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We have examined the effects of the CDK1 inhibitor CGP74514A on cell cycle- and apoptosis-related events in human leukemia cells. An 18-hr exposure to 5 mM CGP74514A induced mitochondrial damage (i.e., loss of Dym) and apoptosis in multiple human leukemia cell lines (e.g., U937, HL-60, KG-1, CCRF-CEM, Raji, and THP; range 30-95%). In U937 cells, CGP74514A- induced apoptosis (5 mM) became apparent within 4 hr and approached 100% by 24 hr. The pan- caspase inhibitor Boc-fmk and the caspase-8 inhibitor IETD-fmk opposed CGP74514A-induced caspase-9 activation and PARP degradation, but not cytochrome c or Smac/DIABLO release. CGP74514A-mediated apoptosis was substantially blocked by ectopic expression of full-length Bcl- 2, a loop-deleted mutant Bcl-2, and Bcl-xL. CGP74514A treatment (5 mM; 18 hr) resulted in increased p21CIP1 expression, p27KIP1 degradation, diminished E2F1 expression, and dephosphorylation of p34cdc2. It also induced early (i.e., within 2 hr) inhibition of CDK1 activity and dephosphorylation of pRb, followed by pRb degradation, but did not block pRb phosphorylation at CDK2- and CDK4- specific sites. These findings indicate that the selective CDK1 inhibitor, CGP74514A, induces complex changes in cell cycle-related proteins in human leukemia cells accompanied by extensive mitochondrial damage, caspase activation, and apoptosis.

Key Words:

Leukemia, CDK1 Inhibitor, Apoptosis, CGP74514A  相似文献   

The shoot apical meristem is the ultimate source of the cells that constitute the entire aboveground portion of the plant body. In Arabidopsis thaliana, meristem maintenance is regulated by the negative feedback loop of WUSCHEL-CLAVATA (WUS-CLV). Although CLV-like genes, such as FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER1 (FON1) and FON2, have been shown to be involved in maintenance of the reproductive meristems in rice (Oryza sativa), current understanding of meristem maintenance remains insufficient. In this article, we demonstrate that the FON2-LIKE CLE PROTEIN1 (FCP1) and FCP2 genes encoding proteins with similar CLE domains are involved in negative regulation of meristem maintenance in the vegetative phase. In addition, we found that WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX4 (WOX4) promotes the undifferentiated state of the meristem in rice and that WOX4 function is associated with cytokinin action. Consistent with similarities in the shoot apical meristem phenotypes caused by overexpression of FCP1 and downregulation of WOX4, expression of WOX4 was negatively regulated by FCP1 (FCP2). Thus, FCP1/2 and WOX4 are likely to be involved in maintenance of the vegetative meristem in rice.  相似文献   

The Ran GTPase activating protein RanGAP1 plays an essential role in nuclear transport by stimulating RanGTP hydrolysis in the cytoplasmic compartment. In mammalian cells, unmodified RanGAP1 is predominantly cytoplasmic, whereas modification by small ubiquitin-related modifier protein (SUMO) targets RanGAP1 to the cytoplasmic filaments of nuclear pore complex (NPC). Although RanGAP1 contains nine putative nuclear export signals and a nuclear localization signal, little is known if RanGAP1 shuttles between the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments and how its primary localization in the cytoplasm and at the NPC is regulated. Here we show that inhibition of CRM1-mediated nuclear export using RNAi-knockdown of CRM1 and inactivation of CRM1 by leptomycin B (LMB) results in nuclear accumulation of RanGAP1. LMB treatment induced a more robust redistribution of RanGAP1 from the cytoplasm to the nucleoplasm compared to CRM1 RNAi and also uniquely triggered a decrease or loss of RanGAP1 localization at the NPC, suggesting that LMB treatment is more effective in inhibiting CRM1-mediated nuclear export of RanGAP1. Our time-course analysis of LMB treatment reveals that the NPC-associated RanGAP1 is much more slowly redistributed to the nucleoplasm than the cytoplasmic RanGAP1. Furthermore, LMB-induced nuclear accumulation of RanGAP1 is positively correlated with an increase in levels of SUMO-modified RanGAP1, suggesting that SUMOylation of RanGAP1 may mainly take place in the nucleoplasm. Lastly, we demonstrate that the nuclear localization signal at the C-terminus of RanGAP1 is required for its nuclear accumulation in cells treated with LMB. Taken together, our results elucidate that RanGAP1 is actively transported between the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments, and that the cytoplasmic and NPC localization of RanGAP1 is dependent on CRM1-mediated nuclear export.  相似文献   

