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A growth model for Claviceps purpurea in submerged batch culture is presented. In developing the model, the basic principles of the growth and the morphological properties of C. purpurea are considered. The growth of C. purpurea is assumed to occur in a three-step manner; the first step involves the assimilation and the growth of cells; the second one involves cell division, and the third one involves transformation of the mature cells to a state where they have no ability to divide but do have the ability to produce ergot alkaloids and then they gradually die. Inorganic phosphate is assumed to be the limiting substrate for the first and the second steps in conditions of carbon source being in excess. The model constants are determined by model simulation and graphical searching techniques to find the minimum value of the absolute difference between the experimental and the simulated curves for biomass, alkaloids, and sucrose.  相似文献   

An new systematic approach for describing Claviceps purpurea growth and ergot alkaloid production during batch fermentation is presented. The model is based on microbial life, as the main characteristic for microbial development during fermentation process. The aging process of the microorganism is represented by life function, defined in microbial life space. The life space is defined as a measure in which the observer follows the development of a biosystem through physiological and morphological changes of a microorganism. As a consequence of such approach the relativistic theory is recognized. To validate the model developed, a test on growth and alkaloid synthesis data from an industrial batch fermentation was performed. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Following the growth kinetics of a C. purpurea ergotoxine-producing strain it was observed that alkaloid synthesis and alkaloid distribution depend on fungal growth velocity during idiophase. Formation of extracellular alkaloids is favoured by higher fungal growth velocity, while intracellular alkaloids begin to accumulate at a lower rate of growth. Simple lysergic acid derivatives prevali among extracellular alkaloids, whereas ergotoxines predominate among intracellular alkaloids. By varying cultivation conditions, by feeding the culture, or by varying the inoculum size, alkaloid composition can be influenced within the limits of strain capabilities.  相似文献   

Summary Varying the air flow rate (vvm) in a fermentor under constant drive speed, Claviceps purpurea dimorphism as well as alkaloid biosynthesis were greatly influenced. At a high flow rate (2.5 vvm) sclerotial growth was favoured in seed and in production media, while at a low air flow rate (1.0 vvm) sphacelial growth dominated. When using high flow rates the oxygen uptake rate was small, but at low flow rates it increased markedly. In both cases the alkaloid production was lower than at the intermediate value of 1.5 vvm of air flow rate, which proved to be optimal. This could be explained by the difference in the air/water interface and two-phase oxygen uptake. At a high air/water interface direct oxygen uptake from the gaseous phase prevails, while at a low air/water interface uptake is due to the oxygen liquid-phase only. Thus for optimal fungal development and alkaloid production a compromise between uptake from the liquid and the gaseous phase has to be established by a defined ratio between aeration and agitation.  相似文献   

Summary Biochemical and morphological changes during the growth and development of Claviceps purpurea seed cultures under submerged conditions were established. The fall in RNA content at about the middle of the exponential phase of growth has been found to be associated with the transition from sphacelial to sclerotial growth and may be considered the major indicator of changes in the metabolism of the fungus. It may also serve as a biochemical indicator for the optimal activity of Claviceps purpurea seed cultures.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of exogenously administered l-valine on the ratio of ergocornine/ergokryptine in submerged cultures of Claviceps purpurea was studied. The desired ratio of alkaloids (1:1) was achieved by the use of very small concentrations of l-valine when proper conditions had been established.  相似文献   

Evidence for an ergot alkaloid gene cluster in Claviceps purpurea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A gene (cpd1) coding for the dimethylallyltryptophan synthase (DMATS) that catalyzes the first specific step in the biosynthesis of ergot alkaloids, was cloned from a strain of Claviceps purpurea that produces alkaloids in axenic culture. The derived gene product (CPD1) shows only 70% similarity to the corresponding gene previously isolated from Claviceps strain ATCC 26245, which is likely to be an isolate of C. fusiformis. Therefore, the related cpd1 most probably represents the first C. purpurea gene coding for an enzymatic step of the alkaloid biosynthetic pathway to be cloned. Analysis of the 3′-flanking region of cpd1 revealed a second, closely linked ergot alkaloid biosynthetic gene named cpps1, which codes for a 356-kDa polypeptide showing significant similiarity to fungal modular peptide synthetases. The protein contains three amino acid-activating modules, and in the second module a sequence is found which matches that of an internal peptide (17 amino acids in length) obtained from a tryptic digest of lysergyl peptide synthetase 1 (LPS1) of C. purpurea, thus confirming that cpps1 encodes LPS1. LPS1 activates the three amino acids of the peptide portion of ergot peptide alkaloids during D-lysergyl peptide assembly. Chromosome walking revealed the presence of additional genes upstream of cpd1 which are probably also involved in ergot alkaloid biosynthesis: cpox1 probably codes for an FAD-dependent oxidoreductase (which could represent the chanoclavine cyclase), and a second putative oxido-reductase gene, cpox2, is closely linked to it in inverse orientation. RT-PCR experiments confirm that all four genes are expressed under conditions of peptide alkaloid biosynthesis. These results strongly suggest that at least some genes of ergot alkaloid biosynthesis in C. purpurea are clustered, opening the way for a detailed molecular genetic analysis of the pathway. Received: 26 August 1998 / Accepted: 19 October 1998  相似文献   

