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Identifying predators at nests of small birds in a New Zealand forest   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
K. P. BROWN  H. MOLLER  J. INNES  P. JANSEN 《Ibis》1998,140(2):274-279
Time-lapse video equipment was used to film continuously at nests of two small passerines, the New Zealand Robin Petroica australis and the Tomtit Petroica macrocephala , in an indigenous broadleaf/hardwood forest in central North Island, New Zealand. The nests were illuminated with infrared light to allow night-time observations of predator and parent bird behaviour, and signs left at nests were linked to predator identity. Introduced Ship Rats Rattus rattus and the small native owl or Ruru Ninox novaeseelandiae were filmed preying on eggs or chicks on 12 occasions, and Ship Rats scavenged on eggs on two occasions. Parent birds sometimes altered the signs left at nests after predation, which confused identification of the predator, while Ship Rat scavenger and predator signs were indistinguishable. This suggests that attempts to identify predators from nest signs could be misleading and potentially a widespread problem. Time-lapse video filming with infrared illumination is potentially the least biased method of identifying predators, but it is expensive and so is best used in conjunction with simpler methods. This study found no evidence that filming altered predation rates or that the predators or parent birds reacted strongly to the camera or lights, so we believe that filming is a valuable and safe technique to guide management for the recovery of critically endangered species that are threatened by predators.  相似文献   


Ten species of cestodes are reported from aquatic birds in New Zealand. All are new records for the country.  相似文献   

P. J. Moors 《Ibis》1983,125(2):137-154
Prior to human settlement the endemic New Zealand avifauna evolved in the absence of mammalian predators. Subsequently mustelids, rodents and feral cats have become established and frequently prey on birds and nests. It has been suggested that, because of their evolutionary history, the endemic birds are especially susceptible to such predators. In this paper predation by mustelids and rodents on the eggs and nestlings of eight species of native bird is compared with that on five species of introduced European passerine inhabiting the same lowland forest.
Final outcomes were known for 101 nests of native birds and 48 nests of introduced birds found during three breeding seasons. There was no significant difference between the two groups in frequency of predation. Native birds lost 70-1% of their nests to predators and introduced birds 64-6%. Most predations occurred during the egg stage. Clutch size did not influence frequency of predation, but brood size did for Fantails and introduced birds. Stoats and weasels were responsible for 77-9% of predations on native birds and 77-4% on introduced birds; corresponding percentages for rodents (principally ship rats) were 14-7% and 19-4%. Mustelids destroyed proportionately more nests with chicks than with eggs, whereas rodents did the reverse. Predation on both groups of birds was not influenced by their nesting habitat, the species of tree used for nesting, or the height and position of the nest. The vulnerability to introduced predators of native New Zealand birds is discussed in relation to the historical declines of many species, and also their life-history patterns.  相似文献   

In the Holarctic, predation by mustelids on birds is often linked to population cycles of rodents (especially voles and lemmings) because birds may be buffered against mustelid predation at high rodent densities. By contrast, interguild relationships between introduced mustelids and rodents can have very different consequences for native birds in ecosystems where mustelids have been introduced. Here, we consider the interactions between Stoats Mustela erminea , feral House Mice Mus musculus and native birds in New Zealand beech Nothofagus spp. forests. We conclude that buffering to protect birds from Stoat predation normally fails in these systems, because peak populations of mice in these forests are low by Holarctic standards, and mice usually do not become sufficiently abundant to distract increased numbers of Stoats from preying on birds. However, temporary buffering is possible during rare episodes of extreme mouse abundance.  相似文献   

Summary Data on mammalian, avian and invertebrate biomass in mixed broadleaf-podocarp forest of the Orongorongo Valley are summarised and compared with the biomass in other forests. Animal biomass totalled at least 504 kg/ha — more than twice that in several tropical forests but less than that reported from temperate deciduous forests of Europe. Earthworms (333 kg/ha) provided most animal biomass: arthropods at least 145 kg/ha, mammals (all introduced) 25 kg/ha, and birds 0.6 kg/ha. By world standards the biomass of mammals, and litter-dwelling and underground arthropods, is high and that of birds moderate. Introduced mammals have greatly altered the distribution of biomass in this forest, herbivores and predatory mammals gaining biomass at the expense of some native aboveground invertebrates and birds, several of which have been lost to this community.  相似文献   


