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Higher plant cells exhibit interphase microtubule arrays specific to plants, which are essential for their developmental program. These cortical microtubules (CMT) consist of a population of highly dynamic microtubules that are usually organized into bundles in the cortex of the cells. The organization of CMT is intimately linked to the acquisition of specialized functions, and subsequentchanges in their distribution affect their properties. The mechanisms underlying the formation and the distribution of CMT are still unclear, and little is known about the proteins that are involved in this phenomenon. Here we investigated the putative role of katanin, the only known plant microtubule-severing protein, in the organization of CMT. We generated transgenic Arabidopsis lines that overexpress katanin under the control of an ethanol-inducible promoter. In response to an induced overexpression of katanin, CMT organized into numerous and thick bundles, which ultimately depolymerized. From the analyses of CMT patterns together with recent data on CMT dynamics, we propose that, in interphase cells, katanin's main activity is to free CMT, generating motile microtubules that incorporate into bundles.  相似文献   

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 To understand the role of microtubules in the regulation of cell elongation, we characterized microtubule patterns in fass, a cell shape mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Examining microtubule patterns via immunocytochemistry, we found that fass cells were able to organize their microtubules into mitotic spindles and phragmoplasts. During interphase or preprophase, fass cells had cortical microtubules, verified by transmission electron microscopy, but these microtubules were not organized into the cortical array or preprophase band. Using chromatin condensation and tubulin localization on the nuclear envelope as preprophase stage markers, we found that although fass cells lacked the preprophase band and cortical array, their cell division cycle appeared normal. To pinpoint the defect in fass cells, we delineated the sequential events leading to cortical array formation in Arabidopsis cells and found that fass cells initiated and recolonized cortical microtubules in the same manner as wild-type cells, but failed to order them into the cortical array. Taken together, these results suggest fass cells are impaired in a component of the microtubule organizing center(s) required for the proper ordering of cortical microtubules at the plasma membrane. Received: 23 August 1996 / Accepted: 25 September 1996  相似文献   

The involvement of kinesin motor proteins in both cell-tip growth and cell-shape determination has been well characterized in various organisms. However, the functions of kinesins during cell morphogenesis in higher plants remain largely unknown. In the current study, we demonstrate that an armadillo repeat-containing kinesin-related protein, ARMADILLO REPEAT KINESIN1 (ARK1), is involved in root-hair morphogenesis. Microtubule polymers are more abundant in ark1 null allele root hairs, but analysis shows that these extra microtubules are concentrated in the endoplasm, and not in the cortical array, suggesting that ARK1 regulates tip growth by limiting the assembly and distribution of endoplasmic microtubules. The ARK1 gene has two homologues in the Arabidopsis genome, ARK2 and ARK3, and our results show that ARK2 is involved in root-cell morphogenesis. We further reveal that a NIMA-related protein kinase, NEK6, binds to the ARK family proteins and has pleiotropic effects on epidermal-cell morphogenesis, suggesting that NEK6 is involved in cell morphogenesis in Arabidopsis via microtubule functions associated with these armadillo repeat-containing kinesins. We discuss the function of NIMA-related protein kinases and armadillo repeat-containing kinesins in the cell morphogenesis of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Axonal transport involves kinesin motors trafficking cargo along microtubules that are rich in microtubule‐associated proteins (MAPs). Much attention has focused on the behavior of kinesin‐1 in the presence of MAPs, which has overshadowed understanding the contribution of other kinesins such as kinesin‐2 in axonal transport. We have previously shown that, unlike kinesin‐1, kinesin‐2 in vitro motility is insensitive to the neuronal MAP Tau. However, the mechanism by which kinesin‐2 efficiently navigates Tau on the microtubule surface is unknown. We hypothesized that mammalian kinesin‐2 side‐steps to adjacent protofilaments to maneuver around MAPs. To test this, we used single‐molecule imaging to track the characteristic run length and protofilament switching behavior of kinesin‐1 and kinesin‐2 motors in the absence and presence of 2 different microtubule obstacles. Under all conditions tested, kinesin‐2 switched protofilaments more frequently than kinesin‐1. Using computational modeling that recapitulates run length and switching frequencies in the presence of varying roadblock densities, we conclude that kinesin‐2 switches protofilaments to navigate around microtubule obstacles. Elucidating the kinesin‐2 mechanism of navigation on the crowded microtubule surface provides a refined view of its contribution in facilitating axonal transport.   相似文献   

