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By means of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, we analyzed proteins present in a slug-shaped tissue mass of D. discoideum and examined the changes in their amounts after disaggregation of the slugs. Of approximately one hundred polypeptides, six were found to decrease in amount after disaggregation. The decreases of four polypeptides were inhibited by the presence of 1 mM cAMP or 250 micrograms/ml cycloheximide. The decreases of the two other proteins were not suppressed by cAMP or cycloheximide. The patterns of proteins present in vegetative and aggregative cells were also examined. None of the six proteins which showed a decrease after slug disaggregation was found in vegetative or preaggregative cells. These results indicate that both synthesis and degradation of these proteins are controlled by cell-cell contact.  相似文献   

AMP deaminase, the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) to inosine monophosphate (IMP) and ammonia, was purified from the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum in the nutrient-deprived state. The native enzyme had an apparent molecular weight of 199,000 daltons. Its apparent Km was 1.6 mM and its Vmax was 1.0 mumol min-1 mg-1, as measured by the release of IMP From AMP. The enzyme, like other AMP deaminases, was found to be activated by ATP, and inhibited either by GTP or inorganic phosphate. It was also specific for the deamination of AMP. Deaminase activity was increased either when vegetative cells were placed in a nutrient-deprived medium (for up to 6 h) or when vegetative cells were treated with the drug hadacidin. In cells actively growing in complete media, enzyme activity was more non-specific, hydrolyzing adenosine as well as AMP. AMP deaminase in D. discoideum appears to be stage-specific and developmentally regulated, possibly serving to regulate the adenylated nucleotide pool and the interconversion to guanylated nucleotides during early morphodifferentiation.  相似文献   

We have determined the sequence of a Dictyostelium mRNA encoding a protein with a high degree of homology to plant and animal cysteine proteinases. The degree of homology is highest in the region of the cysteine residue which is transiently acylated during peptide hydrolysis but all other residues known to be important in catalysis are also conserved. We have named this protein cysteine proteinase 1. There is a hydrophobic signal peptide of 18 amino acids and an additional 99 amino acids at the N terminus, which are not present in other cysteine proteases and which may be cleaved off during processing of the enzyme. There is a single copy of the gene in the Dictyostelium genome. The cysteine proteinase 1 mRNA is absent from growing cells and from cells isolated during the first 6 h of development but it constitutes approximately 1% of cellular mRNA by 10-12 h of development. During the development of Dictyostelium a major fraction of cellular protein is degraded to provide amino acids and a source of energy. Cysteine proteinase 1 may play a role in this auto-digestion.  相似文献   

A previously isolated cDNA clone, pLK229, that is specific for mRNA developmentally expressed during Dictyostelium discoideum spore germination and multicellular development, was used to screen two genomic libraries. Two genomic sequences homologous to pLK229 were isolated and sequenced. Genomic clone p229 is identical to the cDNA clone pLK229 and codes for a polypeptide of 381 amino acids. This polypeptide is composed of five tandem repeats of the same 76-amino-acid sequence. Clone lambda 229 codes for a protein of 229 amino acids, containing three tandem repeats of the identical 76-amino-acid sequence. A computer search for homology to known proteins revealed that the 76-amino-acid repeat was identical to human and bovine ubiquitin except for two amino acid differences.  相似文献   

In the previous paper we showed that the major changes in the pattern of protein synthesis during differentiation of Dictyostelium discoideum occur during the 4-hr period when the cells are forming tight, visible aggregates. During this time, synthesis of 10 discrete polypeptides made by preaggregation cells ceases or is reduced considerably, and synthesis of 40 new proteins is induced. Induction or cessation of synthesis of these proteins was parallelled by the appearance or disappearance of the corresponding messenger RNAs. In this paper we show that many of these changes are induced by continued cell-cell contact. None of these occurs in aggregation-competent cells kept in suspension culture, but changes do take place when such cells are allowed to form tight aggregates. Disaggregation of cells causes cessation of synthesis of “aggregation-stage” proteins and reinduction of synthesis of polypeptides characteristic of preaggregation cells.  相似文献   

mRNA specific to cDNA clone pLK109 is present in Dictyostelium discoideum spores, increases about two- to threefold at 0.5 to 1 h during spore germination, and then rapidly decreases. The mRNA is not detectable in vegetative cells or in early multicellular development on filters, but is present late during development, approximately at the time of sporulation. 109 mRNA in spores is 700 nucleotides in length but this is processed during germination by shortening of the poly(A) tail to about 600 nucleotides at 1 to 1.5 hours. pLK109 is a member of a multigene family containing three separate genes, and we have isolated and sequenced all of them. All three sequences code for deduced proteins of 127 amino acid residues, with only a few amino acid differences among them. Gene 1 represents the "transcribed" gene, since all 33 cDNAs we isolated are identical with the cDNA pLK109 and the coding region of this gene. Other open reading frames are in close proximity to each of the 109 sequences. About 200 base-pairs 3' to the gene 1 109 sequence is an open reading frame in the opposite orientation. Gene 2 fragment contains a sequence that codes for a protein similar to trypanosome alpha-tubulin 728 base-pairs 5' to the 109 sequence. Gene 3 fragment possesses two additional putative coding regions, one 5' and another 3' to the 109 gene. There is a remarkable similarity between the 5' upstream regions of all three genes. Each possesses a normal Dictyostelium TATA box and the usual T stretch. In addition, there are many other portions of about 400 to 500 base-pairs of the 5' regions that are either identical for long stretches or very similar.  相似文献   

