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A technique of measuring of the light-induced transients of the gramicidin-mediated electric current across a membrane in the presence of a photosensitizer has been applied for the study of the effect of agents modifying the dipole potential of a bilayer lipid membrane (phloretin, 6-ketocholestanol, and RH421) on the processes of the gramicidin channel dissociation and formation. It is shown that phloretin, known to lower the dipole potential, decelerates the flash-induced decrease in the current, whereas 6-ketocholestanol and RH421, known to raise the dipole potential, accelerate the current decrease. It is revealed that the addition of phloretin leads to a decrease in the dissociation rate constant, whereas addition of either 6-ketocholestanol or RH421 causes an increase in this constant. Single-channel data show that phloretin brings about an increase in the lifetime of the gramicidin channels, whereas RH421 produces a more complicated effect. It is conclude that the dipole potential affects the process of channel dissociation, presumably via the influence on the movement of the dipoles of gramicidin molecules through the layer of the dipole potential drop near the membrane-water interface.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of gramicidin single-channel lifetimes in monoacylglycerol bilayers chosen so that their thickness ranged from above to below the length of the gramicidin channel. Contact angles, electrical capacities and bulk-phase interfacial tensions have also been determined for these systems. The mean channel lifetime decreased with the hydrocarbon thickness of the membrane until the latter reached 2.2 nm, after which the lifetime was relatively constant. A theoretical model has been proposed which relates the mean channel lifetime (or dissociation constant) to both the thickness and the tension of the bilayers. The analysis of the present results and of those of previous studies has led to the idea that aggregates of water molecules may play an important r?le in the dissociation of the gramicidin channel.  相似文献   

Dependence of channel parameters formed by gramicidin A (conductivity and mean life time) on thickness, composition and tension of planar bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) was studied. BLM were obtained from solutions of alpha-monoglycerides of fatty acids in n-alkanes. It has been shown that channel conductivity depends on the length of lipid radical hydrocarbon and is insensitive to the isomerization of lipid and to the change of solvent. There was no direct relationship between the life time, thickness and composition of BLM. Logarithm tau for all the systems studied is proportional to BLM tension, which points to a significant role of surface phenomena in the formation by grammicidine A of a conducting pore in the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

One of the side chains of Orn residues in gramicidin S (GS) was connected with alanine (AGS), sarcosine (SGS), or histidine (HGS) residue, aiming at developing membrane-active artificial enzymes by virtue of the membrane-associating property of GS. The conformation of the GS analogs was similar to that of GS. However, the affinity of GS and its analogs for dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicles decreased in the order of GS greater than SGS greater than HGS congruent to AGS. The addition of GS analogs at 10 microM to DPPC vesicles decreased the membrane fluidity, indicating that GS analogs did not disrupt the vesicular structure of DPPC vesicles. On the other hand, GS analogs enhanced carboxyfluorescein-leakage from DPPC vesicles. It was therefore considered that the GS analogs induced the phase-separation of the lipid bilayer membrane. Hydrolytic reactions of HGS in the presence of DPPC vesicles were studied using N-methylindoxyl alkanoate as substrate. HGS reacted only with N-methylindoxyl hexanoate below the phase-transition temperature of the membrane. The substrate specificity of HGS was ascribed to the condensation of HGS in the neighbourhood of the substrate in the lipid bilayer membrane due to the phase-separation below the phase-transition temperature of the membrane.  相似文献   

Modulation of gramicidin A open channel lifetime by ion occupancy.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The hypothesis that the gramicidin A channel stability depends on the level of ion occupancy of the channel was used to derive a mathematical model relating channel lifetime to channel occupancy. Eyring barrier permeation models were examined for their ability to fit the zero-voltage conductance, current-voltage, as well as lifetime data. The simplest permeation model required to explain the major features of the experimental data consists of three barriers and four sites (3B4S) with a maximum of two ions occupying the channel. The average lifetime of the channel was calculated from the barrier model by assuming the closing rate constant to be proportional to the probability of the internal channel sites being empty. The link between permeation and lifetime has as its single parameter the experimentally determined averaged lifetime of gramicidin A channels in the limit of infinitely dilute solutions and has therefore no adjustable parameters. This simple assumption that one or more ions inside the channel completely stabilize the dimer conformation is successful in explaining the experimental data considering the fact that this model for stabilization is independent of ion species and configurational occupancy. The model is used to examine, by comparison with experimental data, the asymmetrical voltage dependence of the lifetime in asymmetrical solutions, the effects of blockers, and the effects of elevated osmotic pressure.  相似文献   

