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Shih YL  Huang KF  Lai HM  Liao JH  Lee CS  Chang CM  Mak HM  Hsieh CW  Lin CC 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e21425
Pole-to-pole oscillations of the Min proteins in Escherichia coli are required for the proper placement of the division septum. Direct interaction of MinE with the cell membrane is critical for the dynamic behavior of the Min system. In vitro, this MinE-membrane interaction led to membrane deformation; however, the underlying mechanism remained unclear. Here we report that MinE-induced membrane deformation involves the formation of an amphipathic helix of MinE(2-9), which, together with the adjacent basic residues, function as membrane anchors. Biochemical evidence suggested that the membrane association induces formation of the helix, with the helical face, consisting of A2, L3, and F6, inserted into the membrane. Insertion of this helix into the cell membrane can influence local membrane curvature and lead to drastic changes in membrane topology. Accordingly, MinE showed characteristic features of protein-induced membrane tubulation and lipid clustering in in vitro reconstituted systems. In conclusion, MinE shares common protein signatures with a group of membrane trafficking proteins in eukaryotic cells. These MinE signatures appear to affect membrane curvature.  相似文献   

Fetzer C  Tews BA  Meyers G 《Journal of virology》2005,79(18):11901-11913
The E(rns) protein is a structural glycoprotein of pestiviruses that lacks a typical membrane anchor sequence and is known to be secreted from the infected cell. However, major amounts of the protein are retained within the cell and attached to the virion by a so far unknown mechanism. Transient-expression studies with cDNA constructs showed that in a steady-state situation, 16% of the protein is found in the supernatant of the transfected cells while 84% appears as intracellular protein. We show here that E(rns) represents a membrane-bound protein. Membrane binding occurs via the carboxy-terminal region of E(rns). By fusion of this sequence to the carboxy terminus of green fluorescent protein (GFP), the subcellular localization of the reporter protein switched from cytosolic to membrane bound. A core sequence of 11 amino acids necessary for membrane binding was elicited in truncation experiments with GFP constructs. However, this peptide is not sufficient to confer membrane anchoring but needs either upstream or downstream accessory sequences. Analyses with different extraction procedures showed that E(rns) is neither easily stripped from the membrane, like a peripheral membrane protein, nor as tightly membrane bound as a transmembrane protein.  相似文献   

The NCA cDNA, which represents a gene belonging to the CEA family, was inserted into an SV40 early promoter-driven expression vector and used for transfection of mouse NIH/3T3 cells. A cell line, NIH/3T3/KNCA IG7, was selected which expressed a molecule with an apparent molecular weight of 110,000. The mode of membrane attachment of this NCA, which we already proposed to be anchored via glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol, was investigated by treatment of NIH/3T3/KNCA IG7 cells with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C from Bacillus thuringiensis. Two independent methods, flow cytometry and immunoprecipitation of [3H]-labelled surface glycoproteins, clearly demonstrated that the NCA molecule expressed by NIH/3T3/KNCA IG7 cells is indeed anchored into the membrane via glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol. Furthermore, these results support our previous biochemical data on NCA-50, by unequivocally showing that the NCA cDNA used for transfection encodes an NCA molecule related to NCA-50 and NCA-90.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the lysyl residues at the centers of the potential amphipathic helices of the alpha- and beta-subunits could be readily labeled in native acetylcholine receptor with anionic electrophiles. This result indicates that the regions in the sequences of the alpha- and beta-polypeptides which patterns of hydropathy are those of amphipathic helices are fully exposed on the surface of the native protein and do not span the membrane.  相似文献   

