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高原鼢鼠(Myospalax baileyi) 不同地理种群的形态变异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文采用主成分分析和聚类分析两种方法,分析了高原鼢鼠(Myospalax baileyi)12 个地理种群17 项形态特征的变异。主成分分析结果显示,分析构建的雄性前3 个主成分累积贡献率为78.483% ,而雌性前4 个主成分累积贡献率为79.587% 。对种群间形态差异分析贡献最大的指标为颅全长、基长、后头宽等反映头骨大小性状,以及顶嵴、额嵴最小间距体现的颧弓扩张程度指标。主成分分析结果与聚类分析结果一致,12 个地理种群分化构成两个大的地域性群体:一个由甘肃种群构成的甘肃群体;另一个由四川种群和青海种群构成的混合群体。两个地域性群体实际上反映出两个不同的分化方向:一个方向表现为头骨较小,顶嵴、额嵴相对分开即颧弓扩张程度小,如甘肃群体;另一个则表现为头骨较大,顶嵴、额嵴相对靠拢即颧弓扩张程度大,如混合群体。这种地域群体的形态变异可以解释为,地下洞道系统中环境因子选择作用对高原鼢鼠形态变化产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

张银运  刘武 《人类学学报》2007,26(3):237-248
KNM-ER 3733人类头骨化石的年代为距今1.78百万年,1975年发现于肯尼亚。Walker和Leakey注意到这具头骨与周口店直立人的在脑颅形态上很相近,但二者在年代上相差大约1百万年,故认为直立人形态在这1百万年期间是稳定的。长期来此观点缺乏更多的人类化石证据来支持。1993年在中国发现了南京1号人类头骨化石。该头骨与KNM-ER 3733头骨一样兼具脑颅和面颅,且都属于成年女性个体,但南京1号人类头骨化石的年代比KNM-ER 3733人类头骨化石的要晚大约1百万年。因此,南京1号人类头骨是目前所知的可用来验证直立人头骨形态是否在1百万年期间保持稳定的唯一合适的人类头骨化石材料。形态比较表明,这两个人类头骨化石的脑颅虽然在眶上圆枕上沟的发育程度、眶后收缩的程度、额骨横向隆起的程度、角圆枕和乳后突的发育与否、顶骨形状以及骨壁厚度的表现上有所差异,但有更多的形态性状显示出相近。这些相近表现在脑颅的长、宽、高值上;颅容量上;脑颅的低矮性上;脑颅最大宽之位置上;额骨、顶骨、枕骨之矢弧值的比例上;眶上圆枕的纤细上;顶骨的大小和矢向扁平性上;颞线位置和颞鳞顶缘的形状上;枕鳞的低宽形状上;上枕鳞与下枕鳞之间的转折形状和比例上;枕骨圆枕和枕骨圆枕上沟的发育程度上等。这两具头骨的面颅虽然有同属突颌型的面角、皆发育有鼻骨间嵴、两鼻骨组成的上部宽度与下部宽度皆差别很大,但有更多的形态性状显示出差别。这些差别表现在面型上、颜面上部扁平度上、眶形和眶型上、上颌额突外侧面的朝向上、鼻骨横向隆起程度上、鼻梁外突程度上、鼻型上、颧骨下缘外展程度上、颊高上、颧上颌下缘的形状上、上颌颧突基部的位置上以及颧结节的位置上等。因此,南京1号头骨与KNM-ER 3733头骨之间在脑颅上显示出较多的相近性状,在面颅上则显示出较多的相异性状。脑颅方面的相近性状大多具有分类上的鉴别价值。这两个头骨脑颅形态的相近支持把KNM-ER 3733头骨鉴定为"直立人"的观点;也提示了南京1号头骨的脑颅似乎保持着1百多万年前的"祖先"形态。如果直立人的某些成员在至少1百万年期间保持着形态稳定的话,则这种形态上的稳定主要是表现在脑颅形态上。这两具头骨的面颅形态上较大差异的意义,目前尚不清楚。  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(80):139-148

Canonical analysis is used to examine intracemetery variation in cranial morphology in the Sully site Arikara skeletal collection. The site included four spatially distinct burial areas. lnterarea morphological differences in the crania are shown to relate to the multicomponent nature of the associated village. The proposed temporal relationships based on archaeological data are supported by the cranial evidence.  相似文献   

