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Foraging costs of vigilance in large mammalian herbivores   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Vigilance has been assumed to reduce food intake by taking away time from food processing. Such foraging costs of vigilance have been predicted to have profound effects on the structure of communities. Recently, however, it has been argued that mammalian herbivores might be capable of maintaining their rate of food intake despite being vigilant, because of their ability to scan the environment while chewing vegetation. We conducted behavioral observations to evaluate whether vigilance decreases the bite rate of free-ranging female bison ( Bison bison ) in Prince Albert National Park and elk ( Cervus canadensis ) in Yellowstone National Park. Modeling of foraging processes indicated that chewing time exceeded the time that bison and elk spent searching for food, interacting with conspecifics, and scanning. Consequently, bison and elk might have been capable of maintaining their rate of food intake despite vigilance. The maintenance of intake rate would have required bison and elk to match scanning events closely with chewing bouts, but we did not detect a positive correlation between the duration of scanning bouts and the number of consecutive bites taken just before vigilance events. As a result, vigilance was costly, and as it increased, bite rate declined for both herbivore species. Scanning still overlapped partially with food handling. Indeed, we estimated that 31% of feeding time being vigilant decreased bite rate by 20% for bison and 26% for elk, whereas total absence of overlap between chewing and scanning should have reduced bite rate by 31%. While we observed that vigilance induced foraging costs, these costs were less important than traditionally assumed.  相似文献   

Effects of herbivores on grassland plant diversity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of herbivores in controlling plant species richness is a critical issue in the conservation and management of grassland biodiversity. Numerous field experiments in grassland plant communities show that herbivores often, but not always, increase plant diversity. Recent work suggests that the mechanisms of these effects involve alteration of local colonization of species from regional species pools or local extinction of species, and recent syntheses and models suggest that herbivore effects on plant diversity should vary across environmental gradients of soil fertility and precipitation.  相似文献   

植物次生代谢物对植食性哺乳动物的营养和生理生态效应是动植物相互关系研究中的一个重要方面。本文简要介绍了植食性哺乳动物处理植物次生代谢物的一般途径,着重阐述了植物次生代谢物对植食性哺乳动物的营养和生理特征的限制方式,并对决定植食性哺乳动物处理植物次生代谢物能力差异性的相关因素进行了探讨。最后,结合国际上的研究趋势,论述了国内开展此类研究的方向和重点。  相似文献   

Both arthropods and large grazing herbivores are important components and drivers of biodiversity in grassland ecosystems, but a synthesis of how arthropod diversity is affected by large herbivores has been largely missing. To fill this gap, we conducted a literature search, which yielded 141 studies on this topic of which 24 simultaneously investigated plant and arthropod diversity. Using the data from these 24 studies, we compared the responses of plant and arthropod diversity to an increase in grazing intensity. This quantitative assessment showed no overall significant effect of increasing grazing intensity on plant diversity, while arthropod diversity was generally negatively affected. To understand these negative effects, we explored the mechanisms by which large herbivores affect arthropod communities: direct effects, changes in vegetation structure, changes in plant community composition, changes in soil conditions, and cascading effects within the arthropod interaction web. We identify three main factors determining the effects of large herbivores on arthropod diversity: (i) unintentional predation and increased disturbance, (ii) decreases in total resource abundance for arthropods (biomass) and (iii) changes in plant diversity, vegetation structure and abiotic conditions. In general, heterogeneity in vegetation structure and abiotic conditions increases at intermediate grazing intensity, but declines at both low and high grazing intensity. We conclude that large herbivores can only increase arthropod diversity if they cause an increase in (a)biotic heterogeneity, and then only if this increase is large enough to compensate for the loss of total resource abundance and the increased mortality rate. This is expected to occur only at low herbivore densities or with spatio‐temporal variation in herbivore densities. As we demonstrate that arthropod diversity is often more negatively affected by grazing than plant diversity, we strongly recommend considering the specific requirements of arthropods when applying grazing management and to include arthropods in monitoring schemes. Conservation strategies aiming at maximizing heterogeneity, including regulation of herbivore densities (through human interventions or top‐down control), maintenance of different types of management in close proximity and rotational grazing regimes, are the most promising options to conserve arthropod diversity.  相似文献   

