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Weight, stature, arm circumference, and the triceps skinfold were measured in 1,410 school children, 6 through 14 years of age, from two urban colonias in the city of Oaxaca de Juarez (n = 479), and from two rural Ladino (n = 467) and two rural Zapotec (n = 464) communities in the Valley of Oaxaca in southern Mexico. Children from rural Ladino communities and urban colonias are significantly taller, heavier, and more muscular than children in rural Zapotec communities. The differences between rural Ladino and urban colonia children favor the former, particularly for weight and stature. These observations thus suggest (1) that children in the rural, indigenous communities in the Valley of Oaxaca are relatively undernourished compared to children in Ladinoized and urban communities, and (2) that rural-to-urban migration does not necessarily result in improved growth status.  相似文献   

A decade ago in a seminal monograph, Anne Kirkby proposed a model of colonization for the prehispanic Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, in which settlement location was determined by the distribution of prime agricultural land. The model was tested against the corpus of known prehispanic settlements and tentative support was found. In the years since this study, a systematic archeological settlement pattern project was completed, making a more adequate test of the model possible. Reexamination of the colonization process suggests that, although agricultural considerations were important, they were less determinant of settlement location than had been implied previously. The adoption of a broader perspective toward regional colonization is suggested.  相似文献   

Adult stature and the age at menarche among individuals from Zapotec-speaking communities in the Valley of Oaxaca in southern Mexico are considered in a secular perspective. Four sets of observations are utilized: (1) adult stature in males and females from five rural communities; (2) age at menarche in adult women and school girls from a single rural community; (3) earlier studies of adult stature in the Valley of Oaxaca; and (4) estimated stature from long bones excavated in various archaeological sites in the Valley of Oaxaca. There were no significant differences among the five communities for stature; hence, the data were pooled for analysis and comparison. Results of linear regression of stature and stature adjusted for the estimated effects of aging after 30 years of age on year of birth indicate negligible secular changes in either sex. Comparisons with statures from earlier surveys, the earliest dates to 1899, also indicate negligible changes. When adult women are grouped according to age, there are no differences in mean ages at menarche between the older and younger women. Mean age at menarche for the total adult sample is 14.53 ± 0.08 years, which compares favorably with the probit estimate for school girls, 14.70 ± 0.32 years. These results thus suggest virtually no secular change in adult size and maturity of the Zapotec-speaking population in the Valley of Oaxaca over the past 80 years. Differences in stature between contemporary populations and estimated statures from long bones from several archaeological sites in Oaxaca are small, and thus suggests little secular change over the past one to two–thousand years.  相似文献   

Five new species are described from the state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico:Huperzia beiteliana Mickel,Ophioglossum dudadae Mickel,Selaginella basipilosa Valdespino,Selaginella mickelii Valdespino, andSelaginella nothohybrida Valdespino.  相似文献   

Sicyos mcvaughii, a new species from Oaxaca, is described and illustrated. It is similar to Sicyos sertuliferus Cogn., and grows in secondary tropical deciduous forest, between 20 and 630 meters.  相似文献   

In the present study, two new species of Gyrodactylus are described from Profundulus oaxacae, a fish endemic to the Pacific slope of Oaxaca State, Mexico. Fishes were collected within their distribution range in 5 localities in the Atoyac-Verde River. Gyrodactylus montealbani n. sp. and G. zapoteco n. sp. were erected and characterized morphologically (sclerites of the attachment apparatus and the male copulatory organ) and molecularly (sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacer region of rDNA). The haptoral sclerites of the new species are similar to those of Gyrodactylus iunuri and Gyrodactylus tepari, both recently described from the goodeid fish Goodea atripinnis, from the Mexican States of Jalisco and Querétaro, respectively; and to Gyrodactylus xtachuna described from the poeciliid Poeciliopsis gracilis in Veracruz State, Mexico – nonetheless, these species can all be discriminated based on their marginal hook morphology. Specimens of G. montealbani n. sp. and G. zapoteco n. sp. were sequenced, and were aligned with sequences of 25 other Gyrodactylus spp. Both Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses indicated that the two new species are members of independent, well-supported lineages – these are the first Gyrodactylus species described from Profundulus oaxacae.  相似文献   

