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A multidisciplinary team participated in the examination of a colonial era Peruvian mummy. This young adult male had suffered multiple cranial and facial wounds and fractures and he died soon after trephination. Other pathologic findings were limited to the lungs, which showed anthracosilicosis and possible fibrosis. The observed pathology is linked to the two major health hazards of the early colonial era, physical trauma and silver mining. There was no evidence of any benign or malignant tumor, consistent with previous studies of ancient human remains. Such comparisons of ancient and modern mortality are intended to provide a historial perspective on the evolution and etiology of human disease, eventually on a population basis.  相似文献   

Archeological bone often lends itself to histological analysis. Sections from bone samples approximately one thousand years old may show as much structural preservation as those only a few hundred years old; hence, it appears that the degree of preservation is not necessarily affected by time. Enough structure may be preserved to permit the diagnosis of metabolic disorders of bone which might go undetected by other methods. This type of analysis can be utilized to accept or reject individual remains suspected of being pathological on the basis of other, less precise diagnostic techniques.  相似文献   

The challenging mission of paleopathologists is to be capable to diagnose a disease just on the basis of limited information gained by means of one or more paleodiagnostic techniques. In this study a radiologic, anthropologic and paleopathologic analysis of an ancient Egyptian mummy through X-rays, CT and MR was conducted. An Ancient Egyptian mummy ("Mistress of the house", Archeological Museum, Zagreb, Croatia) underwent digital radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging employing 3-dimensional ultra-short-echo time (UTE) sequence, that allows to image ancient dry tissue. Morphological observations on the skull and pelvis, the stages of epiphyseal union and dental wear indicated that the remains are those of a young adult male. Multiple osseous lytic lesions were observed throughout the spine as well as on the frontal, parietal, and occipital bone, orbital wall and the sella turcica of the sphenoid. Considering the sex and age of the individual and the features of the lesions, the authors propose the diagnosis of Hand-Schueller-Christian's disease. This is the first study to have effectively used MR images in the differential diagnosis of a disease. It also confirmed the CT value in revealing central nervous system involvement just by detecting skeletal lesions. Although the mummy was previously dated to 3rd century B.C. based on the properties of the sarcophagi, the sex of the mummy suggests that it was most probably transferred into these sarcophagi in later times. The mummification techniques used and radiometric data (C14) dated it to 900-790. B.C.  相似文献   

The relocation and analysis of 80 skeletons from the Cedar Grove Cemetery, located in southwest Arkansas, provides an opportunity to examine the level of health and nutrition experienced by Afro-Americans in the post-Reconstruction South (1878-1930). The demographic profile lends support to the interpretation that Cedar Grove participated in the nationwide decline in Afro-American health. The high frequencies of skeletal lesions indicative of dietary deficiencies and infectious disease demonstrate that this was a highly stressed population. For this analysis, adult femoral thin sections (15 females and 14 males) are examined histologically. These data provide support to the assertion that the Cedar Grove population experienced poor health. Measures taken from the sections include cortical thickness, percent cortical area, and mean number of resorption spaces and forming osteons per square millimeter of bone. As a group, they demonstrate low percent cortical area compared with well-nourished normals. They also show high rates of resorption to formation, thereby disrupting the balance necessary for normal cortical bone maintenance. The pattern established for bone porosity in this group is not a function of age but rather is due to other factors, most likely nutrition and disease stress. What may be unique about this group is that males, as well as females, experienced problems with calcium homeostasis and normal maintenance and repair of bone. Taken together, these data support the interpretation that diet and health were substandard in the post-Reconstruction South.  相似文献   

The potential role of dental function in TMJ osteoarthritis is examined in an ancient British population. Human skeletal remains from five archaeological sites in England (n = 369) were studied to assess the associations between the presence of osteoarthritis and dental function variables, in particular antemortem tooth loss and dental attrition. Individuals aged over 17 years with at least a portion of either the left or right TMJ were included in the study. Each individual was scored for the occurrence of arthritic lesions on the mandibular condyle and glenoid fossa, the level of dental attrition, and antemortem tooth loss. A loglinear analysis was performed with osteoarthritis as the dependent variable and tooth loss, attrition, sex, and age as the independent variables. Tooth loss and sex are not significantly associated with TMJ osteoarthritis when attrition and age are included in the analysis. Attrition is significantly associated with osteoarthritis even when the analysis corrects for age. The significant association of attrition with osteoarthritis suggests that dental functions may have an influence, separate from ageing, on the development of TMJ osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

