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王静怡  李春明  林婴伦  李大锋 《生态学报》2022,42(21):8928-8934
声景生态学是研究景观中生物与非生物声音在多种时空尺度下的声学格局与过程,揭示声音与人类以及声音与自然之间关系的学科。基于声景生态学的研究内容,从声景元素解析、生物多样性评估及人类身心健康评价应用案例中,梳理了数据分析的前沿方法。结论表明,分析技术的发展,特别是人工智能技术的进步,使声景生态学的研究呈现从人工到机器、从单一特征计算到多维特征提取、从单学科研究到多学科联合分析的技术化发展趋势,不断拓展着声景生态学的研究深度与广度。同时这些分析技术的发展也急需优化和标准化,来提高方法的通用性和研究结果间的可比性。此外,需要融合生态学、计算机科学和心理学等交叉学科的理论和方法,进一步推动声景生态学数据分析技术方法体系的完善。  相似文献   

马海港  范鹏来 《生物多样性》2023,31(1):22374-S173
被动声学监测(passive acoustic monitoring,PAM)技术指将自动录音机安装在自然环境中收集野生动物及其所在环境的声音信号的监测方法。20世纪90年代以来,PAM技术陆续被应用于翼手目和灵长目等陆生哺乳动物的监测和研究,探究了陆生哺乳动物行为学、生态学和保护生物学等方面的科学问题。然而,当前缺乏对这些研究的系统性总结和展望。本文从活动规律和时间分配、栖息地利用、物种分布、种群大小与密度、生物多样性、人为干扰的影响等领域综述了PAM技术在陆生哺乳动物中的研究进展,并列举了相关应用实例。总体上,PAM技术涉及到生物学、生态学、声学、计算机科学等多学科的交叉融合,其应用受限于声学数据的储存和管理、物种或个体自动化识别以及声学指数评估的普适性,设备价格也相对昂贵,这些可能是导致该技术在我国陆生哺乳动物监测和研究方面的应用还相对滞后于其他国家的原因。最后,本文对未来研究方向进行了展望,并建议尽快建立和完善我国陆生哺乳动物PAM网络和数据共享平台、组织开展面对面访问调查或生物多样性保护相关的知识竞赛等公民科学项目、向更多科研机构或保护区推广PAM技术的应用,使该技术成为陆生...  相似文献   

(一) 生态学的地位和作用生态学是从个体、种群、群落和生态系统等水平研究生物与环境以及生物与生物之间相互关系的科学。在为农、林、牧、渔、狩猎和医疗卫生等事业服务过程中,生态学发展了它的理论和技术。随着社会经济高速发展,全球性的人口、粮食、资源、环境等当代重大社会问题相继出现,促进了生态学的迅速发展。当前,生态学已发展成了一个多学科交叉的科学体系。现代生态学是有关人类生存的科学,它帮助人类协调经济发展和保护生态环境的相互关系,它是  相似文献   

声景生态学以景观中的声音为研究对象, 探讨其在不同时空维度上的分布和变化模式, 从而揭示自然环境、野生动物和人类活动的相互作用关系。本文通过系统检索声景生态学研究的相关文献, 回顾了该学科的研究框架和研究方法, 总结了目前常用的声学指标, 重点归纳了声景生态学的研究内容, 包括声景组成和各组分间的相互作用, 声景的时空格局, 以及声景生态学在生物多样性监测中的应用。目前, 声景监测中存在的问题主要包括监测的生态系统类型和物种类群有限、声学指标效力有待提高等。建议未来着重推进建立系统性的声景监测网络和数据管理平台, 开发和完善音频数据采集、分析方法和评估指标, 并重视声景数据的采集, 将声景视作一种资源进行研究和保护。  相似文献   

环境质量评价中的生物指示与生物监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过比较生物指示与生物监测技术和仪器分析技术的分析过程及原理,结合北京市土壤中土壤脲酶与土壤重金属含量之间的相关关系的案例,及生物指示与生物监测技术在水生生态系统及大气污染研究中的应用状况,系统阐述了生物指示与生物监测技术研究的发展历程、研究前沿及发展方向.指出定量校正及不同学科与地区的科学团队的合作是生物指示与生物监测技术研究中需要克服的关键问题,并提出生物指示与生物监测技术研究的目标是整合不同学科的研究方向,为人类健康与环境安全的保护与预测提供技术支持.  相似文献   