Tigridia amatlanensis is described and illustrated as a new species from Mexico. It is recognized by its nodding flowers and its inner and outer tepals cirrhous and markedly dimorphic in length. It is most closely related toT. hallbergii subsp.hallbergii andT. meleagris. Other morphologically similar species areT. catarinensis andT. molseediana.  相似文献   

David G. Furth 《ZooKeys》2013,(332):1-32
This is a preliminary study of the diversity of the Flea Beetles (Alticinae) of the Mexican state of Oaxaca based on fieldwork by the author in 1991, 1997, and 2010, the literature, and specimens in several institutional collections. The number of genera and species for Mexico as well as for Oaxaca increased significantly from previous studies. There are now 625 species in 90 genera recorded from Mexico with 275 species in 68 genera recorded from Oaxaca. There are 113 species known only from the state of Oaxaca and another 38 species known only from Oaxaca and the surrounding states. Oaxaca has a relatively high diversity as well as a high percentage of endemism. This study also demonstrates the effects of how even a small amount of fieldwork together with extracting specimen data from institutional collections can significantly increase the total faunistic and diversity knowledge of an area. A complete list of the genera and species known from Oaxaca is included.  相似文献   

Size and velocity growth curves of stature to represent skeletal growth, lean arm circumference to represent muscle growth, and the sum of three skinfolds to represent fat tissue changes, are presented for a longitudinal study of Montreal school–age children. Both a chronological age scale, and one relative to the individual ages of peak growth velocity in stature, are used. Intercorrelations between the various components are tabulated for age groups based on the two scales. The three skinfolds are also analyzed separately. The results show that such simple anthropometric measures can be usefully taken to represent the growth of different body components. Longitudinal analysis reveals that, whereas the relationship of muscular to statural growth in boys is purely maturational, it is not so for girls, and that the different skinfolds show complex sexual differences in growth during the pubertal period.  相似文献   

Socioeconomic variation in the growth status of 293 children, 6 through 13 years of age, from a rural subsistence agricultural community in southern Mexico was considered. Socioeconomic status was based on an index developed from landholdings, household goods, and occupation, and households were classified as high and low status. Growth measurements included weight, stature, sitting height, estimated leg length, arm and estimated arm muscle circumferences, triceps skinfold, and right gripping strength. The growth status of boys showed a clear socioeconomic differential, while that of girls did not. The results are consistent with the generalization that males are more influenced by environmental stresses than females, including, of course, the favorable stress of improved socioeconomic circumstances, even within seemingly single-class rural communities.  相似文献   

The postulated superior functional efficiency in association with reduced body size under conditions of chronic protein-energy undernutrition was considered in school children from rural Mexico and coastal Papua New Guinea. Grip strength and three measures of motor performance were measured in cross-sectional samples of children 6-16 years of age from a rural agricultural community in Oaxaca, Mexico, and from the coastal community Pere on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea. The strength and performance of a mixed-longitudinal sample of well nourished children from Philadelphia was used as a reference. The Oaxaca and Pere children are significantly shorter and lighter and are not as strong as the well nourished children. Motor performances of Pere children compare favorably to those of the better-nourished Philadelphia children, whereas those of the Oaxaca children are poorer. Throwing performance is more variable. When expressed relative to body size, strength is similar in the three samples, but the running and jumping performances of Pere children per unit body size are better than the relative performances of Oaxaca and Philadelphia children. Throwing performance per unit body size is better in the undernourished children. The influence of age, stature, and weight on the performance of Oaxaca and Pere children is generally similar to that for well nourished children. These results suggest that the hypothesized adaptive significance of small body size for the functional efficiency of populations living under conditions of chronic undernutrition varies between populations and with performance tasks.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study of height, weight and skeletal maturity as judged from radiographs of hand and wrist, of 1,412 children under seven years of age (694 boys and 718 girls) living in rural Guatemala was performed. Height and weight were compared to standards prepared by the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP). Skeletal age was assessed by the Tanner-Whitehouse and the Greulich and Pyle methods. All x-rays were read by the senior author. The children surveyed were significantly shorter and lighter than well noruished Guatemalan children. Differences were evident by age six months and at a maximum by age five years. Both methods showed skeletal age to lag behind chronological age so that the Guatemalan rural children mature at slower rates than either the British children or the Ohio, U.S.A., children, from whom the two sets of standards were developed. Children of both sexes with radio-opaque transverse lines at the metaphysis showed a consistent tendency to be shorter than children without such lines. Boys but not girls showed similar trends for weight. In general, the data are consistent with the view that the physical development in boys is more severely retarded by an adverse environment than that of girls.  相似文献   