Paget's disease has been ascribed several times to specimens of archeological bone but, in the absence of microscopic examination, the evidence remains insubstantial. Suspected metabolic bone disease is described here in the archeological remains of a skeleton from a 16th century burial ground at Wells Cathedral, England and from a single medieval sacrum recovered from a large deposit of disarticulated bones from a churchyard at Barton-on-Humber, England. Radiographs showed apparent structural abnormality in one femoral shaft and calcaneus and in the isolated sacrum. Histomorphometry on undecalcified bone cores confirmed the regions of abnormality and showed not only increased trabecular width but also areas of "mosaic" woven bone together with extensive resorption cavities; these features contrasted with the normal structure and organized lamellar bone from sites elsewhere. Despite post-interment changes in surrounding tissues, the morphological stability of some of the osteocytes was remarkable. Preservation of the histology was sufficient to permit the assignment of a metabolic bone disorder and the nature of the sclerosis was consistent with Paget's disease.  相似文献   

We investigated the immunohistochemical presence of various collagen types in bone and cartilage tissue from an infant Peruvian mummy dating between 500 and 1000 A. D. which had been excavated at the necropolis of Las Trancas in the Nazca region in Peru. Following careful rehydration and decalcification of the tissue, the mummy tissue showed morphologically good preservation of the matrix, which could be shown to be composed of various collagen types in a typical pattern. Bone consisted of a collagen I matrix with a small rim of collagen III and V at the endosteal lining and a pericellular collagen V staining around osteocytic holes. In the hypertrophic cartilage of the epiphyseal growth plate, a typical pattern of collagen types II and X could be found. These observations provide evidence that in well-preserved mummy tissue the antigenic determinants of major matrix components are still adequately preserved for an immunohistochemical analysis. This technique may thus be a very helpful tool for the analysis of pathologic processes of historic bone tissue. It may also allow in certain circumstances a distinction between pseudopathologic tissue destruction and pathologic tissue alteration. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hair samples of 46 prehistoric mummies from five different pre-Inca sites in Peru were analyzed for Ca, Sr, Ni, Mn, and Ba by DCP/AES. The five sites displayed differing burial customs: whereas the dead of Cahuachi (n=13), Huayuri (n=2) and Brujo (n=5) had been interred unwrapped in simple stone pits, the mummies of Las Trancas (n=17) and Pacatnamu (n=9) had been granted protection by fabrics and wooden coffins. At the sites with no protection, the hair samples contained extremely high concentrations of Ca and Sr which by far exceeded the usual physiological ranges. This can probably be explained by contamination from the surrounding soil. In contrast, the protected depositions of Las Trancas and Pacatnamu exhibited Ca and Sr concentrations within the present range of variation. This may indicate that favourable conditions had prevented contamination in these cases. For Mn the same trend can be observed, both Cahuachi and Huayuri samples showed markedly increased values. For Ni and Ba on the other hand no correlation with the type of interment was found. In the two non-contaminated series, the mean values of Mn, Ba, and Ni were considerably higher in Las Trancas than in Pacatnamu. As Mn, Ni, and Ba tend to occur in higher concentrations in vegetable than in animal food items, these differences may indicate a differential availability of animal protein at the two locations  相似文献   

