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The pattern of expression directed by the promoter of the maize Tub α 1 gene was investigated by analysis of chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) and β-glucuronidase (GUS) activities in transient expression experiments of maize and tobacco protoplasts. The same promoter was also investigated by histochemical GUS analysis in transgenic tobacco plants containing promoter gene fusions. As determined by histochemical tests, the Tub α 1 promoter gene preferentially directs GUS expression in regenerating root tip meristems and pollen. This pattern corresponds to the distinctive features of natural expression of the gene in maize as determined by Northern analysis. However, no expression is observed in other meristematic tissues of the transgenic tobacco plants, as in shoot apex or in coleoptiles, which is weakly detected in maize. Analysis of the regulatory properties of 5' promoter deletions showed that the proximal region of the promoter, from positions −1410 or −449 to 15 bp upstream of the ATG, is sufficient to establish the qualitative pattern of expression in transgenic tobacco plants. Deletions to positions −352 or −117 abolished the expression in roots, but not in pollen, suggesting that upstream of these positions there are elements responsible for the pattern in root. Further deletions abolished all the promoter activity, suggesting that this promoter region contains the elements essential for expression in pollen. The different patterns and levels of transient and stable expression are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Two different promoters, a cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter with a 5′-untranslated leader sequence from alfalfa mosaic virus RNA4 (designated as CaMV 35S/AMV) and an E-8 fruit-ripening-specific promoter, were compared to evaluate their effects on expression of the uidA reporter gene in transgenic tomato plants. In order to generate sufficient numbers of transgenic tomato plants, both a reliable regeneration system and an efficient Agrobacterium transformation protocol were developed using 8-d-old cotyledons of tomato (Lycopersicon ecsulentum Mill. cv. Swifty Belle). Two sets of constructs, both derivatives of the binary vector pBI121, were used in transformation of tomato whereby the uidA gene was driven either by the CaMV 35S/AMV or the E-8 fruit-ripening-specific promoter. Southern blot hybridization confirmed the stable integration of the chimeric uidA gene into the tomato genome. Fruit and leaf tissues were collected from T0 and T1 plants, and assayed for β-glucuronidase (GUS) enzyme activity. As expected, both vegetative and fruit tissues of transgenic plants carrying the uidA gene under the control of CaMV 35S/AMV showed varying levels of GUS activity, while no expression was observed in vegetative tissues of transgenic plants carrying the uidA gene driven by the E-8 promoter. All fruits from transgenic plants produced with both sets of constructs displayed expression of the uidA gene. However, when this reporter gene was driven by the CaMV 35S/AMV, GUS activity levels were significantly higher than when it was driven by the E-8 fruit-specific promoter. The presence/absence of the uidA gene in T1 plants segregated in a 3∶1 Mendelian ratio.  相似文献   

The expression of a stress- and salicylic acidinducible protein gene from tobacco, PR1a protein gene, was determined after its Introduction to lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) plants. The 5 flanking 2.4 Kb fragment from PR1a gene was joined to the bacterial -glucuronidase (GUS) gene (PR-GUS) and introduced into lettuce cotyledons by Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer using a binary vector containing a kanamycin-resistance gene as a selectable marker. As a control with constitutive expression, the chimeric gene consisting of CaMV 35S RNA promoter and GUS gene (35S-GUS) was used. An improved method for shoot formation directly from lettuce cotyledons was used effectively for transformation, shortening the time for regeneration. In 70% or more of kanamycin-resistant regenerated lettuce plants, into which PR-GUS or 35S-GUS was introduced, high GUS activity and integration of the chimeric gene into the lettuce genome were detected. By treatment with salicylic acid, GUS activity increased 3- to 50-fold in PR-GUS transformants, however, no increase was detected in 35S-GUS plants. These results showed that the promoter of the stress-inducible tobacco PR1a protein gene was introduced into lettuce plants, and the introduced chimeric gene was expressed normally under the regulated control of the PRla promoter.Abbreviations BA N6-benzyladenine - GUS -glucuronidase - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - Km kanamycin - Kms kanamycin resistant - Km0 kanamycin sensitive - NPT- II neomycin phosphotransferase II - PR pathogenesis-related - SA salicylic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog medium - NOS nopaline synthase  相似文献   