保护生物学概要   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
保护生物学的形成是对生物危机的反应和生物科学迅速发展的结果。它是应用科学解决由于人类活动干扰或其它因素引起的物种、群落和生态系统出现的问题的新学科。其”目的是提供保护生物多样性的原理和工具“,其基础科学和应用科学的综合性交叉学科。系统学、生态学、生物地理学和种群生态学的原理和方法是保护生物学重要的理论和实践基础。  相似文献   

生物多样性国际研究态势分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
生物多样性研究是综合性和高度交叉性的跨学科研究领域,是1997年底Science周刊上预测的1998年及近期的6个重大科学热点之一。检索1986—2008年间SCIE文献数据库中关于生物多样性的研究论文(article,proceedings paper和review),利用Thomson Data Analyzer(TDA)分析工具和Aureka分析平台进行数据挖掘。分析表明,该研究涉及多个学科领域,近年来在生态学领域的论文数量增加最多,而生物多样性保护、进化生物学、生物化学与分子生物学方面的论文增长速度较快。生物多样性研究越来越重视全球变化和人类社会对生物多样性的影响,DNA技术和基因工程等先进技术在生物多样性研究和保护中的作用也更加突出。  相似文献   

保护行为学: 正在兴起的保护生物学分支学科   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
过去的30年里, 人们利用动物行为的进化生物学方法来解决保护实践中遇到的问题, 行为学、行为生态学与保护生物学相结合, 产生了保护生物学的一个新分支学科--保护行为学。保护行为学的研究目的是: 从物种保护实践中发现环境对动物行为的影响以及行为的生态适应性, 并把动物行为学和行为生态学理论应用到物种保护实践中, 从而促进物种保护工作。目前全球有10%的物种濒临灭绝, 生物多样性保护日趋紧迫, 保护行为学的诞生为行为学和保护生物学研究带来了新的机遇, 也表明行为学家和保护生物学家正在担负起挽救濒危物种的使命。不久的将来, 保护行为学及其相关学科将更加繁荣。  相似文献   

扩散生态学及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扩散研究是生态学研究中的一个热点领域 ,而扩散生态学则是生物学领域一门新的分支学科。本文综述了扩散生态学研究的一些基本理论问题 ,包括扩散的定义、扩散生态学的研究内容及其与生物学其它分支学科的关系 ,并阐述了研究扩散的重要意义。扩散生态学的研究内容十分广泛 ,既涉及所有生物 (从微生物到脊椎动物 )的生态学 (如复合种群、群落、生态系统多样性、复杂性和稳定性 )和进化 (如种化 )等理论问题 ,又涉及物种保护、生物多样性保育、有害生物 (包括外来物种 )的控制、流行病防范、环境保护和人口管理等应用问题。因此 ,研究生物的扩散具有十分重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

李玉  王琦  李姝 《菌物学报》2021,40(2):261-269
黏菌是一类在陆地生态系统中广泛分布的真核生物,在其生活史的不同阶段,既有体现原生动物运动性的营养体,也具有高度特异化的繁殖体,其形态结构与生理特征,兼具了“菌物”与“动物”的特性,独特的进化地位以及与环境、人类健康的密切关系,使得以黏菌为模式生物的研究在生物学、遗传学、生理学、生态学、信息科学等学科均具有广泛的科学意义和重要的应用价值。自17世纪以来,黏菌研究者们从早期的经典分类学,逐步拓展到从生物学各分支学科领域系统全面地认识黏菌类群。在近几十年中,黏菌研究在系统学、生物学、生态学等方向取得了长足的进步。本文扼要介绍了黏菌学在各领域内的代表性研究进展和前沿性科学问题,同时对相关领域未来的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

