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Although herbivory often reduces the reproduction of attacked trees, few studies have examined how naturally occurring insect-resistant and susceptible trees differ in their reproduction, nor have these effects been experimentally examined through long-term herbivore removals. In addition, few studies have examined the effects of herbivory on the quality of seeds produced and the implications of reduced seed quality on seedling establishment. We evaluated the impact of chronic herbivory by the stem-boring moth, Dioryctria albovittella, on cone and seed production of the pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) during two mast years. Three patterns emerged. First, moth herbivory was associated with reductions in cone production, viable seed production and seed mass. Specifically, pinyons susceptible to moth attack had 93–95% lower cone production, and surviving cones produced 31–37% fewer viable seeds, resulting in a 96–97% reduction in whole tree viable seed production. In addition, surviving seeds from susceptible trees had 18% lower mass than resistant trees. Second, long-term experimental removal of the herbivore resulted in increased rates of cone and seed production and quality, indicating that moth herbivory was the driver of these reductions. Third, seed size was positively associated with seed germination and seedling biomass and height, suggesting that trees suffering chronic herbivory produce poorer quality offspring. Thus, the resistance traits of pinyons can affect the quality of offspring, which in turn may affect subsequent seedling establishment and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Invasion by the alien succulent,Carpobrotus edulis, has become a common occurrence after fire in maritime chaparral in coastal California, USA. We studied post-burnCarpobrotus establishment in chaparral that lackedCarpobrotus plants before the fire and compared seedbank and field populations in adjacent burned and unburned stands.Carpobrotus seeds were abundant in deer scat and in the soil before burning. Burning did not enhance germination: many seeds were apparently killed by fire and seed bank cores taken after fire revealed no germinable seeds. Laboratory tests showed that temperatures over 105°C for five minutes killedCarpobrotus seeds. In a field experiment involving use of herbivore exclosures, we found that herbivory was an important source of mortality for seedlings in both burned and unburned chaparral. All seedlings, however, died outside of the burn regardless of the presence of cages. Establishment there is apparently limited by factors affecting plant physiology. In the burned area, seedlings that escaped herbivory grew very rapidly. Overall, it appears that herbivory limited seedling establishment in both burned and unburned sites but that the post-burn soil environment supportedCarpobrotus growth in excess of herbivore use, thus promoting establishment.  相似文献   

In clonal plants, vegetative parts may outcompete seeds in the absence of disturbance, limiting the build‐up of genotypic diversity through repeated seedling recruitment (RSR). Herbivory may provide disturbance and trigger establishment of strong colonizers (seeds) at the expense of strong competitors (clonal propagules). In the clonal aquatic fennel pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus, two distinct herbivore guilds may modify the dynamics of propagation. In winter, Bewick's swans may deplete patches of tubers, promoting seedling establishment in spring. In summer, seed consumption by waterfowl can reduce the density of viable seeds but grazing may also reduce tuber production and hence facilitate seedling establishment. This study is among the first to experimentally test herbivore impact on plant genotypic diversity. We assess the separate and combined effects of both herbivore guilds on genotypic diversity and structure of fennel pondweed beds. Using microsatellites, we genotyped P. pectinatus from an exclosure experiment and assessed the contribution of herbivory, dispersal and sexual reproduction to the population genetic structure. Despite the predominance of clonal propagation in P. pectinatus, we found considerable genotypic diversity. Within the experimental blocks, kinship among genets decreased with geographic distance, clearly identifying a role for RSR in the maintenance of genotypic diversity within the fennel pondweed beds. However, over a period of five years, none of the herbivory treatments affected genotypic diversity. Hence, sexual reproduction on a local scale is important in this putatively clonal plant and possibly sufficient to ensure a relatively high genotypic diversity even in the absence of herbivores. Although we cannot preclude a role of herbivory in shaping genotypic diversity of a clonal plant, after five years of exclusion of the two investigated herbivore guilds no measurable effect on genotypic diversity was detected.  相似文献   

