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At Trounson Kauri Park, we monitored the movements of 21 feral cats (Felis catus), 11 stoats (Mustela erminea) and one male ferret (Mustelafuro). In feral cats, the average minimum home range was 446 ha (±82 SE) for 14 males, significantly larger than the average minimum of 117 ha (±40 SE) for seven females. In stoats the average minimum home range was 107 ha (±20 SE), for nine males compared with 81 ha (±31 SE) for two females. The single male ferret had a minimum home range of 197 ha. Adult male feral cats lived on apparently separate, non‐overlapping home ranges; females occupied exclusive home ranges which were overlapped by adult males; home ranges of sub‐adult male feral cats overlapped those of other sub‐adult male, adult male and female feral cats. The home ranges of two neighbouring male stoats overlapped, although their core ranges did not; both these and the ferret's home ranges overlapped those of the neighbouring feral cats. The feral cats were often located in cover in pastureland or near the edge of larger tracts of forest within their home ranges; stoats near waterways in the larger tracts of forest; and the ferret near the forest/pasture margins of Trounson Kauri Park. Our results suggest that control devices targeting all these species should be set at a minimum spacing of 800 m in order to put the majority of the resident and immigrant predators at risk.  相似文献   

N. Alterio    K. Brown    H. Moller 《Journal of Zoology》1997,243(4):863-869
Eleven radio-tagged stoats ( Mustela erminea ) and one weasel ( M. nivalis ) died of secondary poisoning following Talon 20 PTM (20 ppm brodifacoum) poisoning operations which killed mice ( Mus musculus ), ship rats ( Rattus rattus ) and probably brushtail possums ( Trichosurus vulpecula ) in a New Zealand beech ( Nothofagus ) forest. This poisoning method could be an especially useful way of restoring New Zealand native bird populations because it kills several predator species in one operation. Potential unwanted side-effects must be researched before its routine use. This research also demonstrates the potential hazards of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides to conservation of rodent predators in Europe.  相似文献   

Thalassinidean crustacean remains ( Callianassa ) are recorded from lower Miocene burrow networks belonging to the ichnogenus Thalassinoides . They were produced at mid bathyal depths of 1000–3000 m. Mid to lower bathyal basinal sediments and inferred outer neritic to upper bathyal submarine canyon sediments contain sparse ichnocoenoses composed entirely of feeding and dwelling structures, produced by burrowing polychaetes, echinoids and possibly sipunculoids and also by bivalves escaping burial during rapid sedimentation. These two ichnocoenoses are similar to those of proximal turbidite sequences, and this is considered a response to similar rates of sedimentation, water agitation and coarseness of sediment rather than a similarity in depth. An outer neritic to upper bathyal canyon wall ichnocoenosis was developed in semi-consolidated lutites and arenites by burrowing polychaetes, decapod Crustacea (shrimps and crabs) and possibly amphipods and other organisms. Inclined, but randomly oriented Rhizocorallium occur in the canyon wall, and their presence at these depths is explained by inferred abnormally high water turbulence and abundant suspended food matter as well as a favourable semi-consolidated lutite substrate.  相似文献   

We evaluate evidence that reducing mammalian predators benefits threatened and declining grasshoppers in the Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand. Long-term population trends of Sigaus minutus are investigated under three control regimes: high intensity, indirect control through prey reduction and no control. We then test whether predator control benefits conservation management of Brachaspis robustus by translocating wild-caught individuals to areas of moderate versus no predator control. A significant positive trend in S. minutus counts occurred under high intensity and indirect control, suggesting that mammalian predator control is beneficial. Differences in the decline of translocated B. robustus were observed between moderate and no predator control release sites but could not be unequivocally attributed to predator densities. We recommend replicated predator control studies be undertaken to develop a predator management strategy which will enable grasshopper recovery, and investigate the potential for meso-predator release and prey-switching under regimes that target specific mammals.  相似文献   

