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Nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase has a central role in the synthesis of (deoxy-)trinucleotides. In addition, mutations in the gene encoding NDP kinase have been shown to have important consequences for Drosophila development and mammalian tumorogenesis. We have overexpressed, in Dictyostelium discoideum, a genomic clone encoding the enzyme NDP kinase. The concomitant increase in the levels of RNA and enzyme activity identifies a 5′ non-coding genomic region of 0.9 kb as being the complete promoter region. Overexpression of wild-type NDP kinase has no effect on development. This is also true for an inactive mutant H122C that does not have a dominant inhibitor effect. Overexpression of the P105G mutant NDP kinase, which is known to be affected in its stability in vitro, only leads to a small increase in total NDP-kinase activity. Thermal and chemical denaturation experiments demonstrate the formation of hexameric hybrids between wild-type and mutant monomers.  相似文献   

53BP1 is a conserved nuclear protein that is implicated in the DNA damage response. After irradiation, 53BP1 localizes rapidly to nuclear foci, which represent sites of DNA double strand breaks, but its precise function is unclear. Using small interference RNA (siRNA), we demonstrate that 53BP1 functions as a DNA damage checkpoint protein. 53BP1 is required for at least a subset of ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM)-dependent phosphorylation events at sites of DNA breaks and for cell cycle arrest at the G2-M interphase after exposure to irradiation. Interestingly, in cancer cell lines expressing mutant p53, 53BP1 was localized to distinct nuclear foci and ATM-dependent phosphorylation of Chk2 at Thr 68 was detected, even in the absence of irradiation. In addition, Chk2 was phosphorylated at Thr 68 in more than 50% of surgically resected lung and breast tumour specimens from otherwise untreated patients [corrected]. We conclude that the constitutive activation of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway may be linked to the high frequency of p53 mutations in human cancer, as p53 is a downstream target of Chk2 and ATM.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium p21-activated kinase B (PakB) phosphorylates and activates class I myosins. PakB colocalizes with myosin I to actin-rich regions of the cell, including macropinocytic and phagocytic cups and the leading edge of migrating cells. Here we show that residues 1–180 mediate the cellular localization of PakB. Yeast two-hybrid and pull-down experiments identify two proline-rich motifs in PakB-1-180 that directly interact with the SH3 domain of Dictyostelium actin-binding protein 1 (dAbp1). dAbp1 colocalizes with PakB to actin-rich regions in the cell. The loss of dAbp1 does not affect the cellular distribution of PakB, whereas the loss of PakB causes dAbp1 to adopt a diffuse cytosolic distribution. Cosedimentation studies show that the N-terminal region of PakB (residues 1–70) binds directly to actin filaments, whereas dAbp1 exhibits only a low affinity for filamentous actin. PakB-1-180 significantly enhances the binding of dAbp1 to actin filaments. When overexpressed in PakB-null cells, dAbp1 completely blocks early development at the aggregation stage, prevents cell polarization, and significantly reduces chemotaxis rates. The inhibitory effects are abrogated by the introduction of a function-blocking mutation into the dAbp1 SH3 domain. We conclude that PakB plays a critical role in regulating the cellular functions of dAbp1, which are mediated largely by its SH3 domain.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells contain several calcium-independent phospholipase A2 (PLA2) enzymes. The best studied of them is the so-called Group VIA PLA2 (iPLA2-VIA), which is an 85-88 kDa enzyme with unique structural features among the PLA2 superfamily of enzymes, and has been found to play a key role in homeostatic membrane phospholipid metabolism in various cell types. Growing evidence suggests that, in addition to its homeostatic function, iPLA2-VIA may also play distinct roles in cellular signaling. This review focuses on the biochemical mechanisms that regulate the activity of iPLA2-VIA in activated cells, and the biological functions proposed for this enzyme during stimulus-response coupling.  相似文献   

Phytophthora is the most devastating pathogen of dicot plants. There is a need for resistance sources with different modes of action to counteract the fast evolution of this pathogen. In order to better understand mechanisms of defense against P. infestans, we analyzed several clones of potato. Two of the genotypes tested, Sarpo Mira and SW93-1015, exhibited strong resistance against P. infestans in field trials, whole plant assays and detached leaf assays. The resistant genotypes developed different sizes of hypersensitive response (HR)-related lesions. HR lesions in SW93-1015 were restricted to very small areas, whereas those in Sarpo Mira were similar to those in Solanum demissum, the main source of classical resistance genes. SW93-1015 can be characterized as a cpr (constitutive expressor of PR genes) genotype without spontaneous microscopic or macroscopic HR lesions. This is indicated by constitutive hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production and PR1 (pathogenesis-related protein 1) secretion. SW93-1015 is one of the first plants identified as having classical protein-based induced defense expressed constitutively without any obvious metabolic costs or spontaneous cell death lesions.  相似文献   

Chemotactic responses of Dictyostelium discoideum cells to periodic self-generated signals of extracellular cAMP comprise a large number of intricate morphological changes on different length scales. Here, we scrutinized chemotaxis of single Dictyostelium discoideum cells under conditions of starvation using a variety of optical, electrical and acoustic methods. Amebas were seeded on gold electrodes displaying impedance oscillations that were simultaneously analyzed by optical video microscopy to relate synchronous changes in cell density, morphology, and distance from the surface to the transient impedance signal. We found that starved amebas periodically reduce their overall distance from the surface producing a larger impedance and higher total fluorescence intensity in total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Therefore, we propose that the dominant sources of the observed impedance oscillations observed on electric cell-substrate impedance sensing electrodes are periodic changes of the overall cell-substrate distance of a cell. These synchronous changes of the cell-electrode distance were also observed in the oscillating signal of acoustic resonators covered with amebas. We also found that periodic cell-cell aggregation into transient clusters correlates with changes in the cell-substrate distance and might also contribute to the impedance signal. It turned out that cell-cell contacts as well as cell-substrate contacts form synchronously during chemotaxis of Dictyostelium discoideum cells.  相似文献   