The use of bioacoustics as a tool for bat research is rapidly increasing worldwide. There is substantial evidence that environmental factors such as weather conditions or habitat structure can affect echolocation call structure in bats and thus compromise proper species identification. However, intraspecific differences in echolocation due to geographical variation are poorly understood, which poses a number of issues in terms of method standardization. We examined acoustic data for Pteronotus cf. rubiginosus from the Central Amazon and the Guiana Shield. We provide the first evidence of intraspecific geographic variation in bat echolocation in the Neotropics, with calls significantly differing in almost all standard acoustic parameters for the two lineages of this clade. We complement our bioacoustic data with molecular and morphological data for both species. Considerable overlap in trait values prevents reliable discrimination between the two sympatric Pteronotus based on morphological characters. On the other hand, significant divergence in the frequency of maximum energy suggests that bioacoustics can be used to readily separate both taxa despite extensive intraspecific variability in their echolocation across the Amazon. Given the relative lack of barriers preventing contact between bat populations from the Central Amazon and French Guiana, the documented acoustic variation needs to be further studied in geographically intermediate locations to understand the potential isolation processes that could be causing the described divergence in echolocation and to determine whether this variation is either discrete or continuous.  相似文献   

随着合成生物学、基因编辑等典型两用性新兴生物技术的发展,生物安全作为一个具有显著交叉性的研究领域引起了国际各界的广泛关注。利用Web of Science数据库的论文数据,基于期刊学科类别分析了生物安全研究的学科交叉现状和时序演化,并采用富集分析方法研究了不同国家的学科交叉倾向差异。结果表明,20世纪以来,生物安全研究与其他学科的交叉融合日益广泛,动植物科学、环境和生态学、社会科学、微生物学、农业科学是其交叉融合最多的学科领域。不同国家生物安全研究的学科交融情况有所差异,欧美主要国家的学科交叉情况对我国有很好的借鉴之处。以期为生物安全特定研究领域的学科交叉研究提供一种新的方法探索,并为强化我国生物安全研究领域学科交叉和探索新的科研方向提供参考。  相似文献   

Categorizing the bioacoustic and ecoacoustic properties of animals is great interest to biologists and ecologists. Also, multidisciplinary studies in engineering have significantly contributed to the development of acoustic analysis. Observing the animals living in the ecological environment provides information in many areas such as global warming, climate changes, monitoring of endangered animals, agricultural activities. However, the classification of bioacoustics sounds by manually is very hard. Therefore, automated bioacoustics sound classification is crucial for ecological science. This work presents a new multispecies bioacoustics sound dataset and novel machine learning model to classify bird and anuran species with sounds automatically. In this model, a new nonlinear textural feature generation function is presented by using twine cipher substitution box(S-box), and this feature generation function is named twine-pat. By using twine-pat and tunable Q-factor wavelet transform, a multilevel feature generation network is presented. Iterative ReliefF(IRF) is employed to select the most effective/valuable features. Two shallow classifiers are used to calculate results. Our presented model reached 98.75% accuracy by using k-nearest neighbor(kNN) classifier. The results obviously demonstrated the success of the presented model.  相似文献   

The increasing importance of interdisciplinary science brings with it the need to consider what impact this has on the educational process. Such considerations extend even to the earliest educational years of K-12, and also exhibit a strong overlap with many issues involved in improving science education across the board. I will offer some general remarks, followed by a focus on three educational objectives of importance to interdisciplinary science as well as to improved science education as a whole. I will close with a brief discussion of the challenges involved in implementing such ideas in the educational system.  相似文献   

胡耀武 《人类学学报》2022,41(5):952-958
范式自20世纪60年代创立以来,已普遍使用于多个科学研究领域,并于七八十年代引入至考古学。目前,国内外学界对考古学的研究范式有不少讨论,但对科技考古的研究范式的认知仍属空白。本文在简要介绍科学研究范式和考古学研究范式的基础上,首次提出了科技考古研究的3种范式,即科技范式、考古范式、科技考古融合范式,详细阐述了3种研究范式的理论、方法、实践等。此外,本文还指出:科技范式是推动科技考古研究发展的“发动机”,考古范式是掌控科技考古研究方向的“方向盘”,而科技考古融合范式则是协调科技考古各研究领域的“中控台”,真正让科技与考古融为一体。最后,笔者还对在科技考古研究范式下如何构建研究人员的知识体系提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