This study examines morphological variation in the crania (n = 70) of eight cervid species from Argentina. Forty 3-dimensional landmarks were acquired on each adult cervid cranium. The data were analysed using Morphologika software. The co-ordinates were registered and scaled to remove size differences by Procrustes analysis, and then principal components analysis was applied to examine shape variation. Shape variation associated with each principal component can be visualised in the program. The first principal component correlates strongly with the centroid size of the crania and also with the body mass and height of each species. The larger species were distinguished by relatively longer snouts and relatively smaller brains. The smallerMazama andPudu species cluster closely on the first as well as the other principal components. Among the larger species, the twoHippocamelus species, which live at higher altitudes, were clearly distinguished from the lowland species,Ozotoceros bezoarticus andBlastocerus dichotomus, on the basis of cranial flexion and the orientation of the occipital region. FinallyO. bezoarticus andB. dichotomus were compared directly and small differences were noted in the orbital region. The shape data was used to produce a distance matrix and a phenogram, which we relate to some of currently accepted phylogenetic relationships of this group of cervids.  相似文献   

The present research was undertaken to determine the relationship between patterns of generalized intrapopulational variation determined from principal components analysis and patterns of sexual dimorphism determined from Student's t and discriminant function analysis. The analysis was based upon 17 measurements of 97 femurs from a Middle Mississippian Amerindian population. The results of the principal components analysis indicated that the 17 original measurements could be represented as four principal component variates. Inspection of component loadings lent support to the contention that the first principal component reflected variation in general size while components two to four reflected variation in femoral shape. Analysis of the relationship between principal component loading and male-female differences reflected in Student's t demonstrated a high (0.97) positive correlation between absolute magnitude of loading in the first principal component and magnitude of Student's t. As a result, discriminant analyses of the femur, utilizing univariate criteria for the inclusion of variables, have been biased in the direction of size variation. Subsequent stepwise discriminant function analyses demonstrated that an adequate discriminant model must reflect all dimensions of morphological variation at the intrapopulational level.  相似文献   

 A sample of 36 flower traits consisting of six morphological categories in the Davis population of gerbera was restructured into phenotypic and genetic principal component traits. The first 5 phenotypic principal component traits accounted for 62% of the total phenotypic variance of the 36 traits and have moderate to high heritablities. The first 5 genetic principal component traits account for 97% of total genetic variance and all have high heritability. Morphological structure of these component traits suggest an underlying process identified by the first genetic principal component involving largely trans and disk floret traits. The results of this study indicate that the quantitative genetic structure of the gerbera flower is controlled by a few independent components and that principal component analysis is a useful tool to reveal variation in this structure. These composite traits are heritable and are expected to respond to selection. Received: 20 September 1997 / Accepted: 19 January 1998  相似文献   

A quantitative assessment of the frontal bone morphology of a sample of Middle Pleistocene hominins was undertaken in order to address questions regarding their population structure and evolutionary history. Outline tracings of the frontal bones of forty-seven fossil crania were obtained, and size-standardized measurements were then computed using an Elliptical Fourier analysis of these tracings. Principal component scores of the Fourier harmonic amplitudes were derived and served as a quantitative representation of the morphology of the frontal bone. Morphological, geographical, and temporal distance matrices were then constructed between each pair of fossils. A partial Mantel matrix correlation test was performed between morphological and geographical distance matrices, controlling for temporal distance, in order to determine if the pattern of geographical differentiation in features of the frontal bone of mid-Pleistocene Homo followed that of an isolation-by-distance model of population structure. The results of the partial Mantel tests indicate that the overall patterning of differentiation in the features of the frontal bone cannot best be explained by a population structure shaped by isolation-by-distance. Additionally, various aspects of the frontal bone quantified here follow different patterns of geographical differentiation, suggesting that a mosaic pattern of evolution holds true for characters within one cranial region and not just for those between regions.  相似文献   

