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Clusterin is a heterodimeric glycoprotein (α- and β-chain), which has been described as an extracellular molecular chaperone. In humans, clusterin is an amyloid-associated protein, co-localizing with fibrillar deposits in several amyloidoses, including Alzheimer's disease. To clarify its potential implication in amyloid formation, we located aggregation-prone regions within the sequence of clusterin α-chain, via computational methods. We had peptide-analogues, which correspond to each of these regions, chemically synthesized and experimentally demonstrated that all of them can form amyloid-like fibrils. We also provide evidence that the same peptide-analogues can inhibit amyloid-β fibril formation, potentially making them appropriate drug candidates for Alzheimer's disease. At the same time, our findings hint that the respective aggregation-prone clusterin regions may be implicated in the molecular mechanism in which clusterin inhibits amyloid formation. Furthermore, we suggest that molecular chaperones with amyloidogenic properties might have a role in the regulation of amyloid formation, essentially acting as functional amyloids.  相似文献   

We have previously reported studies of fibril formation by a set of protein G B1 domain (beta1) variants, with mutations located around the central parallel beta-strands. In this study, we designed multiple mutations in the edge strands of beta1 to create proteins with a stability range comparable to that of the set of central mutants. All the edge variants are able to form amyloid fibrils when they are incubated at their melting temperatures. This result suggests that overall protein stability is the key determinant for amyloid formation and not the specific location of destabilizing mutations. The edge strand and variants cross-seed with each other and with members of the central variant family. Interesting fibrillar morphology was observed in some cross-seeding cases and its implications for a better understanding of nucleation and elongation events are discussed.  相似文献   

A number of point mutations in human mitochondrial (mt) tRNA genes are correlated with a variety of neuromuscular and other severe disorders including encephalopathies, myopathies, cardiopathies and diabetes. The complexity of the genotype/phenotype relationships, the diversity of possible molecular impacts of the different mutations at the tRNA structure/function levels, and the exponential discovery of new mutations call for the search for unifying features. Here, the basic features (at the levels of primary and secondary structure) of 68 ‘pathogenic’ mutations are compared with those of 64 ‘polymorphic’ neutral mutations, revealing that these standard parameters for mutant analysis are not sufficient to predict the pathogenicity of mt tRNA mutations. Thus, case by case molecular investigation remains the only means of assessing the growing family of pathogenic mutations in mt tRNAs. New lines of research are suggested.  相似文献   

Heterostyly is a genetically controlled floral polymorphism usually associated with an incompatibility system. This set of features is known to occur in several angiosperm families, but some aspects of its biology has not been well studied. The present study investigates cellular aspects of the pollen–pistil interaction after compatible and incompatible pollinations of Psychotria nuda, to increase our knowledge of heteromorphic self-incompatibility (HetSI). The use of bright field, fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy methods allowed us to demonstrate that pollen tubes behave differently after incompatible and compatible pollinations. Pollen tubes were particularly distinct after incompatible pollinations of L- and S-morph flowers. Relative to compatible pollen tubes, incompatible L-morph tubes had a drastic reduction in cellular contents, but no cell rupture. Incompatible S-morph tubes exhibited dense cytoplasm in apical regions, as well as in other regions, accompanied by a rupture of the apex. These results support the hypothesis that L- and S-morph flowers have different incompatibility mechanisms during HetSI.  相似文献   