The literature on forest birds in New Zealand is examined to see if the consequences of forest modification can be predicted. Forty‐four samples of birds, from North, South, and Stewart Islands, are classified according to four habitats of origin: virgin forest, modified forest, exotic forest, and suburban bush and gardens. An index of bird species diversity (BSD) is calculated for comparison, and where possible densities are tabulated.

Limited samples from modified forests in Westland suggest that the number of species is relatively smaller but the bird density is higher after modification. There do not seem to be any published quantitative data about birds in Westland exotic forests.

Data from the whole of New Zealand show that bird density increases as forest habitats change from virgin, to modified, to exotic, to suburban bush and gardens. BSD and equitability do not differ among these habitats. The number of species of native birds and their diversity decline as the habitat is more extensively altered, but their total density tends to remain constant. More productive forest habitats have the same BSD as other habitats. Diversity seems to be limited by the small variety of bird species available, and the more productive habitats could probably support more species. All habitats had a much higher diversity of birds before colonisation by the European.  相似文献   

An undisturbed podocarp-broadleaved rain forest was sampled in eight strata (synusiae): canopy, small tree, shrub, low shrub, herb, ground, epiphyte and liane. Independent classifications of the quadrats were performed using the eight strata, and the classifications were correlated. Relations between strata were significant, but weak. Using records of plants of all ages, the relations largely reflected the presence of seedlings of woody species in the ground and herb strata. Using only records of species present as adults, the relations were quite different, and at least some seemed to reflect sociological interactions. Relations between a tree and a herb stratum was lower than in McCune & Antos' (1981) investigation, probably because of the narrow ecological range of the present study area.  相似文献   

Viktorocara torea and Sciadiocara tarapunga n. spp. are described from specimens from the gizzards of Haematopus ostralegus finschi and Larus novaehollandiae scopulinus respectively. All hosts were collected in the South Island, New Zealand. V. torea is characterised by the possession of doubly bifid apices to the long spicule and absence of a subterminal spicular spur; presence of six preanal papillae, the first and second widely spaced: the muscular region of the oesophagus constituting about one quarter of the total length of the oesophagus. S. tarapunga is similar to S. umbellifera, but differs in having the muscular region of the oesophagus shorter than the glandular region, a more slender body in both sexes, much smaller spicules (78--91 micrometer and 275--359 micrometer) with the right spicule not more than one-third as long as the left one. The long spicule bears a pair of similar, rounded, laterally placed spatulate apices. It is suggested that Sciadiocara umbellifera of previous authors may encompass more than one species.  相似文献   


A cross-referenced list is provided of 94 helminth taxa, at the generic or specific level, from 61 bird host species in the New Zealand subregion.  相似文献   

