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乙酰化修饰是由乙酰基转移酶、去乙酰化酶介导的可逆的蛋白质翻译后修饰。其中,乙酰基转移酶将乙酰辅酶A的乙酰基团转移至底物蛋白的氨基酸残基,而乙酰基团的去除由去乙酰化酶完成。乙酰化修饰参与许多基本生物学过程的调节作用,越来越多的研究表明,蛋白质乙酰化修饰在病原菌的致病过程中具有重要作用。病原菌,如引起非典型性肺炎的嗜肺军团菌,可以通过分泌具有乙酰基转移酶活性的效应蛋白靶向宿主细胞信号通路的关键蛋白质因子,干扰宿主细胞信号通路及免疫反应。本文主要从嗜肺军团菌的致病机制、乙酰化修饰及乙酰化修饰在病原体致病过程中的调控作用进行综述,突出已知的乙酰化毒力蛋白的例子,并讨论它们如何影响与宿主的相互作用,为理解乙酰化修饰在嗜肺军团菌致病过程中的作用机制提供参考。  相似文献   

真核生物核小体组蛋白修饰引起染色质重塑(Chromatin remodeling)是表观遗传的重要调控机制.乙酰化修饰(Acetylation modification)是其中一种重要的方式.组蛋白乙酰化修饰位点集中在各种组蛋白N末端赖氨酸残基上.细胞内存在功能拮抗的多种乙酰基转移酶和去乙酰化酶,二者相互竞争,共同调节组蛋白的乙酰化状态,通过影响核小体结构的致密性,并在多种效应分子的参与下,实现对基因的表达调控.以真核模式生物酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)为对象,综述乙酰基转移酶和去乙酰化酶的种类、作用特点以及其基因调控的分子机制等方面的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

乙酰化修饰是一种广泛存在于生物体中的可逆性蛋白质翻译后修饰方式,主要发生于蛋白质赖氨酸残基的侧链NH2基团上,最早在组蛋白中发现。乙酰化修饰主要通过修饰组蛋白影响细胞的染色质结构以及激活细胞核内转录因子,从基因组水平来调控细胞的生命活动。随着乙酰化修饰检测技术和生物学研究的发展,发现乙酰化修饰也大量存在于非组蛋白中,并调控蛋白质的功能,进而影响多种生物学过程。其中,乙酰化修饰可以调控非组蛋白的稳定性,使其在细胞中更加稳定和持久地存在,这种调控机制在细胞的生长和分化等过程中具有重要作用,并影响多种疾病的发生发展。该文介绍了乙酰化修饰及其主要的生物学功能,系统总结了乙酰化修饰对人非组蛋白稳定性调控的机制与功能的影响,并介绍了乙酰化修饰调控蛋白质稳定性对疾病发生发展的作用,有助于解析疾病的发生机制,为疾病的治疗提供新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

蛋白质翻译后修饰是调节蛋白质生物学功能的关键步骤之一,是蛋白质动态反应和相互作用的一个重要分子基础,同时,它也是细胞信号网络调控的重要靶点.目前,蛋白质翻译后修饰已经成为国际上蛋白质研究的一个极其重要的热点.在原核生物生命活动中,蛋白质的翻译后修饰具有十分重要的作用,如参与细胞信号传导、物质的代谢、蛋白质的降解、致病微生物的致病过程等.综述了经典原核生物蛋白质翻译后修饰的种类、机制和功能,同时介绍了最近发现的原核生物的全局性乙酰化修饰以及结核分枝杆菌中类泛素化修饰.  相似文献   

发育是由基因的特定时空表达模式来调控的,其表观遗传机制已越来越受到关注。组蛋白精氨酸甲基化是一种重要的翻译后修饰,由蛋白质精氨酸甲基化酶催化产生,对染色体的结构与功能具有重要调控作用。不同位点的精氨酸甲基化与其相邻位点的翻译后修饰具有复杂的对话机制,并可招募或阻碍相关效应分子的结合,进而导致转录激活或抑制。斑马鱼作为一种重要的发育生物学研究模式动物,已为蛋白质精氨酸甲基化酶在早期发育过程中的生理功能的研究提供了大量资料。该文对组蛋白精氨酸甲基化的产生、对话调控机制及其对斑马鱼早期发育调控功能的研究进行综述。  相似文献   

刘舒婷  苏杨  姚玉峰 《微生物学报》2017,57(11):1698-1707
蛋白质翻译后修饰是调控蛋白质生物学功能的重要步骤之一。甲基化修饰作为蛋白质翻译后修饰的一种重要形式,参与了真核生物和原核生物的多种细胞进程。本文综述了目前蛋白质甲基化的研究进展,包括真核生物、原核生物,组蛋白和非组蛋白,以及多种氨基酸位点的甲基化修饰。这些发现丰富了人们对蛋白质甲基化修饰的认识,对深入了解蛋白质翻译后修饰的功能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

