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Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) play an important role in biological processes. Although much effort has been devoted to the identification of novel PPIs by integrating experimental biological knowledge, there are still many difficulties because of lacking enough protein structural and functional information. It is highly desired to develop methods based only on amino acid sequences for predicting PPIs. However, sequence-based predictors are often struggling with the high-dimensionality causing over-fitting and high computational complexity problems, as well as the redundancy of sequential feature vectors. In this paper, a novel computational approach based on compressed sensing theory is proposed to predict yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae PPIs from primary sequence and has achieved promising results. The key advantage of the proposed compressed sensing algorithm is that it can compress the original high-dimensional protein sequential feature vector into a much lower but more condensed space taking the sparsity property of the original signal into account. What makes compressed sensing much more attractive in protein sequence analysis is its compressed signal can be reconstructed from far fewer measurements than what is usually considered necessary in traditional Nyquist sampling theory. Experimental results demonstrate that proposed compressed sensing method is powerful for analyzing noisy biological data and reducing redundancy in feature vectors. The proposed method represents a new strategy of dealing with high-dimensional protein discrete model and has great potentiality to be extended to deal with many other complicated biological systems.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2021,81(19):4091-4103.e9
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刘佳  蔡禄  邢永强 《生物信息学》2010,8(4):341-343,346
蛋白质是一切生命活动的物质基础,研究蛋白质的相互作用有助于理解生物过程的分子机制,阐明疾病的分子机理。本文依据蛋白质序列组分特征,应用基于多样性增量的二次判别分析方法,对人类的1 963对蛋白质相互作用进行了预测。自洽检验的各项预测指标均在79%以上,且交叉检验的总精度也大于60%,表明本算法可以用于蛋白质相互作用预测。  相似文献   

The identification of protein–protein interactions (PPIs) can lead to a better understanding of cellular functions and biological processes of proteins and contribute to the design of drugs to target disease-causing PPIs. In addition, targeting host–pathogen PPIs is useful for elucidating infection mechanisms. Although several experimental methods have been used to identify PPIs, these methods can yet to draw complete PPI networks. Hence, computational techniques are increasingly required for the prediction of potential PPIs, which have never been seen experimentally. Recent high-performance sequence-based methods have contributed to the construction of PPI networks and the elucidation of pathogenetic mechanisms in specific diseases. However, the usefulness of these methods depends on the quality and quantity of training data of PPIs. In this brief review, we introduce currently available PPI databases and recent sequence-based methods for predicting PPIs. Also, we discuss key issues in this field and present future perspectives of the sequence-based PPI predictions.  相似文献   

Structural data as collated in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) have been widely applied in the study and prediction of protein-protein interactions. However, since the basic PDB Entries contain only the contents of the asymmetric unit rather than the biological unit, some key interactions may be missed by analysing only the PDB Entry. A total of 69,054 SCOP (Structural Classification of Proteins) domains were examined systematically to identify the number of additional novel interacting domain pairs and interfaces found by considering the biological unit as stored in the PQS (Protein Quaternary Structure) database. The PQS data adds 25,965 interacting domain pairs to those seen in the PDB Entries to give a total of 61,783 redundant interacting domain pairs. Redundancy filtering at the level of the SCOP family shows PQS to increase the number of novel interacting domain-family pairs by 302 (13.3%) from 2277, but only 16/302 (1.4%) of the interacting domain pairs have the two domains in different SCOP families. This suggests the biological units add little to the elucidation of novel biological interaction networks. However, when the orientation of the domain pairs is considered, the PQS data increases the number of novel domain-domain interfaces observed by 1455 (34.5%) to give 5677 non-redundant domain-domain interfaces. In all, 162/1455 novel domain-domain interfaces are between domains from different families, an increase of 8.9% over the PDB Entries. Overall, the PQS biological units provide a rich source of novel domain-domain interfaces that are not seen in the studied PDB Entries, and so PQS domain-domain interaction data should be exploited wherever possible in the analysis and prediction of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Is the whole protein surface available for interaction with other proteins, or are specific sites pre-assigned according to their biophysical and structural character? And if so, is it possible to predict the location of the binding site from the surface properties? These questions are answered quantitatively by probing the surfaces of proteins using spheres of radius of 10 A on a database (DB) of 57 unique, non-homologous proteins involved in heteromeric, transient protein-protein interactions for which the structures of both the unbound and bound states were determined. In structural terms, we found the binding site to have a preference for beta-sheets and for relatively long non-structured chains, but not for alpha-helices. Chemically, aromatic side-chains show a clear preference for binding sites. While the hydrophobic and polar content of the interface is similar to the rest of the surface, hydrophobic and polar residues tend to cluster in interfaces. In the crystal, the binding site has more bound water molecules surrounding it, and a lower B-factor already in the unbound protein. The same biophysical properties were found to hold for the unbound and bound DBs. All the significant interface properties were combined into ProMate, an interface prediction program. This was followed by an optimization step to choose the best combination of properties, as many of them are correlated. During optimization and prediction, the tested proteins were not used for data collection, to avoid over-fitting. The prediction algorithm is fully automated, and is used to predict the location of potential binding sites on unbound proteins with known structures. The algorithm is able to successfully predict the location of the interface for about 70% of the proteins. The success rate of the predictor was equal whether applied on the unbound DB or on the disjoint bound DB. A prediction is assumed correct if over half of the predicted continuous interface patch is indeed interface. The ability to predict the location of protein-protein interfaces has far reaching implications both towards our understanding of specificity and kinetics of binding, as well as in assisting in the analysis of the proteome.  相似文献   

