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The sibling species Drosophila simulans and D. mauritiana differ significantly in a number of male secondary sexual traits, providing an ideal system for genetic analysis of interspecific morphological divergence. In the experiment reported here, F1 hybrids from a cross of two inbred lines were backcrossed in both directions and about 200 flies from each backcross were scored for several traits (bristle numbers and cuticle areas), as well as 18 markers distributed throughout the genome. Each trait was analyzed by composite interval mapping to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) and estimate their effects. For each trait, from one to eight loci were detected, with more divergent traits showing evidence for greater numbers of QTL. Estimates of additive effects varied widely, with a range of 0.4 to 4.1 environmental standard deviation units and an average of 2.2 units. There was substantial evidence for nonadditive effects, since the magnitude of estimates often differed significantly between the two backcrosses. The sign of the estimated effect differed among QTL for bristle traits, but not for cuticle area traits, suggesting that these two types of trait may have undergone different types of selection. Finally, several similarities were found between different traits in the estimated positions of QTL, suggesting that pleiotropy and/or linkage of QTL may have been important in the evolution of these traits.  相似文献   

Drosophila simulans and D. sechellia are sibling species, the former cosmopolitan and the latter restricted to the Seychelles Islands. We used classical genetic analysis to measure the numbers and effects of genes responsible for reproductive isolation and morphological differences in male genitalia between these species. At least five loci are responsible for male sterility in hybrids, with the strongest effects produced by at least two genes on the X chromosome. At least three (and probably four) loci are responsible for the interspecific difference in the size of the posterior process of the male genital arch. These genetic results, as well as the pattern of morphological divergence between the species, show several parallels with the divergence between D. simulans and its other island relative, D. mauritiana. We also present the DNA sequence of a 4.5 kilobase region containing the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) locus of D. sechellia, and combine this with previous data to reconstruct the phylogenies of the three species and their more distant relative D. melanogaster. Both D. mauritiana and D. sechellia are very closely related to D. simulans. Although most phylogenies show the two island species to be independent offshoots of the D. simulans lineage (with D. sechellia the more recent), the branch points are too close to make this conclusion unambiguous. The genetic and evolutionary parallels between the simulans/mauritiana and the simulans/sechellia divergences may therefore represent either a striking evolutionary convergence or a close common ancestry of the island species. A comparison of Adh alleles within species shows that the divergence among them may be almost as large as among alleles from different species. We conclude that many of the nucleotide differences among these species actually represent polymorphisms within common ancestors. It may be difficult to build accurate phylogenies using only a single DNA sequence from each species.  相似文献   

The genetic analysis of sexual isolation between the closely-related species Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans involved two experiments with no-choice tests. The efficiency of sexual isolation was measured by the frequency of courtship initiation and interspecific mating. We first surveyed the variation in sexual isolation between D. melanogaster strains and D. simulans strains of different geographic origin. Then, to investigate variation in sexual isolation within strains, we made F1 diallel sets of reciprocal crosses within strains of D. melanogaster and D. simulans. The F1 diallel progeny of one sex were paired with the opposite sex of the other species. The first experiment showed significant differences in the frequency of interspecific mating between geographic strains. There were more matings between D. simulans females and D. melanogaster males than between D. melanogaster females and D. simulans males. The second experiment uncovered that the male genotypes in the D. melanogaster diallel significantly differed in interspecific mating frequency, but not in courtship initiation frequency. The female genotypes in the D. simulans diallel were not significantly different in courtship initiation and interspecific mating frequency. Genetic analysis reveals that in D. melanogaster males sexual isolation was not affected by either maternal cytoplasmic effects, sex-linked effects, or epistatic interaction. The main genetic components were directional dominance and overdominance. The F1 males achieved more matings with D. simulans females than the inbred males. The genetic architecture of sexual isolation in D. melanogaster males argues for a history of weak or no selection for lower interspecific mating propensity. The behavioral causes of variation in sexual isolation between the two species are discussed.  相似文献   

Phenotypic divergence in the male reproductive system (genitalia and gonads) between species of the Drosophila melanogaster complex and their hybrids was quantified to decipher the role of these traits in species differentiation and speciation. Internal as well as external, sexual and nonsexual traits were analyzed with respect to genetic variation and trait asymmetry between strains within species, genetic divergence between species, and dominance and asymmetry in species and hybrids. The variation between strains within species was significant among sexual traits, and only external traits were less asymmetric than internal ones, which suggests that sexual traits are not strongly constrained within species. Three main findings show that sexual traits are most divergent between species: (1) testis length and area, and the area of the posterior lobe of the genital arch (sexual traits) showed the highest proportion of variation between species; (2) linear discriminant functions with the highest components associated to sexual traits were better predictors of species membership; and (3) testis length and area revealed a departure from a linear relationship between members of the species group. Examination of interspecific hybrids showed that sexual traits had higher asymmetry in species hybrids than in the parental species and that sexual traits showed additivity or dominance whereas nonsexual traits showed overdominance (with the exception of malpighian tubules length). These results suggest that sexual traits have undergone more genetic changes and, as a result, tend to show higher divergence and stronger hybrid breakdown between species than nonsexual traits. We propose that sexual selection in the broad sense, affecting all aspects of sexuality, may be responsible for the diversified appearance of sexual traits among closely related species and that the genetic architecture underlying sexual traits may be more prone to disruption during the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