Question: Does shrub invasion at ecotones indirectly limit grass establishment by increasing mammalian seedling herbivory? Location: Chihuahuan Desert, New Mexico, USA. Methods: We tested the hypothesis that herbivore‐related mortality of seedlings of the dominant perennial grass Bouteloua eriopoda would be highest in shrub‐dominated portions of grassland‐shrubland ecotones. We tested the hypothesis in two Chihuahuan Desert sites featuring similar shrub encroachment patterns but different shrub species, grass cover, and different abundances of small mammals. Within each site we transplanted B. eriopoda seedlings to grass‐dominated, middle, and shrub‐dominated positions of replicate ecotones during the time of year (mid‐summer) when they would naturally appear and monitored seedling fates. We estimated population size/activity of putative small mammal herbivores. Results: Seedlings were killed by mammals in greater numbers in shrubland than in grassland or middle ecotone positions at the site with large herbivore numbers. At the site with low herbivore numbers, most seedlings were killed in middle ecotone positions. The abundance patterns of herbivores did not parallel patterns of seedling herbivory across the ecotones or between sites. Conclusions: Seedling herbivory is an important process and is related to vegetation composition, but the mechanisms underlying the relationship are not clear. We speculate that variation in small mammal foraging behavior may contribute to seedling herbivory patterns. Restoration strategies in the Chihuahuan Desert need to account for the abundance and/or behavior of native herbivores.  相似文献   

Increases in seawater temperature are expected to have negative consequences for marine organisms. Beyond individual effects, species‐specific differences in thermal tolerance are predicted to modify species interactions and increase the strength of top‐down effects, particularly in plant–herbivore interactions. Shifts in trophic interactions will be especially important when affecting habitat‐forming species such as seagrasses, as the consequences on their abundance will cascade throughout the food web. Seagrasses are a major component of coastal ecosystems offering important ecosystem services, but are threatened by multiple anthropogenic stressors, including warming. The mechanistic understanding of seagrass responses to warming at multiple scales of organization remains largely unexplored, especially in early‐life stages such as seedlings. Yet, these early‐life stages are critical for seagrass expansion processes and adaptation to climate change. In this study, we determined the effects of a 3 month experimental exposure to present and predicted mean summer SST of the Mediterranean Sea (25°C, 27°C, and 29°C) on the photophysiology, size, and ecology (i.e., plant‐herbivore interactions) of seedlings of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Warming resulted in increased mortality, leaf necrosis, and respiration as well as lower carbohydrate reserves in the seed, the main storage organ in seedlings. Aboveground biomass and root growth were also limited with warming, which could hamper seedling establishment success. Furthermore, warming increased the susceptibility to consumption by grazers, likely due to lower leaf fiber content and thickness. Our results indicate that warming will negatively affect seagrass seedlings through multiple direct and indirect pathways: increased stress, reduced establishment potential, lower storage of carbohydrate reserves, and increased susceptibly to consumption. This work provides a significant step forward in understanding the major mechanisms that will drive the capacity of seagrass seedlings to adapt and survive to warming, highlighting the potential additive effects that herbivory will have on ultimately determining seedling success.  相似文献   

Thermal control of treeline position is mediated by local environmental and ecological factors, making trends in treeline migration difficult to extrapolate geographically. We investigated the ecological dynamics of conifer establishment at treeline in the Mealy Mountains (Labrador, Canada) and the potential for its expansion with climate warming. Available seedbed and tree seedling emergence in the treeline ecotone were monitored, and seeds and seedlings of Picea mariana were planted along an elevational gradient from open-canopy forest through tree islands to alpine tundra. Experimental treatments included passive warming of daytime air, ground disturbance, and vertebrate herbivore exclosures. Responses in seed germination and seedling growth, damage, and mortality were monitored over two growing seasons, and re-surveyed after 5 years. While no tree seedlings were observed growing naturally above the treeline, planted seeds were able to germinate, develop and overwinter, and persist for 4 years in all habitats examined. Disturbance of the seedbed was important for seedling emergence in the forest and tree islands. While temperature enhancement alone had little impact on emergence, even moderate temperature increases had significantly disproportionate effects on emergence of seedlings in the alpine habitat when combined with soil disturbance, indicating that future climate warming could lead to treeline advance if viable seed and suitable substrate for recruitment are available. The positive effect of excluding herbivores suggests that herbivory may be an important filter modifying future species distribution. While seedbed conditions and herbivory would control the rate of individual species advance, the results indicate potential upslope migration of the treeline in the Mealy Mountains, with consequent loss of alpine ecosystems.  相似文献   