Altered metabolism is linked to the appearance of various human diseases and a better understanding of disease-associated metabolic changes may lead to the identification of novel prognostic biomarkers and the development of new therapies. Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) have been employed for studying human metabolism in a systematic manner, as well as for understanding complex human diseases. In the past decade, such metabolic models – one of the fundamental aspects of systems biology – have started contributing to the understanding of the mechanistic relationship between genotype and phenotype. In this review, we focus on the construction of the Human Metabolic Reaction database, the generation of healthy cell type- and cancer-specific GEMs using different procedures, and the potential applications of these developments in the study of human metabolism and in the identification of metabolic changes associated with various disorders. We further examine how in silico genome-scale reconstructions can be employed to simulate metabolic flux distributions and how high-throughput omics data can be analyzed in a context-dependent fashion. Insights yielded from this mechanistic modeling approach can be used for identifying new therapeutic agents and drug targets as well as for the discovery of novel biomarkers. Finally, recent advancements in genome-scale modeling and the future challenge of developing a model of whole-body metabolism are presented. The emergent contribution of GEMs to personalized and translational medicine is also discussed.  相似文献   

The basic differences between the 20 natural amino acid residues are due to differences in their side-chain structures. This characteristic design of protein building blocks implies that side-chain-side-chain interactions play an important, even dominant role in 3D-structural realization of amino acid codes. Here we present the results of a comparative analysis of the contributions of side-chain-side-chain (s-s) and side-chain-backbone (s-b) interactions to the stabilization of folded protein structures within the framework of the CHARMm molecular data model. Contrary to intuition, our results suggest that side-chain-backbone interactions play the major role in side-chain packing, in stabilizing the folded structures, and in differentiating the folded structures from the unfolded or misfolded structures, while the interactions between side chains have a secondary effect. An additional analysis of electrostatic energies suggests that combinatorial dominance of the interactions between opposite charges makes the electrostatic interactions act as an unspecific folding force that stabilizes not only native structure, but also compact random conformations. This observation is in agreement with experimental findings that, in the denatured state, the charge-charge interactions stabilize more compact conformations. Taking advantage of the dominant role of side-chain-backbone interactions in side-chain packing to reduce the combinatorial problem, we developed a new algorithm, ChiRotor, for rapid prediction of side-chain conformations. We present the results of a validation study of the method based on a set of high resolution X-ray structures.  相似文献   