The 11th influenza A virus gene product is an 87-amino-acid protein provisionally named PB1-F2 (because it is encoded by an open reading frame overlapping the PB1 open reading frame). A significant fraction of PB1-F2 localizes to the inner mitochondrial membrane in influenza A virus-infected cells. PB1-F2 appears to enhance virus-induced cell death in a cell type-dependent manner. For the present communication we have identified and characterized a region near the COOH terminus of PB1-F2 that is necessary and sufficient for its inner mitochondrial membrane localization, as determined by transient expression of chimeric proteins consisting of elements of PB1-F2 genetically fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in HeLa cells. Targeting of EGFP to mitochondria by this sequence resulted in the loss of the inner mitochondrial membrane potential, leading to cell death. The mitochondrial targeting sequence (MTS) is predicted to form a positively charged amphipathic alpha-helix and, as such, is similar to the MTS of the p13(II) protein of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1. We formally demonstrate the functional interchangeability of the two sequences for mitochondrial localization of PB1-F2. Mutation analysis of the putative amphipathic helix in the PB1-F2 reveals that replacement of five basic amino acids with Ala abolishes mitochondrial targeting, whereas mutation of two highly conserved Leu to Ala does not. These findings demonstrate that PB1-F2 possesses an MTS similar to other viral proteins and that this MTS, when fused to EGFP, is capable of independently compromising mitochondrial function and cellular viability.  相似文献   

Pex11p plays a crucial role in peroxisome fission. Previously, it was shown that a conserved N-terminal amphipathic helix in Pex11p, termed Pex11-Amph, was necessary for peroxisomal fission in vivo while in vitro studies revealed that this region alone was sufficient to bring about tubulation of liposomes with a lipid consistency resembling the peroxisomal membrane. However, molecular details of how Pex11-Amph remodels the peroxisomal membrane remain unknown. Here we have combined in silico, in vitro and in vivo approaches to gain insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying Pex11-Amph activity. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we observe that Pex11-Amph peptides form linear aggregates on a model membrane. Furthermore, we identify mutations that disrupted this aggregation in silico, which also abolished the peptide's ability to remodel liposomes in vitro, establishing that Pex11p oligomerisation plays a direct role in membrane remodelling. In vivo studies revealed that these mutations resulted in a strong reduction in Pex11 protein levels, indicating that these residues are important for Pex11p function. Taken together, our data demonstrate the power of combining in silico techniques with experimental approaches to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying Pex11p-dependent membrane remodelling.  相似文献   

MinD is a ubiquitous ATPase that plays a crucial role in selection of the division site in eubacteria, chloroplasts, and probably also Archaea. It was recently demonstrated that membrane localization of MinD is mediated by an 8-12-residue C-terminal motif termed the membrane targeting sequence or MTS. In this study we show that the MinD MTS is a transplantable lipid-binding motif that can effectively target heterologous proteins to the cell membrane. We demonstrate that eubacterial MTSs interact directly with lipid bilayers as an amphipathic helix, with a distinct preference for anionic phospholipids. Moreover, we provide evidence that the phospholipid preference of each MTS, as well as its affinity for biological membranes, has been evolutionarily "tuned" to its specific role in different bacteria. We propose a model to describe how the MTS is coupled to ATP binding to regulate the reversible membrane association of Escherichia coli MinD during its pole-to-pole oscillation cycle.  相似文献   

Membrane curvature remodeling induced by amphipathic helices (AHs) is essential in many biological processes. Here we studied a model amphipathic peptide, M2AH, derived from influenza A M2. We are interested in how M2AH may promote membrane curvature by altering membrane physical properties. We used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to examine changes in membrane topographic and mechanical properties. We used electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to explore changes in lipid chain mobility and chain orientational order. We found that M2AH perturbed lipid bilayers by generating nanoscale pits. The structural data are consistent with lateral expansion of lipid chain packing, resulting in a mechanically weaker bilayer. Our EPR spectroscopy showed that M2AH reduced lipid chain mobility and had a minimal effect on lipid chain orientational order. The EPR data are consistent with the surface-bound state of M2AH that acts as a chain mobility inhibitor. By comparing results from different lipid bilayers, we found that cholesterol enhanced the activity of M2AH in inducing bilayer pits and altering lipid chain mobility. The results were explained by considering specific M2AH-cholesterol recognition and/or cholesterol-induced expansion of interlipid distance. Both AFM and EPR experiments revealed a modest effect of anionic lipids. This highlights that membrane interaction of M2AH is mainly driven by hydrophobic forces. Lastly, we found that phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) lipids inhibited the activity of M2AH. We explained our data by considering interlipid hydrogen-bonding that can stabilize bilayer organization. Our results of lipid-dependent membrane modulations are likely relevant to M2AH-induced membrane restructuring.  相似文献   

