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The marine order Arthrotardigrada (class Heterotardigrada, phylum Tardigrada) is known for its conspicuously high morphological diversity and has been traditionally recognized as the most ancestral group within the phylum. Despite its potential importance in understanding the evolution of the phylum, the phylogenetic relationships of Arthrotardigrada have not been clarified. This study conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses of the order encompassing all families except Neoarctidae using nuclear 18S and 28S rRNA fragments. Data from two rare families, Coronarctidae and Renaudarctidae, were included for the first time. The analyses confirmed the monophyly of Heterotardigrada and inferred Coronarctidae as the sister group to all other heterotardigrade taxa. Furthermore, the results support a monophyletic Renaudarctidae + Stygarctidae clade, which has been previously suggested on morphology. Our data indicated that two subfamilies currently placed in Halechiniscidae are only distantly related to this family. We propose that these taxa are each elevated to family level (Styraconyxidae (new rank) and Tanarctidae (new rank)). The morphology of tardigrades is discussed in the context of the inferred phylogeny.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon ultrastructure of four species of moss-dwelling Heterotardigrada belonging to four genera of Echiniscidae, namely Pseudechiniscus juanitae, Echiniscus duboisi, Novechiniscus armadilloides and Antechiniscus parvisentus, was investigated. In all species, the testicular male gamete is similar in morphology and in length. The spermatozoon is made up of a long head, consisting of a cylindrical acrosome and an oval or rod-shaped nuclear region which contains a nucleus with osmiophilic and electron-dense chromatin, and a tapering tail, with a "9+2" axoneme. An elongated sack-like structure originates from the posterior part of the head, extending beyond the main axis of the cell and running parallel to the tail. It consists of two parallel tubular regions which sometimes form a strict double helix and contain two voluminous, "free" mitochondria with unmodified cristae. In addition, a voluminous vesicle is present laterally to the centriole or between the end of the nucleus and the beginning of the mitochondria, limited by two cytomembranes and filled with electron-lucent and granular material. The male gametes representative of these moss-dwelling Echiniscidae are very similar to the spermatozoa of the marine Echiniscoididae Echiniscoides sigismundi. This close similarity emphasises that habitat changes have had little influence on the organisation of the sperm cell representative of Echiniscoidea. Spermatozoon characters which could be useful for phylogenetic studies on Tardigrada are discussed.  相似文献   

Although morphological characters distinguishing echiniscid genera and species are well understood, the phylogenetic relationships of these taxa are not well established. We thus investigated the phylogeny of Echiniscidae, assessed the monophyly of Echiniscus, and explored the value of cuticular ornamentation as a phylogenetic character within Echiniscus. To do this, DNA was extracted from single individuals for multiple Echiniscus species, and 18S and 28S rRNA gene fragments were sequenced. Each specimen was photographed, and published in an open database prior to DNA extraction, to make morphological evidence available for future inquiries. An updated phylogeny of the class Heterotardigrada is provided, and conflict between the obtained molecular trees and the distribution of dorsal plates among echiniscid genera is highlighted. The monophyly of Echiniscus was corroborated by the data, with the recent genus Diploechiniscus inferred as its sister group, and Testechiniscus as the sister group of this assemblage. Three groups that closely correspond to specific types of cuticular design in Echiniscus have been found with a parsimony network constructed with 18S rRNA data. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

A new species of Batillipedidae, Batillipes spinicauda, has been found in subtidal sand sediments collected in Orosei Gulf (Sardinia, Tyrrhenian Sea). The most important peculiarities of the new species are the shape of the primary clavae, lateral processes and caudal apparatus. In the same samples, B. littoralis Renaud-Debyser, 1959 and Orzeliscus belopus Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1952 were found.  相似文献   

The question whether tardigrades possess a tripartite, segmented brain and a subpharyngeal ganglion or not is a matter of ongoing debate. This study sets out to analyze the structure of the nervous system of Batillipes pennaki and Actinarctus doryphorus ocellatus in order to provide new insights specially into the organization of the tardigrade brain. Based on the assumption that tardigrades are members of the taxon Panarthropoda rather than of the taxon Cycloneuralia, insights into the organization of their brain could help to clarify their relationship within Panarthropoda. Our results indicate that B. pennaki and A. doryphorus ocellatus neither possess a tripartite brain nor a subpharyngeal ganglion. The implications of these findings are discussed and compared with reference to previous studies.  相似文献   