A skeletal sample of 296 individuals from a 19th century American poorhouse cemetery is examined for the frequency and chronological distribution of linear enamel hypoplasias on the mandibular canines and maxillary central incisors. Dental enamel hypoplasias may be considered to be indicators of increased exposure to health risk at the time of weaning. The purpose of this study is to examine childhood stress and provide a relative measure of that stress, as evidenced by hypoplasias, in a historic sample that represents an industrializing population. The frequency of enamel hypoplasias per individual by tooth ranged from 70 to 73%, with a peak age at stress of 2.5 to 3 years for the maxillary central incisor and 3.5 to 4 years for the mandibular canine. There were no significant differences in the presence of hypoplasias between males and females. The peak age at stress between 2.5 and 4 years in this 19th century sample transects the ranges reported for prehistoric populations (2-6 years) and for modern groups (0-3 years). These results indicate that the stress associated with weaning probably occurred earlier in incipient industrial societies than in prehistoric hunter/gatherers and agriculturalists, yet not as early as in modern industrial groups. The high level of childhood stress in this skeletal sample compared with that of other samples may indicate a change in health, at least among the lowest class, associated with the cultural transition from an agricultural to an industrial society.  相似文献   

This study was to evaluate the effect of androgen deficiency on thyroid immunoreactive C-cells and bone structure and function in a male orchidectomized middle-aged rat model. Fifteen-month-old male Wistar rats were divided into orchidectomized (Orx) and the sham-operated control (Sham) group. In the Orx group significant decreases (P < 0.05) were found in the volume of C cells (by 14%), their relative volume density (by 13%) and serum calcitonin concentration (by 54%) compared to the controls. Analyses of trabecular microarchitecture of the proximal tibia metaphysis showed that Orx induced marked decreases of cancellous bone area, trabecular thickness and trabecular number (by 52, 20 and 19% respectively; P < 0.05), whereas trabecular separation was increased by 27% (P < 0.05). In Orx rats, serum osteocalcin concentration was increased by 119% (P < 0.05), while serum calcium and phosphorus were 6 and 14% (P < 0.05) lower, respectively, compared to the levels in the Sham. In addition, urine calcium content was considerably higher (by 129%; P < 0.05) in Orx animals. These findings indicate that the androgen deficiency caused by Orx in middle-aged rats modulated the structure of C cells and diminished secretion of calcitonin. Histomorphometrical and biochemical analyses demonstrated a decrease of cancellous bone mass and increased bone turnover.  相似文献   

Four skeletal series (Corinth, Greece; Gran Quivira, New Mexico; Semna South, Sudanese Nubia, and a large group from scattered sites in England) were coded for sex, jaw, tooth group, dental attrition, dental caries, site and time period. Through thec concepts of a basal level of caries and a cariosity gradient, a single model was found which best described the occurrence of this disease in these samples. All factors were found to contribute significantly to the model. Within the possible subsamples the general characteristics are that the profiles of males, of the mandibulae and of those with light attrition are more likely to have lower overall dental caries levels and to be relatively more carious in the back of the mouth than the front when compared to the pooled sample of all teeth and caries. The opposite is also found to be generally true; the teeth of females, maxillae and heavy attrition are associated with more caries, especially toward the front of the mouth. These results imply that samples appearing otherwise homogeneous display much variation. They also reveal distinct regularities in the reactions of diverse human groups to dental caries.  相似文献   

The CCN family of proteins is composed of six secreted proteins (CCN1-6), which are grouped together based on their structural similarity. These matricellular proteins are involved in a large spectrum of biological processes, ranging from development to disease. In this review, we focus on CCN3, a founding member of this family, and its role in regulating cells within the bone microenvironment. CCN3 impairs normal osteoblast differentiation through multiple mechanisms, which include the neutralization of pro-osteoblastogenic stimuli such as BMP and Wnt family signals or the activation of pathways that suppress osteoblastogenesis, such as Notch. In contrast, CCN3 is known to promote chondrocyte differentiation. Given these functions, it is not surprising that CCN3 has been implicated in the progression of primary bone cancers such as osteosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma and chondrosarcoma. More recently, emerging evidence suggests that CCN3 may also influence the ability of metastatic cancers to colonize and grow in bone.  相似文献   

