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Necropsy of a 15-month-old male orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) showed multiple nodular elevations of the mucosa of the colon, petechial hemorrhages in both lungs, and mucosal ulcerations in the cecum, appendix, and proximal colon. Light microscopy revealed filariform larvae of Strongyloides in the lung, colon, and mesenteric lymph nodes. Rhabditiform larvae were also observed in sections of colon.  相似文献   

An adult male orangutan at the Chicago Zoological Park utilizes various knuckle-walking hand postures in terrestrial bipedal-squatting and quadrupedal diagonal-sequence, diagonal-couplet gaits. A study was conducted in order to discern the circumstances surrounding the subject's terrestrial locomotor modes. It was found that various locomotor behaviors correlate with specific conditions of the substrate and the subject's motivation. Biomechanical properties of orangutan knuckle-walking are discussed in terms of their relevance for modelling hominoid phylogeny.  相似文献   

Evidence for an HLA-C-like locus in the orangutan Pongo pygmaeus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HLA-B and C are related class I genes which are believed to have arisen by duplication of a common ancestor. Previous study showed the presence of orthologues for both HLA-B and C in African apes but only for HLA-B in Asian apes. These observations suggested that the primate C locus evolved subsequent to the divergence of the Pongidae and Hominidae. From an analysis of orangutan Tengku two HLA-C-like alleles (Popy C*0101 and Popy C*0201) were defined as well as three HLA-B-like (Popy-B) alleles. By contrast, no Popy-C alleles were obtained from orangutan Hati, although three Popy-B alleles were defined. Thus an HLA-C-like locus exists in the orangutan (as well as a duplicated B locus), implying that the primate C locus evolved prior to the divergence of the Pongidae and Hominidae and is at least 12–13 million years old. Uncertain is whether all orangutan MHC haplotypes contain a C locus, as the failure to find C alleles in some individuals could be due to a mispairing of HLA-C-specific primers with certain Popy-C alleles. These results raise the possibilities that other primate species have a C locus and that the regulation of natural killer cells by C allotypes evolved earlier in primate evolution than has been thought. Received: 18 January 1999 / Revised: 23 March 1999  相似文献   

Summary Restriction endonucleases have been recently proved to be active on fixed chromosomes, thus they are useful in chromatin structure studies. Within this class of enzymes, Alu I is able to detect the presence and localization of highly repetitive DNA sequences in human and in other mammalian and dipteran species. In this paper the pattern obtained on fixed metaphase chromosomes of orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) by Alu I digestion and Giemsa staining is shown. The results are discussed in the light of the distribution, in this species, of the I–IV human satellite DNAs. It is also suggested that in Pongo some highly repetitive sequences, different from the major human satellites, are present.  相似文献   

A 30-year-old male Sumatran orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) presented with signs of depression, lethargy, anorexia, and diarrhea that progressed to acute colic. Exploratory laparotomy revealed fibrinopurulent peritonitis and 50 cm of devitalized small intestine. The surgically resected small intestine contained several mucosal diverticula along the mesenteric attachment; one had ruptured, resulting in peritonitis. Fifteen days after surgery, the orangutan's abdominal incision dehisced. Repeated laparotomy revealed dehiscence of the distal intestinal anastomosis site, as well as extensive adhesions and purulent exudate. The defect was repaired, and the abdomen was extensively irrigated and closed, but the animal died within 24 hours. To our knowledge, this is the first report of diverticulitis in a great ape. Diverticulosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis for great apes that present with signs of depression, lethargy, anorexia, and/or diarrhea.  相似文献   

A male orangutan, who had sired one offspring in 1973, displayed no sexual activity over a period of years despite the continuing presence of his mate. Reproductive behavior recurred after (1) relocation to a new environment, (2) an apparent reduction in obesity, and (3) the introduction of a novel female conspecific.  相似文献   

Primates - Vertebrate predation and consumption by wild Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus spp.) is rare. In contrast to recorded observations of slow loris consumption by Sumatran orangutans...  相似文献   