Abscission is the final event of cytokinesis that leads to the physical separation of the two daughter cells. Recent technical advances have allowed a better understanding of the cellular and molecular events leading to abscission in isolated yeast or mammalian cells. However, how abscission is regulated in different cell types or in a developing organism remains poorly understood. Here, we characterized the function of the ESCRT-III protein Shrub during cytokinesis in germ cells undergoing a series of complete and incomplete divisions. We found that Shrub is required for complete abscission, and that levels of Shrub are critical for proper timing of abscission. Loss or gain of Shrub delays abscission in germline stem cells (GSCs), and leads to the formation of stem-cysts, where daughter cells share the same cytoplasm as the mother stem cell and cannot differentiate. In addition, our results indicate a negative regulation of Shrub by the Aurora B kinase during GSC abscission. Finally, we found that Lethal giant discs (lgd), known to be required for Shrub function in the endosomal pathway, also regulates the duration of abscission in GSCs.  相似文献   

Starvation of Dictyostelium induces a developmental program in which cells form an aggregate that eventually differentiates into a multicellular structure. The aggregate formation is mediated by directional migration of individual cells that quickly transition to group migration in which cells align in a head-to-tail manner to form streams. Cyclic AMP acts as a chemoattractant and its production, secretion, and degradation are highly regulated. A key protein is the extracellular phosphodiesterase PdsA. In this study we examine the role and localization of PdsA during chemotaxis and streaming. We find that pdsA cells respond chemotactically to a narrower range of chemoattractant concentrations compared with wild-type (WT) cells. Moreover, unlike WT cells, pdsA cells do not form streams at low cell densities and form unusual thick and transient streams at high cell densities. We find that the intracellular pool of PdsA is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, which may provide a compartment for storage and secretion of PdsA. Because we find that cAMP synthesis is normal in cells lacking PdsA, we conclude that signal degradation regulates the external cAMP gradient field generation and that the group migration behavior of these cells is compromised even though their signaling machinery is intact.  相似文献   

The majority of biosynthetic secretory proteins initiate their journey through the endomembrane system from specific subdomains of the endoplasmic reticulum. At these locations, coated transport carriers are generated, with the Sar1 GTPase playing a critical role in membrane bending, recruitment of coat components, and nascent vesicle formation. How these events are appropriately coordinated remains poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that Sar1 acts as the curvature-sensing component of the COPII coat complex and highlight the ability of Sar1 to bind more avidly to membranes of high curvature. Additionally, using an atomic force microscopy-based approach, we further show that the intrinsic GTPase activity of Sar1 is necessary for remodeling lipid bilayers. Consistent with this idea, Sar1-mediated membrane remodeling is dramatically accelerated in the presence of its guanine nucleotide-activating protein (GAP), Sec23-Sec24, and blocked upon addition of guanosine-5′-[(β,γ)-imido]triphosphate, a poorly hydrolysable analog of GTP. Our results also indicate that Sar1 GTPase activity is stimulated by membranes that exhibit elevated curvature, potentially enabling Sar1 membrane scission activity to be spatially restricted to highly bent membranes that are characteristic of a bud neck. Taken together, our data support a stepwise model in which the amino-terminal amphipathic helix of GTP-bound Sar1 stably penetrates the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, promoting local membrane deformation. As membrane bending increases, Sar1 membrane binding is elevated, ultimately culminating in GTP hydrolysis, which may destabilize the bilayer sufficiently to facilitate membrane fission.  相似文献   

YB-1 is a eukaryotic protein with numerous intra- and extracellular functions based on its ability to interact with RNA, DNA, and many proteins. In spite of achievements in studying its functions, regulation of YB-1 synthesis in the cell remains poorly understood. In the current study Western and Northern blotting were used to determine the amounts of YB-1 and YB-1 mRNA in rabbit organs and several cell lines. As found, in the majority of studied eukaryotic cells a considerable proportion of YB-1 mRNA was stored in free mRNPs, i.e., was poorly translated. Also, we demonstrated that YB-1 synthesis depended on conditions that determined the rate of cell division. Specific suppression of YB-1 synthesis resulted from inhibition of the mTOR signaling pathway with inhibitor PP242, but not rapamycin. Experiments on reporter constructs showed that dependence of YB-1 mRNA translation on activity of the mTOR signaling pathway was dictated by 5′ untranslated regions of this mRNA, irrelatively of the TOP-like sequences at the beginning of 5′ UTR.  相似文献   