Microcephaly is a severe developmental abnormality which is induced either genetically or environmentally. The archaeological evidence for the occurrence of this abnormality is minimal. Out of six possible cases, only three have been published; all are adult and represented solely by cranial remains. The focus of the current study is the nearly complete skeleton of a 3-year-old child recovered during archaeological excavations in San Jose, California. The individual is compared to a sample of 184 California Indians, ranging from 0.5 to 5 years, which were also recovered from archaeological excavations. In order to determine if microcephaly was the only disorder represented, metrical comparisons of the skull and postcrania and gross morphological comparisons of endocranial casts were made. Based on these comparisons the individual was determined to have a cranial vault size comparable to 6-month-old infants (630 cc), a facial skeleton equivalent to the 9-month-old to 2-year-old age groups, and a reduced stature. Due to the mosaic nature of the skull, the observed morphology was interpreted in terms of functional cranial components. Severe malformation of the orbital aspect of the frontal lobes was found in conjunction with a significant reduction in size of the cerebral cortex and left temporal lobe. On the basis of this analysis, the individual was found to exhibit the total morphological pattern associated with microcephaly. A differential diagnosis of other possible genetic disorders is also presented.  相似文献   

We analyzed the variation in cranial morphology of the marsupial Dromiciops gliroides along its distribution in south-central Chile. We evaluated whether the cranial morphological variation is congruent with the phylogeographic structure previously observed in this species. We built three-dimensional models of 69 crania on which we digitized 30 landmarks. We used standard geometric morphometric methods to extract and analyze the shape and size components of the crania. Our data showed a subtle but consistent cranial size and shape variation along the studied distributional range, suggesting a geographic variation pattern rather than a phylogeographic structuring. Indeed, our multivariate analyses recovered a subtle morphological differentiation between island and mainland populations, contrary to what is suggested by a former phylogeographic study. We detected that either the cranial size variation, as well as the insularity and the latitude could be important factors underlying the cranial shape changes. We suggest that an interplay of historical and contemporary processes could be shaping the morphological pattern observed in this marsupial.  相似文献   

Nonmetric cranial variation and facial flatness of the Pacific and circum-Pacific populations are investigated. The peoples of the Marianas, eastern Polynesia and Hawaii form a cluster and show affinities in terms of nonmetric cranial variation with the Southeast and East Asians rather than with the Jomon-Ainu, a view which is widely supported by others. Facial flatness analysis also indicates that Polynesians have different patterns of facial prominence as compared with the Jomon-Ainu. These results increase the difficulty of accepting the Jomon-Pacific cluster proposed by Brace and his coworkers. Although genetic and nonmetric cranial variation reveal relatively close relationships, the Mariana skeletons are markedly different in facial flatness and limb bone morphology from those of Polynesians. Am J Phys Anthropol 104:399–410, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The morphological relationships between the cranium and basihyal of red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) were analyzed based on measurements of 36 cranial and 3 basihyal dimensions and observations of the female specimen in spirits. In this study, 115 crania from 111 red howler monkeys and 4 mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) were used. The analyses from the standpoints of the correlation coefficients, principal component analysis, discriminant function analysis, age changes and sex differences were performed and the following results were obtained: (1) The cranial measurements closely related to the basihyal measurements were mandibular length, occipital breadth, facial length, ramus height, cranial base length, bigonial breadth and pr-i length. (2) Age changes for the mandibular measurements in males of red howler monkeys were remarkable, and, in particular, the development of the gonion toward posterior and lateral directions were characteristic. (3) The largest sex differences were found in the mandibular measurements of red howler monkeys among the Anthropoidea of seven genera compared. (4) The existence of a “cline” in the cranial measurements of the red howler monkey was recognized. (5) The inter-species differences in the crania between the red howler monkey and mantled howler monkey are obvious, metrically and non-metrically. Based on the results mentioned above, the morphological relationships between the mandible and basihyal in the red howler monkey are discussed.  相似文献   

