting in productivity and dominance structure for biomass responses to experimental fertilization (N, P, NP, Ca) and irrigation for 4–5?years.


The dominant plants in more productive communities monopolized added N and P, at the expense of their neighbors. In three out of four communities, N and P fertilizations gave greater aboveground biomass increase than N or P fertilization alone, indicating overall co-limitation of N and P, with N being most limiting. Relative biomass increase in NP treatment was negatively related to biomass in control plots across the four communities. Grasses often responded more vigorously to P, but sedges to N alone. Finally, we present one of the rare examples of a forb showing a strong N or NP response.


Our findings will help improve our ability to predict community composition and biomass dynamics in cool ecosystems subject to changing nutrient availability as induced by climate or land-use changes.  相似文献   

The competitive interactions between woody seedlings and herbaceous vegetation have received increasing interest in recent years. However, little is known about the relative contributions and underlying mechanisms of above- and below-ground competition between species. We used a novel experimental approach to assess the responses of Fraxinus excelsior seedlings to different combinations of root and shoot competition imposed by the grass Dactylis glomerata under greenhouse conditions. Seedling growth was significantly reduced by competition for soil resources, but neither biomass nor height were significantly affected by shoot competition for light. Competitive response indices based on biomass confirmed that below-ground competition was more important than above-ground competition, and indicated that root and shoot competition did not interact to influence plant growth. Fraxinus biomass allocation and seedling traits were almost all significantly affected by root competition; these responses varied depending on the trait examined. In contrast, morphological responses to shoot competition were limited. In the absence of root competition, seedlings showed a significant increase in the biomass allocated to leaves and a greater leaf area ratio in response to shoot competition. Our findings suggest that morphological modifications help to mitigate the negative effects of competition, but the expression of plasticity may be suboptimal due to resource constraints. The present study also highlights the importance of appropriate experimental controls and analysis to avoid confounding effects of experimental design and ontogeny on the interpretation of competitive responses.  相似文献   

植物地上竞争与地下竞争研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王平  王天慧  周道玮  张红香 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3489-3499
植物地上光竞争和地下水分与营养的竞争过程十分复杂,并且与竞争机制密切相关。从地上和地下竞争理论、两种竞争过程的相互作用机制以及分离地上和地下竞争的研究方法和表达指标等几个方面综述和分析目前的研究状况,以期为国内研究者在本领域进一步展开实验提供理论依据和实验设计参考。总结了与地上、地下相对竞争强度有关的优化分配理论,地上、地下竞争随生产力梯度的变化,资源异质性对地上、地下竞争机制的影响。介绍了地上竞争和地下竞争相互作用类型以及目前提出的两种作用机制。对常用的3种分离地上、地下竞争的方法:盆分隔、间植分隔和目标植分隔法以及表达竞争强度和竞争重要性的指标和公式进行了归纳。提出未来的研究内容,认为在开展此类研究时,应考虑到实验植物的生理学特性、发育状况、立地生产力跨度范围以及竞争持续时间等方面因素,并认为发展地下竞争研究、深入探讨根系间相互作用的影响因子和过程是当前的研究热点。  相似文献   

Here, we tested the predictions of a 'tragedy of the commons' model of below-ground plant competition in annual plants that experience spatial heterogeneity in their competitive environment. Under interplant competition, the model predicts that a plant should over-proliferate roots relative to what would maximize the collective yield of the plants. We predict that a plant will tailor its root proliferation to local patch conditions, restraining root production when alone and over-proliferating in the presence of other plants. A series of experiments were conducted using pairs of pea (Pisum sativum) plants occupying two or three pots in which the presence or absence of interplant root competition was varied while nutrient availability per plant was held constant. In two-pot experiments, competing plants produced more root mass and less pod mass per individual than plants grown in isolation. In three-pot experiments, peas modulated this response to conditions at the scale of individual pots. Root proliferation in the shared pot was higher compared with the exclusively occupied pot. Plants appear to display sophisticated nutrient foraging with outcomes that permit insights into interplant competition.  相似文献   