The surface tension of glycerylmonooleate-hexadecane lipid bilayer membranes and the lifetime of gramicidin A channels were measured at various concentrations of the surrounding solutions. For HCl the surface tension is essentially constant at approximately 5 mN/m up to approximately 1 M, whereas the average lifetime increases approximately 40-fold. At higher concentrations the surface tension decreases markedly. For CsCl the surface tension is constant up to about 1 M then increases with salt level. The average lifetime in this case increases about sixfold. In both cases the lifetime levels off and even decreases at higher salt levels. The increase in lifetime observed with ion activity is therefore qualitatively different from, and not explained by, the established dependence of lifetime on membrane properties (Elliot, J.R., D. Needham, J.P. Dilger, and D.A. Haydon. 1983. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 735:95-103). We have previously proposed that ion occupancy is a determinant of channel stability, and to test this hypothesis the voltage dependence of channel lifetime was measured in asymmetrical solutions. For the case of a potassium chloride solution on one side of the membrane and a hydrogen chloride solution, on the other, the voltage dependence of the lifetime is asymmetrical. The asymmetry is such that when the electrical field is applied in the direction of the chemical gradient for each of the ions, the channel lifetime approaches, at increasing field strengths, that of a symmetrical solution of the respective ion. The voltage dependence of the surface tension, on the other hand, is negligible for the range of voltages used.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

B Roux 《Biophysical journal》1996,71(6):3177-3185
The valence selectivity of the gramicidin channel is examined using computer simulations based on atomic models. The channel interior is modeled using a gramicidin-like periodic poly (L,D)-alanine beta-helix. Free energy perturbation calculations are performed to obtain the relative affinity of K+ and Cl- for the channel. It is observed that the interior of the gramicidin channel provides an energetically favorable interaction site for a cation but not for an anion. Relative to solvation in bulk water, the carbonyl CO oxygens can provide a favorable interaction to stabilize K+, whereas the amide NH hydrogens are much less effective in stabilizing Cl-. The results of the calculations demonstrate that, as a consequence of the structural asymmetry of the backbone charge distribution, a K+ cation can partition spontaneously from bulk water to the interior of the gramicidin channel, whereas a Cl- anion cannot.  相似文献   

The thickness changes of black lipid membranes of different composition after a voltage jump were investigated. In a second series of electrical relaxation experiments the kinetics of channel formation by gramicidin A were measured. The time course of the membrane current was compared with the time course of the thickness change of the membranes. We found that the time course of the current as a consequence of channel formation by gramicidin A did not correlate with the thickness change of the lipid membranes. A possible direct influence of the electric field is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of two different gramicidin conformations on lipid phase behaviour and dynamics are compared. Samples of chain-perdeuterated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine containing gramicidin were first prepared with gramicidin in a state having a circular dichroism spectrum generally identified as corresponding to the non-channel conformation. The effects, on bilayer lipid properties, of gramicidin in this conformation were then determined using deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of acyl chain orientational order and transverse relaxation times as a function of temperature. These samples were then incubated at 65 degrees C to convert the gramicidin to a state with a circular dichroism spectrum of the type generally identified with the channel conformation. The nuclear magnetic resonance measurements were then repeated. In the gel phase, it was found that transverse relaxation time and chain orientational order of the lipid were insensitive to gramicidin conformation. In the liquid crystalline phase, gramicidin in the channel conformation was found to have a slightly larger effect on transverse relaxation and orientational order than gramicidin in the non-channel conformation. The perturbation of the phase behavior by gramicidin was found to be relatively insensitive to gramicidin conformation.  相似文献   