The foraging ecology of mammalian herbivores is strongly shaped by plant secondary compounds (PSCs) that defend plants against herbivory. Conventional wisdom holds that gut microbes facilitate the ingestion of toxic plants; however, this notion lacks empirical evidence. We investigated the gut microbiota of desert woodrats (Neotoma lepida), some populations of which specialise on highly toxic creosote bush (Larrea tridentata). Here, we demonstrate that gut microbes are crucial in allowing herbivores to consume toxic plants. Creosote toxins altered the population structure of the gut microbiome to facilitate an increase in abundance of genes that metabolise toxic compounds. In addition, woodrats were unable to consume creosote toxins after the microbiota was disrupted with antibiotics. Last, ingestion of toxins by naïve hosts was increased through microbial transplants from experienced donors. These results demonstrate that microbes can enhance the ability of hosts to consume PSCs and therefore expand the dietary niche breadth of mammalian herbivores.  相似文献   

Both theoretical arguments and empirical evidence suggests that herbivory in general and mammalian winter herbivory in particular is important in arctic–alpine ecosystems. Although knowledge of the effect of herbivores on specific plants and communities is quite extensive, little is known about the relative impact of large and small vertebrate herbivores and how it might vary among different habitats. To address this key issue, we established exclosures with two different mesh sizes in forest and nearby tundra at three different sites in four contrasting locations in the forest–tundra ecotone in northernmost Sweden and Norway. Plant community composition was recorded annually in three permanent plots within each exclosure and an unfenced control. Local densities of vertebrate herbivores were estimated in spring and autumn from 1998 to 2002. Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) were the most abundant large vertebrate while Norwegian lemmings (Lemmus lemmus) and grey‐sided voles (Clethrionomys rufocanus) were the most common small vertebrates. The study reveals that voles and lemmings have larger effects on the vegetation than reindeer in both habitats in all four locations, even though densities of reindeer differ between locations and only two locations experienced lemming peaks during the period of the experiment. The relative abundance of five of the fifteen most common species was significantly influenced by voles and lemmings whereas only a single species was significantly influenced by reindeer. Different analyses give contrasting results on the importance of herbivory in forest versus open heathlands. A principal component analyses revealed that herbivory influenced the vegetation more in open heathlands than in forests. However, an importance index of herbivores did not differ between forest and open heathlands. Moreover, none of the plant species responded differently in the two habitats, when herbivores were removed. Our results suggest that intense and localised selective foraging by small mammals may have a more marked effect on vegetation than transient feeding by reindeer.  相似文献   

The skin is a complex organ with many functions. Skin thickness is unevenly distributed over the body of all mammals. Distributions of skin thickness in several metatherian and eutherian herbivores were measured and are illustrated; distributions reported in other studies are discussed. While the distribution of the thinnest areas of skin is much the same in all species, areas of pronounced thickening differed, in their location, between species. They also tended to characterize adult males (rather than females or juveniles). Previously advanced explanations for these distributions are reviewed. The most universally plausible hypothesis is that they act as shields against blows received in intraspecific aggression. The species-specific patterns of distribution of skin-thickening are compared with species' weaponry and fighting style. The repeated matching of distributions of probable blows and thickened skin in metatheria and eutheria, and in species that strike with feet, teeth or cranial weapons (each type of weapon and fighting style having evolved several times amongst the reviewed species), supports the hypothesis strongly.  相似文献   

Study sites from various tree savannas and miombo woodland with adjacentareas with different herbivore species (game and cattle) and stocking rates wereselected from around Zimbabwe. Using the fence-lines separating the adjacentareas, 60 m2 plots were placed on both sides of thefence at 18 randomly chosen positions. The identity and number of plants of eachwoody species were recorded in paired 60 m2 plots. Therewere no significant differences in the woody species richness between pairedplots for any of the fence-line contrasts. For only two of the fence-linecontrasts were there significant differences (P < 0.05)in the relative abundance of woody species. For the first fence-line contrast,the stocking rates were the same, but the herbivore species present weredifferent, while for the second fence-line contrast, the numbers of herbivorespecies present were the same, but the stocking rates differed. Even thoughthere were no differences in the numbers of woody plant species present, therewere differences in the woody plant species and the numbers of plants of eachspecies: the second most common species was different for three fence-linecontrasts and the third most common species was different for four fence-linecontrasts.  相似文献   