Wild predators are targeted if they are perceived to affect game species or domestic animals. Over the last century, the direct persecution of birds of prey and mammalian carnivores has led to their widespread decline, even local extirpations. Many such cases involved the illegal use of poisoned bait. We used 1,305 detected poisoning events and 59 biophysical variables to construct a distribution model of illegal poisoning throughout Andalusia, southern Spain. We chose this region because the largest number of poisoning events recorded in Spain were detected in Andalusia during the period 1990–2005. Our results showed greater incidence of poisoning was correlated with areas of high predator richness and high wild rabbit hunting yields. Thus, we hypothesize that wildlife managers should be able to estimate current and potential poisoning areas using frequency of poisoning events data. Managers can then focus control within those areas identified as conflict zones and establish surveillance schemes that prevent the loss of wildlife within the targeted areas. Our results have potential application in strategic planning for conservation of vulnerable high-profile species such as birds of prey and mammalian carnivores in southern Spain and other regions. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Programs to conserve native fauna in invaded ecosystems often aim to reduce the impacts of alien predators. This approach can lead to unexpected outcomes in the native and the remaining invasive components of restored ecosystems. In New Zealand, suppression and eradication of invasive mammalian predators are well‐established conservation strategies, particularly on offshore islands and in mainland ecosanctuaries. Predator control has achieved important conservation gains over increasingly large areas but these can be offset by the ecological release of other uncontrolled pest species. In addition, novel ecosystems created by selective predator control and reintroductions of locally extinct or depleted native species may have unexpected trajectories as they evolve. Effective conservation requires new techniques for controlling entire suites of invasive predators over large areas, routine monitoring of the conservation outcomes of predator control, and better understanding of how modified, and in some cases reconstructed, seminatural ecosystems change when invasive predators are removed.  相似文献   

Identifying predators at nests of small birds in a New Zealand forest   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
K. P. BROWN  H. MOLLER  J. INNES  P. JANSEN 《Ibis》1998,140(2):274-279
Time-lapse video equipment was used to film continuously at nests of two small passerines, the New Zealand Robin Petroica australis and the Tomtit Petroica macrocephala , in an indigenous broadleaf/hardwood forest in central North Island, New Zealand. The nests were illuminated with infrared light to allow night-time observations of predator and parent bird behaviour, and signs left at nests were linked to predator identity. Introduced Ship Rats Rattus rattus and the small native owl or Ruru Ninox novaeseelandiae were filmed preying on eggs or chicks on 12 occasions, and Ship Rats scavenged on eggs on two occasions. Parent birds sometimes altered the signs left at nests after predation, which confused identification of the predator, while Ship Rat scavenger and predator signs were indistinguishable. This suggests that attempts to identify predators from nest signs could be misleading and potentially a widespread problem. Time-lapse video filming with infrared illumination is potentially the least biased method of identifying predators, but it is expensive and so is best used in conjunction with simpler methods. This study found no evidence that filming altered predation rates or that the predators or parent birds reacted strongly to the camera or lights, so we believe that filming is a valuable and safe technique to guide management for the recovery of critically endangered species that are threatened by predators.  相似文献   

Stoats were monitored by three methods through an aerial 1080 poisoning operation at Waimanoa, Pureora Forest in August 1997. Tracking rates and number of live captures were used as indices of abundance, and radio-transmitters were used to follow individual animals. All 13 stoats with radio-transmitters within the poisoned area died between 2-18 days after the operation. No mustelids were tracked or live-trapped after the operation for three months. Of the radio-tracked stoats that died, rat remains occurred in 67%, passerine birds in 17%, cave weta in 17% and possum in 8%. Residues of 1080 were found in 12 of the 13 dead stoats. Our findings have important implications for the management of threatened species. Stoats are known to be a major factor in the continuing decline of some native birds. Previously, the potential of secondary poisoning to control stoats land other predators) in New Zealand had focused on the use of anticoagulants, as these compounds persist and can accumulate in predators over a longer period. However, our results suggest that secondary poisoning with an acute toxin can also be highly efficient. This may also have greater public acceptability.  相似文献   

Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) were eradicated from Ulva Island, Rakiura National Park, in 1996. The aim of our work was to determine if seedlings and saplings increased in density and/or species richness following this eradication. In 2003, we took advantage of eight permanent plots (5 × 5 m) that had been established on Ulva Island in 1991, by counting seedlings and saplings of woody species, including tree ferns. Over this period, total numbers of woody seedlings (< 30 cm tall), and saplings (30 cm – 2 m tall) did not increase significantly (P > 0.05). However, seedlings of two species, Dicksonia squarrosa and Pittosporum colensoi, and saplings of one species, Coprosma colensoi, did increase in numbers significantly. Little change in the species richness of seedlings or saplings was recorded. The removal of Norway rats may have been partly responsible for the recorded increases in density, though the eradication of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus borealis) from Ulva Island approximately two decades prior to this work is an important confounding factor.  相似文献   