Ecomorphology of a size-structured tropical freshwater fish community   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Among nine species of a tropical community ecomorphological correlates were sought throughout ontogeny. Ontogenetic changes were distinguished by establishing six pre-defined size-classes. Morphometric data associated with feeding were compared by canonical correspondence analysis to dietary data. This analysis revealed seven significant relationships, showing 71% of the morphological variance explained 77% of the variance in diet. Based on funtional ecomorphological relationships established in other studies and results of the canonical correspondence analysis, three food characters were selected: the size of the food particles, the type of food (vegetable versus animal) and the vertical position in the water column. The morphometric data were reduced using principal component analysis into three axis explaining 83% of the variation. The morphological characters with the highest loadings were: mouth gape on the first principal component axis, length of the intestine tract on the second and the orientation of the mouth together with the presence of barbels on the third. These axis were significantly correlated with, respectively, the size, the type and the vertical position of the food. The importance of morphological changes during ontogeny in explaining dietary changes was shown because 75% of the variation in the first, and most important, morphological principal component was accounted for by differences between size-classes. Assuming functional relationships, the potential niches of the species/size-classes were established, distinguishing herbivorous, omnivorous/molluscivorous and carnivorous species which, in turn, were segregated by their potential to feed on larger prey. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim Bergmann's rule, one of the most studied and controversial ecogeographical generalizations, has rarely been tested with observations from high latitudes. We tested the rule using cranial measurements of the muskox [Ovibos moschatus (Zimmerman)], a homeotherm with an extremely northern distribution. We also used these data to describe geographical patterns in the species' dental architecture, an extension of the framework developed from interspecific comparisons. Location Specimens were compiled from arctic Canada, Alaska and Greenland, a latitudinal range of 60° N?83° N. Methods Body size was estimated from principal components analysis (PCA) of five cranial characters from 128 specimens. Mean scores on the first principal component from each locality were regressed against latitude and mean temperature to identify geographical variation in body size; scores on the second principal component were regressed against latitude to assess patterns in dental architecture. Regression analyses of the individual characters were performed as a complement to PCA. Results No latitudinal or climatic trend in body size was observed in either sex. On the other hand, for males, significant latitudinal variation was found for the second PCA axis (r = ?0.434), and the feature which loaded most heavily on it, maxillary tooth row length (r = 0.429). For females, this dental structure also tended to increase with latitude (r = 0.423), but the trend was only marginally significant (P=0.12), perhaps owing to a smaller sample size. Main conclusions The geographically invariant body size of muskoxen failed to support current hypotheses of size variation. Behavioural and physiological adaptations may exempt the muskox from selective pressures underlying these hypotheses. We interpret latitudinal variation in dental architecture as a reflection of a cline in diet, dominated by graminoids at the expense of willows at higher latitudes. This intraspecific geographical trend is a recapitulation of the interspecific framework for large mammalian herbivores.  相似文献   

A set of cranial characters was examined in the fruit bats Rousettus egyptiacus and Eidolon helvum to compare trends and relative importance of major components of bilateral morphometric variation, and their relationship with character size. Using two‐way, sides‐by‐individuals ANOVA , four components of variation were estimated for each bilateral variable: individual variation (I), directional asymmetry (DA), non‐directional asymmetry (NDA) and measurement error (E). Both species exhibit similar major trends of variation in asymmetry across characters, as shown by principal component analysis, using variance components as variables. Degree of interspecific congruence among characters was confirmed by a two‐way ANOVA with species and variance components as fixed factors. Congruence of asymmetry patterns between species suggests that the concept of population asymmetry parameter (PAP) could be extended to higher hierarchies. PAPs above the species level may result from common mechanisms or similar developmental constraints acting on species’ buffering capacities and morphological integration processes.  相似文献   

The spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata), a species commonly associated with the tuna fishery, is widely distributed in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (ETP). Geographic patterns in morphological characteristics of this dolphin were evaluated for 36 skull measurements of 574 museum specimens allocated to 5° latitude-longitude blocks. A strong subdivision between northern and southern offshore populations was demonstrated using principal components, canonical variates and cluster (UPGMA and function-point) analyses of block means derived from standardized, sex-adjusted measurements. Classification functions derived from a stepwise multiple discriminant analysis correctly identified more than 87 percent of the specimens as being from either a northern or southern locality. These results support recognition of southern spotted dolphins as a separate management stock. Dolphins from a sample representing a far-western locality show similarities with those from the south. Patterns of geographic variation in morphology were evaluated using Mantel tests and matrix correlations; 17 of the 36 characters showed regional patterning and 18 exhibited local patterning. Morphological trends were also assessed with respect to 14 oceanographic measures that characterize environmental variability in the ETP. In general, clinal variation in morphology mirrors a north-south trend found in several environmental variables. Overall, the most striking associations between morphological and environmental variables involved Solar Insolation (Jan.). Sea surface temperatures also exhibited a strong association with morphological variables; the highest correspondence was found between width of the temporal fossa and sea surface temperature in July. In addition, the thickness of the oxygen minimum layer exhibited a pattern of variation that was statistically associated with 58 percent of the skull characters. The geographic patterns found for cranial morphology and environmental measures are strongly clinal and in general congruent, suggesting that oceanographic conditions in part determine trends in morphological characteristics of spotted dolphins.  相似文献   