In suspension-cultured cells of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), the activity of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase (ACC-S) rapidly increases in response to fungal elicitors. The effect of inhibitors of protein kinases and protein phosphatases on the regulation of ACC-S was studied. K-252a, an inhibitor of protein kinases, prevented induction of the enzyme by elicitors and promoted its apparent turnover in elicitor-stimulated cells, causing a 50% loss of activity within 4 to 8 min in both the presence and absence of cycloheximide. Calyculin A, an inhibitor of protein phosphatases, caused a rapid increase of ACC-S in the absence of elicitors and an immediate acceleration of the rate of ACC-S increase in elicitor-stimulated cells. In the presence of cycloheximide there was no such increase, indicating that the effect depended on protein synthesis. Cordycepin, an inhibitor of mRNA synthesis, did not prevent the elicitor-induced increase in ACC-S activity but strongly reduced the K-252a-induced decay and the calyculin A-induced increase of its activity. In vitro, ACC-S activity was not affected by K-252a and calyculin A or by treatments with protein phosphatases. These results suggest that protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation is involved in the regulation of ACC-S, not by regulating the catalytic activity itself but by controlling the rate of turnover of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the cell surface receptor Slamf1 (CD150) is requisite for optimal NADPH-oxidase (Nox2) dependent reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by phagocytes in response to Gram- bacteria. By contrast, Slamf8 (CD353) is a negative regulator of ROS in response to Gram+ and Gram- bacteria. Employing in vivo migration after skin sensitization, induction of peritonitis, and repopulation of the small intestine demonstrates that in vivo migration of Slamf1-/- dendritic cells and macrophages is reduced, as compared to wt mice. By contrast, in vivo migration of Slamf8-/- dendritic cells, macrophages and neutrophils is accelerated. These opposing effects of Slamf1 and Slamf8 are cell-intrinsic as judged by in vitro migration in transwell chambers in response to CCL19, CCL21 or CSF-1. Importantly, inhibiting ROS production of Slamf8-/- macrophages by diphenyleneiodonium chloride blocks this in vitro migration. We conclude that Slamf1 and Slamf8 govern ROS–dependent innate immune responses of myeloid cells, thus modulating migration of these cells during inflammation in an opposing manner.  相似文献   

The vacuolar (H+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) is an important proton pump, and multiple critical cell-biological processes depend on the proton gradient provided by the pump. Yet, the mechanism underlying the control of the V-ATPase is still elusive but has been hypothesized to involve an accessory subunit of the pump. Here we studied as a candidate V-ATPase regulator the neuroendocrine V-ATPase accessory subunit Ac45. We transgenically manipulated the expression levels of the Ac45 protein specifically in Xenopus intermediate pituitary melanotrope cells and analyzed in detail the functioning of the transgenic cells. We found in the transgenic melanotrope cells the following: i) significantly increased granular acidification; ii) reduced sensitivity for a V-ATPase-specific inhibitor; iii) enhanced early processing of proopiomelanocortin (POMC) by prohormone convertase PC1; iv) reduced, neutral pH–dependent cleavage of the PC2 chaperone 7B2; v) reduced 7B2-proPC2 dissociation and consequently reduced proPC2 maturation; vi) decreased levels of mature PC2 and consequently reduced late POMC processing. Together, our results show that the V-ATPase accessory subunit Ac45 represents the first regulator of the proton pump and controls V-ATPase-mediated granular acidification that is necessary for efficient prohormone processing.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous differentiation is a key event during vascular development and hemodynamic forces play an important role. Arteriovenous gene expression is present before the onset of flow, however it remains plastic and flow can alter arteriovenous identity. Notch signaling is especially important in the genetic determination of arteriovenous identity. Nevertheless, the effect of the onset of circulation on Notch expression and signaling has not been studied. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate the interaction of Notch1 signaling and hemodynamic forces during early vascular development. We find that the onset of Notch1 expression coincides with the onset of flow, and that expression is pan-endothelial at the onset of circulation in mouse embryos and only becomes arterial-specific after remodeling has occurred. When we ablate flow in the early embryo, endothelial cells fail to express Notch1. We show that low and disturbed flow patterns upregulate Notch1 expression in endothelial cells in vitro, but that higher shear stress levels do not (≥10 dynes/cm2). Using siRNA, we knocked down Notch1 to investigate the role of Notch1 in mechanotransduction. When we applied shear stress levels similar to those found in embryonic arteries, we found an upregulation of Klf2, Dll1, Dll4, Jag1, Hey1, Nrp1 and CoupTFII but that only Dll4, Hey1, Nrp1 and EphB4 required Notch1 for flow-induced expression. Our results therefore indicate that Notch1 can modulate mechanotransduction but is not a critical mediator of the process since many genes mechanotransduce normally in the absence of Notch1, including genes involved in arteriovenous differentiation.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis, especially translation elongation, requires large amounts of energy, which is often generated by oxidative metabolism. Elongation is controlled by phosphorylation of eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2), which inhibits its activity and is catalyzed by eEF2 kinase (eEF2K), a calcium/calmodulin-dependent α-kinase. Hypoxia causes the activation of eEF2K and induces eEF2 phosphorylation independently of previously known inputs into eEF2K. Here, we show that eEF2K is subject to hydroxylation on proline-98. Proline hydroxylation is catalyzed by proline hydroxylases, oxygen-dependent enzymes which are inactivated during hypoxia. Pharmacological inhibition of proline hydroxylases also stimulates eEF2 phosphorylation. Pro98 lies in a universally conserved linker between the calmodulin-binding and catalytic domains of eEF2K. Its hydroxylation partially impairs the binding of calmodulin to eEF2K and markedly limits the calmodulin-stimulated activity of eEF2K. Neuronal cells depend on oxygen, and eEF2K helps to protect them from hypoxia. eEF2K is the first example of a protein directly involved in a major energy-consuming process to be regulated by proline hydroxylation. Since eEF2K is cytoprotective during hypoxia and other conditions of nutrient insufficiency, it may be a valuable target for therapy of poorly vascularized solid tumors.  相似文献   