以亚热带森林的幼苗群落为对象,设置对照(CK)、氮添加(100 kg N·hm-2·a-1)、磷添加(50 kg P·hm-2·a-1)和氮+磷添加(100 kg N·hm-2·a-1+50 kg P·hm-2·a-1)4种处理的施肥样地,测定幼苗的株高、地径、冠幅、比叶面积、死亡率等指标,研究氮磷添加下幼苗的生长与群落结构的变化及其驱动力。结果表明: 与未施肥相比,磷添加下幼苗的株高增长率、地径增长率分别显著下降45.1%和30.3%;主要建群树种死亡率受到施肥的影响,氮添加显著增加米槠幼苗死亡率至25.1%,氮磷施肥显著提高丝栗栲死亡率至25.1%~31.3%,而氮添加、磷添加显著降低了木荷和润楠的死亡率;施肥显著降低了幼苗群落中木荷和丝栗栲的重要值,氮添加、磷添加显著增加了润楠幼苗的重要值。氮+磷添加显著降低了幼苗群落的Shannon指数、Simpson指数;幼苗生长主要受到土壤铵态氮、有效磷、全氮、林冠开度及比叶面积的影响,而幼苗死亡率主要受到土壤铵态氮、有效磷和林冠开度的影响。综合来看,氮磷添加主要通过调控土壤氮磷速效养分,进而改变叶片功能性状来影响幼苗的生长;加速外生菌根树种(米槠和丝栗栲)的死亡,改变幼苗群落建群种的重要值,降低物种多样性, 最终可能改变亚热带次生阔叶林成年树的群落结构。  相似文献   

  1. Carabid beetles are major predators in agro-ecosystems. The composition of their communities within crop environments governs the pest control services they provide. An understudied aspect is the distribution of predacious carabid larvae in the soil.
  2. We used novel subterranean trapping with standard pitfall trapping, within a multi-crop rotation experiment, to assess the responses of above- and below-ground carabid communities to management practices.
  3. Crop and trap type significantly affected pooled carabid abundance with an interaction of the two, the highest numbers of carabids were caught in subterranean traps in barley under sown with grass.
  4. Trap type accounted for the most variance observed in carabid community composition, followed by crop.
  5. Tillage responses were only apparent at the species level for three of the eight species modelled.
  6. Responses to crop type varied by species. Most species had higher abundance in under-sown barley, than grass, wheat and barley. Crop differences were greater in the subterranean trap data. For predaceous larvae, standard pitfalls showed lowest abundances in under-sown barley, yet subterranean traps revealed abundances to be highest in this crop.
  7. Comprehensive estimation of ecosystem services should incorporate both above- and below-ground community appraisal, to inform appropriate management.

Slender Banksia (Banksia attenuata) is a primary component of declining Banksia woodlands around Perth, south‐western Australia. It is important that its re‐establishment be promoted, but there are little data on its growth rates and response to applied nutrients. To quantify longer‐term growth rate, I periodically measured heights of Slender Banksia planted mid‐2005 over 7½ years. Without fertiliser, these seedlings grew slowly to about 1½ m. In mid‐2009, I planted Slender Banksia on the same site, with and without fertiliser tablets, and evaluated survival, growth and root development over 1½ years. First‐summer Slender Banksia seedling survival of around 30% was not unusual for this species. Low‐phosphorus native plant fertiliser tablets increased growth significantly.  相似文献   

Physiological responses of mangrove seedling to triacontanol   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In viviparous hypocotyls ofRhizophora apiculata Blume the triacontanol treatment enhanced the growth of root and shoot (number of primary and secondary roots, length of roots, shoot height and biomass) protein and energy contents of leaves and roots,in vivo nitrate reductase activity, contents of chlorophylls and carotenoids in leaves as well as the amount of chlorophylls present in photosystems 1 and 2 and in the light harvesting complex of chloroplasts. These promotory effects were recorded at 40 and 80 mg m-3 triacontanol, but they decreased with increasing growth regulator concentration. Communicated by Z. ŠESTáK  相似文献   

The establishment and subsequent impacts of invasive plant species often involve interactions or feedbacks with the below-ground subsystem. We compared the performance of planted tree seedlings and soil communities in three ectomycorrhizal tree species at Craigieburn, Canterbury, New Zealand – two invasive species (Pseudotsuga menziesii, Douglas-fir; Pinus contorta, lodgepole pine) and one native (Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides, mountain beech) – in monodominant stands. We studied mechanisms likely to affect growth and survival, i.e. nutrient competition, facilitation of carbon and nutrient transfer through mycorrhizal networks, and modification of light and soil conditions by canopy trees. Seedlings were planted in plastic tubes filled with local soil, and placed in monospecific stands. Effects of root competition from trees and mycorrhizal connections on seedling performance were tested by root trenching and use of tubes with or without a fine mesh (20 μm), allowing mycorrhizal hyphae (but not roots) to pass through. Survival and growth were highest in stands of Nothofagus and lowest under Pseudotsuga. Surprisingly, root trenching and mesh treatments had no effect on seedling performance, indicating canopy tree species affected seedling performance through reduced light availability and altered soil conditions rather than below-ground suppression from root competition or mycorrhizal facilitation. Seedlings in Pseudotsuga stands had lower mycorrhizal colonisation, likely as a result of the lower light levels. Soil organic matter levels, microbial biomass, and abundance and diversity of microbe-consuming nematodes were all highest under Nothofagus, and nematode community assemblages differed strongly between native and non-native stand types. The negative effects of non-native trees on nematodes relative to Nothofagus are likely due to the lower availability of soil organic matter and microbial biomass in these stands, and therefore lower availability of resources for nematodes. This study shows that established stands of non-native invasive tree species may adversely affect tree seedlings and soil communities through modifications of the microenvironment both above and below ground. As such, invasion and domination of new landscapes by these species is likely to result in fundamental shifts in community- and ecosystem-level properties relative to those under native forest cover.  相似文献   