The majority of studies of frontal bone morphology in paleoanthropology have analyzed the frontal squama and the browridge as a single unit, mixing information from different functional elements. Taking into account that the bulging of the frontal bone is often described as a species‐specific trait of Homo sapiens, in this article we analyze variation in the midsagittal profile of the genus Homo, focusing on the frontal squama alone, using landmark‐based superimpositions and principal components analysis. Our results demonstrate that anatomically modern humans are definitely separated from extinct human taxa on the basis of frontal bulging. However, there is minor overlap among these groups, indicating that it is necessary to exercise caution when using this trait alone to make taxonomic inferences on individual specimens. Early modern humans do not show differences with recent modern humans, and “transitional” individuals such as Jebel Irhoud 1, Maba, and Florisbad, show modern‐like frontal squama morphology. The bulging of the frontal squama in modern humans may represent a structural consequence of more general cranial changes, or it could be a response to changes in the morphology of the underlying prefrontal brain elements. A subtle difference between Neandertals and the Afro‐European Middle Pleistocene Homo sample is associated with flattening at bregma in the former group, a result that merits further investigation. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc  相似文献   

The data on cranial measurements performed in silver foxes indicate that there are differences in sizes measured between the farm foxes--bred population and the population selected for domestication. A method of principal components was used to analyse the cranial measurements and their changes under domestication. The first component covers about 50% of cranial diversity, which is interpreted as variation in the total skull size. This component clearly separates the two sexes, but not different populations. The second component presumably reflects the growth rate allometry between the skull length and width. The third and fourth components are measurements of skull width; the fifth one reflects the sizes of brain skull. None of these components clearly separate the foxes from farm--bred and domesticated populations. However, some differences in distribution are observed.  相似文献   

1. The fecundity of adult female Roe Deer varies by a factor of 2·35 among populations across Britain. Although much of this variation may be related to environmental differences, there could also be a genetic influence on this component of fitness. In this paper, the relationship between morphological variation of the skull and female fecundity in Roe Deer from 13 populations across the deer's entire range in Britain is investigated.
2. First, principal components analysis of cranial data was used to infer genetic relationships among populations. Three distinct morphological types were identified, all significantly differentiated from the others in terms of both size and shape. The results are compared with earlier analyses of biochemical variation among the same sites; a possible native morph is identified.
3. Subsequently, canonical ordination techniques (redundancy analysis) were used to control for the effects of 'environmental' variation (female body mass, density, climate) and, with the residual variation, the correlation between skull morphology and female fecundity was investigated. This correlation is significant for both the extracted axes ( R >0·7), indicating that there are heritable differences between populations affecting female fecundity.
4. The analysis suggests that Roe Deer native to Britain are of a genetically less fecund type relative to populations established by introductions from the continent.  相似文献   

We propose a feature vector approach to characterize the variation in large data sets of biological sequences. Each candidate sequence produces a single feature vector constructed with the number and location of amino acids or nucleic acids in the sequence. The feature vector characterizes the distance between the actual sequence and a model of a theoretical sequence based on the binomial and uniform distributions. This method is distinctive in that it does not rely on sequence alignment for determining protein relatedness, allowing the user to visualize the relationships within a set of proteins without making a priori assumptions about those proteins. We apply our method to two large families of proteins: protein kinase C, and globins, including hemoglobins and myoglobins. We interpret the high-dimensional feature vectors using principal components analysis and agglomerative hierarchical clustering. We find that the feature vector retains much of the information about the original sequence. By using principal component analysis to extract information from collections of feature vectors, we are able to quickly identify the nature of variation in a collection of proteins. Where collections are phylogenetically or functionally related, this is easily detected. Hierarchical agglomerative clustering provides a means of constructing cladograms from the feature vector output.  相似文献   

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