In this study we quantified variability in foliage herbivory and pre-dispersal seed predation and its effects on plant performance and demography in populations of a rare and protected perennial herb, Paeonia officinalis. An individual-based survey was performed during four years in four populations, which contained plants in both open habitat and woodland. We detected marked spatial and temporal variation among and within populations in foliage herbivory (by insects) and pre-dispersal seed predation (by insects, rodents and Roe Deer). Foliage herbivory decreased with plant demographic stages in open habitats, from seedlings to reproductive individuals, but no significant trend was detected in woodland habitats. This may be due to different demographic origin of larger vegetative plants in this habitat. Depending on demographic stage, herbivory was higher in open habitats or not significantly different between habitats. This suggests differences in herbivore abundance in different habitats within sites. Pre-dispersal seed predation remained weak and did not depend on habitat. We did not detect any consequence of foliage herbivory on seedling mortality and individual growth in our study. Our results illustrate the need to investigate plant-herbivore interactions over several years in distinct populations in order to more accurately evaluate herbivore impact on plant population dynamics.  相似文献   

Abstract. Aesculus turbinata is a tree species with large seeds (6.2 g mean dry weight). We studied the demography of its seeds and seedlings in a temperate deciduous forest in northern Japan to elucidate the ecological significance of large seeds with special reference to herbivory and secondary dispersal. Both seed and seedling stages suffered greatly from herbivores. Seedling herbivory was important judged from experiments with shoot clipping and hypogeal cotyledon removal. However, some seedlings survived through re-sprouting after herbivory. Survival rate and percentage resprouting seedlings were lower than those with remaining cotyledons, though seedling size was not affected. This suggests that stored resources in hypogeal cotyledons are working as a kind of ‘risk hedge’ against severe aboveground shoot clipping experienced by A. turbinata. The spatial distribution of seedlings was expanded via seed scatter-hoarding by rodents. Seedling survival rate was higher within canopy gaps than under closed canopy, indicating that canopy gaps are safe sites for establishment, and was negatively correlated with seedling density. Therefore, secondary seed dispersal in this species seems to be effective in ‘finding’ safe sites and in ‘escaping’ density-dependent mortality. The large seeds and seedlings of A. turbinata are attractive to herbivores, but the high resistance of seedlings to herbivory due to large reserves and the effective secondary dispersal appear to mitigate these disadvantages.  相似文献   

Brewer  J. Stephen 《Plant Ecology》1999,140(2):159-165
The effects of removal of live plants and litter (using herbicide, clipping, and raking) on seedling establishment were examined in Utricularia juncea (bladderwort), an annual carnivorous plant of low frequency in wet, nutrient-poor pine savannas of the southeastern United States. In addition, the spatial distribution of this species in relation to crayfish disturbances was determined. The creation of competition-free gaps in the groundcover canopy in May 1996 (using herbicide) promoted establishment of this species at two sites by September 1997. Standing dead and litter left in herbicide-treated plots inhibited establishment. Density was near zero in undisturbed plots. Natural occurrences of this species were associated with crayfish mounds, which bury plant litter as they erode and increase in area. These results suggest that Utricularia juncea is a fugitive species that depends on disturbances or litter-free microsites to become established in wet, nutrient-poor seepage savannas in southern Mississippi. It is hypothesized that the production of carnivorous traps combined with relatively high allocation to reproductive structures (>90%) and the production of a persistent seed bank make it well-adapted to nutrient-poor and disturbed habitats.  相似文献   