The introduction of alien ungulates is a major threat for the survival of endangered plants, especially in island ecosystems. However, very few studies have investigated the potential damage of large herbivores on plant diversity in Mediterranean protected areas. In this study, we describe the population structure and the long-term dynamics of the main populations of the Sardinian narrow endemic Centaurea horrida Bad. (Asteraceae), by means of permanent plots where individual plants were tagged and monitored through 6?years (2004?C2009). We monitored this endangered plant at three sites: two were protected areas where introduced and feral ungulates are present, and the other one was a non-protected site without introduced ungulates. We found that adults and saplings were more abundant at the non-protected site. Through matrix models, we also highlighted that the non-protected population showed the highest population growth rate. Finally, by means of an exclusion experiment for ungulates at one protected site, we demonstrated that herbivores had a negative effect on the survival of seedlings and adult plants, and reduced the stochastic population growth rate. An LTRE analysis showed that differences in the survival, especially of adult individuals, had the highest responsibility in explaining the higher population growth rate when herbivores are excluded. Our study constitutes a clear example on how the protection of alien large herbivores can have opposite effects on the conservation of an endangered plant. Some management options are proposed, and the urgent need of manipulative experiments on species-specific interactions between protected plants and alien herbivore species is invoked.  相似文献   

Abstract Tritrophic interaction in soybean system has received increasing attention recently. However, few studies have investigated the influence of plant trichomes on the population dynamics of soybean herbivores and their natural enemies. We conducted a field survey to investigate whether soybean trichomes affected the abundance of herbivores and their predators. The results of this study show that moderately or densely pubescent trichomes have positive influences on the abundance of some herbivores (e.g., Stollia guttiger) and predators (e.g., Propylaea japonica and Orius similes) although the influence may change over time, while trichome types do not affect the density of soybean aphid, Aphis glycines.  相似文献   

Many herbaceous and graminoid plants from open communities are characterized by their relatively small size and by seeds that appear to lack any clear traits for dispersal. Such syndrome is likely the result of several selective pressures and their tradeoffs acting together. Drawing on the putative relationship of these plants with large mammals that graze on them, with respect to defoliation and the dispersal of seeds (endozoochory), we included plant stature as a trait in a simulation model to elaborate on these animals’ relative contribution in plant evolution. Different configurations of the landscape were used as a template, as these are known to affect the response of plants through additional costs levied in dispersal. As such, two herbivore parameters (the intensity of grazing and the efficacy of endozoochorous dispersal) were tested along with two parameters of the landscape (the proportion and connectivity of suitable habitat). Plants were allowed to evolve freely under these conditions, assuming that taller plants 1) produce more seeds and 2) have a more distant seed rain in wind dispersal, but 3) are also more likely to suffer failed reproduction because of herbivory. Our model confirmed the effects of landscape on the resulting dispersal capacity of plants, although these effects were readily overruled by the actions of grazers. We found the evolution of plant size to primarily result from the effects of defoliation, but also (though to a lesser degree) from endozoochory. This provides support for the adaptive value of unassisted dispersal syndromes in plants. Endozoochory also succeeded in maintaining increased population densities. However, these effects only hold when grazers sustain a considerable transfer of seeds towards suitable plant habitat.  相似文献   