Despite a century long history of research, tardigrade fauna of the Svalbard Archipelago remains poorly known. In order to deepen our knowledge of tardigrade biodiversity in the Arctic, we collected forty-one moss and lichen samples from the Revdalen and on the south-east slopes of the Rotjesfjellet (Spitsbergen, Svalbard Archipelago) in June 2010. In these samples, twenty-five tardigrade species were found, including two new for science: Bryodelphax parvuspolaris sp. nov. and Isohypsibius coulsoni sp. nov. B. parvuspolaris sp. nov. belongs to the weglarskae group but differs from all other species of the group by a unique configuration of ventral plates. I. coulsoni sp. nov. differs from the most similar species I. ceciliae Pilato and Binda, 1987 mainly by the absence of ventral sculpture. Two additional species, Milnesium asiaticum Tumanov, 2006 and Diphascon (Adropion) prorsirostre Thulin, 1928, are recorded from the Svalbard Archipelago for the first time.  相似文献   

本文记述了缓步动物门2新纪录种,阿瑞科姆大生熊虫Macrobiotus ariekammensis Wêglarska, 1965和帕氏双相熊虫Diphascon patanei Binda & Pilato, 1971.阿瑞科姆大生熊虫模式标本爪无附棘,但中国标本有.帕氏双相熊虫模式标本的吸咽较来自中国标本的吸咽要短圆一些,前者吸咽的长宽比是1.21~1.25∶1,而后者的吸咽平均长宽比为1.47∶1.  相似文献   

This paper describes some features of the chaetognath nervous system from ultrastructural observations and observations on material stained with specific techniques for nervous tissue, and from records of the activity of the locomotor muscles and ventral ganglion. Sensory cells grouped on the ventral surface of the head bear ciliary processes (some with multiple tubules), and are probably in connexion with the central nervous system by their own axons, unlike the sensory cells of the hair fan vibration receptors of head and body. The ventral ganglion is motor to the locomotor muscles of the body, and controls the rhythmic locomotor activity of the animal. Electrical events associated with contraction of these muscles are compound non-overshooting spike-like potentials. The ventral ganglion contains several large nerve fibres constant in position and connexions in different individuals. Some of these arise from cells in the ganglia of the head, and pass to the ventral ganglion, others from cells within the ventral ganglion, and probably supply the ciliary hair fan receptors of the body, whilst the motor axons issuing from the ventral ganglion are smaller in diameter. The ganglion is arranged on a ladder-like plan, and axons of the lateral cell bodies cross the central neuropil transversely before they contribute to the longitudinal tracts or pass out in the radial nerves. Synapses in the neuropil contain 30–40 nm electron lucent vesicles; the transmitter is unknown, but is unlikely to be either acetylcholine or l -glutamate. Occasional larger electron dense vesicles up to 70 nm in diameter are also found within nerve fibres of the neuropil. It is concluded that the arrangement of the peripheral nervous system is unlike that of several groups which have been suggested as related to chaetognaths.  相似文献   