Mexico has 18 species of Triatomine bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) reported to be vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi. Chagas Disease is widespread in Mexico, with up to 3.5% seropositivity of human transfusion blood. The State of Oaxaca has the longest history of endemic Chagas Disease, based on acute and chronic case reports, and of entomological surveys in the country. However, the State health care services need more information on current risks of vector transmission. In order to identify and characterize areas of transmission in Oaxaca and to stratify the vector potential, the distribution of domestic Triatominae was surveyed during 1996-98 in collaboration with the primary health care services and local communities. Villages were studied in 11% of 570 municipalities in Oaxaca. Eight triatomine species were found in domestic and peri-domestic habitats: Triatoma barberi Usinger, T. bolivari Carcavallo et al., T. dimidiata (Latreille), T. mazzottii Usinger, T. nitida Usinger, T. pallidipennis (Stal), T. phyllosoma (Burmeister) and Rhodnius prolixus Stal. For each triatomine species in Oaxaca, the range of distribution and habitat characteristics are described. Habitat partitioning, principally based on altitude and mean annual precipitation, limited the overlap of distribution between species. Relatively consistent altitude of human settlements facilitates the dispersion of individual species within microregions. Entomological indices of house infestation were used to estimate that approximately 50% of the human population (1,874,320 inhabitants) would be at risk of vector transmission, with a minimum of 134,320 infected people and 40,280 chronic cases of Chagas Disease currently in Oaxaca.  相似文献   

The effects of agricultural intensification on health are examined in prehistoric populations of the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico. Agriculture was practiced in the Valley of Oaxaca by the beginning of the Early Formative period (ca. 1400 B.C.), and had intensified by the Late Formative (ca. 500 B.C.). Skeletal remains from 14 archaeological sites in the Valley are pooled by temporal affiliation into a nonintensive agriculture group (1400-500 B.C.) and an intensive agriculture group (500 B.C.-1400 A.D.). The health effects of agricultural intensification are assessed by comparing the frequency of periosteal reactions, cribra orbitalia, and enamel hypoplasia between the intensive and nonintensive agricultural groups. Overall, no significant differences (alpha = 0.05) are found between the nonintensive and intensive groups. Power analyses of the chi-square tests indicate that the tests have a high probability of rejecting a false null hypothesis. The intensification of agriculture does not appear to have had a deleterious effect on the health of the prehistoric population of the Valley. The differences between this study and previous studies of health and agricultural development may be explained by differences between the processes of intensification and development or by differences between primary and secondary centers of agricultural development.  相似文献   

Statures and weights for four samples of Mexican-American children in Texas, measured in 1929–1931 and 1968–1972, were evaluated for evidence of a secular trend. The age range was 6 to 18 years, with more complete data from 8 through 15 years. There is no secular increase in the statures and weights of 6 year old children, a small increase in 8 years old children, and a larger secular increase at 10, 12, 14, and 15 years of age. From about 9 or 10 years of age on, the more recent Mexican-American children tend to have greater weights for their heights. The magnitudé of the secular change per decade, however, is considerably smaller than rates for US black, white, European, and Japanese children. The estimated rates of secular change in stature for Mexican-American children approximate about one-fourth to one-half of the generalized rates for European and North American children offered by Meredith ('76) and Tanner ('77). Reasons for a limited secular trend in Texas Mexican-American children are probably bound to the matrix of lower socioeconomic circumstances, poorer health conditions, and marginal nutritional status.  相似文献   

