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Few studies have addressed the influence of dietary patterns (DP) during adolescence on the amount of body fat in early adulthood.


To analyze the associations between DP tracking and changes in the period between 15 and 18 years of age and the percentage of body fat (%BF) at age 18 years.


We used data from 3,823 members of the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort. Body density was measured at age 18 years by air displacement plethysmograph (BOD POD) and the %BF was calculated applying the Siri equation. Based on the estimates from the FFQ, we identified DP at ages 15 (“Varied”, “Traditional”, “Dieting” and “Processed meats”) and 18 years (“Varied”, “Traditional”, “Dieting” and “Fish, fast food and alcohol”). The DP tracking was defined as the individual’s adherence to the same DP at both ages. Associations were tested using multiple linear regression models stratified by sex.


The mean %BF was 25.0% (95% CI: 24.7 to 25.4), significantly greater for girls than boys (p<0.001). The adherence to any DP at age 15 years was not associated with the %BF at age 18 years. However, individuals who adhered to a “Dieting” DP at age 18 years showed greater %BF (1.30 and 1.91 percentage points in boys and girls, respectively) in comparison with those who adhered to a “Varied” DP. Boys who presented tracking of a “Dieting” DP presented greater average %BF in comparison with others DP, as well as girls who changed from the “Traditional” or “Processed meats” DP to a “Dieting” DP.


These results may support public health policies and strategies focused on improving dietary habits of adolescents and young adults and preventing accumulation of body fat, especially among the adolescents with restrictive dietary habits.  相似文献   



Phylogenetic hypotheses are increasingly being used to elucidate historical patterns of diversification rate-variation. Hypothesis testing is often conducted by comparing the observed vector of branching times to a null, pure-birth expectation. A popular method for inferring a decrease in speciation rate, which might suggest an early burst of diversification followed by a decrease in diversification rate is the γ statistic.


Using simulations under varying conditions, I examine the sensitivity of γ to the distribution of the most recent branching times. Using an exploratory data analysis tool for lineages through time plots, tree deviation, I identified trees with a significant γ statistic that do not appear to have the characteristic early accumulation of lineages consistent with an early, rapid rate of cladogenesis. I further investigated the sensitivity of the γ statistic to recent diversification by examining the consequences of failing to simulate the full time interval following the most recent cladogenic event. The power of γ to detect rate decrease at varying times was assessed for simulated trees with an initial high rate of diversification followed by a relatively low rate.


The γ statistic is extraordinarily sensitive to recent diversification rates, and does not necessarily detect early bursts of diversification. This was true for trees of various sizes and completeness of taxon sampling. The γ statistic had greater power to detect recent diversification rate decreases compared to early bursts of diversification. Caution should be exercised when interpreting the γ statistic as an indication of early, rapid diversification.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection fluorescence microscope has often been used to study the molecular mechanisms underlying vesicle exocytosis. However, the spatial occurrence of the fusion events within a single cell is not frequently explored due to the lack of sensitive and accurate computer-assisted programs to analyze large image data sets. Here, we have developed an image analysis platform for the nonbiased identification of different types of vesicle fusion events with high accuracy in different cell types. By performing spatiotemporal analysis of stimulus-evoked exocytosis in insulin-secreting INS-1 cells, we statistically prove that individual vesicle fusion events are clustered at hotspots. This spatial pattern disappears upon the disruption of either the actin or the microtubule network; this disruption also severely inhibits evoked exocytosis. By demonstrating that newcomer vesicles are delivered from the cell interior to the surface membrane for exocytosis, we highlight a previously unappreciated mechanism in which the cytoskeleton-dependent transportation of secretory vesicles organizes exocytosis hotspots in endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Light is essential for embryonic development in many oviparous animals including fish, amphibians,and birds. However, light may be harmful for reptile embryos developing underground where they are in complete darkness and beneath thin eggshells.Nonetheless, how embryonic light conditions affect reptile development and offspring remains largely unknown. Here we incubated eggs in dark and light conditions to determine the effects of light exposure on embryonic development and offspring visual ability,spatial cognitive ability and growth in a lacertid lizard,Eremias argus. Our experiments demonstrated that light stimulation shortened incubation duration of eggs,but did not affect hatching success, offspring size, visual ability or survival. More interestingly, light exposure during incubation decreased spatial cognitive ability and post-hatching growth of offspring. On the basis of negative effects on offspring growth rates, our study indicates that in squamate reptiles with thin eggshells,light exposure in early development has negative effects on offspring cognitive ability.  相似文献   

