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EMG's of short isometric contractions are analysed. Mathematical expressions are derived for the average EMG and for the variance of the EMG. The result shows that by deconvolution methods a distribution of motor unit onset time during contraction can be obtained once the mean motor unit potential is known. A further result of the analysis is the fact that by simulation methods a statistic can be derived to estimate the mean number of active motor units covered by the electrodes. The fact that highly variable EMG's go along with very accurately timed movements is shortly discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that women experience less vascular occlusion than men when generating the same relative contractile force. This study examined forearm blood flow (FBF) in women and men during isometric handgrip exercise requiring the same relative force. Thirty-eight subjects [20 women and 18 men, 22.8 +/- 0.6 yrs old (means +/- SE)] performed low- and moderate-force handgrip exercise on two occasions. Subjects performed five maximum voluntary contractions (MVC) before exercise to determine 20% and 50% MVC target forces. Time to task failure (TTF) was determined when the subject could not maintain force within 5% of the target force. Mean blood velocity was measured in the brachial artery with the use of Doppler ultrasonography. Arterial diameter was measured at rest and used to calculate absolute FBF (FBFa; ml/min) and relative FBF (FBFr; ml.min(-1).100 ml(-1)). Women generated less (P < 0.05) absolute maximal force (208 +/- 10 N) than men (357 +/- 17 N). The TTF was longer (P < 0.05) at 20% MVC for women (349 +/- 32 s) than for men (230 +/- 23 s), but no difference between the sexes was observed at 50% MVC (women: 69 +/- 5 s; men: 71 +/- 8 s). FBFa and FBFr increased (P < 0.05) from rest to TTF in both women and men during 20% and 50% MVC trials. FBFr was greater in women than in men at > or =30% TTF during 50% MVC. At exercise durations > or =60% of TTF, FBFa was lower (P < 0.05) in women than in men during handgrip at 20% MVC. Despite the longer exercise duration for women at the lower contraction intensity, FBFr was similar between the sexes, suggesting that muscle perfusion is matched to the exercising muscle mass independent of sex.  相似文献   

The requirement for using an arterial occlusion cuff at the wrist when measuring forearm blood flows by plethysmography was tested on a total of 8 subjects at rest and during and after sustained and intermittent isometric exercise. The contribution of the venous effluent from the hand to the forearm flow during exercise was challenged by immersing the arm in water at 20, 34, and 40 degrees C. Occlusion of the circulation to the hand reduced the blood flow through the resting forearm at all water temperatures. There was an inverse relationship between the temperature of the water and the proportion in the reduction of forearm blood flow upon inflation of the wrist-cuff, ranging from 45 to 19% at 20 degrees to 40 degrees C, respectively. However, during sustained isometric exercise at 10% of the subjects maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) there was no reduction in the measured forearm flow when an arterial occlusion cuff was inflated aroung the wrist. Similarly, there was no alteration in the blood flow measured 2 s after each of a series of intermittent isometric contractions exerted at 20% or 60% MVC for 2 s whether or not circulation to the hand was occluded nor of the post-exercise hyperemia following 1 min of sustained contraction at 40% MVC. These results indicate that a wrist-cuff is not required for accurate measurement of forearm blood flows during or after isometric exercise.  相似文献   

Responses of forearm blood flow to graded leg exercise in man   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Surface electromyography during sustained isometric contractions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The effects of sustained and rhythmically performed isometric contractions on electrically evoked twitch and tetanic force generation of the triceps surae have been investigated in 4 healthy male subjects. The isometric contractions were performed separately and on different occasions at 30%, 60% and 100% of the force of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The area under the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force/time curve during the rhythmic and sustained contractions was the same for each experiment. The results showed that following rhythmic isometric exercise there was a small decrease in low (10 and 20 Hz) and high (40 Hz) frequency tetanic tension which was associated with % MVC. However, there was no change in the 20/40 ratio of tetanic forces, MVC or the contraction times and force of the maximal twitch. In contrast, following sustained isometric exercise tetanic forces were markedly reduced, particularly at low frequencies of stimulation. The 20/40 ratio decreased and the induced muscle weakness was greater at 30% than 60% or 100% MVC. The performance of sustained isometric contractions also effected a decrease in contraction time of the twitch and MVC. The results are in accord with previous findings for dynamic work (Davies and White 1982), and show that if isometric exercise is performed rhythmically the effect on tetanic tensions is small and there is no evidence of a preferential loss of electrically evoked force at either high or low frequencies of stimulation following the contractions. For sustained contractions, however, the opposite is true, the ratio of 20/40 Hz forces is markedly reduced and following 30% sustained MVC there is a significant (p less than 0.05) change in the time to peak tension (TPT) of the maximal twitch.  相似文献   