The present study reports 5,029 length and weight measurements as well as percentile distributions for a mixed longitudinal series of 1,119 rural Guatemalan Ladino children. The study sample, birth through seven years, is representative of children in clinically good health, but of suboptimal nutrition. Boys are longer and heavier than girls over the age range. Guatemalan children of both sexes are smaller than American white children from Denver. Differences are least at birth, and increase through two years of age. Between two and five years, differences between the rural Guatemalan Ladino and Denver samples are rather stable, but then increase through seven years. Despite these differences there is a linear weight for length relationship which is the same across all preschool ages, both sexes, and for both the Guatemalan and Denver populations. This implies that age, sex, ethnic differences between the two groups compared, and mild-to-moderate protein-calorie malnutrition do not affect the relationship between weight and length in preschool children.  相似文献   

Data on body weight, stature and weight/stature2 index of 1351 males and 770 females comprising a sample of Egyptian children from Cairo area aged 6–18 years have been presented. Body weight and stature were found to be higher than similar information from a nation-wide sample studied during the early sixties. Besides, there were differences in ages of the maximal increments between the present and previous national study that denote comparatively earlier occurrence of puberty spurts in weight and stature of Cairo children nowadays. However girls after puberty were found to be of lighter weight at present.  相似文献   

Male college students (N = 381) residing in several districts of Eastern India, classified into two groups, urban (N = 193) and rural (N = 188), were studied by anthropometric measurements of skinfold thicknesses in several sites of the body to determine their body fat content. The mean value of percentage of body fat was found to be significantly higher (P < 0.001) in the urban group of students (12.07 ± 3.04) than in the rurals (11.04 ± 2.63). The mean values of skinfold thicknesses of the biceps, triceps, and subscapular regions were also found to be higher in urbans (P < 0.01), but no such significant differences in mean values of supra-iliac and abdominal skinfolds were found between the two groups of students. Most of the subjects of both the groups had a greater thickness of the abdominal skinfold compared to thickness of the biceps, triceps, and suprailiac skinfolds. It was found that the college students of Eastern India were leaner than the youths of North America, Europe, Japan, and Northern India.  相似文献   

Elevation gradients of diversity for rodents and bats in Oaxaca, Mexico   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1  This study documents patterns of rodent and bat diversity related to abiotic and biotic factors along elevational gradients in the Sierra Mazateca (640–2600 m a.s.l.) and Sierra Mixteca (700–3000 m a.s.l.) in Oaxaca, Mexico.
2  The two transects share similar faunas: 17 and 23 rodent species were captured in the sierras Mazateca and Mixteca, respectively, 14 of which occurred on both transects. Rodent species richness was similar in the wet season and the dry season along both transects. Rodent species richness peaked at 1025–1050 m in tropical semi-deciduous forest on both transects. Endemic species were restricted to high-elevation habitats.
3  Sixteen and 17 bat species were captured in the sierras Mazateca and Mixteca, respectively; 11 occurred on both transects. Bat species richness was higher in the wet season than in the dry season in the Sierra Mazateca. Bat species richness peaked at 1850 m in pine–oak forest in the Sierra Mazateca, and at 750 m and 1050 m in tropical semi-deciduous forest in the Sierra Mixteca, decreasing abruptly at higher elevations on both transects.
4  Patterns of trophic diversity of rodents and bats coincided with those of species richness on each transect. Species richness increased with increasing habitat diversity; increased with increasing rainfall and productivity; increased with increasing resource diversity; and increased in areas with high rates of speciation (rodents only).
5  The need for conservation action in Oaxaca is urgent and proponents should promote establishment of protected areas linking lowland habitats with high species richness to high-elevation habitats harbouring large numbers of endemic forms.  相似文献   

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