Summary In submerged cultures of Claviceps sp. CP II, elymoclavine was synthesized only by the growing mycelium (phase P1), whereas cultures of C. purpurea strain 129 produced agroclavine after vegetative growth had also ceased (phase P2). In strain CP II, the peak of activity of malate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and phosphatases was related to the time of maximum growth rate and alkaloid production. Citrate synthase activity paralleled the course of alkaloid synthesis. Strain 129 exhibited a further activity peak of the same magnitude during phase P2. ATP levels in both cultures corresponded to the pattern of change in enzyme activities. Strain CP II contained roughly twice as much orthophosphate and ATP in its cells as strain 129 and exhibited higher average activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. It follows from these results that alkaloid synthesis requires the processes of primary metabolism, even when it occurs after active growth of the culture has ceased. Cultures producing alkaloids oxidized at C-8 exhibit higher glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, probably because of a higher NADPH consumption.  相似文献   

Ultrathin sectioning of submerged mycelium of Claviceps purpurea Tul. producing clavine alkaloids revealed yeast-like budding resulting in asexual sporesblastospores. These deciduous spores were born by extended hyphal cells and retained the same ultrastructure of cell organelles. Both the extended hyphae and the blastospores resembled the cells of ergot sclerotial tissue. A surface culture of C. purpurea Tul. producing no alkaloids was used as a reference.  相似文献   

Transformation of extracellular sucrose during cultivation of Claviceps purpurea led to the formation of mono- and oligosaccharides. Maltose was a suitable substrate for submerged fermentation of alkaloids. Fermentation in a medium with maltose was characterized by an insignificant formation of glucans, intensive sporulation, suspension growth of mycelium, and a higher formation of elymoclavine. Glucose alone yielded low levels of total alkaloids and high glucan formation; on the other hand, glucose promoted the formation of elymoclavine.  相似文献   

Supplementation of Tween surfactants promoted alkaloid production by submerged cultured of Claviceps sp. strain SD-58. Tween 80 (0.5%) exhibited the maximum (2-fold) stimulatory effect when added to the medium at the initial stage of cultivation. The stimulation of alkaloid production by Tween 80 was found to be associated with the increase in cell mass, higher consumption of nutrients and enhanced excretion of alkaloids from the cells. The results are discussed in relation to the physiology of alkaloid production in Claviceps sp. strain SD-58.  相似文献   

Transformation of extracellular sucrose during cultivation of Claviceps purpurea led to the formation of mono- and oligosaccharides. Maltose was a suitable substrate for submerged fermentation of alkaloids. Fermentation in a medium with maltose was characterized by an insignificant formation of glucans, intensive sporulation, suspension growth of mycelium, and a higher formation of elymoclavine. Glucose alone yielded low levels of total alkaloids and high glucan formation; on the other hand, glucose promoted the formation of elymoclavine.  相似文献   

Addition of biotin to culture medium NL-406 significantly increased alkaloid yield during submerged cultivation of Claviceps sp. strain SD-58. Alkaloid yield was further enhanced by incorporating leucine in biotin-supplemented culture medium. Increased alkaloid production was associated with an increase in the lipid content of cells and in the number of chlamydospores. Biotin deficiency caused a reduction in alkaloid yield and a parallel decrease in lipid content and chlamydospore numbers.  相似文献   

Asparagine was a superior nitrogen source for clavine-alkaloid production in Claviceps purpurea. Its transport into the cell excedded the cell's biosynthetic need for this amino acid. Asparagine entered the cell without degradation. This disturbed the relative pool sizes of various amino acids resulting in a change in the genetically determined ratio at which amino acids were utilized for protein synthesis. Overproduction of alkaloids (4500 mug.ml-1) may be associated with increased availability of tryptophan because of the enhanced assimilation of asparagine-derived ammonia via glutamine synthetase (EC However, ammonium salts in the fermentation broth led to a depression of the alkaloid yield. Partial replacement of the ammonium salt by aspartic acid elevated alkaloid production.  相似文献   

Addition of biotin to culture medium NL-406 significantly increased alkaloid yield during submerged cultivation of Claviceps sp. strain SD-58. Alkaloid yield was further enhanced by incorporating leucine in biotin-supplemented culture medium. Increased alkaloid production was associated with an increase in the lipid content of cells and in the number of chlamydospores. Biotin deficiency caused a reduction in alkaloid yield and a parallel decrease in lipid content and chlamydospore numbers.  相似文献   

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