NIMA-related kinase 6 (NEK6) regulates cellular expansion and morphogenesis through microtubule organizaiton in Arabidopsis thaliana. Loss-of-function mutations in NEK6 (nek6/ibo1) cause ectopic outgrowth and microtubule disorganization in epidermal cells. We recently found that NEK6 forms homodimers and heterodimers with NEK4 and NEK5 to destabilize cortical microtubules possibly by direct binding to microtubules and the β-tubulin phosphorylation. Here, we identified a new allele of NEK6 and further analyzed the morphological phenotypes of nek6/ibo1 mutants, along with alleles of nek4 and nek5 mutants. Phenotypic analysis demonstrated that NEK6 is required for the directional growth of roots and hypocotyls, petiole elongation, cell file formation, and trichome morphogenesis. In addition, nek4, nek5, and nek6/ibo1 mutants were hypersensitive to microtubule inhibitors such as propyzamide and taxol. These results suggest that plant NEKs function in directional cell growth and organ development through the regulation of microtubule organization.  相似文献   

With their ability to depolymerize microtubules (MTs), KinI kinesins are the rogue members of the kinesin family. Here we present the 1.6 A crystal structure of a KinI motor core from Plasmodium falciparum, which is sufficient for depolymerization in vitro. Unlike all published kinesin structures to date, nucleotide is not present, and there are noticeable differences in loop regions L6 and L10 (the plus-end tip), L2 and L8 and in switch II (L11 and helix4); otherwise, the pKinI structure is very similar to previous kinesin structures. KinI-conserved amino acids were mutated to alanine, and studied for their effects on depolymerization and ATP hydrolysis. Notably, mutation of three residues in L2 appears to primarily affect depolymerization, rather than general MT binding or ATP hydrolysis. The results of this study confirm the suspected importance of loop 2 for KinI function, and provide evidence that KinI is specialized to hydrolyze ATP after initiating depolymerization.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a main trigger substance for the development of septic shock and multiple organ failure. We showed by turbidity measurements that LPS inhibits microtubule formation in a pH-dependent manner. Inhibition was found to be not only due to sequestration of MAP2 by LPS, but also of MAP1 and tau MAPs, indicating that LPS is able to react with a broad variety of MAPs. LPS-induced inhibition of microtubule formation could be compensated by additional tau or by addition of taxol. Dot blots revealed that LPS binds directly to tau, but seems not to bind to tubulin. As tau is expressed in various tissue types involved in multiorgan failure, it might be regarded as a further target for LPS action. In contrast, kinesin-dependent microtubule gliding was not affected by LPS. The toxin neither blocked the cargo (vesicle) nor the microtubule binding site of kinesin, suggesting a certain specificity of LPS-MAP interaction.  相似文献   

Summary— The dynamics and organization of microtubules associated with axonemes and kinetochores in vitro were visualized using video microscopy techniques. Microtubules attached either at the ends of axonemes or to mitotic chromosomes behave accordining to dynamic instability in our conditions. Microtubules attached to kinetochores showed lower rates of elongation and shortening than those nucleated by axonemes in the same conditions. In addition, elementary bundles of microtubules appeared spontaneously in association with kinetochores, with microtubules elongating along previously attached microtubules at even lower rates. Such side interactions, either spontaneous or stabilized by factors such as MAPs, might affect microtubule dynamics directly.  相似文献   