Cellular functions of ascorbic acid   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
It has long been suspected that ascorbic acid is involved in many cellular reactions. This is evident from the multitude of seemingly unrelated symptoms seen in scurvy. However, until recently, our understanding of its involvement was confined to its role in the synthesis of collagen. Studies in the past few years have unveiled mechanisms of its actions in collagen formation and many other enzymatic reactions. In addition, numerous physiological responses are reportedly affected by ascorbic acid. From the well-characterized enzymatic reactions involving ascorbic acid, it has become clear that in animal cells the ascorbate does not seem to be directly involved in catalytic cycles. Rather its major function seems to keep prosthetic metal ions in their reduced form. The role of ascorbate as a reductant in these enzymatic reactions complements its other antioxidant functions which have been recently appreciated, including that as a scavenger of free radicals. Therefore, it seems that the major function of ascorbate is to protect tissues from harmful oxidative products and to keep certain enzymes in their required reduced forms. However, it remains unclear how the deficiency of ascorbate leads to the pathological symptoms found in scurvy.  相似文献   

Cellular functions of metallo-endoproteinases.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The Ras signaling pathway is thought to control the expression of a subset of yet to be defined genes that are crucial for cell growth and differentiation. Here we have identified by differential display a novel oncogenic Ras target, mob-5, encoding a 23-kDa cytokine-like secreted protein. Mob-5 expression could be induced by oncogenic Ha-ras and Ki-ras, but not by normal ras activation. Inhibitors of both Ha-Ras and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase completely abolished the mob-5 expression in ras transformed cells, with concomitant loss of the transformation phenotype. Using an alkaline phosphatase-tagged Mob-5 as ligand, a putative Mob-5 receptor was identified on the cell surface of oncogenic ras transformed cells. Thus, the Mob-5/Mob-5 receptor may represent a novel putative autocrine loop coordinately activated by ras oncogenes.  相似文献   

R-spondins (RSPOs) are a family of cysteine-rich secreted proteins containing a single thrombospondin type I repeat (TSR) domain. A vast amount of information regarding cellular signaling and biological functions of RSPOs has emerged over the last several years, especially with respect to their roles in the activation of the WNT signaling pathway. The identification of several classes of RSPO receptors may indicate that this family of proteins can affect several signaling cascades. Herein, we summarize the current understanding of RSPO signaling and its biological functions, and discuss its potential therapeutic implications to human diseases.  相似文献   

Length distribution of F-actin in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Inhibition of deoxyribonuclease I activity was used to assay the actin monomers and the pointed ends of actin filaments in lysates of Dictyostelium discoideum. The KD for the binding reaction was 0.2-0.3 nM. Total cellular actin was 93 microM in monomers (approximately 0.1 fmol/cell) of which roughly half was initially polymeric. Essentially all of the filamentous actin (F-actin) was readily pelleted in the microcentrifuge and was therefore presumed to be in the cytoskeleton. Free F-actin barbed ends, measured as pelletable [3H]cytochalasin B, numbered 1.8 x 10(5)/cell; nuclei for the polymerization of rabbit muscle globular (monomeric) actin numbered 2.0 x 10(5)/cell; and pointed ends, determined by their inhibition of deoxyribonuclease I, numbered 3.6 x 10(5)/cell. These values suggest that half the barbed ends might be occluded. On average, the filaments contained approximately 76 subunits and were therefore about 0.2 micron long. The distribution of their lengths was estimated from the time course of depolymerization following vast dilution. Three populations were defined. In one experiment, the smallest population contained 71% of the F-actin mass and 96% of the pointed ends; these filaments averaged 80 subunits or 0.22 microns in length. An intermediate population contained 14% of the F-actin mass and 3% of the filaments; these were roughly 460 subunits (1.3 microns) long. The largest population contained 15% of the F-actin mass in about 0.3% of the filaments; these were 13 microns in length, about the diameter of the cell. The numerous short filaments might populate a cortical mesh, while the long filaments might constitute endoplasmic bundles.  相似文献   

To determine the specific contribution of cytoskeletal proteins to cellular viscoelasticity we performed rheological experiments with Dictyostelium discoideum wild-type cells (AX2) and mutant cells altered by homologous recombination to lack alpha-actinin (AHR), the ABP120 gelation factor (GHR), or both of these F-actin cross-linking proteins (AGHR). Oscillatory and steady flow measurements of Dictyostelium wild-type cells in a torsion pendulum showed that there is a large elastic component to the viscoelasticity of the cell pellet. Quantitative rheological measurements were performed with an electronic plate-and-cone rheometer, which allowed determination of G', the storage shear modulus, and G", the viscous loss modulus, as a function of time, frequency, and strain, respectively. Whole cell viscoelasticity depends strongly on all three parameters, and comparison of wild-type and mutant strains under identical conditions generally produced significant differences. Especially stress relaxation experiments consistently revealed a clear difference between cells that lacked alpha-actinin as compared with wild-type cells or transformants without ABP120 gelation factor, indicating that alpha-actinin plays an important role in cell elasticity. Direct observation of cells undergoing shear deformation was done by incorporating a small number of AX2 cells expressing the green fluorescent protein of Aequorea victoria and visualizing the strained cell pellet by fluorescence and phase contrast microscopy. These observations confirmed that the shear strain imposed by the rheometer does not injure the cells and that the viscoelastic response of the cell pellet is due to deformation of individual cells.  相似文献   

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