New Zealand?s offshore and outlying islands have long been a focus of conservation biology as sites of local endemism and as last refuges for many species. During the c. 730 years since New Zealand has been settled by people, mammalian predators have invaded many islands and caused local and global extinctions. New Zealand has led international efforts in island restoration. By the late 1980s, translocations of threatened birds to predator-free islands were well under way to safeguard against extinction. Non-native herbivores and predators, such as goats and cats, had been eradicated from some islands. A significant development in island restoration in the mid-1980s was the eradication of rats from small forested islands. This eradication technology has been refined and currently at least 65 islands, including large and remote Campbell (11 216 ha) and Raoul (2938 ha) Islands, have been successfully cleared of rats. Many of New Zealand?s offshore islands, especially those without predatory mammals, are home to large numbers of breeding seabirds. Seabirds influence ecosystem processes on islands by enhancing soil fertility and through soil disturbance by burrowing. Predators, especially rats, alter ecosystem processes and cause population reductions or extinctions of native animals and plants. Islands have been promoted as touchstones of a primaeval New Zealand, but we are now increasingly aware that most islands have been substantially modified since human settlement of New Zealand. Archaeological and palaeoecological investigations, together with the acknowledgement that many islands have been important mahinga kai (sources of food) for Maori, have all led to a better understanding of how people have modified these islands. Restoration technology may have vaulted ahead of our ability to predict the ecosystem consequences of its application on islands. However, research is now being directed to help make better decisions about restoration and management of islands, decisions that take account of island history and key drivers of island ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

The analysis of a variety of environmental samples and the installation of passive solid phase adsorption devices (SPATT) in two warm-temperate estuaries (Rangaunu and Parengarenga Harbours), during consecutive summers (2009 and 2010), revealed the pervasive influence of bioactive polyether compounds secreted by benthic dinoflagellates within the mangrove and sea-grass habitats. Pinnatoxin (PnTx) analogues PnTx-E and PnTx-F and okadaic acid (OA) and its esters were the most abundant, though traces of other polyether compounds (dinophysistoxins, pectenotoxin, spirolides), were also detected. In sediments, algal mats and micro-algal films, the parent compound PnTx-F was the predominate analogue. In bivalves and gastropods PnTx-E and PnTx-F were either present in equivalent amounts or there was a predominance of the former, indicative of in vivo metabolism. Esterified OA was the predominant form of this toxin in the deposit feeding sea hare Bursatella leachii, however OA-toxins were only about 14% as abundant as the combined PnTx analogues in this animal. Conversely levels of PnTxs accumulated within the SPATT bags were only 50% of total-OA, about 10% of which was in the form of OA-esters. Neither OA nor OA-esters were observed in the oyster Crassotrea gigas. The levels of total-PnTxs in C. gigas were about 8% of that observed in B. leachii (200 and 2580 μg/kg respectively). Although there was abundant OA in this environment, cultured oysters did not incorporate this toxin presumably because they were not exposed to Prorocentrum lima cells in the water column or were unable to digest these cells. The low levels of pinnatoxins sequestered by oysters in these estuaries, despite persistent and very abundant populations of the causative dinoflagellate, is probably also due to the general inaccessibility of these cells to the shellfish and therefore there appears to be a low risk to human consumers  相似文献   

In Otago shelf waters surface swarms of krill (Nyctiphanes australis),hyperiid amphipods (Parathemisto spp.) and galatheid crab larvae(Munida gregaria) provide an abundant summer food source forplanktivores. We tested the hypothesis that aggregation of avianplanktivores depends upon the spatial distribution of theirprey. Gulls (Larus scopulinus, L.bulleri, L.dominicanus), sootyshearwaters (Puffinus griseus) and white-fronted terns (Sternastriata) showed significantly aggregated distributions. Thedistribution of birds sitting on the sea surface was correlatedwith the abundance pattern of krill but was not correlated withthe distribution of smaller hyperiid amphipods. The distributionof flying red-billed gulls (L.scopulinus), black-billed gulls(L.bulleri) and sooty shearwaters was correlated with the krilldistribution but black-backed gulls (L.dominicanus) were not.Stomach contents of black-billed gulls were dominated by krill,in contrast to sooty shearwaters, which ate a higher proportionof Minida, and black-backed gulls, which contained Munida andfish. No amphipods were found in bird stomachs. There was nosignificant correlation between bird distributions and the hydrographicregime, water depth or distance offshore. The distribution ofprey rather than hydrographic regime was a more important determinantof bird distributions at this spatial scale (2.6–12 km)and location.  相似文献   