The initiator protein E1 from human papillomavirus (HPV) is a helicase essential for replication of the viral genome. E1 contains three functional domains: a C-terminal enzymatic domain that has ATPase/helicase activity, a central DNA-binding domain that recognizes specific sequences in the origin of replication, and a N-terminal region necessary for viral DNA replication in vivo but dispensable in vitro. This N-terminal portion of E1 contains a conserved nuclear export signal (NES) whose function in the viral life cycle remains unclear. In this study, we provide evidence that nuclear export of HPV31 E1 is inhibited by cyclin E/A-Cdk2 phosphorylation of two serines residues, S92 and S106, located near and within the E1 NES, respectively. Using E1 mutant proteins that are confined to the nucleus, we determined that nuclear export of E1 is not essential for transient viral DNA replication but is important for the long-term maintenance of the HPV episome in undifferentiated keratinocytes. The findings that E1 nuclear export is not required for viral DNA replication but needed for genome maintenance over multiple cell divisions raised the possibility that continuous nuclear accumulation of E1 is detrimental to cellular growth. In support of this possibility, we observed that nuclear accumulation of E1 dramatically reduces cellular proliferation by delaying cell cycle progression in S phase. On the basis of these results, we propose that nuclear export of E1 is required, at least in part, to limit accumulation of this viral helicase in the nucleus in order to prevent its detrimental effect on cellular proliferation.Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are small double-stranded DNA viruses that infect keratinocytes of the differentiating epithelium of the skin or mucosa (reviewed in references 4 and 63). Of more than 150 different HPV types identified thus far, about 25 infect the anogenital region (9). The low-risk types, such as HPV11 and HPV6, are associated with the development of genital warts, while the high-risk types, such as HPV16, -18, and -31, cause high-grade lesions that can progress to invasive cervical carcinoma (17, 38, 61).The HPV life cycle is coupled with the differentiation program that keratinocytes undergo in the epithelium. After infection of the basal cell layer of the epithelium, the virus establishes and maintains its genome as an extrachromosomal element (episome) in the nucleus of infected cells. While the viral episome is maintained at low levels in basal cells, its amplification to a high copy number is trigged in the upper layers of the epithelium by the action of the viral oncogenes E6 and E7 and the differentiation of the infected keratinocytes (reviewed in reference 21). Replication of the HPV genome relies on the viral proteins E1 and E2 and the host DNA replication machinery. Viral DNA replication is initiated by the binding of E2 to specific sites on the viral origin where it facilitates the recruitment and assembly of E1 into a double hexamer that is required to unwind DNA ahead of the bidirectional replication fork (3, 14, 15, 31, 33, 36, 43-45, 52, 60). In addition to its helicase activity, E1 interacts with several cellular replication factors, including polymerase α-primase, replication protein A (RPA), and topoisomerase I, to replicate the viral episome (5, 6, 19, 32, 35, 39).E1, which belongs to helicase superfamily III (SF3) (22, 26), can be divided into three functional regions. Its C-terminal domain has ATPase and helicase activity and can self-assemble into hexamers. It is also this domain that is contacted by E2 to recruit E1 at the origin (50, 57, 58). The middle portion of E1 encompasses the origin-binding domain (OBD) that binds and dimerizes on specific sequences in the origin (55, 56). We and others previously found that a fragment of E1 containing only the C-terminal enzymatic domain and the OBD is capable of supporting viral DNA replication in vitro but is inactive in vivo (2, 51). This suggested that the N-terminal region of E1 plays an essential regulatory function in vivo. As such, it has been shown for HPV11 E1 that this region contains a cyclin E/A-Cdk2 (cyclin-dependent kinase 2) binding motif (CBM), a bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) and an CRM1-dependent nuclear export signal (NES), which together regulate the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of the protein (10, 30, 34). Specifically, it has been shown that phosphorylation of HPV11 E1 on three serine residues within its N-terminal region inhibits its nuclear export (10, 62). Interestingly, bovine papillomavirus (BPV) E1 was also shown to shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. In this case, however, Cdk2 phosphorylation was found to promote, rather than inhibit, the export of the viral helicase (24). This apparent discrepancy between HPV11 and BPV E1 prompted us to examine the regulation of a third E1 protein, specifically that of the high-risk HPV31.We report here that HPV31 E1 also shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm through its conserved NLS and NES. We determined that nuclear export of HPV31 E1 is dependent on the CRM1 export pathway and is inhibited by Cdk2 phosphorylation of serines 92 and 106. We also found that nuclear export of E1 is not required for transient viral DNA replication and thus investigated its role in viral genome maintenance and amplification in immortalized keratinocytes. In contrast to the wild type (WT), a mutant genome carrying a defective E1 NES was poorly maintained and progressively lost upon cell division, indicating that nuclear export of E1 is required for long-term maintenance of the viral episome. Because nuclear export of E1 is not required for viral DNA replication per se but needed for episomal maintenance over several cell divisions, we investigated the possibility that continuous accumulation of E1 into the nucleus is detrimental to cellular proliferation. In support of this possibility, we found that the accumulation of E1 at high levels in the nucleus impedes cellular proliferation by delaying cell cycle progression in the S phase. In addition, we found that this delay was alleviated when nuclear export of E1 was increased. Altogether, these results suggest that nuclear export of E1 is required, at least in part, to limit accumulation of this viral helicase in the nucleus in order to prevent its detrimental effect on cellular proliferation.  相似文献   