Animal experiments and observations in human brains have convincingly shown that sexual differentiation not only concerns the genitalia but also the brain. This has been investigated also in the light of a possible explanation of a presumed biological aetiology of transsexuality. The volume of the central subdivision of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, a brain area that is essential for sexual behaviour, has been reported to be larger in men than in women. Additionally, the number of somatostatin expressing neurons in this region was shown to be higher in men than in women. As neuronal production of somatostatin is involved the idea is striking whether somatostatin-receptor density in the cortex of cerebral hemispheres might be related to gender identity. We investigated in vivo the density of somatostatin-receptors in selected regions of the human brain in both sexes by means of receptor scintigraphy. Basal ganglia tracer uptake of 111-In-Pentreotide was equally low in both genders at 0,80% +/ 0,26 (related to tracer uptake of the whole brain layer). Temporal cortex accumulated at 2,9% +/ 1,1 in men and at 2,3% +/ 0,76 in women. Frontal brain region had an uptake of 3,0% +/ 1,4 in male and of 2,5% +/ 1,3 in female. This shows a tendency in males for relatively augmented uptake indicating higher somatostatin receptor density in temporal and frontal cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Chordoma is a rare tumor of the bone derived from remnants of the notochord with pronounced chemoresistance. A common feature of the notochord and chordoma cells is distinct vacuolization. Recently, the notochord vacuole was described as a lysosome-related organelle. Since lysosomes are considered as mediators of drug resistance in cancer, we were interested whether they may also play a role in chemoresistance of chordoma. We characterized the lysosomal compartment in chordoma cell lines by cytochemistry, electron microscopy (ELMI) and mutational analysis of genes essential for the physiology of lysosomes. Furthermore, we tested for the first time the cytotoxicity of chloroquine, which targets lysosomes, on chordoma. Cytochemical stainings clearly demonstrated a huge mass of lysosomes in chordoma cell lines with perinuclear accumulation. Also vacuoles in chordoma cells were positive for the lysosomal marker LAMP1 but showed no acidic pH. Genetic analysis detected no apparent mutation associated with known lysosomal pathologies suggesting that vacuolization and the huge lysosomal mass of chordoma cell lines is rather a relict of the notochord than a result of transformation. ELMI investigation of chordoma cells confirmed the presence of large vacuoles, lysosomes and autophagosomes with heterogeneous ultrastructure embedded in glycogen. Interestingly, chordoma cells seem to mobilize cellular glycogen stores via autophagy. Our first preclinical data suggested no therapeutically benefit of chloroquine for chordoma. Even though, chordoma cells are crammed with lysosomes which are according to their discoverer de Duve “cellular suicide bags”. Destabilizing these “suicide bags” might be a promising strategy for the treatment of chordoma.  相似文献   

A wide range of human pathologies, including neurodegenerative diseases and other forms of amyloidosis, are associated with the formation of insoluble fibrillar protein aggregates known as amyloids. To gain insights into this process analytical methods are needed, which give quantitative data on the molecular events that are taking place. The dye Thioflavin T (ThT) is widely used for the spectroscopic determination of amyloid fibril formation. Different binding affinities to amyloids at neutral and acidic pH and the frequently observed poor binding at acidic pH are problematic in the use of the cationic ThT. The uncharged fluorescence probe [[5'-(4-hydroxyphenyl)[2,2'-bithiophen]-5-yl]methylene]-propanedinitrile (NIAD-4) has been recently designed by Swager and coworkers, in order to eliminate some of the limitations of ThT. Here we have used this novel dye for in vitro monitoring of the amyloid formation processes of de novo designed model peptides. Amyloid structures were successfully detected by NIAD-4 at neutral as well as acidic pH and no significant fluorescence was detectable in the presence of α-helical fibres. Thus, NIAD-4 proved to be a valuable alternative to ThT for spectroscopic studies on amyloid structures over a broad pH range.  相似文献   

The history of quantitative, computerized electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis is reviewed. It is shown that, until very recently, the basic approach to EEG analysis involved the assumption that the EEG is stochastic. Consequently, statistical pattern recognition techniques, segmentation procedures, syntactic methods, knowledge-based approaches, and even artificial neural network methods have been developed with different levels of success. A fundamentally different approach to computerized EEG analysis, however, is making its way into the laboratories. The basic idea, inspired by recent advances in the area of non-linear dynamics, and especially the theory of chaos, is to view an EEG as the output of a deterministic system of relatively simple complexity, but containing non-linearities. This suggests that studying the geometrical dynamics of EEGs, and the development of neurophysiologically realistic models of EEG generation may produce more successful automated EEG analysis techniques than the classical, stochastic methods. Evidence supporting the non-linear dynamics paradigm is reviewed, and possible research paths are indicated.  相似文献   

The detailed mechanism of the pathology of α-synuclein in the Parkinson’s disease has not been clearly elucidated. Recent studies suggested a possible chaperone-like role of the acidic C-terminal region of α-synuclein in the formation of amyloid fibrils. It was also previously demonstrated that the α-synuclein amyloid fibril formation is accelerated by mutations of proline residues to alanine in the acidic region. We performed replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations of the acidic and nonamyloid component (NAC) domains of the wild type and proline-to-alanine mutants of α-synuclein under various conditions. Our results showed that structural changes induced by a change in pH or an introduction of mutations lead to a reduction in mutual contacts between the NAC and acidic regions. Our data suggest that the highly charged acidic region of α-synuclein may act as an intramolecular chaperone by protecting the hydrophobic domain from aggregation. Understanding the function of such chaperone-like parts of fibril-forming proteins may provide novel insights into the mechanism of amyloid formation.  相似文献   