Philosophical theories about reduction and integration in science are at variance with what is happenign in science. A realistic approach to science show that possibilities for reduction and integration are limited. The classical ideal of a unified science has since long been rejected in philosophy. But the current emphasis on interdisciplinary integration in philosophy and in science shows that it survives in a different guise. It is necessary to redress the balance, specifically in biology. Methodological analysis shows that many of the grand interdisciplinary theories involving biology actually represent pseudo-integration covered up by inappropriate, overgeneral concepts. Integrationism is not bad, but it must be kept within reasonable bounds. If the present analysis is appropriate, there will have to be fundamental changes in research strategy both in science and in the philosophy of science.  相似文献   


The Red Palm Weevil (RPW) is the most destructive pest of the date palm in the world and a serious pest of coconuts. The insect has caused up to 20% loss of these plantations in Asia and the Middle East. The economic damage to palm crops due to RPW could be mitigated significantly by bioacoustics recognition in an earlier phase of infestation and by applying the appropriate treatment. This study is conducted under the hypothesis that distinctive spectral and temporal features in RPW larval sounds can be combined to construct improved indicators for automated detection of infestations. In this paper, a signal processing system is developed with available acoustic technology to detect the existence of RPW in a tree through its feeding sounds. A large set of features are extracted, including unconventional features such as temporal roll-off, temporal slope and temporal spread. Additionally, an analysis is provided of the criteria for the choice of the optimum frame length, as well as the selection of the suitable window function. The results confirm the efficiency of the developed system with the selected representative features, window functions and frame length to detect the existence of the RPW.  相似文献   

动物食性分析是动物营养生态学的重要研究手段,可用于解析动物与环境因素的关联性、捕食者与猎物之间的关系,以及动物物种多样性等科学问题。近年来,基于新一代测序技术的DNA宏条形码技术被广泛应用到生态学多个研究领域,极大地促进了生命科学交叉学科的发展。其中,DNA宏条形码技术在动物食性分析中具有高分辨、高效率、低样本量等优势,具有重要的应用前景。综述了基于DNA宏条形码技术的动物食性分析在生态学中的应用研究进展,并进一步总结了DNA宏条形码技术原理和食性分析方法,着重探讨了基于DNA宏条形码技术的动物食性分析在珍稀濒危动物保护、生物多样性监测、农业害虫防治等生态学研究领域中的应用,并对DNA宏条形码技术在动物食性分析中存在的问题及应用前景进行小结与展望。  相似文献   

材料是一切经济活动的基础,每一次社会变革都伴随着材料的更新迭代。化工材料多以石油为原料制得,但是这种工艺路线碳排放量大。合成生物学的发展得益于学科交叉和技术创新,是新一轮的材料革命推动者,用生物合成的方式,改变传统的石油化工生产工艺,为材料科学的发展注入了新的动力。围绕合成生物学在化工新材料中的应用,重点介绍了合成生物学在高分子材料领域的发展和产业化情况,以期探究未来新材料在碳中和背景下的发展路径。  相似文献   

Song dialects, as a special case of geographical variation in vocalization, are useful tools in the study of a number of topics ranging from cultural evolution to the emergence of reproductive barriers, and thus continue to be the focus of many bird‐song studies. The Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella is a common Palaearctic bird with a long breeding season and song period, whose distinctive song exhibits clearly distinguishable dialects differing in the composition of the final phrase. The species is therefore particularly suitable for large‐scale studies of dialect distribution involving not only experts but also members of the public. Here we demonstrate that citizen science can indeed allow mapping of songbird dialect distribution on a national scale in unprecedented detail. During the project Dialects of Czech Yellowhammers, which collected almost 4000 recordings over 6 years (2011–2016), we obtained information on dialect distribution for almost 90% of the territory of Czechia. We detected most of the common dialect types known elsewhere in Europe, and these were distributed in a fragmented fashion, with several unusual and rare dialects also detected in small areas. However, the highly scattered distribution of birds using some final phrases traditionally assigned to distinct dialects suggests that classification of Yellowhammer dialects warrants a thorough re‐assessment based on quantitative data. Successful involvement of the public in this and other ongoing citizen science projects has contributed to the establishment of the Yellowhammer as a model species for dialect research. The dataset will serve as a foundation for future studies investigating processes responsible for the origin and maintenance of avian dialects, and may be particularly useful for evaluating their spatial and temporal stability.  相似文献   

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