朱慧  王德利  任炳忠 《生态学报》2017,37(21):7368-7374
在草地生态系统中,大型草食动物放牧是重要的管理方式之一,对草地生物多样性起着关键的驱动作用。昆虫是草地生态系统中生物多样性的重要组成成分,对生态系统的食物网结构以及其功能与稳定性起着关键作用。已有研究结果表明,大型草食动物与昆虫存在密切联系,放牧对草地昆虫多样性或有正向、或负向、或无明显作用,这依赖于放牧管理方式、昆虫类群以及草地类型。放牧必然通过直接(采食、践踏或粪尿)或间接(植物群落组成或植被结构)作用对昆虫多样性产生显著的影响。当前,关于大型草食动物放牧对草地昆虫多样性影响研究较多,但是,从研究系统性、深入性和延续性来说还存在一定问题。本文在综述国内外对放牧对草地昆虫多样性的影响研究基础上,提出了今后的研究方向,对于理解放牧管理的草地昆虫多样性变化规律,以及为积极探索维持草地昆虫多样性的长期有效的科学管理措施提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Smit  R.  Bokdam  J.  den Ouden  J.  Olff  H.  Schot-Opschoor  H.  Schrijvers  M. 《Plant Ecology》2001,155(1):119-127
In this study we analysed the effects of large herbivores on smallrodent communities in different habitats using large herbivore exclosures. Westudied the effects of three year grazing introduction by red deer(Cervus elaphus L.) in previously ungrazed pine and oakwoodland and the exclusion of grazing by red deer, roe deer(Capreoluscapreolus L.) and mouflon (Ovis ammon musiminL.) in formerly, heavily grazed pine woodland and heathland. At eight exclosuresites within each habitat type, small rodents were captured with live trapsusing trapping grids. At each trapping grid, seed plots of beechnuts(Fagus sylvatica L.) and acorns (Quercusrobur L.) were placed to measure seed predation by rodents.Exclusion of grazing by large herbivores in formerly, heavily grazedhabitats had a significant effect on small rodent communities. Insideexclosureshigher densities of mainly wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticusL.) and field voles (Microtus agrestis L.) were captured.Introduction of grazing by red deer appeared to have no significant negativeeffects on small rodent communities. The seed predation intensity of beechnutsand acorns by small rodents was significantly higher in ungrazed situations,particularly in habitats that were excluded from grazing. The differencesbetween grazing introduction and exclusion effects on small rodent communitiescan be explained by differences in vegetation structure development. Therecovery of heavily browsed understory vegetation after large herbivore grazingexclusion proceeded faster than the understory degradation due to grazingintroduction. Small rodents depend on structural rich vegetations mainly forshelter. We conclude that large herbivores can have significant effects onvegetation dynamics not only via direct plant consumption but also throughindirect effects by reducing the habitat quality of small rodent habitats.  相似文献   

Most ecologists acknowledge that plants are subject to complex interactions between both below- and aboveground dwelling animals. However, these complex interactions are seldomly investigated simultaneously. In a factorial common garden experiment we tested single and combined effects of decomposers, root herbivores and leaf herbivores on the growth, flower visitation, and abundance of naturally colonizing aphids and parasitoids on wild mustard ( Sinapis arvensis ). We found that the individual presence of either root herbivores or decomposers resulted in increased aphid abundance, demonstrating that the same aboveground plant–insect interaction can be released by different belowground processes. Enhanced aphid densities caused higher numbers of parasitoids. Furthermore, decomposers increased plant growth and plant fitness (measured as the number of seeds produced), indicating that mustard may benefit from nutrients provided by decomposers, regardless whether plants are attacked by root herbivores or leaf herbivores, or both simultaneously. More flower visits were observed in plants attacked by root herbivores but without leaf herbivores than in plants with both herbivores, suggesting that root herbivory can modify flower attractivity to pollinators. Our results suggest that patterns in plant–insect interactions above the ground are not only affected by aboveground factors but also by a wealth of different belowground processes mediated by the plant.  相似文献   