Impact of the irruptive fluctuation in abundance of brushtail possum populations since their initial colonisation was investigated in the forests of South Westland, New Zealand. Possum abundance, fecundity, and diet, the condition of common possum-palatable tree species, and the abundance of common forest birds were measured at three sites occupied by possums for c. 10, 20, and 30 years. Possum densities were highest at the site where possums had been present for c. 20 years. Possum fecundity was higher at the site they had recently colonised than at the two sites where they had been present for c. 20–30 years. Diet of possums where they had recently colonised was dominated by highly preferred foods (72% of total diet), whereas these same foods contributed just 36% of total diet at the site where possums had been present for more than two decades. Canopy condition of common possum-preferred trees was scored progressively lower in areas with increasing length of possum occupation, especially at the site where the possum population had apparently declined from its maximum density. Native forest bird abundance also declined with increasing length of possum occupation. The implications of these results for management are discussed.  相似文献   

Variation in skull size was investigated for three species of rats (kiore –Rattus exulans Peale; ship rat –R. rattus L.; Norway rat –R. norvegicus Berkenhout) which were introduced by humans to various islands in New Zealand and other Pacific islands. Data from seventy-one islands and 882 specimens are examined for evidence of the effects of latitude, island size and interspecific competition among rats and the house mouse (Mus musculus L.) on skull size, using multiple regressions. For R. exulans, skull size increases with latitude as predicted by Bergmann's rule, but no such effect occurs for the other two rats. There was a positive relationship between island size and the number of species inhabiting it, and some species combinations were more likely to occur than others. For example, R. exulans and R. norvegicus were more likely to occur together, while R. rattus and R. exulans were rarely sympatric. R. exulans and R. rattus skull size was negatively correlated with the number of other rodents on the same island. R. exulans skull size increased on smaller islands in some island groups, perhaps because increased density and consequent increased intraspecific competition on smaller islands favours increased body size. This effect is more pronounced in tropical islands (Solomon islands), than in subtropical ones (Hawaiian islands) and less so in temperate New Zealand. Collectively the data demonstrate that rapid evolution of body size in predictable directions can follow within 150 years of the introduction of species to new receiving communities.  相似文献   

Polistine and vespine wasps were captured in Malaise traps in two fire-modified shrubland habitats of varying canopy height and composition at Lake Ohia, Northland, New Zealand. Prey consumption rates were calculated for the Asian paper wasp (Polistes chinensis antennalis) occupying these two areas of shrubland and a home garden in Whangarei, Northland. The sites were systematically searched for nests and wasp prey determined by intercepting foragers returning to nests. The Asian paper wasp predominated in the Malaise trap samples from the low- growing habitat while the German wasp (Vespula germanica) was more common in the taller vegetation type. The Asian paper wasp was more abundant than the German wasp in the samples in February and early March. Only four Australian paper wasps (Polistes humilis) and no common wasps (Vespula vulgaris) were caught. Asian paper wasps collected an estimated 15 000 prey loads per ha per season from one of the shrubland areas, and 478 000 prey loads per ha per season from the second area. These convert to estimates of 31 and 957 g per ha per season of invertebrate biomass removed by paper wasps from each habitat, respectively. The estimate for the garden site was 79 g per ha per season. Wasp nest densities varied between 20 and 210 nests per hectare. The biomass estimates are similar to average figures calculated for vespine wasps in scrubland and pasture. Both Asian paper wasps and Australian paper wasps preyed mainly on lepidopteran larvae. The cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae) was the most commonly collected species. Noctuid species were also well represented. Both male and female Asian paper wasps collected nectar in late March and early April.  相似文献   