The relationship between fleshy-fruited indigenous species and adventive weeds in the diet of 500 mist-netted birds was studied in forest remnants of differing size and degree of modification. Fruit abundance Peaked in March and April, and most fruit was either red/orange or purple/black. The physical parameters of adventive and indigenous fruits were not significantly different. Six of the 15 passerine species netted are frugivores, and of those netted 77% had eaten fruit. They were divisible into three groups: endemic (bellbirds, Anthornis melanura; tuis, Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae), non-endemic but indigenous (silvereyes, Zosterops lateralis), and adventive (blackbirds, Turdus merula; song thrushes, T. philomelos; starlings, Sturnus vulgaris). Bird diets varied between the groups and according to fruit availability as determined by sires and seasons. Endemic birds ate the least adventive fruit; bellbirds ate mainly Podocarpus hallii and Coprosma robusta fruits at all sites. Tuis had a varied diet, including some adventive fruits. Silvereyes ate the widest range of indigenous and adventive fruits. Blackbirds and, to a smaller extent, song thrushes ate many of the same indigenous fruits as the other bird groups, but their diet included more adventive fruits, e.g., Berberis glaucocarpa. Starlings were caught only when they fed on Sambucus nigra, but they also ate a few indigenous fruits. There was little seasonal variation in bird numbers caught. Adventive species extended the seasonal availability of fruits into winter, particularly in the forest remnant closest to a town, which had the highest proportion of adventive fruits. Several weed species distributed mainly by non-endemic and adventive birds are forming new secondary vegetation. Some have large fruit crops which generally offer little food for endemic birds. Where fruiting weeds pre-empt sites that may have been occupied by native species, they create an inferior habitat for endemic birds. However, the non-endemic and adventive birds also disperse indigenous fruits into early successional vegetation, and the importance of their seed rain for conservation of biodiversity will therefore depend on the site.  相似文献   

Haemig 《Ecology letters》1999,2(3):178-184
Although interactions between species are often assumed to be fixed, theory and empirical evidence suggest that they may be quite variable, changing in the presence of other species or environmental conditions. The interaction between ants and nesting birds exhibits such variability, ants sometimes being predators of bird nests and other times protectors of them. Hypothesizing that predation risk might be a critical factor in altering the interaction of ants with birds, I investigated the interaction of wood ants Formica aquilonia with nesting birds under different levels of predation risk. In a controlled field experiment, I allowed tits ( Parus major, P. caeruleus, P. ater ) and pied flycatchers ( Ficedula hypoleuca ) to select nest boxes in trees with ants (ant trees) or trees without ants. I found that birds usually nested in trees without ants, apparently to avoid the danger of injury from encounters with ants. Nesting in ant trees occurred mainly in the habitat where risk of predation was highest (along the forest edge), and with the bird taxa that lost nests most frequently in trees without ants (tits). Tits nesting on the forest edge achieved significantly greater nesting success, and fledged significantly more young, in ant trees compared with trees without ants. As the season progressed, ant traffic increased in trees without nesting birds, but decreased in trees with nesting birds, indicating that the outcome of interference competition between ants and nesting birds was reversed under increased predation risk. These results support the idea that predation risk can shift species interactions from predominately competitive processes to predominately facilitative processes.  相似文献   

The conservation of critically endangered flightless birds in New Zealand   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M. N. CLOUT  J. L. CRAIG 《Ibis》1995,137(S1):S181-S190
The current status of Kakapo Strigops habroptilus and Takahe Porphyrio mantelli is described along with recent developments in programmes for their conservation. Both species were (at different times) thought to be effectively extinct, and both have been temporarily reprieved by the discovery of new populations. Population declines have continued, with Kakapo now reduced to less than 50 individuals and Takahe to about 150. Kakapo are especially at risk; 87% of the remaining birds are over 14 years old and only 17 females are known. Research on relict populations of both species has identified predation and competition from introduced mammals as major threats. Both species have high rates of egg infertility and low survival of young. Increasingly intensive management of both Kakapo and Takahe over recent years has included translocation to predator-free island refuges, supplementary feeding to encourage breeding, clutch manipulation, captive rearing and predator control. All known Kakapo have now been transferred to three island refuges, where the overall rate of population decline has slowed and supplementary feeding has apparently encouraged more frequent breeding attempts. Takahe conservation has concentrated largely on attempts to increase the population in Fiordland, New Zealand, through clutch manipulation and release of captive-reared young, but birds have also been released on four islands, which now hold 19% of the total population. The relict Fiordland populations of both Kakapo and Takahe were confined to apparently suboptimal habitat. Both species have successfully adapted to novel environments and foods when translocated, and the populations which now exist present improved opportunities for intensive management using a range of conservation techniques to enhance productivity and survival. Recent population trends of Kakapo and Takahe are reconstructed, and the contribution of research to their conservation is reviewed.  相似文献   