Naturalistic grazing by large herbivores is an increasingly practiced way of managing habitats with conservational value. It has the potential to restore and enhance biodiversity, creating self-sustainable environments vital for organisms requiring regular disturbances to moderate and/or reverse successional changes. European bison, Exmoor pony, and Tauros cattle were introduced in 2015 to a former military training area in Milovice, Czech Republic. The prevailing vegetation type is a forest-steppe savanna with Bromus erectus-dominated xeric grasslands mixed with deciduous shrubs and trees. After the cessation of military use, the area was abandoned which led to successional changes, including the dominance of tall grasses, litter accumulation, and bush encroachment. In 2017–2021, we monitored grassland vegetation in 30 grazed permanent plots (2?×?2 m) and 5 control plots representative of ungrazed, abandoned vegetation adjacent to the grazed areas. Naturalistic grazing increased species richness and the cover of forbs, while the cover of grasses and legumes was minimally affected. Grazing increased functional diversity of plant community, promoted a compositional change to small statured species and an increased incidence of red-list species. Seven years of continuous grazing increased the conservation value of this forest-steppe vegetation, a habitat type rapidly declining in Europe.


Although the relevance of particle size reduction in herbivore digestion is widely appreciated, few studies have investigated digesta particle size across species in relation to body mass or digestive strategy. We investigated faecal particle size, which reflects the size of ingesta particles after both mastication and specialized processes such as rumination. Particle size was measured by wet sieving samples from more than 700 captive individuals representing 193 mammalian species. Using phylogenetic generalized least squares, faecal particle size scaled to body mass with an exponent of 0.22 (95% confidence interval: 0.16–0.28). In comparisons among different digestive strategies, we found that (1) equids had smaller faecal particles than other hindgut fermenters, (2) non-ruminant foregut fermenters and hindgut fermenters had similar-sized faecal particles (not significantly different), and (3) ruminants had finer faecal particles than non-ruminants. These results confirm that the relationship between chewing efficiency and body mass is modified by morphological adaptations in dental design and physiological adaptations to chewing, such as rumination. This allometric relationship should be considered when investigating the effect of body size on digestive physiology, and digestion studies should include a measure of faecal particle size.  相似文献   

Whether self-regulating large herbivores play a key role in the development of wood-pasture landscapes remains a crucial unanswered question for both ecological theory and nature conservation. We describe and analyse how a ‘partly self-regulating’ population of cattle, horses and red deer affected the development of the woody vegetation in the Oostvaardersplassen nature reserve (Netherlands). Using aerial photographs from 1980 to 2011, we analysed the development of shrubs and trees. Before the large herbivores were introduced in the Oostvaardersplassen in 1983, the woody vegetation increased and vegetation type significantly affected the number of establishments. Cover of woody species increased further from 1983 to 1996, not only by canopy expansion but also by new establishments. After 1996, cover of the woody vegetation decreased from 30% to <1% in 2011 and no new establishments were seen on the photographs. Survival of Sambucus nigra and Salix spp. increased with increasing distance to grassland, which is the preferred foraging habitat of the herbivores. These results support the hypothesis of Associational Palatability. In addition, our results show that the relative decline in cover of S. nigra and Salix spp. over a certain period was negatively correlated with the cover of S. nigra in the beginning of this period, presenting some evidence for the Associational Resistance and Aggregational Resistance hypothesis. Our research shows aspects necessary for the woodland–grassland cycle, such as a strong decline of woody vegetation at high numbers of large herbivores and regeneration of shrubs and trees at low densities. Thorny shrubs, which are important for the cycle, have not yet established in the grasslands. It seems that a temporary decline in herbivore numbers is necessary to create a window of opportunity for the establishment of these woody species.  相似文献   

Temporal advancement of resource availability by warming in seasonal environments can reduce reproductive success of vertebrates if their own reproductive phenology does not also advance with warming. Indirect evidence from large-scale analyses suggests, however, that migratory vertebrates might compensate for this by tracking phenological variation across landscapes. Results from our two-year warming experiment combined with seven years of observations of plant phenology and offspring production by caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in Greenland, however, contradict evidence from large-scale analyses. At spatial scales relevant to the foraging horizon of individual herbivores, spatial variability in plant phenology was reduced--not increased--by both experimental and observed warming. Concurrently, offspring production by female caribou declined with reductions in spatial variability in plant phenology. By highlighting the spatial dimension of trophic mismatch, these results reveal heretofore unexpected adverse consequences of climatic warming for herbivore population ecology.  相似文献   

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