Computerized testing can induce behavioral signs of frustration in apes. Three variations of a computer task were used to investigate the effects of inter-trial intervals and rate of cursor movement on frustrative behavior and cortisol in an orangutan. Behaviors were recorded during test sessions, and saliva was collected immediately after test sessions for cortisol assay. Behavioral results indicated that extended (20 sec) periods of delay between trials induced signs of frustration in the subject, including forceful manual manipulation of objects and self-scratching. However, cortisol results indicated that Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis activity was not induced by task performance. Rather, cortisol levels were reduced during performance of computer tasks compared to baseline levels. Findings from this study suggest that behavioral and cortisol responses to stress induced by performance of computer testing can become dissociated. This study validates salivary cortisol as a measure of HPA activity in apes and demonstrates a normal circadian rhythm of cortisol release in an orangutan.  相似文献   

The Marginal Value Theorem (MVT) is an integral supplement to Optimal Foraging Theory (OFT) as it seeks to explain an animal's decision of when to leave a patch when food is still available. MVT predicts that a forager capable of depleting a patch, in a habitat where food is patchily distributed, will leave the patch when the intake rate within it decreases to the average intake rate for the habitat. MVT relies on the critical assumption that the feeding rate in the patch will decrease over time. We tested this assumption using feeding data from a population of wild Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) from Gunung Palung National Park. We hypothesized that the feeding rate within orangutan food patches would decrease over time. Data included feeding bouts from continuous focal follows between 2014 and 2016. We recorded the average feeding rate over each tertile of the bout, as well as the first, midpoint, and last feeding rates collected. We did not find evidence of a decrease between first and last feeding rates (Linear Mixed Effects Model, n = 63), between a mid-point and last rate (Linear Mixed Effects Model, n = 63), between the tertiles (Linear Mixed Effects Model, n = 63), nor a decrease in feeding rate overall (Linear Mixed Effects Model, n = 146). These findings, thus, do not support the MVT assumption of decreased patch feeding rates over time in this large generalist frugivore.  相似文献   

A newborn orangutan was removed from her mother 55 h after birth because no nursing had been observed. She was hand reared in a nursery for 3 d and then successfully reintroduced to her mother. Several factors that may have contributed to the successful reintroduction are discussed.  相似文献   

The unequivocal identification of Bornean, Sumatran, and first-generation hybrid orangutans can be carried out by chromosome analysis, a procedure that is more reliable than any other so far used to distinguish between orangutan subspecies. Chromosome differences between subspecies have been compared with protein and DNA studies, and these have shown that Bornean and Sumatran orangutans are more different from each other than we originally thought. Chromosome studies in the orangutan have shown variant chromosome types that are not subspecies-specific. One of these variant types is a product of a complex double inversion rearrangement and is a polymorphic trait in both subspecies. In view of our findings, specific guidelines have been recommended for evaluating the fertility of hybrid specimens and maintaining purebred orangutan stocks.  相似文献   

Hair samples of a female orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus) suffering from Trisomy 22 and three healthy orang-utans had been investigated in regard of their resilience, colour, medulla, cross sectional view, shaft diameter and cuticula structure. There were no characters noticed concerning the orang's hair with Trisomy only. The remarkable sex-specific differences found out in hair shaft diameters have been interpreted as a manifestation of the considerable sexual-dimorphism in orang-utans. The hair samples of all four individuals contain some with an anomaly of the cuticula-structure, which may be seen as an expression of the not species-specific environment in zoos.  相似文献   

Many social animals can discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar faces. Orangutans, however, lead a semi-solitary life and spend much of the day alone. As such, they may be less adept at recognizing conspecifics and are a good model for determining how social structure influences the evolution of social cognition such as facial recognition. The present study is the first report of whether orangutans can distinguish among individual faces. We adopted a preferential looking method and found that orangutans used facial discrimination to identify known conspecifics. This suggests that frequent and intense social interaction is not necessary for facial discrimination, although our findings were limited by the small number of stimuli and the unequal numbers of male and female orangutans depicted in the stimuli.  相似文献   

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