Axonal transport of microtubules: the long and short of it   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent studies on cultured neurons have demonstrated that microtubules are transported down the axon in the form of short polymers. The transport of these microtubules is bidirectional, intermittent, asynchronous, and occurs at the fast rate of known motors. The majority of the microtubule mass in the axon exists in the form of longer immobile microtubules. We have proposed a model called 'cut and run', in which the longer microtubules are mobilized by enzymes that sever them into shorter mobile polymers. In this view, the molecular motors that transport microtubules are not selective for short microtubules but rather impinge upon microtubules irrespective of their length. In the case of the longer microtubules, these motor-driven forces do not transport the microtubules in a rapid and concerted fashion but presumably affect them nonetheless. Here, we discuss the mechanisms by which the short microtubules are transported and suggest possibilities for how analogous mechanisms may align and organize the longer microtubules and functionally integrate them with each other and with the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The dynamic responses of microtubules (MTs) to internal and external signals are modulated by a plethora of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). In higher plants, many plant-specific MAPs have emerged during evolution as advantageous to their sessile lifestyle. Some members of the IQ67 domain (IQD) protein family have been shown to be plant-specific MAPs. However, the mechanisms of interaction between IQD proteins and MTs remain elusive. Here we demonstrate that the domain of unknown function 4005 (DUF4005) of the Arabidopsis IQD family protein ABS6/AtIQD16 is a novel MT-binding domain. Cosedimentation assays showed that the DUF4005 domain binds directly to MTs in vitro. GFP-labeled DUF4005 also decorates all types of MT arrays tested in vivo. Furthermore, we showed that a conserved stretch of 15 amino acid residues within the DUF4005 domain, which shares sequence similarity with the C-terminal MT-binding domain of human MAP Kif18A, is required for the binding to MTs. Transgenic lines overexpressing the DUF4005 domain displayed a spectrum of developmental defects, including spiral growth and stunted growth at the organismal level. At the cellular level, DUF4005 overexpression caused defects in epidermal pavement cell and trichome morphogenesis, as well as abnormal anisotropic cell elongation in the hypocotyls of dark-grown seedlings. These data establish that the DUF4005 domain of ABS6/AtIQD16 is a new MT-binding domain, overexpression of which perturbs MT homeostasis in plants. Our findings provide new insights into the MT-binding mechanisms of plant IQD proteins.  相似文献   

So far, there has been a discrepancy between the velocities of kinesin-dependent microtubule motility measured in vitro and within cells. By changing ATP, Mg(2+), and kinesin concentrations, pH and ionic strength, we tried to find conditions that favour microtubule gliding across kinesin-covered glass surfaces. For porcine brain kinesin, we found that raising the molar Mg(2+)/ATP ratio can substantially elevate gliding velocity. Gliding became also faster after temperature elevation or lowering the number of kinesin molecules bound to the glass surface. The highest mean gliding velocity (1.8 microm/s+/-0.09 microm/s), approaching velocities measured for anterograde transport in vivo, was achieved by combination of favourable factors (2.5 m m ATP, 12.5 m m Mg(2+), 37 degrees C, 450 kinesin molecules/microm(2)).  相似文献   

The role of phospholipase A(2) in Arabidopsis root growth and microtubule organisation was investigated using a specific inhibitor, aristolochic acid. At 0.5-1.5 microm concentrations, this inhibitor reduced root elongation and caused radial swelling of the root tip. The normally transverse cortical microtubules in root tip cells became progressively more disorganised with increasing concentrations of the inhibitor. Microtubule disorganisation also occurred in leaf epidermal cells of Allium porrum. We propose that phospholipase A(2) is involved in microtubule organisation and anisotropic growth in a manner similar to that reported previously for phospholipase D, thus broadening the significance of phospholipid signalling in microtubule organisation in plants.  相似文献   

The acentrosomal plant mitotic spindle is uniquely structured in that it lacks opposing centrosomes at its poles and is equipped with a connective preprophase band that regulates the spatial framework for spindle orientation and mobility. These features are supported by specialized microtubule-associated proteins and motors. Here, we show that Arabidopsis thaliana MAP65-4, a non-motor microtubule associated protein (MAP) that belongs to the evolutionarily conserved MAP65 family, specifically associates with the forming mitotic spindle during prophase and with the kinetochore fibers from prometaphase to the end of anaphase. In vitro, MAP65-4 induces microtubule (MT) bundling through the formation of cross-bridges between adjacent MTs both in polar and antipolar orientations. The association of MAP65-4 with an MT bundle is concomitant with its elongation. Furthermore, MAP65-4 modulates the MT dynamic instability parameters of individual MTs within a bundle, mainly by decreasing the frequency of catastrophes and increasing the frequency of rescue events, and thereby supports the progressive lengthening of MT bundles over time. These properties are in line with its role of initiating kinetochore fibers during prospindle formation.  相似文献   