Our previous studies have shown that tCUP, a cryptic promoter from tobacco, functions in all living plant cell types in a wide range of plant species. This led us to investigate if an enhanced derivative, EntCUP(, could be used to drive the neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII) gene and select for kanamycin resistance in crop species that regenerate by organogenesis or embryogenesis. Tobacco (leaves), cauliflower (hypocotyls) and alfalfa (leaves, petioles, stems) explants were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium containing either EntCUP(-nptII-nos or 35S-nptII-nos to compare the efficiency of selection for kanamycin resistance. The infected alfalfa explants were placed in somatic embryo induction media, whereas tobacco and cauliflower explants were placed in shoot induction media with kanamycin at concentrations that normally inhibit regeneration. Transgenic plants were recovered from all of the explants with both selectable marker gene constructs. The transformation efficiencies using tCUP(-nptII-nos were comparable to or higher than those using 35S-nptII-nos in all three species tested. This study demonstrated that promoters which are not associated with expressed plant genes can be used as alternatives for the expression of selectable marker genes in a broad range of tissues and species for the generation of transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Selecting a promoter for driving transgene expression is one of the most important factors to consider in a transformation project. Information about the native regulation of the promoter activity is important, but it is also necessary to consider how that activity will be affected when integrated into the genome of the transformed plants. Study of a promoter performance in individually transformed lines provides useful information in this area. The maize ubiquitin 1 (Ubi‐1) promoter has been widely used to drive constitutive transgene expression in monocotyledonous plants. However, lack of data on its activity in individual transformed wheat lines constitutes a gap in the understanding and predictability of this promoter's performance. In this paper, we began addressing this problem by examining the expression of the marker gene uidA, coding for β‐glucuronidase (GUS), under the control of the maize Ubi‐1 promoter in individual transgenic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines from different wheat varieties. The expression of uidA driven by this promoter depended to a great extent on the specific transformation event. Whilst expression was strong and constitutive in all tissues in some of the lines analysed, there were also transgenic lines in which GUS activity was restricted to only a few tissues. In general the maize Ubi‐1 promoter had strong activity in young, metabolically active tissues and in pollen grains.  相似文献   

J E Garbarino  T Oosumi    W R Belknap 《Plant physiology》1995,109(4):1371-1378
A polyubiquitin clone (ubi7) was isolated from a potato (Solanum tuberosum) genomic library using a copy-specific probe from a stress-induced ubiquitin cDNA. The genomic clone contained a 569-bp intron immediately 5' to the initiation codon for the first ubiquitin-coding unit. Two chimeric beta-glucuronidase (GUS) fusion transgenes were introduced into potato. The first contained GUS fused to a 1156-bp promoter fragment containing only 5' flanking and 5' untranslated sequences from ubi7. The second transgene contained GUS translationally fused to the carboxy terminus of the first ubiquitin-coding unit and thus included the intron present in the 5' untranslated region of the polyubiquitin gene. Both ubi7-GUS transgenes were activated by wounding in tuber tissue and in leaves by application of exogenous methyl jasmonate. They were also expressed constitutively in the potato tuber peel (outer 1-2 mm). Both transgenes were actively expressed in mature leaves. Exceptionally high levels of expression were observed in senescent leaves. Transgenic clones containing the ubi7 intron and the first ubiquitin-coding unit showed GUS expression levels at least 10 times higher than clones containing GUS fused to the intronless promoter.  相似文献   

Gene promoter(s) specialized in root tissues is an important component for crop biotechnology. In our current study, we report results of promoter analysis of the HPX1, a gene expressed predominantly in roots. The HPX1 promoter regions were predicted, linked to the gfp reporter gene, and transformed into rice. Promoter activities were analyzed in various organs and tissues of six independent transgenic HPX1:gfp plants using the fluorescent microscopy and q-RT-PCR methods. GFP fluorescence levels were high in root elongation regions but not in root apex and cap of the HPX1:gfp plants. Very low levels of GFP fluorescence were observed in anthers and leaves. Levels of promoter activities were 16- to 190-fold higher in roots than in leaves of the HPX1:gfp plants. The HPX1 promoter directs high levels of gene expression in root tissues producing GFP levels up to 0.39 % of the total soluble protein. Thus, the HPX1 promoter is predominantly active in the root elongation region during the vegetative stage of growth.  相似文献   

The involvement of the Sesbania rostrata glb3 gene promoter NICE (nodule-infected cell expression) element in root-enhanced expression of 5-Srglb3-uidA-3nos chimeric gene was investigated in transgenic Nicotiana tabacum plants. The full-length wild-type Srglb3 promoter directed root meristem-enhanced expression in transgenic tobacco plants. The expression pattern of nine selected Srglb3 promoter mutations in the NICE element was examined in transgenic tobacco plants and compared with the pattern observed in nodules of transgenic Lotus corniculatus plants. The results suggest that the highly conserved motifs in the NICE element play an important role in expression in roots of non-legume plants.  相似文献   

We have isolated and analyzed a pre-ferredoxin gene from Arabidopsis thaliana. This gene encodes a 148 amino acid precursor protein including a chloroplast transit peptide of 52 residues. Southern analysis shows the presence of a single copy of this ferredoxin (Fd) gene in the A. thaliana genome. Its expression is tissue-specific and positively affected by light. Response times, both to dark and light conditions, are remarkably rapid.A chimeric gene consisting of a 1.2 kb Fd promoter fragment fused to the -glucuronidase reporter gene was transferred to tobacco. This fusion gene is expressed in a tissue-specific way; it shows high levels of expression in green leaves, as compared to root tissue.  相似文献   

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