In order to account for the accumulation of metabolites in plant vacuoles, the existence of a proton-pumping ATPase has been widely suggested in the literature. The demonstration of such a tonoplast-bound ATPase was merely based on the characterization of a nitrate-sensitive microsomal fraction. In some examples, this ATPase activity has been evidenced on vacuole preparations obtained under conditions which were criticized by Boller. The application of the reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography method (RP-HPLC) to the simultaneous separation of adenine nucleotides, in the presence of tonoplast vesicles isolated from Catharanthus roseus, showed results not necessarily correlated with the ATPase hypothesis. Moreover, in light of the H+-quenching of quinacrine fluorescence observed during ATP hydrolysis by vacuoles or tonoplast vesicles, the existence of a proton-pumping ATPase may be questioned.  相似文献   

BackgroundPolyploids are common in flowering plants and they tend to have more expanded ranges of distributions than their diploid progenitors. Possible mechanisms underlying polyploid success have been intensively investigated. Previous studies showed that polyploidy generates novel changes and that subgenomes in allopolyploid species often differ in gene number, gene expression levels and levels of epigenetic alteration. It is widely believed that such differences are the results of conflicts among the subgenomes. These differences have been treated by some as subgenome dominance, and it is claimed that the magnitude of subgenome dominance increases in polyploid evolution.ScopeIn addition to changes which occurred during evolution, differences between subgenomes of a polyploid species may also be affected by differences between the diploid donors and changes which occurred during polyploidization. The variable genome components in many plant species are extensive, which would result in exaggerated differences between a subgenome and its progenitor when a single genotype or a small number of genotypes are used to represent a polyploid or its donors. When artificially resynthesized polyploids are used as surrogates for newly formed genotypes which have not been exposed to evolutionary selection, differences between diploid genotypes available today and those involved in the formation of the natural polyploid genotypes must also be considered.ConclusionsContrary to the now widely held views that subgenome biases in polyploids are the results of conflicts among the subgenomes and that one of the parental subgenomes generally retains more genes which are more highly expressed, available results show that subgenome biases mainly reflect legacy from the progenitors and that they can be detected before the completion of polyploidization events. Further, there is no convincing evidence that the magnitudes of subgenome biases have significantly changed during evolution for any of the allopolyploid species assessed.  相似文献   

The establishment of the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles under Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which requires states to submit information to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS), is a complex and costly process. States have an interest in being aware of the kind of information that the Commission is expecting to receive. States also have an interest in being able to assess whether the coastal state in establishing these outer limits has acted on the basis of the recommendations of the Commission, as is required by the Convention. Both these issues have led to calls for greater “openness” with respect to the consideration of submissions by the CLCS. This article takes a close look at the proposals that have been advanced to accomplish greater openness and concludes that there is no need to change the current process, which offers sufficient opportunities to deal with the above-mentioned concerns. It is further concluded that the proposed changes in any case do not stand any chance of being adopted.  相似文献   

Refugee men face unique mental health stressors in the pre- and post-migratory periods. However, there has been little in-depth research on the mental health of refugee men in Canada. Given this situation, the overall aim of this study is to explore the psycho-social experience of Sri Lankan Tamil refugee men in Canada. Particular objectives include better understanding any inter-relationship between war-trauma, migration, concepts of masculinity and mental health. The study employed a two-phase participatory action research design based on the grounded theory approach. Phase 1 involved an 8-month ethnography conducted in Sri Lanka. Phase 2 consisted of qualitative interviews with 33 Sri Lankan Tamil refugee men living in Canada. Consistent with grounded theory, analysis was conducted inductively and iteratively. Four specific themes emerged from the data (i) gendered helplessness of war: participants commonly reported ongoing negative rumination regarding experiences where they were unable to adequately protect loved ones from physical suffering or death; (ii) reduced capacity: participants frequently felt unable to fulfill culturally sanctioned duties, such as supporting their family, due to ongoing pre- and post-migratory stress; (iii) redundancy: many participants felt that they were useless in Canada, as they could not fulfill typical masculine social roles (e.g. provider) due to factors such as unemployment and underemployment; (iv) intimate criticism: some participants reported that their spouses would often attempt to ‘shame’ them into greater achievement by constantly reminding them of their ‘failures’. Many found this distressing. These various failures culminated in a state that we label “depleted masculinity”, which participants linked to emotional and behavioural problems. Participants reported that they actively tried to rebuild their masculine identity, for example by adopting leadership roles in community organizations, which fostered resiliency. Results suggest a need to review and rebuild masculine identity to support the mental health of refugee men.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated whether a relationship exists between the levels of urate in vivo and lipid peroxidation during exercise. Seven healthy male subjects performed exhaustive cycling exercise under the following three conditions. The levels of urate, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and allantoin in plasma and urine were examined before exercise and during a 3h recovery period. (1) Benzbromarone administration experiment: benzbromarone (an uricosuric agent) was administered orally the day before exercise. (2) IMP administration experiment: inosine 5'-monophosphate disodium salt (a precursor of urate) was administered orally the day before exercise. (3) Control experiment: no test substance was administered. The main results obtained were as follows. Plasma urate levels and total peroxyl radical-trapping antioxidant parameter (TRAP) for deproteinized plasma in the resting period significantly decreased depending on the treatment, in the order of IMP> control > benzbromarone. A significant positive correlation was evident between plasma urate levels and TRAP values for deproteinized plasma. The increase in plasma levels of allantoin was observed only in the case of IMP treatment. A significant negative correlation between plasma levels of urate in the resting period and the amounts of urinary TBARS excreted during the recovery period was recognized. These results suggest that the urate level in vivo before exercise is a factor influencing lipid peroxidation during exhaustive exercise. Furthermore, these findings support the view that urate may serve as an important freeradical scavenger in vivo.  相似文献   