Yeast PAH1-encoded phosphatidate phosphatase is the enzyme responsible for the production of the diacylglycerol used for the synthesis of triacylglycerol that accumulates in the stationary phase of growth. Paradoxically, the growth phase-mediated inductions of PAH1 and phosphatidate phosphatase activity do not correlate with the amount of Pah1p; enzyme abundance declined in a growth phase-dependent manner. Pah1p from exponential phase cells was a relatively stable protein, and its abundance was not affected by incubation with an extract from stationary phase cells. Recombinant Pah1p was degraded upon incubation with the 100,000 × g pellet fraction of stationary phase cells, although the enzyme was stable when incubated with the same fraction of exponential phase cells. MG132, an inhibitor of proteasome function, prevented degradation of the recombinant enzyme. Endogenously expressed and plasmid-mediated overexpressed levels of Pah1p were more abundant in the stationary phase of cells treated with MG132. Pah1p was stabilized in mutants with impaired proteasome (rpn4Δ, blm10Δ, ump1Δ, and pre1 pre2) and ubiquitination (hrd1Δ, ubc4Δ, ubc7Δ, ubc8Δ, and doa4Δ) functions. The pre1 pre2 mutations that eliminate nearly all chymotrypsin-like activity of the 20 S proteasome had the greatest stabilizing effect on enzyme levels. Taken together, these results supported the conclusion that Pah1p is subject to proteasome-mediated degradation in the stationary phase. That Pah1p abundance was stabilized in pah1Δ mutant cells expressing catalytically inactive forms of Pah1p and dgk1Δ mutant cells with induced expression of DGK1-encoded diacylglycerol kinase indicated that alteration in phosphatidate and/or diacylglycerol levels might be the signal that triggers Pah1p degradation.  相似文献   

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