Transporters of the equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT) family promote the uptake of nucleosides, nucleobases, and a variety of therapeutic drugs in eukaryotes from protozoa to mammals. Despite its importance, the translocation pathway that mediates the internalization of these substrates has not been identified yet in any of the ENT carriers. Previous genetic studies on the LdNT1.1 nucleoside transporter from Leishmania donovani defined two amino acid residues in predicted transmembrane domains (TMD) 5 and 7 that may line this translocation pathway. The role of TMD5 in forming a portion of the aqueous channel was investigated using the substituted-cysteine accessibility method. A series of 22 cysteine substitution mutants spanning predicted TMD5 were created from a fully functional, cysteine-less, parental LdNT1.1. Cysteine replacement at six positions (M(176)C, T(186)C, S(187)C, Q(190)C, V(193)C, and K(194)C) produced permeases that were inhibited by incubation with sulfhydryl-specific methanethiosulfonate reagents, denoting their solvent accessibility to the translocation pathway. Adenosine was able to block this thiol modification, implying that access to the domain becomes restricted as a consequence of the substrate binding. Strikingly, the Q(190)C substitution interacted differentially with the substrates adenosine and uridine, suggesting that binding of adenosine but not uridine might directly occlude this position. When superimposed on a helical model, all six mutants clustered along one face of the amphipathic alpha-helix predicted for TMD5, strongly suggesting its involvement in the translocation pathway through LdNT1.1.  相似文献   

Transmembrane segment 5 of the Glut1 glucose transporter has been proposed to form an amphipathic transmembrane helix that lines the substrate translocation pathway (Mueckler, M., Caruso, C., Baldwin, S. A., Panico, M., Blench, I., Morris, H. R., Allard, W. J., Lienhard, G. E., and Lodish, H. F. (1985) Science 229, 941-945). This hypothesis was tested using cysteine-scanning mutagenesis in conjunction with the membrane-impermeant, sulfhydryl-specific reagent, p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate (pCMBS). A series of 21 mutants was created from a fully functional, cysteine-less, parental Glut1 molecule by changing each residue within putative transmembrane segment 5 to cysteine. Each mutant was then expressed in Xenopus oocytes and its steady-state protein level, 2-deoxyglucose uptake activity, and sensitivity to pCMBS were measured. All 21 mutants exhibited measurable transport activity, although several of the mutants exhibited reduced activity due to a corresponding reduction in steady-state protein. Six of the amino acid side chains within transmembrane segment 5 were clearly accessible to pCMBS in the external medium, as determined by inhibition of transport activity, and a 7th residue showed inhibition that lacked statistical significance because of the extremely low transport activity of the corresponding mutant. All 7 of these residues were clustered along one face of a putative alpha-helix, proximal to the exoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane. These results comprise the first experimental evidence for the existence of an amphipathic transmembrane alpha-helix in a glucose transporter molecule and strongly suggest that transmembrane segment 5 of Glut1 forms part of the sugar permeation pathway.  相似文献   

CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase (CCT) is an amphitropic protein regulating phosphatidylcholine synthesis. Lipid-induced folding of its amphipathic helical (AH) membrane-binding domain activates the enzyme. In this study we examined the membrane deforming property of CCT in vitro by monitoring conversion of vesicles to tubules, using transmission electron microscopy. Vesicle tubulation was proportional to the membrane density of CCT and proceeded either as growth from a pre-formed surface bud, or as a global transformation of roughly spherical vesicles into progressively thinner tubules. The tubulation pathway depended on the lipid compositional heterogeneity of the vesicles, with heterogeneous mixtures supporting the bud-extension pathway. Co-existence of vesicles alongside thick and thin tubules suggested that CCT can discriminate between flat membrane surfaces and those with emerging curvature, binding preferentially to the latter. Thin tubules had a limiting diameter of ~12nm, likely representing bilayer cylinders with a very high density of 1 CCT/50 lipids. The AH segment was necessary and sufficient for tubulation. AH regions from diverse CCT sources, including C. elegans, had tubulation activity that correlated with α-helical length. The AH motifs in CCT and the Parkinson's-related protein, α-synuclein, have similar features, however the CCT AH was more effective in its membrane remodeling function. That CCT can deform vesicles of physiologically relevant composition suggests that CCT binding to membranes may initiate deformations required for organelle morphogenesis and at the same time stimulate synthesis of the PC required for the development of these regions.  相似文献   