Six essential hypertensive (resting mean arterial pressure, MAP greater than 110 mmHg) and eight normotensive (resting MAP less than 95 mmHg) men, aged 30-58 yr, were tested during 1 h of dynamic leg exercise in the heat. Environmental conditions were fixed at 38 degrees C dry-bulb temperature and 28 degrees C wet-bulb temperature; exercise intensity was preset to approximate 40% of each subject's maximal aerobic capacity (actual range 38-43%). Forearm blood flow (FBF) was measured by impedance plethysmography. The intergroup difference in arterial pressure was maintained but not increased or decreased during exercise in the heat. FBF increased in both groups, but the increase was significantly less for the hypertensive subjects. FBF showed a significant linear correlation (different from 0) with core temperature in seven of eight control subjects but in none of the hypertensive subjects. The magnitude of FBF increase was inversely proportional to resting MAP (r = -0.89). It was concluded that essential hypertensive subjects respond to exercise in the heat with a diminished FBF response related to an alteration in control relative to central (core temperature) influences. This may be due to an imbalance between thermal and nonthermal (baroreflex) mechanisms controlling cutaneous blood flow.  相似文献   

Objective:This paper presents the analyses of the fatigue effect on the cross-talk in mechanomyography (MMG) signals of extensor and flexor forearm muscles during pre- and post-fatigue maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC).Methods:Twenty male participants performed repetitive submaximal (60% MVIC) grip muscle contractions to induce muscle fatigue and the results were analyzed during the pre- and post-fatigue MVIC. MMG signals were recorded on the extensor digitorum (ED), extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and flexor carpi radialis (FCR) muscles. The cross-correlation coefficient was used to quantify the cross-talk values in forearm muscle pairs (MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4, MP5 and MP6). In addition, the MMG RMS and MMG MPF were calculated to determine force production and muscle fatigue level, respectively.Results:The fatigue effect significantly increased the cross-talk values in forearm muscle pairs except for MP2 and MP6. While the MMG RMS and MMG MPF significantly decreased (p<0.05) based on the examination of the mean differences from pre- and post-fatigue MVIC.Conclusion:The presented results can be used as a reference for further investigation of cross-talk on the fatigue assessment of extensor and flexor muscles’ mechanic.  相似文献   

A specially designed needle electrode was used to record motor unit action potentials for the complete time duration of constant force isometric contractions varying in discrete steps from minimum to maximum force levels. A total of 70 motor unit action potential trains were recorded and analyzed.Several properties of the motor unit action potentials were observed. The inter-pulse intervals between adjacent motor unit action potentials of a particular motor unit action potential train were measured and subsequently analyzed as a real continuous random variable. The distribution of the values of the inter-pulse intervals was described by the Weibull probability distribution function with time and force dependent parameters. Furthermore the Survivor function and the Hazard function of the Weibull probability distribution function described certain characteristics of the motor unit firing intervals. Most important of all, it became possible to derive an equation that would generate a real continuous random variable whose properties would be identical to those of the inter-pulse intervals.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of techniques suitable for the estimation, interpretation and understanding of time variations that affect the surface electromyographic (EMG) signal during sustained voluntary or electrically elicited contractions. These variations concern amplitude variables, spectral variables and muscle fiber conduction velocity, are interdependent and are referred to as the ‘fatigue plot'. The fatigue plot provides information suitable for the classification of muscle behavior. In addition, the information obtainable by means of linear electrode arrays is discussed, and applications of mathematical models for the interpretation of array signals are presented. The model approach provides additional ways for the classification of muscle behavior.  相似文献   