Tardigrades are microscopic ecdysozoans with a worldwide distribution covering marine, limnic and terrestrial habitats. They are regarded as a neglected phylum with regard to studies of their phylogeny. During the last decade molecular data have been included in the investigation of tardigrades. However, the marine arthrotardigrades are still poorly sampled due to their relative rarity, difficult identification and minute size even for tardigrades. In the present study, we have sampled various arthrotardigrades and sequenced the 18S and partial 28S ribosomal subunits. The phylogenetic analyses based on Bayesian inference and maximum parsimony inferred Heterotardigrada (Arthrotardigrada + Echiniscoidea) and Eutardigrada to be monophyletic. Arthrotardigrada was inferred to be paraphyletic as the monophyletic Echiniscoidea is included within the arthrotardigrades. The phylogenetic positions of Stygarctidae and Batillipedidae are poorly resolved with low branch support. The Halechiniscidae is inferred to be polyphyletic as the currently recognized Styraconyxinae is not part of the family. Archechiniscus is the sister-group to the Halechiniscidae and Orzeliscus is placed as one of the basal halechiniscids. The phylogeny of the included eutardigrade taxa resembles the current molecular phylogenies. The genetic diversity within Arthrotardigrada is much larger (18S 15.1–26.5%, 28S 7.2–20.7%) than within Eutardigrada (18S 1.0–12.6%, 28S 1.3–8.2%). This can be explained by higher substitution rates in the arthrotardigrades or by a much younger evolutionary age of the sampled eutardigrades.  相似文献   

陕西缓步动物二新纪录种记述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王汉屏  王立志 《四川动物》2007,26(3):620-621
记述了陕西省2个缓步动物新纪录种,它们是毕氏假棘影熊虫Pseudechiniscus facettalis(异缓步纲,棘影科)和介小生熊虫Minibiotus intermedius(真缓步纲,高生熊虫科)。  相似文献   

四川省缓步动物2新纪录种记述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于广郢  李晓晨 《四川动物》2006,25(1):106-107
记述了四川省绵阳缓步动物2个新纪录种。它们是缓步动物门(Tardigrada)、真缓步纲(Eutardigrada)、近爪目(Parachela)、大生熊虫科(Marcobiotidate),Doryphoribius属的Doryphoribius qinlingensis Li,Su&Yu和缓步动物门、异缓步纲(Heterotardigrada)、棘影目(Echiniscoidea)、棘影科(Fchiniscidae)、角棘影属(Cornechiniscus)的Cornechiniscus lobatus Ramazzotti。  相似文献   

Macrobiotus hufelandi Schultze, 1834 was tested for response to light. Size groups of less than 120 m and of 120 m or more were used. It was found that the smaller, younger size group exhibited a statistically significant negative response to light. This is hypothesized to function in conservation of body moisture and be more important to the smaller individuals because of the greater surface area-to-volume ratio. An experiment on response to gravity was done in an effort to determine if the negative photokinesis was the total result of a more complex type of behavior but this experiment did not detect any significant response to gravity in either of the size groups. Observation of the bacterial trails left by the tardigrades indicates that this behavior is not negative phototaxis, but rather negative photokinesis which is a non-directed, random movement in which the animal either increases its speed or changes its direction when exposed to light.  相似文献   

Sloths are among the most characteristic elements of the Cainozoic of South America and are represented, during the Pleistocene, by approximately nine genera of gigantic ground sloths (Megatheriidae and Mylodontidae). A few contributions have described their masticatory apparatus, but almost no attention has been paid to the reconstruction of the muzzle, an important feature to consider in relation to food intake, and particularly relevant in sloths because of the edentulous nature of the muzzle and its varied morphology. The relationship between dietary habits and shape and width of the muzzle is well documented in living herbivores and has been considered an important feature for the inference of alimentary styles in fossils, providing an interesting methodological tool that deserves to be considered for xenarthrans. The goal of this study was to examine models of food intake by reconstructing the appearance and shape of the muzzle in five species of Pleistocene ground sloths (Megatherium americanum, Glossotherium robustum, Lestodon armatus, Mylodon darwini, and Scelidotherium leptocephalum) using reconstructions of the nasal cartilages and facial muscles involved in food intake. The preservation of the nasal septum, and the scars for muscular attachment in the rostral part of the skulls, allow making a conservative reconstruction of muzzle anatomy in fossil sloths. Wide-muzzled ground sloths (Glossotherium and Lestodon) had a square, nonprehensile upper lip and were mostly bulk-feeders. The lips, coupled with the tongue, were used to pull out grass and herbaceous plants. Narrow-muzzled sloths (Mylodon, Scelidotherium, and Megatherium) had a cone-shaped and prehensile lip and were mixed or selective feeders. The prehensile lip was used to select particular plants or plant parts.  相似文献   

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