The kinetics of formation and dissociation of gramicidin dimers in a lipid bilayer membrane have been studied by pressure-jump and electric field-jump methods. The traditional AC-coupled pressure-jump apparatus has been modified so that a known DC-voltage drop is maintained across a Teflon cell divided by a septum with a hole for membrane formation. From the response of the amplified output voltage after the pressure release, information about the kinetics of channel (dimer) formation is obtained. In addition, using the same apparatus, electric field-jump measurements were performed on the gramicidin/membrane system. In asolectin/7-dehydrocholesterol (5:1) membranes at 25 +/- 0.1 degrees C, the best fit to the pressure-jump data gives a dimer dissociation rate constant of 0.5 +/- 0.3 s-1. The standard volume change for dimerization determined from the amplitude of the pressure-jump experiments is -66 +/- 35 cm3/mol. Rate data determined by the electric field-jump method are consistent with the pressure-jump values; results obtained with either technique are compatible with other determinations of the kinetics of dimerization on gramicidin/membrane systems.  相似文献   

A number of membrane proteins act via binding at the water/lipid bilayer interface. An important example of such proteins is provided by the gating-modifier toxins that act on voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels. They are thought to partition to the headgroup region of lipid bilayers, and so provide a good system for probing the nature of interactions of a protein with the water/bilayer interface. We used coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations to compute the one-dimensional potential of mean force (i.e., free energy) profile that governs the interaction between a Kv channel gating-modifier toxin (VSTx1) and model phospholipid bilayers. The reaction coordinate sampled corresponds to the position of the toxin along the bilayer normal. The course-grained representation of the protein and lipids enabled us to explore extended time periods, revealing aspects of toxin/bilayer dynamics and energetics that would be difficult to observe on the timescales currently afforded by atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. In particular, we show for this model system that the bilayer deforms as it interacts with the toxin, and that such deformations perturb the free energy profile. Bilayer deformation therefore adds an additional layer of complexity to be addressed in investigations of membrane/protein systems. In particular, one should allow for local deformations that may arise due to the spatial array of charged and hydrophobic elements of an interfacially located membrane protein.  相似文献   

Green tea's health benefits have been attributed to its major polyphenols, the catechins: (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), and epicatechin (EC). Catechins (especially EGCG) modulate a wide range of biologically important molecules, including many membrane proteins. Yet, little is known about their mechanism(s) of action. We tested the catechins' bilayer-modifying potency using gramicidin A (gA) channels as molecular force probes. All the catechins alter gA channel function and modify bilayer properties, with a 500-fold range in potency (EGCG>ECG?EGC>EC). Additionally, the gallate group causes current block, as evident by brief downward current transitions (flickers).  相似文献   

The exchange diffusions of tracer cations (22Na+, 86Rb+) are studied on gramicidin-A-treated red blood cell (RBC) membranes. A time-dependent decrease in cation permeability has been observed and has been considered to be the result of a channel inactivation process. The channel inactivation appears at 20 and 30 degrees C but not at a temperature as low as 6 degrees C. The gramicidin A channel inactivation can be monitored by a conductivity decay of molecular lipid membranes (BLM) prepared either from cholesterol or from a mixture of cholesterol and phospholipids but not of pure phosphatidylethanolamine. The role of cholesterol in the channel inactivation is discussed.  相似文献   