Blood smears were examined from 141 montane forest birds of 45 species in southeastern Papua New Guinea. Haemoproteus spp. occurred in 46 (32.6%), Leucocytozoon fringillinarum Woodcock, 1910 in five, Trypanosoma sp. in one and Haemogregarina sp. in one. Intensity of infection by Haemoproteus was highest in those avian species and families with the highest prevalence; increasing altitude had no demonstrable effect on the prevalence of Haemoproteus spp.  相似文献   

Determining variation in the success of New Zealand land birds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The New Zealand avifauna has changed considerably since the arrival of humans approximately 1000 years ago. The extinction of native species followed by their replacement with introduced exotic species is recognized as having greatly reduced the distinctiveness of the avifauna. Using phylogenetically independent methods, I tested whether life history and ecological correlates of extinction, introduction and persistence were significant across species and within taxa. Extinct land bird species were, on average, and independent of phylogenetic relatedness, larger-bodied than extant species. Introduction success was found to be significantly associated with increasing species body size, generation time and indices of human effort. In contrast, the geographical distribution of extant land birds was correlated with traits associated with high population growth rates (i.e. small, rapidly developing species, with high fecundity). My results suggest that selection pressures have changed significantly since the arrival of human colonists in New Zealand and that these changes have favoured different types of land birds, to the general detriment of endemic species. Comparative methods that explicitly examine historical changes are necessary to elucidate the changing roles of biological and extrinsic traits in the differential success of species in any assemblage.  相似文献   

Nest survival of birds in an urban environment in New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We compared nest survival of three urban bird species over two seasons in Dunedin City: silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis), a recent self-introduced native that is very abundant; blackbirds (Turdus merula), an abundant exotic species; and fantails (Rhipidura fuliginosa), a native species that occurs in relatively low numbers in some urban habitats. We also used artificial nests to compare nest predation rates between residential gardens and bush fragments isolated within a residential matrix. Silvereye nests had highest survival (daily survival probability = 0.98), with early nests and nests situated higher in trees having higher survival. Blackbird nest survival was lower (0.966); higher nests had better survival. Fantail nest survival varied significantly between years (0.908 in 2006?07 and 0.987 in 2007?08). Predation was a major cause of fantail nest failure, despite fantail nests being highest off the ground (mean = 4.2 m cf. 2.8 m for blackbirds and 2.2 m for silvereyes). Mortality of fantails during the week following fledging was high (41%). Low nest and juvenile survival may result in low abundance of fantails in Dunedin City. Predation of artificial nests was unaffected by nest placement (central or peripheral in the tree/shrub) and was the same in gardens as in bush fragments, with rats (Rattus rattus), possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and possibly mice (Mus musculus) identified as nest predators.  相似文献   

Daniel Sol  Louis Lefebvre 《Oikos》2000,90(3):599-605
A fundamental question in ecology is whether there are evolutionary characteristics of species that make some better than others at invading new communities. In birds, nesting habits, sexually selected traits, migration, clutch size and body mass have been suggested as important variables, but behavioural flexibility is another obvious trait that has received little attention. Behavioural flexibility allows animals to respond more rapidly to environmental changes and can therefore be advantageous when invading novel habitats. Behavioural flexibility is linked to relative brain size and, for foraging, has been operationalised as the number of innovations per taxon reported in the short note sections of ornithology journals. Here, we use data on avian species introduced to New Zealand and test the link between forebrain size, feeding innovation frequency and invasion success. Relative brain size was, as expected, a significant predictor of introduction success, after removing the effect of introduction effort. Species with relatively larger brains tended to be better invaders than species with smaller ones. Introduction effort, migratory strategy and mode of juvenile development were also significant in the models. Pair-wise comparisons of closely related species indicate that successful invaders also showed a higher frequency of foraging innovations in their region of origin. This study provides the first evidence in vertebrates of a general set of traits, behavioural flexibility, that can potentially favour invasion success.  相似文献   

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