A new research way of palaeopathology has recently opened: it concerns the study of the impact of the human activities on the skeleton and the reconstitution of these activities. Being interested essentially in the activity-induced skeletal markers, we carried out this study on 354 human skeletal remains. The Hungarian series represents a larger sample (263 skeletons from the 10th century; collections of the Department of Anthropology, József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary). We considered also as comparison series a collection of 91 skeletons dating from the Late Antiquity (4th century A.D.) from Provence (France), stored in the collections of the Centre Archéologique du Var (Toulon, France). The present work is based on the results of a general palaeopathological analysis with a particular attention to the possible activity-linked microtraumatic lesions. Articular and periarticular markers of activity were detected as secondary degenerative joint diseases and mechanical enthesopathies. In spite of the high rate of non-specific cases, the alterations reveal several possible activities, historically and archaeologically well documented as riding on horse-back in the Hungarian series. The sexual inegality in the distribution of the macrotraumatic lesions (male predominance of the fractures and sprains in the Hungarian series) reveals also some information about the activities of the ancient Hungarians.  相似文献   

Characterization of the nature and skeletal distribution of gout was accomplished in a Chamoru (Chamorros) population with predilection to the disease. Uniform excavation by the gouty diathesis produces a punched-out appearance to these predominantly monarticular lesions. The lesion is distinct from that seen in rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthropathy, or infection. Reactive new bone formation in some gouty lesions also has an apparently unique, ivory-like discoloration (contrasted with the adjacent bone), which facilitates diagnosis. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The postnatal skeleton undergoes growth, modeling, and remodeling. The human skeleton is a composite of diverse tissue types, including bone, cartilage, fat, fibroblasts, nerves, blood vessels, and hematopoietic cells. Fracture nonunion and bone defects are among the most challenging clinical problems in orthopedic trauma. The incidence of nonunion or bone defects following fractures is increasing. Stem and progenitor cells mediate homeostasis and regeneration in postnatal tissue, including bone tissue. As multipotent stem cells, skeletal stem cells (SSCs) have a strong effect on the growth, differentiation, and repair of bone regeneration. In recent years, a number of important studies have characterized the hierarchy, differential potential, and bone formation of SSCs. Here, we describe studies on and applications of SSCs and/or mesenchymal stem cells for bone regeneration.  相似文献   

The Shanidar 1 Neandertal partial skeleton presents osteophytic lesions on its vertebrae and appendicular skeleton which appear independent of the multiple traumatic and degenerative joint disease lesions on the individual. In particular, the large flowing osteophyte on the L3 body, a smaller one on the L5 body, and enthesopathic osteophytes on both calcaneal tuberosities, both patellae and the left ulnar olecranon, support a diagnosis of hyperostotic disease (DISH). The diagnosis is supported by small enthesopathic osteophytes on the preserved femoral greater trochanter and scapular corocoid process. This diagnosis would make it the oldest hominid specimen clearly presenting this systemic condition.  相似文献   

Radiographs of a prehistoric inhabitant of the Atacama desert show pathological bone changes which are consistent with frostbite, gangrene and autoamputation. The burial position of the body suggests a reversal of sex roles during life, possibly resulting from the frostbite injuries.  相似文献   

燕慧  王捷 《生物磁学》2009,(16):3176-3178
骨唾液酸蛋白(Bonesialoprotein,BSP)是细胞外基质中一种高度磷酸化和糖基化分泌性蛋白,它是多种癌症(乳腺癌,前列腺癌和肺癌等)进程中的重要参与者。乳腺癌细胞转染实验和裸鼠移植模型证明过表达BSP可以促进乳腺癌细胞骨转移。BSP抗体和反义核酸均可有效抑制乳腺癌细胞骨转移的发生,故BSP有可能成为一种新的诊断和治疗乳腺癌骨转移的靶蛋白。  相似文献   

Youngkyun Lee 《BMB reports》2013,46(10):479-483
The balance between osteoblast-dependent bone formation and osteoclast-dependent bone resorption maintains bone homeostasis. In inflammatory conditions, this balance shifts toward bone resorption, causing osteolytic bone lesions observed in rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis. A recently discovered family of cytokine IL-17 is widely reported to mediate diverse inflammatory processes. During the last decade, novel roles for IL-17 in skeletal homeostasis have been discovered indicating the potential importance of this cytokine in bone metabolism. This review will summarize and discuss the involvement of IL-17 during bone homeostasis in both physiologic and pathologic conditions. A better understanding of the role of IL-17 in skeletal systems warrants an advance in bone biology, as well as development of therapeutic strategies against bone-lytic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis. [BMB Reports 2013; 46(10): 479-483]  相似文献   

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