Light availability is an important modulator of seedling growth and plant–herbivore dynamics. Logging increases light levels in forests, potentially altering herbivore–plant interactions that drive seedling establishment. We conducted a transplant experiment to evaluate how logging and herbivory affect seedling growth and survival in three shade‐tolerant tree species, at paired canopy gap and understory sites in logged forest and an adjacent unlogged area in central Amazonia (Brazil). Seedlings were either left exposed to naturally occurring insect herbivores or protected from insects by a fine netting structure. We measured the herbivore damage and growth rate of seedlings after 18 mo. In general, logged areas received more light than unlogged sites. Growth and herbivory rates were positively influenced by light, and herbivory was also influenced positively by logging. In gaps, increased growth mitigated foliar damage. Logging resulted in a loss of foliar tissue due to increased herbivory. Herbivory rates were higher in the understory of logged sites than in that of unlogged understory sites, but growth was similar in these areas. Thus, the understory of logged areas provided the least favorable sites for shade‐tolerant tree regeneration, due to higher herbivory rates. The effect of logging on biotic interactions can extend beyond the gaps it creates into untouched understory sites. To our knowledge, this is the first time such a pattern has been observed, highlighting the importance of evaluating the impact of logging on biotic interactions.  相似文献   

We examined how acceptability characteristics displayed by 28-day-old seedlings of 12 species of Western Australian Proteaceae affect the likelihood of seedling herbivory in the field. The seedling attributes quantified were cotyledon phenolic, cyanide and nitrogen concentrations, and cotyledon area, thickness and specific leaf area. Only phenolic content was significantly correlated (negatively) with field rates of herbivore attack. This finding shows that the phenomenon of selective herbivore attack on seedlings may be influenced by a specific plant life-history trait, (in this case cotyledon phenolic concentration). In addition, we also studied the interaction between fire, serotiny and herbivory in matched burned and unburned plots. Although herbivore activity was greater in unburned plots, weakly serotinous species were as prone to defoliation as congeneric, strongly serotinous species, even though their seedlings recruit successfully in the absence of fire. This result suggests that seedlings of species able to establish between fires are not better defended against the higher levels of herbivory normally associated with unburned vegetation.  相似文献   

Abstract Relationships between seed mass and several aspects of plant regeneration ecology were investigated in a post‐fire environment in Ku‐ring‐gai Chase National Park near Sydney, Australia. We found a significant positive relationship between seed mass and time to seedling emergence (P < 0.001) and a strong negative relationship between seed mass and time between emergence and production of the first true leaf (P < 0.001). Surprisingly, we found no relationship between seed mass and seedling establishment (P = 0.21). It seems most likely that this lack of relationship is a result of the many stochastic factors affecting seedling establishment during any given recruitment episode at any given site. A cause of mortality was assigned to 56% of the 781 seedlings that died during the present study. There was no relationship between cause of death and seed mass (P = 0.28). Of the seedlings for which the cause of death was known, 57% were killed by herbivory and 21% were killed by drought. Seedling–seedling competition affected only one species.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence about how generalist consumers affect exotic plant invasions is equivocal, but most tests have been limited to few plant species, single herbivore guilds, and single locations. Using a seed‐addition experiment, we studied effects of gastropods and rodents on recruitment success of 37 exotic and 37 native plant species affiliated to three different functional groups (i.e. grasses, legumes and non‐legume herbs). We replicated our seed addition x herbivore exclusion experiment at multiple grassland sites, located within a few km of each other in two regions, coastal central California (USA) and southern Saxony–Anhalt (Germany). The two study regions differed in climate, land‐use, invasion history and species pools which allowed us to disentangle general from context‐specific effects. In both regions, herbivory by gastropods had a stronger impact on the proportion of recruited seedlings and the proportion of recruited species than rodent herbivory, but this effect was much more pronounced in California than in Germany. Especially, seedling recruitment of non‐legume herbs and legumes suffered from gastropod herbivory. Contrastingly, the effect of rodents was negative at the German sites and positive at the Californian sites, likely driven by context‐specific differences in the rodent assemblages. Across both study regions, exotics had higher seedling recruitment than natives, indicating that higher recruitment success constitutes an inherent feature of exotic species. After two years, more exotic than native species established at grassland sites in California while the opposite was true for the German grassland sites. Consistently across regions, native and exotic species did, however, not differ in their response to herbivory, suggesting that generalist consumers suppress recruitment and colonization of plant species irrespective of their origin. Our results demonstrate the importance of a multi‐species, multi‐site approach to separate general responses of exotic and native plants to generalist herbivory from local, regional or species‐specific peculiarities.  相似文献   