Intramuscular triacylglyerols (IMTGs) represent a potentially important energy source for contracting human skeletal muscle. Although the majority of evidence from isotope tracer and (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) studies demonstrate IMTG utilization during exercise, controversy regarding the importance of IMTG as a metabolic substrate persists. The controversy stems from studies that measure IMTG in skeletal muscle biopsy samples and report no significant net IMTG degradation during prolonged moderate-intensity (55-70% maximal O(2) consumption) exercise lasting 90-120 min. Although postexercise decrements in IMTG levels are often reported from direct muscle measurements, the marked between-biopsy variability (approximately 23%) that has been reported with this technique in untrained subjects is larger than the expected decrease in IMTG content, effectively precluding significant findings. In contrast, recent data obtained in endurance-trained subjects demonstrated reduced variability between duplicate biopsies (approximately 12%), and significant changes in IMTG were detected after 120 min of moderate-intensity exercise. Therefore, it is our contention that the muscle biopsy, isotope tracer, and (1)H-MRS techniques report significant and energetically important oxidation of free fatty acids derived from IMTGs during prolonged moderate exercise.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a lethal autosomal recessive genetic disease caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Mutations in the CFTR gene may result in a defective protein processing that leads to changes in function and regulation of this chloride channel. Despite of the expression of CFTR in the kidney, patients with CF do not present major renal dysfunction, but it is known that both the urinary excretion of proteins and renal capacity to concentrate and dilute urine are altered in these patients. CFTR mRNA is expressed in all nephron segments of rat and human, and this abundance is more prominent in renal cortex and outer medulla renal areas. CFTR protein was detected in apical surface of both proximal and distal tubules of rat kidney but not in the outer medullary collecting ducts. Studies have demonstrated that CFTR does not only transport Cl but also ATP. ATP transport by CFTR could be involved in the control of other ion transporters such as Na+ (ENaC) and K+ (renal outer medullary potassium) channels, especially in TAL and CCD. In the kidney, CFTR also might be involved in the endocytosis of low-molecular-weight proteins by proximal tubules. This review is focused on the CFTR function and structure, its role in the renal physiology, and its modulation by hormones involved in the control of extracellular fluid volume.  相似文献   

Taste, smell, and chemical irritation (so-called trigeminal sensation) combine in our daily experience to produce the supramodal sensation of flavor, are processed by partly overlapping neural mechanisms, and show functional interconnectivity in experiments. Given their collaboration in flavor formation and the well-established connections between these senses, it is plausible that polymodal detection mechanisms might contribute to individual differences in measured sensitivity. One would expect the existence of a general chemosensory sensitivity factor to result in associations among taste, smell, and trigeminal stimulation thresholds. Measures of 5 detection thresholds from all the chemical senses were assessed in the same group of young healthy subjects (n=57). An unbiased principal components analysis (PCA) yielded a 2-component solution. Component 1, on which taste thresholds loaded strongly, accounted for 29.4% of the total variance. Component 2, on which the odor and trigeminal lateralization thresholds loaded strongly, accounted for 26.9% of the total variance. A subsequent PCA restricted to a 3-component solution cleanly separated the 3 sensory modalities and accounted for 75% of the total variance. Thus, though there may be a common underlying factor that determines some individual differences in odor and trigeminal lateralization thresholds, a general chemical sensitivity that spans chemosensory modalities seems unlikely.  相似文献   