A Ring 《Biophysical journal》1992,61(5):1306-1315
The average lifetime of gramicidin A channels in monoolein/decane bilayer membranes was measured. The results support the hypothesis of channel stabilization by ion occupancy. The effects of electric field and salt concentration are consistent with the expected effects on both occupancy and membrane compression. The lifetime in asymmetric solutions with divalent cation blockers on one side of the membrane shows a voltage dependence such that the lifetime decreases for positive voltages applied from the blocking side and increases for negative voltages. This result strongly supports the occupancy hypothesis. The lifetime increases with permeant ion concentration, and at the one molar level it also increases with voltage. The voltage dependence of lifetime for a low concentration of permeant ion depends on the total salt level. The results for these conditions are consistent with the assumption that membrane compression also influences the lifetime, even for the "soft" solvent-containing membrane considered here. It is proposed that the channel nearest neighbor lipids need not be fixed in a plane at the channel end. Using a liquid crystal model it may then be shown that surface tension is the major component of the membrane deformation free energy, which may explain the significant effects of the membrane compression on the lifetime.  相似文献   

It was shown that malate dehydrogenase of isolated membranes of the gramicidin S producer Bacillus brevis var. G.-B. (R.-form) is completely inhibited by the antibiotic (approximately 200 mkg/mg of protein). Succinate and NADH dehydrogenases at concentration up to 1 mg per mg of protein are insensitive to it, while corresponding oxidases are inhibited by the antibiotic not more than by 65 -- 75% apparently due to partial damage of the terminal parts of the respiratory chain. The respiration of the producer intact cells is inhibited by exogenous gramicidin S by not more than 55 -- 60%, while the respiration of antibiotic-sensitive cells of M.lysodeikticus is inhibited completely. It was shown that phosphatidyl ethanolamine (50%), phosphatidyl glycerol (15% and diphosphatidyl glycerol (25%) are the major phospholipid components of the membranes of the given strain of Bac. brevis. It was assumed that the resistance of Bac. brevis cells to gramicidin S is partly due to the constant ratio of the charged and amphoteric phospholipids. Using 31P-NMR spectroscopy, the kinetics of free phosphoric compounds in the cells and cell extracts of Bac. brevis during culture growth and gramicidin S synthesis were studied. The content of carbohydrate monophosphate, remained unaffected, while that of nucleoside di- and triphosphates and dinucleotides was low and at definite density and gramicidin S content (above 100 mkg/ml) fell down below the resolution capacity of the method employed. Evidence for gramicidin S localization of the Bac. brevis membrane and possible causes for the manifestation of the NADH dehydrogenase activity at a certain stage of culture growth are discussed.  相似文献   

Simultaneous studies were carried out of isotope and electric parameters of spheric bilayer membranes modified with gramicidin A and its analog O-pyromellithylgramicidin (PG) having three negative charges on the N-end of the molecule. The relationship between the electric coefficients of permeability and the isotope ones PG/P* = n was determined by two independent methods. It has been found that for the membranes modified with gramicidin A in RbCl concentrations from 2.2 x 10(-3) to 10(-1) M the value n is constant and approximates 2 and with RbCl concentration 1 M, n = 1.6. For the membranes modified with PG in 0.1 M solutions of PbCl n = 2. The results obtained in terms of the model of unilinear ion diffusion in a narrow pore indicate that in a gramicidin channel there are two sites of cation binding which are located near the channel mouth.  相似文献   

Computations on the energy profiles for Na+ in the gramicidin A (GA) channel have been extended by introducing the effect, previously neglected, of the amino acid side chains of GA, fixed in their most stable conformations. The calculations have been performed in two approximations: 1) with the ethanolamine tail fixed in its most stable conformation, 2) with the tail allowed to optimize its conformation upon the progression of the ion. In both approximations the overall shape of the energy profile is very similar to that obtained in the absence of the side chains. One observes, however, a general lowering of the profile upon the adjunction of the side chains. The analysis of the factors responsible for this energy lowering indicates that it is due essentially to the electrostatic and polarisation components of the interaction which interplay differently, however, in the different parts of the channel. A particular role is attributed in this respect to the tryptophan residues of GA. The role of the 4 tryptophans present, Trp 15, 13, 11 and 9, is individualized by stripping of one of them at a time. The strongest effect on the energy deepening is due to Trp 13 and is particularly prominent in the entrance zone at 14.5A from the center of the channel. The result indicates the possibility of investigating theoretically the effect on the energy profiles of the substitution of the "natural" side chain by others.  相似文献   

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