Question: In November 2000, Chusquea culeou, a bamboo species dominating Andean forest understories in southern Argentina and Chile, massively flowered and died over a north‐south distance of ca. 120 km. Because bamboo is the major forage for large herbivores in these forests, we examined the interactive influences of the bamboo die‐off and herbivory by introduced cattle on understory and tree regeneration. Location: Lanín National Park, Argentina. Methods: Permanent plots, in and outside livestock exclosures, were installed in a Nothofagus dombeyi forest in patches of flowered and non‐flowered C. culeou. Plots were monitored over four years for changes in understory composition and tree seedling densities and heights. Results: After the C. culeou die‐off, new establishment of N. dombeyi was low, both with and without herbivory. Livestock alone directly increased N. dombeyi seedling mortality through physical damage. However, tree seedling browse ratings and height growth were interactively affected by bamboo flowering and herbivory; unfenced plots in flowered bamboo patches had the shortest seedlings, highest browse ratings, and lowest tree seedling annual growth rates. Understory cover was higher where livestock were excluded, and this effect was intensified in the patches of flowered bamboo. Neither herbivory nor bamboo flowering resulted in major changes in species composition, with the exception of Alstroemeria aurea. Conclusion: Effects of livestock on N. dombeyi regeneration were contingent on flowering of C. culeou. Prior to introduction of livestock, N. dombeyi regeneration was probably successful beneath canopy gaps during windows of opportunity following bamboo die‐off, but now livestock impede tree regeneration. Herbivory during bamboo withering periods also produces more open understories, particularly affecting palatable heliophyllous herb species such as Alstroemeria aurea. The results underscore the importance of assessing herbivore impacts on tree regeneration during relatively short periods of potential tree regeneration immediately following rare bamboo flowering and die‐off.  相似文献   

植物天然更新过程中种子和幼苗死亡的影响因素   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
植物天然更新包括有种子搬运、种子库动态、种子萌发和幼苗定居等过程。从种子生产到幼苗定居的更新是植物生活史中最为敏感的阶段之一 ,多种因素的影响种子和幼苗的命运。其中包括 :( 1 )动物取食或病原体侵袭。种子在扩散和搬运过程中 ,易被小哺乳动物或无脊椎动物取食。蛀虫也可以使种子失去萌芽能力。病原体感染种子和幼苗 ,容易引起种子和幼苗的死亡。 ( 2 )异质生境的影响。在不同生境中 ,光照条件、土壤水分和化学成分等因子的组合严重影响种子和幼苗的命运。 ( 3 )干扰的影响。小尺度和大尺度的干扰都可以影响到植物更新时种子和幼苗的命运。林窗作为特殊的干扰体系 ,为不同种类植物提供了更新的机会。 ( 4 )繁殖体特征。种子大小、质量和保护色等特征影响种子和幼苗在更新过程中的生存。种子休眠期间 ,由于生理衰老和腐烂的原因使种子失去活力而不能萌发。 ( 5 )密度和距离制约。母株附近由于密度竞争的影响 ,种子和幼苗死亡率都较高。  相似文献   

Seedling herbivory is an important selective filter influencing patterns of plant community composition. Nevertheless, while many of the mechanisms governing seedling selection by herbivores are well established, the effects of tissue loss at the seedling stage on subsequent plant development are poorly understood. Here we examined how the removal of 50 or approximately 100% of cotyledon area from 7-d-old chalk grassland seedlings affected subsequent plant growth and flowering over a 100-d period. Cotyledon damage had a significant effect on growth during the establishment phase for six of the nine species. For two species, significant effects on plant growth were manifest in 100-d-old plants. Of the five species that flowered, three developed fewer inflorescences or flowered later as a consequence of cotyledon damage suffered as a seedling. Our results show that, in addition to the direct effect of herbivory on seedling mortality, more subtle sublethal effects may also influence plant establishment. Reduced growth as a result of cotyledon damage may have implications for plant competition during the establishment phase, and on subsequent reproductive success at maturity.  相似文献   