Shnerb T  Lin N  Shurki A 《Biochemistry》2007,46(38):10875-10885
Structural analysis of Gsalpha shows that it is composed of two domains: the ras-like domain (RD) that is conserved in all members of the GTPase superfamily and is homologous to the monomeric G-proteins (e.g., p21ras) and an alpha-helical domain (HD) that is unique to heterotrimeric G-proteins. Little is known about the function of the HD. Recent experiments by Bourne and co-workers, who expressed both the RD and the HD of Gsalpha separately and found that GTP hydrolysis is very slow if only recombinant RD is present but is accelerated when the HD is added, suggest that the HD serves as an intrinsic GTPase-activating protein (GAP). In this work, the GTP hydrolysis in Gsalpha was studied. The results obtained by calculating catalytic effects with and without the HD provide evidence for the role of the HD as a GAP. It is demonstrated that a major part of the catalysis is obtained because of an allosteric influence of the HD on the RD. Structural as well as energetic considerations suggest that the HD confines the RD to a more compact conformation, pushing the phosphate into an orientation where it is further stabilized, thus lowering the overall reaction barrier. The resemblance between the behavior of rasGAP and the HD suggests that the conclusion may be a general conclusion, applicable for all of the G-protein members.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that recent trends in US and worldwide obesity are, in part, related to an increase in the marginal rate of time preference, where time preference refers to the rate at which people are willing to trade current benefit for future benefit. The higher the rate of time preference, the larger is the factor by which individuals discount the future health risks associated with current consumption. Data from the United States, as well as international evidence, suggest that a relationship between these two variables is plausible. The authors encourage researchers to explore the possible link between obesity and time preference, as important insights are likely to result.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)) is an essential cofactor of phospholipase D (PLD) enzymes. In order to further characterize its role in PLD activation, we have constructed N-terminal deletion mutants of the human PLD1 (hPLD1) and a mutant lacking the putative pleckstrin homology domain (delta PH), which has been proposed to be involved in PIP(2) binding. For the N-terminal deletion mutants (up to 303 amino acids) and the delta PH mutant we found no significant differences compared to the hPLD1 wild-type, except changes in the specific activities: the K(m) values were about 20 microM for the substrate phosphatidylcholine, and PIP(2) activated the PLD enzymes maximally between 5 and 10 microM. In contrast, preincubation of the PLD proteins with 5-10 microM PIP(2) or PIP(2)-containing lipid vesicles inhibited the PLD activity. This inhibition was neither abolished by n-octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside or neomycin nor by the ADP-ribosylation factor, another activator of PLD enzymes. All tested PLD proteins were active without PIP(2) in the presence of 1 M ammonium sulfate. The 303 N-terminal amino acids of hPLD1 are not involved in substrate binding or the interaction with PIP(2). Our data indicate further that the putative PH domain of hPLD1 is not responsible for the essential effects of PIP(2) on PLD activity.  相似文献   

Stem cells: is there a future in plastics?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The concept that ostensibly tissue-specific stem cells can give rise to cells of heterologous lineages has gained support from studies using purified hematopoietic stem cells and sensitive donor-cell tracking methods. The ability to exploit these findings in clinical settings will probably depend on new insights into the mechanisms by which such stem cells or their progeny migrate to sites of organ damage and differentiate to cell types competent to participate in tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress has been advanced as one of the major causes of damage to DNA and other macromolecules. Although physical exercise may also increase oxidative stress, an important role has been recognized for regular exercise in improving the overall functionality of the body, as indicated by an increase in maximal aerobic uptake (O2max), and in resistance to cell damage. The aims of this study were 1) to evaluate the association between DNA damage in human lymphocytes and age and 2) to evaluate the association between DNA damage in human lymphocytes and O2max. The sample was composed of 36 healthy and nonsmoking males, aged from 20 to 84 years. O2max was evaluated through the Bruce protocol with direct measurement of oxygen consumption. The comet assay was used to evaluate the DNA damage, strand breaks and formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase (FPG)‐sensitive sites. We found a positive correlation of age with DNA strand breaks but not with FPG‐sensitive sites. O2max was significantly inversely related with DNA strand breaks, but this relation disappeared when adjusted for age. A significantly positive relation between O2max and FPG‐sensitive sites was verified. In conclusion, our results showed that younger subjects have lower DNA strand breaks and higher O2max compared with older subjects and FPG‐sensitive sites are positively related with O2max, probably as transient damage due to the acute effects of daily physical activity. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have used the atomic level structure of the isolated ligand binding domain of the glutamate receptor to elucidate the agonist-induced activation and desensitization processes in this group of proteins. However, no study has demonstrated the structural equivalence of the isolated ligand binding fragments and the protein in the native receptor. In this report, using visible absorption spectroscopy we show that the electronic environment of the antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitro-2,3-dihydroxyquinoxaline is identical for the isolated protein and the native glutamate receptors expressed in cells. Our results hence establish that the local structure of the ligand binding site is the same in the two proteins and validate the detailed structure-function relationships that have been developed based on a comparison of the structure of the isolated ligand binding domain and electrophysiological consequences in the native receptor.  相似文献   

Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma are rare tumors of sympathetic or parasympathetic origin, presenting with a highly variable clinical picture. Rarity, as well as biological, clinical, and genetic heterogeneity are barriers to initiate prospective studies that help to establish clinical guidelines. The best management of these patients relies on the experience of a multidisciplinary team. The ultimate outcome can benefit from adequate pre-surgical evaluation and treatment as well as an accurate post-surgical follow-up. Long-term follow-up is mandatory in all patients, but is particularly important in specific familial cases such as those with an SDHB mutation where the risks of recurrence are higher. The surgical approach varies depending on tumor size, location, and surgeon's personal attitude and experience. In this paper, we summarize recommendations, based mostly on authors' and other experts' personal experiences, for the best possible management of patients prior, during and after surgery, as well as when pheochromocytoma is diagnosed during pregnancy.  相似文献   

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