Motor unit recruitment patterns were studied during prolonged isometric contraction using fine wire electrodes. Single motor unit potentials were recorded from the brachial biceps muscle of eight male subjects, during isometric endurance experiments conducted at relative workloads corresponding to 10% and 40% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), respectively. The recordings from the 10% MVC experiment demonstrated a characteristic time-dependent recruitment. As the contraction progressed both the mean number of motor unit spikes counted and the mean amplitude of the spikes increased significantly (P<0.01). This progressive increase in spike activity was the result of a discontinuous process with periods of increasing and decreasing activity. The phenomenon in which newly recruited motor units replace previously active units is termed motor unit rotation and appeared to be an important characteristic of motor control during a prolonged low level contraction. In contrast to the 10% MVC experiment, there was no indication of de novo recruitment in the 40% MVC experiment. Near the point of exhaustion a marked change in action potential shape and duration dominated the recordings. These findings demonstrate a conspicuous difference in the patterns of motor unit recruitment during a 10% and a 40% MVC sustained contraction. It is suggested that there is a close relationship between intrinsic muscle properties and central nervous system recruitment strategies which is entirely different in fatiguing high and low level isometric contractions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to show that regulation of the blood flow to the cochlea by the sympathetic nervous system occurs in humans at the level of the cochlear microcirculation during increases in blood pressure and that its involvement depends on the pressure level. Eight anaesthetized patients undergoing tympanoplasty for hearing disease took part in a pharmacological protocol of stimulation and inhibition of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to provide variations in systolic blood pressure (BPS) and cochlear blood flow (CBF). The CBF was measured by laser-Doppler flowmetry. Changes in autonomic nerve activity were brought about by changes in baroreceptor activity (BR) initiated by the injection of an α adrenergic agent before and after sympathetic and parasympathetic blockade. The CBF variations (δCBF) were plotted against BPS increases at each stage of the ANS inhibition. The BR diminished significantly after α blockade, after α and β blockade, and after α and β blockade and atropine, by 50% (P < 0.01), 29% (P < 0.05), and 95% (P < 0.001) respectively. The BPS increased significantly (P < 0.01) by 36 (SD 9)%, 47 (SD 1)%, and 67 (SD 16)% respectively. The CBF response to an increase in BPS exhibited two opposing variations in the patients: CBF decreased significantly in one group, and increased significantly in the other group. In both groups, δCBF decrease and δCBF increase, respectively, were significant after ANS blockade; even so the decrease and increase, respectively, levelled off at BPS around 160 mmHg before ANS blockade. For BPS below 160 mmHg, correlations between δCBF and BPS were significant before inhibition and after inhibition of ANS. For BPS above 160 mmHg, BPS and δCBF were not correlated before inhibition of ANS, and were significantly correlated after inhibition of ANS. For BPS below 160 mmHg, CBF response to the BPS increase was the same before and after ANS blockade, i.e. ANS control did not predominate; even so, for BPS above 160 mmHg, the CBF response to BPS increase was different before and after ANS blockade: CBF varied significantly after ANS blockade as it varied for BPS below 160 mmHg, while it remained constant before ANS blockade that elicited ANS control of CBF. In conclusion, sympathetic nerve regulation via its vasomotor tone at the level of cochlear microcirculation occurred markedly when the blood pressure was above 160 mmHg; the autonomic nervous system would appear to control the cochlear blood flow against large variations in blood flow in response to hypertensive phenomena. Accepted: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

Blood pressure and heart rate changes during sustained isometric exercise were studied in 11 healthy male volunteers. The responses were measured during voluntary and involuntary contractions of the biceps brachii at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), and the triceps surae at 30% and 50% MVC. Involuntary contractions were evoked by percutaneous electrical stimulation of the muscle. Measurements of the time to peak tension of maximal twitch showed the biceps brachii (67.0 +/- 7.9 ms) muscle to be rapidly contracting, and the triceps surae (118.0 +/- 10.5 ms) to be slow contracting. The systolic and diastolic blood pressures increased linearly throughout the contractions, and systolic blood pressure increased more rapidly than diastolic. There was no significant difference in response to stimulated or voluntary contractions, nor was there any significant difference between the responses to contractions of the calf or arm muscles at the same relative tension. In contrast the heart rate rose to a higher level (P less than 0.01) in the biceps brachii than the triceps surae at given % MVC, and during voluntary compared with the electrically evoked contractions in the two muscle groups. It was concluded that the arterial blood pressure response to isometric contractions, unlike heart rate, is primarily due to a reflex arising within the active muscles (cf. Hultman and Sj?holm 1982) which is associated with relative tension but independent of contraction time and muscle mass.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of sarcomeres during isometric activation of skeletal muscle myofibrils. Rabbit psoas myofibrils (n=14) were attached between a pair of cantilevers for force measurements at one side and a rigid glass needle at the other side, and their images were used for measurements of individual sarcomere lengths (SL) during contractions. Myofibrils were set at average SL between 2.13 and 3.06 μm, and were activated and held isometric for 20–35 s during which SL and force were continuously measured. SL dispersion increased from the rest state to activation, but it remained mostly constant during the activation period. Even with the length non-uniformity developed during myofibril activation, most sarcomeres stabilized their length changes during the isometric contraction. As a result, sarcomeres contracted at different degrees of filament overlap while producing similar forces. When the myofibrils were separated in two groups that produced force at averaged short (≤2.5 μm) or long (≥2.5 μm) SL, the initial non-uniformity was greater in long lengths, but changes observed in sarcomeres during the activation period were similar, suggesting that sarcomere stability is not length-dependent.  相似文献   

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