蛋白质乙酰化是一种普遍存在的、可逆而且高度调控的蛋白质翻译后修饰方式,主要发生在蛋白质赖氨酸残基的ε-NH2位。乙酰化的研究历史已达50多年,目前已成为国际上蛋白质领域的研究热点。乙酰化修饰由乙酰基转移酶和去乙酰化酶共同调节,且参与了几乎所有的生物学过程,如转录、应激反应、新陈代谢以及蛋白合成与降解等。近年来,乙酰化修饰的检测技术发展迅速,从已广泛应用的质谱法到新技术如蛋白质芯片的加入,都为深入研究乙酰化提供了强有力的工具。蛋白质乙酰化应用广泛,主要在代谢疾病中发挥着重要的调控作用,而且去乙酰化酶抑制剂已经成为治疗心脏病、糖尿病和癌症等多种疾病的有潜力的试剂。围绕乙酰化的研究历程、功能、检测技术和应用进行了探讨和归纳,并在此基础上进行了展望和讨论。  相似文献   

p53的稳定与活化是细胞应对癌基因激活或DNA损伤等刺激的关键早期事件。可逆的翻译后修饰可严密调控p53的总蛋白质水平和反式激活能力,对维持正常的细胞生长、抑制细胞的早期癌变及肿瘤的发生至关重要。最新研究发现,除了磷酸化、泛素化和乙酰化修饰外,p53还能发生多个位点的甲基化、类泛素化和糖基化等修饰。这些翻译后修饰之间彼此联系,构成一个复杂的调控网络,对p53的稳定及其功能产生深远影响。  相似文献   

精子发生是一个高度复杂且受到精密调控的生物学过程,其中蛋白质作为生命活动的最终执行者,其翻译后修饰发挥着重要的调控作用。精子发生过程中存在多种蛋白质翻译后修饰,如磷酸化、乙酰化、泛素化等,其异常可引起精子发生障碍,严重的甚至可导致不育。随着蛋白质组学技术的快速发展,基于临床不育样本和模式动物的功能研究,可以系统性解析精子发生过程中蛋白质翻译后修饰的动态调节与功能,揭示精子发生的分子调控机制以及男性不育的发病机理。该文就近年来精子发生过程中蛋白质翻译后修饰调控机制,以及少精子症、弱精子症和畸形精子症等临床疾病中蛋白质翻译后修饰的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

正肿瘤抑制蛋白p53被称为"基因组卫士",其参与调控正常生理状态下细胞内环境稳态的维持,并在细胞受到内外刺激因素作用时发挥抵抗肿瘤形成的重要功能.正是因为p53功能的重要性,所以对p53适时、适度的调控是确保其正常行使功能的必要条件.研究发现,对p53的调控主要发生在翻译后修饰水平,主要包括对p53的乙酰化修饰、磷酸化修饰和泛素化修饰等~[1].其中,P53的乙酰化修饰多年来备受关注,尤其是P53羧基末端的乙酰化修饰.事实上,p53是第一个被发现的受到乙酰化/去乙酰化修饰调  相似文献   

The TP53 tumour-suppressor gene is expressed as several protein isoforms generated by different mechanisms, including use of alternative promoters, splicing sites and translational initiation sites, that are conserved through evolution and within the TP53 homologues, TP63 and TP73. Although first described in the eighties, the importance of p53 isoforms in regulating the suppressive functions of p53 has only become evident in the last 10 years, by analogy with observations that p63 and p73 isoforms appeared indispensable to fully understand the biological functions of TP63 and TP73. This review summarizes recent advances in the field of 'p53 isoforms', including new data on p63 and p73 isoforms. Details of the alternative mechanisms that produce p53 isoforms and cis- and trans-regulators identified are provided. The main focus is on their biological functions (apoptosis, cell cycle, aging and so on) in cellular and animal models, including mouse, zebrafish and Drosophila. Finally, the deregulation of p53 isoform expression in human cancers is reviewed. Based on these latest results, several developments are expected in the future: the identification of drugs modulating p53 isoform expression; the generation of animal models and the evaluation of the use of p53 isoform as biomarkers in human cancers.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications (PTMs) play an essential role in most biological processes. PTMs on human proteins have been extensively studied. Studies on bacterial PTMs are emerging, which demonstrate that bacterial PTMs are different from human PTMs in their types, mechanisms and functions. Few PTM studies have been done on the microbiome. Here, we reviewed several studied PTMs in bacteria including phosphorylation, acetylation, succinylation, glycosylation, and proteases. We discussed the enzymes responsible for each PTM and their functions. We also summarized the current methods used to study microbiome PTMs and the observations demonstrating the roles of PTM in the microbe-microbe interactions within the microbiome and their interactions with the environment or host. Although new methods and tools for PTM studies are still needed, the existing technologies have made great progress enabling a deeper understanding of the functional regulation of the microbiome. Large-scale application of these microbiome-wide PTM studies will provide a better understanding of the microbiome and its roles in the development of human diseases.  相似文献   