The formation of an amphipathic helix in the central portion of calcitonin contributes to the potency of this hormone. We have synthesized a number of analogs of salmon calcitonin, containing deletions in the region of the peptide which is thought to form an amphipathic helix. There is no direct relationship between the hydrophobic moment of the helix and the biological activity of the peptide. For example, salmon des-Leu19-calcitonin and des-Ser13-calcitonin both have lower helical hydrophobic moments but have greater or equal biological potency compared with the native hormone. We suggest that other conformational features, such as flexibility and helix-forming potential, are also important in determining biological potency.  相似文献   

The experiments reported here further characterize a approximately 26[3H] kD cell surface glycoprotein that can be detected on rat cauda epididymal sperm using the galactose oxidase/NaB[3H]4 technique (1). When labeled sperm are treated with PI-PLC the 26[3H] kD is completely released from the cell. The released molecule can be recovered undegraded from incubation supernatant. Release by PI-PLC converts the hydrophobic, membrane-anchored form into a hydrophilic molecule as assessed by partition studies using Triton X114. Isoelectric focusing studies using both untreated (control) and PI-PLC treated samples shows that there is charge heterogeneity with two major peaks at pls of approximately 5.0 and approximately 4.5. We also show for the first time that the molecule persists on ejaculated cells.  相似文献   

We have investigated the site of surface expression of the neuraminidase (NA) glycoprotein of influenza A virus, which, in contrast to the hemagglutinin, is bound to membranes by hydrophobic residues near the NH2-terminus. Madin-Darby canine kidney or primary African green monkey kidney cells infected with influenza A/WSN/33 virus and subsequently labeled with monoclonal antibody to the NA and then with a colloidal gold- or ferritin-conjugated second antibody exhibited specific labeling of apical surfaces. Using simian virus 40 late expression vectors, we also studied the surface expression of the complete NA gene (SNC) and a truncated NA gene (SN10) in either primary or a polarized continuous line (MA104) of African green monkey kidney cells. The polypeptides encoded by the cloned NA cDNAs were expressed on the surface of both cell types. Analysis of [3H]mannose-labeled polypeptides from recombinant virus-infected MA104 cells showed that the products of cloned NA cDNA comigrated with glycosylated NA from influenza virus-infected cells. Both the complete and the truncated glycoproteins were found to be preferentially expressed on apical plasma membranes, as detected by immunogold labeling. These results indicate that the NA polypeptide contains structural features capable of directing the transport of the protein to apical cell surfaces and the first 10 amino-terminal residues of the NA polypeptide are not involved in this process.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli outer membrane beta-barrel enzyme PagP and its homologues are unique in that the eight-stranded barrel is tilted by about 25 degrees with respect to the membrane normal and is preceded by a 19-residue amphipathic alpha-helix. To investigate the role of this helix in the folding and stability of PagP, mutants were generated in which the helix was deleted (Delta(1-19)), or in which residues predicted to be involved in helix-barrel interactions were altered (W17A or R59L). The ability of the variants to insert into detergent micelles or liposomes was studied in vitro using circular dichroism, fluorescence, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, electrophoretic mobility and gain of enzyme activity. The data show that PagP, initially unfolded in 5% (w/v) perfluoro-octanoic acid or 6 M guanidinium chloride, inserts spontaneously and folds quantitatively to an active conformation into detergent micelles of cyclofos-7 or into large vesicles of diC(12:0)-phosphatidylcholine (diC(12:0)PC), respectively, the latter in the presence of 7 M urea. Successful refolding of all variants into both micelles and liposomes ruled out an essential role for the helix or helix-barrel interactions in folding and membrane insertion. Measurements of thermal stability indicated that the variants R59L, W17A/R59L and Delta(1-19) were destabilised substantially compared with wild-type PagP. However, in contrast to the other variants, destabilisation of the W17A variant relative to wild-type PagP was much greater in liposomes than in micelles. Analysis of the kinetics of folding and unfolding of all variants in diC(12:0)PC liposomes suggested that this destabilisation arises predominantly from an increased dissociation of the refolded variant proteins from the lipid-inserted state. The data support the view that the helix of PagP is not required for folding and assembly, but instead acts as a clamp, stabilising membrane-inserted PagP after folding and docking with the membrane are complete.  相似文献   