mRNA decay was studied during spore germination in Dictyoselium discoideum by the use of three previously isolated cDNA clones, pLK109, pLK229, and pRK270, which are specific for mRNAs developmentally regulated during spore germination. The half-life of a constitutive mRNA, pLK125, which is present throughout germination, growth, and development, as also determined. Nogalamycin, a DNA-intercalating compound, was used to inhibit RNA synthesis. Total RNA was isolated at intervals after addition of the drug, and the decay of mRNAs specific for the cDNA clones was determined by both Northern blot and RNA dot hybridization. If nogalamycin was added immediately after activation of dormant spores, neither pLK229 nor pLK109 mRNA decayed, but pLK125 mRNA did decay. Although pLK109 mRNA did not decay under these conditions, the RNA was smaller 1 h after activation than in dormant spores, indicating that it was processed normally. At 1 h after activation, pLK229-, pLK125-specific mRNAs decayed exponentially, with half-lives of 24, 39, and 165 min, respectively. Under the same conditions, decay of pLK109-specific mRNA was biphasic. Thirty-eight percent of the mRNA decayed with a half-life of 5.5 min, and the remainder decayed with a half-life of 115 min. It seems likely that nogalamycin inhibits the synthesis of an unstable component of the mRNA degradative pathway which is needed continuously for the decay of pLK109 mRNA. By extrapolating the curve representing the rapidly decaying component, a half-life of 18 min was calculated for pLK109-specific mRNA. The mRNAs developmentally regulated during spore germination have half-lives shorter than that of the constitutive messenger and shorter than the average half-life of 3 to 4 h previously determined for total Dicyostelium polyadenylated mRNA.  相似文献   

Most eukaryotic mRNAs depend upon precise removal of introns by the spliceosome, a complex of RNAs and proteins. Splicing of pre-mRNA is known to take place in Dictyostelium discoideum, and we previously isolated the U2 spliceosomal RNA experimentally. In this study, we identified the remaining major spliceosomal RNAs in Dictyostelium by a bioinformatical approach. Expression was verified from 17 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) genes. All these genes are preceded by a putative noncoding RNA gene promoter. Immunoprecipitation showed that snRNAs U1, U2, U4, and U5, but not U6, carry the conserved trimethylated 5' cap structure. A number of divergent U2 species are expressed in Dictyostelium. These RNAs carry the U2 RNA hallmark sequence and structure motifs but have an additional predicted stem-loop structure at the 5' end. Surprisingly, and in contrast to the other spliceosomal RNAs in this study, the new U2 variants were enriched in the cytoplasm and were developmentally regulated. Furthermore, all of the snRNAs could also be detected as polyadenylated species, and polyadenylated U1 RNA was demonstrated to be located in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

During its development the eukaryotic microorganisms Dictyostelium discoideum secretes an alpha-L-fucosidase (EC In cells of the growth phase almost no alpha-L-fucosidase activity is detectable. The activity increases steadily up to the aggregation stage and accumulates also in the extracellular medium. The developmental regulation is mediated by pulsatile cAMP signals. The alpha-L-fucosidase was purified from extracellular medium. The isolation procedure started with concentration of the enzyme by batchwise anion-exchange chromatography and ammonium sulfate precipitation, followed by Sephacryl S-300 gel filtration and further purification by fast protein liquid chromatography on Mono Q, phenyl-Superose, and finally Superose 12. The purified preparation was found to be essentially free of activities of six other glycosidases also secreted by D. discoideum. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the purified enzyme showed one major band with an apparent molecular mass of 62 kilodalton. Gel filtration of the enzyme on a Superose 12 column was consistent with an active monomer. A monoclonal antibody was produced, which recognizes a carbohydrate epitope shared by all lysosomal enzymes in D. discoideum. The pH optimum of the alpha-L-fucosidase is at 3.7. The apparent Michaelis constant for p-nitrophenyl alpha-L-fucoside as substrate is 1.2 mM. The enzyme catalyzes preferentially the hydrolysis of alpha 1----6GlcNAc but also of alpha 1----2Gal and alpha 1----3Glc fucosyl linkages.  相似文献   

Antigen 117 is involved in the process of intercellular cohesion in Dictyostelium discoideum (Brodie, C., Klein, C., and Swierkosz, J. Cell 32, 1115-1123 (1983]. The antigen was shown to arise from a 62,000-64,000-dalton precursor. The mature antigen consists of two forms of molecular weights, 69,000 and 72,000. These forms are glycosylated, phosphorylated, acylated, and sulfated. Developmental changes in the cellular and cell surface levels of the antigen reflect changes in its rate of synthesis. All aggregating cells express antigen 117 on their surfaces. Antigen 117 then disappears from the surface of all cells when tip formation occurs. The antigen is re-expressed briefly again on cells undergoing culmination.  相似文献   

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