Understanding the mutualistic services provided by species is critical when considering both the consequences of their loss or the benefits of their reintroduction. Like many other Pacific islands, New Zealand seed dispersal networks have been changed by both significant losses of large frugivorous birds and the introduction of invasive mammals. These changes are particularly concerning when important dispersers remain unidentified. We tested the impact of frugivore declines and invasive seed predators on seed dispersal for an endemic tree, hinau Elaeocarpus dentatus, by comparing seed dispersal and predation rates on the mainland of New Zealand with offshore sanctuary islands with higher bird and lower mammal numbers. We used cameras and seed traps to measure predation and dispersal from the ground and canopy, respectively. We found that canopy fruit handling rates (an index of dispersal quantity) were poor even on island sanctuaries (only 14% of seeds captured below parent trees on islands had passed through a bird), which suggests that hinau may be adapted for ground‐based dispersal by flightless birds. Ground‐based dispersal of hinau was low on the New Zealand mainland compared to sanctuary islands (4% of seeds dispersed on the mainland vs. 76% dispersed on islands), due to low frugivore numbers. A flightless endemic rail (Gallirallus australis) conducted the majority of ground‐based fruit removal on islands. Despite being threatened, this rail is controversial in restoration projects because of its predatory impacts on native fauna. Our study demonstrates the importance of testing which species perform important mutualistic services, rather than simply relying on logical assumptions.  相似文献   

We monitored the behaviour of 62 radio-collared ferrets and 25 radio-collared cats in dry, tussock grassland habitat in New Zealand's South Island. The total home range of adult male ferrets (102 ± 58 ha, mean ± 1 s.d.) was marginally greater than that of females (76 ± 48 ha), and averaged 90 ± 55 ha. Male ferret core ranges (27 ± 15 ha) were larger than those of females (16 ± 8 ha). Adult cat home ranges were similar between sexes, and were larger and more variable than those of ferrets (225 ± 209 ha). Core range size of cats was similar between sexes and averaged 54 ± 24 ha. The upper 95% confidence limits of the mean home range lengths of adult ferrets and cats were 2.7 km and 5.1 km, respectively, indicating the width of buffer zones where predator control should be extended to protect the boundaries of areas targeted for predator control in dry, tussock grasslands. Although core areas were mostly discrete, home ranges were distributed randomly, and animals that shared space neither avoided nor attracted each other. Little evidence of territoriality may be related to high densities of primary prey. Too few cats were monitored to determine territoriality. Ferrets used at least 9.4 ± 3.2 dens, and cats used 11.5 ± 3.0 dens during the study. Although 71% of dens were used only once, some were used up to nine times. Day time resting by ferrets was mostly solitary. If transmission of bovine Tb occurs between adult ferrets, simultaneous sharing of dens during the day is unlikely to be a significant mode of transmission in this habitat. We were unable to determine the extent of den sharing by cats. Cats occupied den sites with more shrubs and rocks compared with ferrets. Predator control stations in dry tussock grassland habitat may therefore be more effective at killing cats than ferrets if placed in shrubby, rocky areas.  相似文献   

An understanding of genetic variation and structure of pest populations has the potential to improve the efficiency of measures to control them. Genetic analysis was undertaken at five microsatellite loci in four native Australian and 14 introduced New Zealand populations of the common brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula in order to document these parameters. Genetic variation in New Zealand populations, and phylogenetic relationships among Australian and New Zealand populations, were largely predicted by the recorded introduction history. Populations on the two main islands of New Zealand had only slightly lower genetic diversity than did Australian populations, except that allelic richness on the South Is. was significantly lower. Diversity was higher in North Is. than in South Is. populations (although not significantly so) and mainland New Zealand populations as a group were significantly more diverse than offshore islands that represented secondary population size bottlenecks. In phylogenetic analyses South Is. and offshore island populations grouped with Tasmania, while North Is. populations grouped either with mainland Australia or were intermediate between the two Australian sources. This scheme was supported by admixture coefficients showing that North and South Is./offshore island populations were largely mainland Australian and Tasmanian in origin, respectively. Population structure differed markedly between the North and South Islands: populations were typically more genetically differentiated on the former than the latter, which also showed significant isolation-by-distance. Substantial linkage disequilibrium in most sampled New Zealand but no Australian population between microsatellite loci Tv16 and Tv27 suggests they may be physically linked.  相似文献   

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