Although a number of investigations have concluded that lower latitudes are associated with increases in herbivore abundance and plant damage, the generality of this pattern is still under debate. Multiple factors may explain the lack of consistency in latitude–herbivory relationships. For instance, latitudinal variation in herbivore pressure may be shaped entirely or not by climatic variables, or vary among herbivore guilds with differing life‐history traits. Additionally, the strength of top–down effects from natural enemies on herbivores might also vary geographically and influence latitude–herbivory patterns. We carried out a field study where we investigated the effects of latitude and climate on herbivory by a seed‐eating caterpillar and leaf chewers, as well as parasitism associated to the former across 30 populations of the perennial herb Ruellia nudiflora (Acanthaceae). These populations were distributed along a 5° latitudinal gradient from northern Yucatan (Mexico) to southern Belize, representing one‐third of the species' latitudinal distribution and the entirety and one‐third of the precipitation and temperature gradient of this species' distribution (respectively). We found opposing latitudinal gradients of seed herbivory and leaf herbivory, and this difference appeared to be mediated by contrasting effects of climate on each guild. Specifically, univariate regressions showed that seed herbivory increased at higher latitudes and with colder temperatures, while leaf herbivory increased toward the equator and with wetter conditions. Multiple regressions including temperature, precipitation and latitude only found significant effects of temperature for seed herbivory and latitude for leaf herbivory. Accordingly, that latitudinal variation in seed herbivory appears to be driven predominantly by variation in temperature whereas latitudinal variation in leaf herbivory was apparently driven by other unexplored correlates of latitude. Parasitism did not exhibit variation with latitude or climatic factors. Overall, these findings underscore that the factors driving latitudinal clines in herbivory might vary even among herbivore species coexisting on the same host plant.  相似文献   

We tested whether differences in ploidy level and previous exposure to herbivory can affect plant tolerance to herbivory. We conducted a common garden experiment with 12 populations of two ploidy levels of the perennial herb Cardamine pratensis (five populations of tetraploid ssp. pratensis and seven populations of octoploid ssp. paludosa). Earlier studies have shown that attack rates by the main herbivore, the orange tip butterfly Anthocharis cardamines, are lower in populations of octoploids than in populations of tetraploids, and vary among populations. In the common garden experiment, a combination of natural and artificial damage significantly reduced seed and flower production. We measured tolerance based on four plant-performance metrics: survival, growth, seed production and clonal reproduction. For three of these measurements, tolerance of damage did not differ between ploidy levels. For clonal reproduction, the octoploids had a higher tolerance than the tetraploids, although they experience lower herbivore attack rates in natural populations. Populations from sites with high levels of herbivory had higher tolerance, measured by seed production, than populations with low levels of herbivory. We did not detect any significant costs of tolerance. We conclude that high intensity of herbivory has selected for high tolerance measured by seed production in C. pratensis.  相似文献   



Herbivores have the power to shape plant evolutionary trajectories, influence the structure and function of vegetation, devastate entire crops, or halt the spread of invasive weeds, and as a consequence, research into plant–herbivore interactions is pivotal to our understanding of plant ecology and evolution. However, the causes and consequences of seedling herbivory have received remarkably little attention, despite the fact that plants tend to be most susceptible to herbivory during establishment, and this damage can alter community composition and structure.


In this Viewpoint article we review why herbivory during early plant ontogeny is important and in so doing introduce an Annals of Botany Special Issue that draws together the latest work on the topic. In a synthesis of the existing literature and a collection of new studies, we examine several linked issues. These include the development and expression of seedling defences and patterns of selection by herbivores, and how seedling selection affects plant establishment and community structure. We then examine how disruption of the seedling–herbivore interaction might affect normal patterns of plant community establishment and discuss how an understanding of patterns of seedling herbivory can aid our attempts to restore semi-natural vegetation. We finish by outlining a number of areas where more research is required. These include a need for a deeper consideration of how endogenous and exogenous factors determine investment in seedling defence, particularly for the very youngest plants, and a better understanding of the phylogenetic and biogeographical patterns of seedling defence. There is also much still be to be done on the mechanisms of seedling selection by herbivores, particularly with respect to the possible involvement of volatile cues. These inter-related issues together inform our understanding of how seedling herbivory affects plant regeneration at a time when anthropogenic change is likely to disrupt this long-established, but all-too-often ignored interaction.  相似文献   

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