Background and AimsKnowledge of plant resource acquisition strategies is crucial for understanding the mechanisms mediating the responses of ecosystems to external nitrogen (N) input. However, few studies have considered the joint effects of above-ground (light) and below-ground (nutrient) resource acquisition strategies in regulating plant species responses to N enrichment. Here, we quantified the effects of light and non-N nutrient acquisition capacities on species relative abundance in the case of extra N input.MethodsBased on an N-manipulation experiment in a Tibetan alpine steppe, we determined the responses of species relative abundances and light and nutrient acquisition capacities to N enrichment for two species with different resource acquisition strategies (the taller Stipa purpurea, which is colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and the shorter Carex stenophylloides, which has cluster roots). Structural equation models were developed to explore the relative effects of light and nutrient acquisition on species relative abundance along the N addition gradient.Key ResultsWe found that the relative abundance of taller S. purpurea increased with the improved light acquisition along the N addition gradient. In contrast, the shorter C. stenophylloides, with cluster roots, excelled in acquiring phosphorus (P) so as to elevate its leaf P concentration under N enrichment by producing large amounts of carboxylate exudates that mobilized moderately labile and recalcitrant soil P forms. The increased leaf P concentration of C. stenophylloides enhanced its light use efficiency and promoted its relative abundance even in the shade of taller competitors.ConclusionsOur findings highlight that the combined effects of above-ground (light) and below-ground (nutrient) resources rather than light alone (the prevailing perspective) determine the responses of grassland community structure to N enrichment.  相似文献   

Most of the common and dominant tree species in gaps of a climax Japanese beech (Fagus crenata) forest have large seedling banks on the forest floor. These seedlings were classified into “true seedlings” and “seedling sprouts”, each of which was further classified into two and three subtypes, respectively. Each species had a characteristic seedling form spectrum. The seedling bank of beech was composed almost solely of true seedlings, whereas, seedling sprouts predominated in the seedling banks of lower tree species such as Prunus grayana Maxim. and some species of Acer. The age structures suggested that seedling sprouts had longer life spans and had been recruited more constantly than true seedlings. The habit of sprouting and creeping seemed to enable seedlings of these species to persist for long periods, thus increasing their chance for eventual success in canopy gaps.  相似文献   

Measuring the effects of mutation, natural variation or treatment on the development of plant form is often complicated by the shapes, dynamics or small size of the organismal structures under study. This limits accuracy and throughput of measurement and thereby limits progress toward understanding the underlying gene networks and signaling systems. A computer-vision platform based on electronic image capture and shape-analysis algorithms was developed as an alternative to the mostly manual methods of measuring seedling development currently in use. The spatial and temporal resolution of the method is in the range of microns and minutes, respectively. The algorithm simultaneously quantifies apical hook opening and inhibition of hypocotyl elongation during photomorphogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. It can determine when and where gravitropic curvature develops along the root axis in A. thaliana and Medicago truncatula seedlings. Novel features of gravitropic curvature development were discovered as a result of the high resolution. The computer-vision algorithms developed and demonstrated here could be used to study mutant phenotypes in detail, to form the basis of a high-throughput screening platform, or to quantify natural variation in a population of plants.  相似文献   

Ecologists expect species and biomes to shift poleward and upward with climate change, but non‐climatic factors complicate these predictions. In mountains, forests are expected to expand upward along climate gradients into subalpine/alpine meadows, while meadows expand upward onto bare ground. However, soils also vary across elevation, with bare soil above the meadows potentially poorer for plant establishment. Poor soil might constrain expansion at meadows' upper edges, while rich meadow soil might facilitate contraction at lower edges by promoting tree establishment. We assessed climate and soil effects on establishment by transplanting soil and seedlings of meadow and tree species across climate gradients on Mount Rainier. There were considerable interspecific differences, but some generalisations emerged. Survival often declined with earlier snow disappearance, with somewhat smaller declines in meadow soil. Size often increased with earlier snow disappearance, with larger increases in meadow soil. Thus, soil patterns may complicate range shifts.  相似文献   

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