The effects of texture and larval residues in the medium on oviposition site selection (OSS) by Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans were studied. Drosophila melanogaster laid over 95% of its eggs in sieved medium (vs. unsieved medium); D. simulans laid all of its eggs in sieved medium. Surgical removal of antennal segments, and of fore-, mid-, or hindtarsi did not affect this result, indicating that sense organs involved in discriminating between sieved and unsieved medium are not confined to only one of the tested structures. In a “multiple choice” experiment, females were allowed to lay eggs in sieved medium of three types: unconditioned (fresh) medium, medium conditioned by D. melanogaster larvae (i.e., medium containing larval residues of D. melanogaster), and medium conditioned by D. simulans larvae. This choice experiment was performed with D. melanogaster and with D. simulans, using three densities of females (10, 20, and 40 per experimental unit). Both species laid more eggs in unconditioned medium than in either of the conditioned media, and density had no effect. D. melanogaster laid more eggs near the edges of food patches than in the center, whereas D. simulans showed no preference for edge or center. Under crowded conditions, both species survived at a higher rate in conditioned media (egg-to-adult survival) than in unconditioned medium, leading to the anomalous conclusion that females of these species seem not to maximize the survival of their offspring. This anomaly was partially resolved by the finding that medium already containing larvae gave lower survival rates than unoccupied medium.  相似文献   

Hybridization tests among the four sibling species of the Drosophila melanogaster complex were made to determine the reproductive status of the recently discovered D. sechellia (which is endemic to a few islands and islets of the Seychelles archipelago) with regard to its three close relatives, D. mauritiana (endemic to Mauritius) and Afrotropical strains of the two cosmopolitan species D. melanogaster and D. simulans. Interstrain variation in the ability to hybridize with other species was also analyzed for D. melanogaster and D. simulans. D. mauritiana and D. simulans appear to be more weakly isolated from each other than either species is from D. sechellia. A striking unilateral mating success is observed in the cross of D. sechellia with D. simulans. The most extreme isolation is between D. melanogaster and its three siblings. Variation in the ability of strains to hybridize is observed in heterospecific crosses between D. simulans and either D. melanogaster or D. mauritiana.  相似文献   

Courtship is an elaborate behavior that conveys information about the identity of animal species and suitability of individual males as mates. In Drosophila, there is extensive evidence that females are capable of evaluating and comparing male courtships, and accepting or rejecting males as mates. These relatively simple responses minimize random sexual encounters involving subpar conspecific males and heterospecific males, and over generations can potentially select novel physical and behavioral traits. Despite its evolutionary and behavioral significance, little is still known about the genes involved in mating choice and how choices for novel males and females arise during evolution. Drosophila simulans and Drosophila sechellia are two recently diverged species of Drosophila in which females have a preference for conspecific males. Here we analyzed a total of 1748 F2 hybrid females between these two species and found a small number of dominant genes controlling the preference for D. simulans males. We also mapped two redundant X‐linked loci of mating choice, Macho‐XA and Macho‐XB, and show that neither one is required for female attractiveness. Together, our results reveal part of the genetic architecture that allows D. simulans females to recognize, mate, and successfully generate progenies with D. simulans males.  相似文献   


We found a new acoustic signal in Drosophila simulans (si) and D. melanogaster (me). It is a ‘rejection signal’ (RS) produced by adult males and young males and females in response to the courting behaviour of mature males who emit ‘pulse songs’ (i.e. love song: LS). It occurs most frequently in si, less in adults me except if the interacting males belong to different chemical morphs (i.e. temperate or equatorial population). There are no differences in the LS characteristics directed to various sexes and ages. The RSs produced by adult males or by young animals do not differ significantly either. They are emitted by neither virgin nor fecundated adult me females but a few times by virgin adult si females. The RS (like the LS) is a multipulse signal but intervals between pulses are about twice those of LS, around 90 ms for si and 80 ms for me. They are very irregular, as is the distribution of energy along the bandwidth mainly between 300 and 800 Hz for si and 200 and 600 Hz for me. The sound level of the RS is from 10 to 20 dB less than the LS. The RS seems to be linked to the ‘flicking’ behaviour produced by both wings, while the LS always corresponds to the so-called ‘wing vibration’.  相似文献   

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