 2B1 is a bispecific murine monoclonal antibody (bsmAb) targeting the c-erbB-2 and CD16 (FcγRIII) antigens. c-erbB-2 is over-expressed by a variety of adenocarcinomas, and CD16, the low-affinity Fcγ receptor for aggregated immunoglobulins, is expressed by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN), natural killer (NK) cells and differentiated mononuclear phagocytes. 2B1 potentiates the in vitro lysis of c-erbB-2 over-expressing tumors by NK cells and macrophages. In this report, the interactions between 2B1 and PMN were investigated to assess the impact of these associations on in vitro 2B1-promoted tumor cytotoxicity by human NK cells. The peak binding of 2B1 to PMN was observed at a concentration of 10 μg/ml 2B1. However, 2B1 rapidly dissociated from PMN in vitro at 37°C in non-equilibrium conditions. This dissociation was not caused by CD16 shedding. When PMN were labeled with 125I-2B1 and incubated at 37°C and the supernatants examined by HPLC analysis, the Fab regions of dissociated 2B1 were not complexed with shed CD16 extracellular domain. While most of the binding of 2B1 to PMN was solely attributable to Fab-directed binding to FcγRIII, PMN-associated 2B1 also bound through Fcγ-domain/FcγRII interactions. 2B1 did not promote in vitro PMN cytotoxicity against c-erbB-2-expressing SK-OV-3 tumor cells. When PMN were coincubated with peripheral blood lymphocytes, SK-OV-3 tumor and 2B1, the concentration of 2B1 required for maximal tumor lysis was lowered. Although PMN may serve as a significant competitive binding pool of systemically administered 2B1 in vivo, the therapeutic potential of the targeted cytotoxicity properties of this bsmAb should not be compromised. Received: 3 May 1995 / Accepted: 6 February 1996  相似文献   

Predicting the probability of successful establishment of plant species by matching climatic variables has considerable potential for incorporation in early warning systems for the management of biological invasions. We select South Africa as a model source area of invasions worldwide because it is an important exporter of plant species to other parts of the world because of the huge international demand for indigenous flora from this biodiversity hotspot. We first mapped the five ecoregions that occur both in South Africa and other parts of the world, but the very coarse definition of the ecoregions led to unreliable results in terms of predicting invasible areas. We then determined the bioclimatic features of South Africa's major terrestrial biomes and projected the potential distribution of analogous areas throughout the world. This approach is much more powerful, but depends strongly on how particular biomes are defined in donor countries. Finally, we developed bioclimatic niche models for 96 plant taxa (species and subspecies) endemic to South Africa and invasive elsewhere, and projected these globally after successfully evaluating model projections specifically for three well‐known invasive species (Carpobrotus edulis, Senecio glastifolius, Vellereophyton dealbatum) in different target areas. Cumulative probabilities of climatic suitability show that high‐risk regions are spatially limited globally but that these closely match hotspots of plant biodiversity. These probabilities are significantly correlated with the number of recorded invasive species from South Africa in natural areas, emphasizing the pivotal role of climate in defining invasion potential. Accounting for potential transfer vectors (trade and tourism) significantly adds to the explanatory power of climate suitability as an index of invasibility. The close match that we found between the climatic component of the ecological habitat suitability and the current pattern of occurrence of South Africa alien species in other parts of the world is encouraging. If species' distribution data in the donor country are available, climatic niche modelling offers a powerful tool for efficient and unbiased first‐step screening. Given that eradication of an established invasive species is extremely difficult and expensive, areas identified as potential new sites should be monitored and quarantine measures should be adopted.  相似文献   

Therapeutic antibodies continue to develop as an emerging drug class, with a need for preclinical tools to better predict in vivo characteristics. Transgenic mice expressing human neonatal Fc receptor (hFcRn) have potential as a preclinical pharmacokinetic (PK) model to project human PK of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Using a panel of 27 mAbs with a broad PK range, we sought to characterize and establish utility of this preclinical animal model and provide guidance for its application in drug development of mAbs. This set of mAbs was administered to both hemizygous and homozygous hFcRn transgenic mice (Tg32) at a single intravenous dose, and PK parameters were derived. Higher hFcRn protein tissue expression was confirmed by liquid chromatography-high resolution tandem mass spectrometry in Tg32 homozygous versus hemizygous mice. Clearance (CL) was calculated using non-compartmental analysis and correlations were assessed to historical data in wild-type mouse, non-human primate (NHP), and human. Results show that mAb CL in hFcRn Tg32 homozygous mouse correlate with human (r2 = 0.83, r = 0.91, p < 0.01) better than NHP (r2 = 0.67, r = 0.82, p < 0.01) for this dataset. Applying simple allometric scaling using an empirically derived best-fit exponent of 0.93 enabled the prediction of human CL from the Tg32 homozygous mouse within 2-fold error for 100% of mAbs tested. Implementing the Tg32 homozygous mouse model in discovery and preclinical drug development to predict human CL may result in an overall decreased usage of monkeys for PK studies, enhancement of the early selection of lead molecules, and ultimately a decrease in the time for a drug candidate to reach the clinic.  相似文献   

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