The 32 amino acid hormone human calcitonin was studied at pH 3.7 and 7.4 by multidimensional NMR spectroscopy in sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles at 310K. The secondary structure was obtained from nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY), 3JHNα coupling constants, and slowly exchanging amide data. Three-dimensional structures consistent with NMR data were generated by using distance geometry calculations. A set of 265 interproton distances derived from NOESY experiments, hydrogen-bond constraints obtained from amide exchange, and coupling constants were used. From the initial random conformations, 30 distance geometry structures with minimal violations were selected for further refinement with restrained energy minimization. In micelles, at both pHs, the hormone assumes an amphipathic α-helix from Leu9 to Phe16, followed by a type-I β-turn between residues Phe16 and Phe19. From His20 onward the molecule is extended and no interaction with the helix was observed. The relevance of the amphipathic helix for the structure–activity relationship, the possible mechanisms of interaction with the receptor, as well as the formation of fibrillar aggregates, is discussed. Proteins 32:314–323, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two amphipathic protein fractions soluble in organic solvents as well as in water have been isolated from the ganglioside fraction of bovine erythrocyte membranes by successive chromatography in chloroform-methanol mixture on DEAE-Sephadex, silicic acid, and α-hydroxypropylated Sephadex G50 (LH60) columns. These two fractions contained a similar low molecular weight protein but with distinctively different amino acid composition. One of these proteins has been characterized by having a strong Paul-Bunnell antigen activity and had a binding affinity to ganglioside. A similar protein without Paul-Bunnell antigen activity was isolated as the major ganglioside-associated protein.  相似文献   

The NTB-VPg protein of Tomato ringspot nepovirus is an integral membrane protein found in association with endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-derived membranes active in virus replication. A transmembrane helix present in a hydrophobic region at the C terminus of the NTB domain was previously shown to traverse the membranes, resulting in the translocation of the VPg domain in the lumen. We have now conducted an in planta analysis of membrane-targeting domains within NTB-VPg using in-frame fusions to the green fluorescent protein (GFP). As expected, the entire NTB-VPg protein directed the GFP fluorescence to ER membranes. GFP fusion proteins containing the C-terminal 86 amino acids of NTB-VPg also associated with ER membranes, resulting in ER-specific glycosylation at a naturally occurring glycosylation site in the VPg domain. Deletion of the hydrophobic region prevented the membrane association. The N-terminal 80 amino acids of NTB were also sufficient to direct the GFP fluorescence to intracellular membranes. A putative amphipathic helix in this region was necessary and sufficient to promote membrane association of the fusion proteins. Using in vitro membrane association assays and glycosylation site mapping, we show that the N terminus of NTB can be translocated in the lumen at least in vitro. This translocation was dependent on the presence of the putative amphipathic helix, suggesting that oligomeric forms of this helix traverse the membrane. Taken together, our results suggest that at least two distinct elements play a key role in the insertion of NTB-VPg in the membranes: a C-terminal transmembrane helix and an N-terminal amphipathic helix. An updated model of the topology of the protein in the membrane is presented.  相似文献   

The glycoprotein laminin appears to function in the attachment of various epithelial cells to basement membranes. We examined whether its putative cell-adhesive activity could be analyzed in a simple, one-component model system—the agglutination of erythrocytes. Laminin is a potent agglutinin of aldehyde-fixed sheep and human erythrocytes, with half-maximal agglutination of 0.8 μg/ml in a standard hemagglutination assay. Inhibitors of this hemagglutinating activity include gangliosides and certain charged phospholipids. The spectrum of molecules is similar but not identical to inhibitors of the hemagglutinating activity of the adhesive glycoprotein fibronectin. Laminin is much less biologically active in three other assays for fibronectin biological activity involving cell spreading on tissue culture substrates, attachment of fibroblastic cells to type I collagen, and restoration of normal morphology to transformed fibroblasts. The adhesive glycoproteins laminin and fibronectin therefore differ markedly in biological activities in several specific adhesion assays; however, they resemble one another in binding to heparin, collagen, and cell surfaces and in their agglutinin activity.  相似文献   

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