Studies indicated that people behave less responsibly after exposure to information containing deterministic statements as compared to free will statements or neutral statements. Thus, deterministic primes should lead to enhanced risk-taking behavior. We tested this prediction in two studies with healthy participants. In experiment 1, we tested 144 students (24 men) in the laboratory using the Iowa Gambling Task. In experiment 2, we tested 274 participants (104 men) online using the Balloon Analogue Risk Task. In the Iowa Gambling Task, the free will priming condition resulted in more risky decisions than both the deterministic and neutral priming conditions. We observed no priming effects on risk-taking behavior in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task. To explain these unpredicted findings, we consider the somatic marker hypothesis, a gain frequency approach as well as attention to gains and / or inattention to losses. In addition, we highlight the necessity to consider both pro free will and deterministic priming conditions in future studies. Importantly, our and previous results indicate that the effects of pro free will and deterministic priming do not oppose each other on a frequently assumed continuum.  相似文献   

Tardigrades have two forms of dormancy, namely cryptobiosis and encystment. The encystment is a form of diapause known for a limited number of species of tardigrades and still little studied. To increase the knowledge on encystment, two species of eutardigrades from Italy have been considered: the moss-dwelling Amphibolus volubilis (Eohypsibiidae), and the limnic Dactylobiotus parthenogeneticus (Murrayidae). Cysts have been collected in nature, or induced under laboratory conditions. In the latter case, it was possible to follow the several steps of encystment processes. Two different types of cyst (“type 1” and “type 2”) have been found in A. volubilis, while in D. parthenogeneticus only one type has been found. In general, the ovoid-shaped cysts are constituted by a series of cuticles surrounding the animals and resemble an onion or a Matrioshka Russian doll. In all three types of cyst, the encystment processes show both common and peculiar traits. Encystment begins with the discharging of the sclerified parts of the buccal-pharyngeal apparatus, as in the molting process, but without the loss of the old cuticle. Then, two or three new cuticles are serially synthesized, according to cyst type. In A. volubilis, the ultrastructure of these new cuticular involucra is similar to that of non-encysted animal cuticles, while in D. parthenogeneticus the ultrastructure of the new cuticular involucra differs from that of non-encysted animal cuticle. A modified buccal-pharyngeal apparatus has been observed both in “type 2” cyst of A. volubilis and in the D. parthenogeneticus cyst.  相似文献   

Animals, including insects, have the ability to self-select an optimal diet from a choice of two or more incomplete diets that lack an essential nutrient. This paper demonstrates that nymphs of the cockroach Rhyparobia madera also have this ability. The nymphs chose a protein:carbohydrate (P:C) ratio of approximately 25:75 when faced with a choice between one cube of protein (casein) and another of carbohydrate (sucrose). This self-selected ratio was shown to promote growth as well or better than other diets tested. When given a wide range of P:C choices, the R. madera nymphs consistently selected a P:C ratio of approximately 25:75, suggesting that they have the ability to diet-balance. Finally, injections of various serotonergic drugs into self-selecting nymphs influenced their choice of diets. Serotonin promoted a decrease in carbohydrate feeding, while injection of the antagonist -methyltryptophan caused the nymphs to overfeed on carbohydrate. The results suggest that serotonin may help alter the carbohydrate feeding response in cockroaches.  相似文献   

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