High mobility group proteins and their post-translational modifications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The high mobility group (HMG) proteins, including HMGA, HMGB and HMGN, are abundant and ubiquitous nuclear proteins that bind to DNA, nucleosome and other multi-protein complexes in a dynamic and reversible fashion to regulate DNA processing in the context of chromatin. All HMG proteins, like histone proteins, are subjected to extensive post-translational modifications (PTMs), such as lysine acetylation, arginine/lysine methylation and serine/threonine phosphorylation, to modulate their interactions with DNA and other proteins. There is a growing appreciation for the complex relationship between the PTMs of HMG proteins and their diverse biological activities. Here, we reviewed the identified covalent modifications of HMG proteins, and highlighted how these PTMs affect the functions of HMG proteins in a variety of cellular processes.  相似文献   

同源结构域相互作用蛋白激酶2(HIPK2)是一种定位于细胞核内的丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶。HIPK2可以诱导和抑制转录,亦能调节细胞分化、增殖及凋亡。HIPK2经过泛素化、小泛素样修饰物(SUMO)化、乙酰化、磷酸化等翻译后修饰来发挥其生物功能。研究表明,HIPK2磷酸化p53、甲基化CpG结合蛋白2(methyl CpG binding protein 2,MeCP2)及早幼粒细胞性白血病蛋白(promyelocytic leukemia protein,PML)促进细胞凋亡。本文较为详细的阐述了有关HIPK2的研究进展,特别是近5年的研究成果。  相似文献   

翻译后修饰是指前体蛋白经过一系列加工修饰形成具有多种功能的蛋白质,其可以发生在不同的氨基酸侧链或肽键上,通常是由酶活性介导的.5%的蛋白质组组成的酶介导了超过200多种的翻译后修饰类型,其中乙酰化修饰是一种重要的翻译后修饰途径.乙酰化修饰在真核细胞中被广泛研究,其几乎参与细胞的所有生理活动并且高度保守.最近的很多研究表...  相似文献   

Tumor suppressor p53 functions as a "guardian of the genome" to prevent cells from transformation. p53 is constitutively ubiquitinated and degradated in unstressed conditions, thereby suppressing the expression. However, cellular stimuli enable p53 to escape from the negative regulation, and then stably expressed p53 transactivates its target genes to induce cell cycle arrest, DNA repair, or apoptosis. Promoter preference of target genes is determined by modification status of p53. Because p53 has two critical roles in the decision of cell fate, stopping cell cycle to repair damaged DNA or induction of apoptotic cell death in response to DNA damage, elucidation of switching mechanisms on p53 functions is of particular importance. Here we review recent evidence how several post-translational modifications of p53 including methylation, phosphorylation, acetylation, and ubiquitination, affect the functions of p53 in response to cellular stress.  相似文献   

Human SIRT1 is an enzyme that deacetylates the p53 tumor suppressor protein and has been suggested to modulate p53-dependent functions including DNA damage-induced cell death. In this report, we used EX-527, a novel, potent, and specific small-molecule inhibitor of SIRT1 catalytic activity to examine the role of SIRT1 in p53 acetylation and cell survival after DNA damage. Treatment with EX-527 dramatically increased acetylation at lysine 382 of p53 after different types of DNA damage in primary human mammary epithelial cells and several cell lines. Significantly, inhibition of SIRT1 catalytic activity by EX-527 had no effect on cell growth, viability, or p53-controlled gene expression in cells treated with etoposide. Acetyl-p53 was also increased by the histone deacetylase (HDAC) class I/II inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA). EX-527 and TSA acted synergistically to increase acetyl-p53 levels, confirming that p53 acetylation is regulated by both SIRT1 and HDACs. While TSA alone reduced cell survival after DNA damage, the combination of EX-527 and TSA had no further effect on cell viability and growth. These results show that, although SIRT1 deacetylates p53, this does not play a role in cell survival following DNA damage in certain cell lines and primary human mammary epithelial cells.  相似文献   

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