Pathogenic development of the corn smut fungus Ustilago maydis depends on the ability of the hypha to grow invasively. Extended hyphal growth and mitosis require microtubules, as revealed by recent studies on the microtubule cytoskeleton. Surprisingly, hyphal tip growth involves only two out of 10 kinesins. Kinesin-3 is responsible for tip-directed (anterograde) endosome motility of early endosomes, which are thought to support hyphal elongation by apical membrane recycling. In addition, kinesin-3, together with kinesin-1 and myosin-5, appear to deliver secretory vesicles to the hyphal tip. Kinesin-1 also affects endosome motility by targeting cytoplasmic dynein to microtubule plus ends. This plus-end localization of dynein is essential for cell body-directed (retrograde) endosome motility, but also allows force generation during spindle elongation in mitosis. Furthermore, kinesin-1 and dynein participate in the organization of the microtubule array, thereby building their own network of tracks for intracellular motility. The recent progress in understanding microtubule-based processes in U. maydis has revealed an unexpected complexity of motor functions essential for the virulence of this pathogen. Further studies on structural and regulatory requirements for motor activity should help identify novel targets for fungicide development.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(1):5-18.e8
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《Current biology : CB》2022,32(11):2416-2429.e6
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Microtubule (MT) binding accelerates the rate of ATP hydrolysis in kinesin. To understand the underlying mechanism, using charged‐to‐alanine mutational analysis, we identified two independent sites in tubulin, which are critical for kinesin motility, namely, a cluster of negatively charged residues spanning the helix 11–12 (H11–12) loop and H12 of α‐tubulin, and the negatively charged residues in H12 of β‐tubulin. Mutation in the α‐tubulin‐binding site results in a deceleration of ATP hydrolysis (kcat), whereas mutation in the β‐tubulin‐binding site lowers the affinity for MTs (K0.5MT). The residue E415 in α‐tubulin seems to be important for coupling MT binding and ATPase activation, because the mutation at this site results in a drastic reduction in the overall rate of ATP hydrolysis, largely due to a deceleration in the reaction of ADP release. Our results suggest that kinesin binding at a region containing α‐E415 could transmit a signal to the kinesin nucleotide pocket, triggering its conformational change and leading to the release of ADP.  相似文献   

The proper organization of cortical microtubule arrays is essential for anisotropic growth in plants but how distinct array patterns are formed is not understood. Here, we report a relationship between microtubule dynamics and array organization using transgenic plants expressing modified tubulins. When green fluorescent protein (GFP) or a hemaglutinin epitope tag was fused to the N-terminus of tubulins and expressed in Arabidopsis plants, these tubulins were incorporated into microtubules along with endogenous tubulins. Plants expressing the modified beta-tubulins were phenotypically normal and possessed transversely oriented cortical arrays in the epidermal cells of the root elongation zone; however, the expression of modified alpha-tubulins caused right-handed helical growth, increased trichome branching, and a shallow left-handed (S-form) helical array organization. In cells expressing the modified alpha-tubulins, microtubule dynamicity was suppressed and polymerization was promoted, and GFP-EB1 (End Binding 1) labeled larger regions of the microtubule end more frequently, when compared with control cells. We propose that the N-terminal appendage introduced into alpha-tubulin inhibits GTP hydrolysis, thus producing polymerization-prone microtubules with an extended GTP cap. Consistent with this interpretation, plants expressing an alpha-tubulin mutated in the GTPase-activating domain exhibited similar microtubule properties, with regard to dynamics and the localization of GFP-EB1, and showed right-handed helical growth.  相似文献   

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