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Trypanosoma cruzi is incapable of synthesizing putrescine or cadaverine de novo, and, therefore, salvage of polyamines from the host milieu is an obligatory nutritional function for the parasite. A high-affinity diamine transporter (TcPOT1) from T. cruzi has been identified previously that recognizes both putrescine and cadaverine as ligands. In order to assess the functional role of TcPOT1 in intact parasites, a Δtcpot1 null mutant was constructed by targeted gene replacement and characterized. The Δtcpot1 mutant lacked high-affinity putrescine-cadaverine transport capability but retained the capacity to transport diamines via a non-saturable, low-affinity mechanism. Transport of spermidine and arginine was not impacted by the Δtcpot1 lesion. The Δtcpot1 cell line exhibited a significant but not total defect in its ability to subsist in Vero cells, although initial infection rates were not affected by the lesion. These findings reveal that TcPOT1 is the sole high-affinity diamine permease in T. cruzi, that genetic obliteration of TcPOT1 impairs the ability of the parasite to maintain a robust infection in mammalian cells, and that a secondary low-affinity uptake mechanism for this key parasite nutrient is operative but insufficient for optimal infection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Upon incubation at 37° C onto glass coverslips coated with Concanavalin A, poly-L-lysine, or a monoclonal antibody (1D9) directed to the parasite major surface glycoprotein Ssp-4, extracellular Trypanosoma cruzi amastigotes release trails of material barely visible by light microscopy. This release is not associated with parasite movements. Immunolabeling studies confirmed that the material is derived from the parasite's membrane since thin section through samples labeled with 1D9 revealed that the trails are membrane-bound structures. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the ∼0.1-μm thick trails of material emerging from the amastigotes can be uniform or beaded, indicating a tendency to vesiculation. The trails are preferentially released from the flagellar pocket region and/or at the opposite posterior end of the parasite body, and seem to be devoid of microtubules. The release is time and temperature-dependent and fixed parasites do not form trails. All attempts to inhibit trail release using drugs (antimycin A, sodium azide, cytochalasin D, nocodazole, genistein, staurosporine, EGTA) failed. The observation of trails associated with intracellular parasites and amastigotes invading Vero cells suggests that this is probably a physiological process.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In this study we have examined the distribution of epitopes defined by monoclonal antibodies raised against Trypanosoma cruzi amastigotes during the intraceullar life cycle of the parasite. We have raised monoclonal antibodies towards amastigote forms and performed preliminary immunochemical characterization of their reactivities. MAB 1D9, 3G8, 2B7, 3B9, and 4B9, and 4B9 react with carbohydrate epitopes of the parasite major surface glycoprotein—Ssp-4 defined by MAB 2C2 [5]: MAB 4B5 reacts with a noncarbohydrate epitope in all developmental stages of the parasite, and MAB 3B2 also detects a noncarbohydrate epitope preferentially in T. cruzi flagellared forms. Vero cells infected with tissue culture-derived trypomastigotes of clone D11 (G strain) were fixed at different times during the intraceullular proliferation of parasites, and processed for immjno-electron microscopy and confocal immunoflurescence with the different monoclonal antibodies. We observed that while the surface distribution of MAB 2C2 and 4B9 epitopes was uniform throughout the cycle, MAB 1D9, 3G8, and 2B7 reacted with cytoplasmic membrance-bound compartments of the amastigotes. MAB 3B9 displayed a unique surface dentate pattern in some amastigotes. MAB 4B5 recognized a curved-shaped structure at the flagellar pocket region in some intracellular amastigotes and localized to the membrane in dividing forms. In intracellular trypomastigotes, MAB 4B5 also displayed a punctate pattern near the flagellar pocket.  相似文献   

Metacyclic forms of Trypanosoma cruzi isolated from the hindgut of infected insect vectors (Rhodnius prolixus) were found to be immunologically cross-reactive with cultured epimastigote, amastigote, and metacyclic stages of the parasite as well as with bloodstream trypomastigote forms by direct agglutination and indirect immunofluorescence techniques. Sera specific for each of these forms of the parasite systematically yielded maximal antibody titers when measured against the homologous antigen, indicating that antigenic determinants are shared by all of the developmental forms used in this work. Supporting this conclusion were the significant reductions in anti-insect-derived metacyclic antibody titer caused by absorption with any of the other life stages of T. cruzi. These results are relevant to the potential use of laboratory-grown forms of T. cruzi in vaccination against a natural infection with this parasite.  相似文献   



Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas'' disease. Cysteine peptidases are relevant to several aspects of the T. cruzi life cycle and are implicated in parasite-mammalian host relationships. However, little is known about the factors that contribute to the parasite-insect host interaction.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we have investigated whether cruzipain could be involved in the interaction of T. cruzi with the invertebrate host. We analyzed the effect of treatment of T. cruzi epimastigotes with anti-cruzipain antibodies or with a panel of cysteine peptidase inhibitors (cystatin, antipain, E-64, leupeptin, iodocetamide or CA-074-OMe) on parasite adhesion to Rhodnius prolixus posterior midgut ex vivo. All treatments, with the exception of CA074-OMe, significantly decreased parasite adhesion to R. prolixus midgut. Cystatin presented a dose-dependent reduction on the adhesion. Comparison of the adhesion rate among several T. cruzi isolates revealed that the G isolate, which naturally possesses low levels of active cruzipain, adhered to a lesser extent in comparison to Dm28c, Y and CL Brener isolates. Transgenic epimastigotes overexpressing an endogenous cruzipain inhibitor (pCHAG), chagasin, and that have reduced levels of active cruzipain adhered to the insect gut 73% less than the wild-type parasites. The adhesion of pCHAG parasites was partially restored by the addition of exogenous cruzipain. In vivo colonization experiments revealed low levels of pCHAG parasites in comparison to wild-type. Parasites isolated after passage in the insect presented a drastic enhancement in the expression of surface cruzipain.


These data highlight, for the first time, that cruzipain contributes to the interaction of T. cruzi with the insect host.  相似文献   



Chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy caused by Trypanosoma cruzi is the result of a pathologic process starting during the acute phase of parasite infection. Among different factors, the specific recognition of glycan structures by glycan-binding proteins from the parasite or from the mammalian host cells may play a critical role in the evolution of the infection.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Here we investigated the contribution of galectin–1 (Gal–1), an endogenous glycan-binding protein abundantly expressed in human and mouse heart, to the pathophysiology of T. cruzi infection, particularly in the context of cardiac pathology. We found that exposure of HL–1 cardiac cells to Gal–1 reduced the percentage of infection by two different T. cruzi strains, Tulahuén (TcVI) and Brazil (TcI). In addition, Gal–1 prevented exposure of phosphatidylserine and early events in the apoptotic program by parasite infection on HL–1 cells. These effects were not mediated by direct interaction with the parasite surface, suggesting that Gal–1 may act through binding to host cells. Moreover, we also observed that T. cruzi infection altered the glycophenotype of cardiac cells, reducing binding of exogenous Gal–1 to the cell surface. Consistent with these data, Gal–1 deficient (Lgals1 -/-) mice showed increased parasitemia, reduced signs of inflammation in heart and skeletal muscle tissues, and lower survival rates as compared to wild-type (WT) mice in response to intraperitoneal infection with T. cruzi Tulahuén strain.


Our results indicate that Gal–1 modulates T. cruzi infection of cardiac cells, highlighting the relevance of galectins and their ligands as regulators of host-parasite interactions.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In cultures of the Y strain of Trypanosoma cruzi treated with acriflavine, a very high proportion of the crithidiae may be dyskinetoplastic. These crithidiae cannot be maintained in subcultures but are able to differentiate into (dyskinetoplastic) metatrypanosomes. In tissue cultures infected with these metatrypanosomes, or with blood trypanosomes and treated with acriflavine, dyskinetoplastic T. cruzi is able to go thru the whole sequence of stages that characterizes its cycle in the vertebrate host: penetration by trypanosomes into cells, differentiation into leishmaniae, multiplication in this phase and differentiation again into trypanosomes. The same may occur in the mammalian host itself. The physiological implications of these findings are discussed and special attention is called to polymorphism of blood forms of T. cruzi, which probably has the same significance it has in the brucei-evansi group of trypanosomes.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi chromatin is not condensed in chromosomes during mitosis. In previous studies a characteristic H 1 was not found in SDS or in acid-urea-PAGE. Consequently, it was proposed that the particular behavior of T. cruzi chromatin in dividing cells was due to the absence of an H 1 histone. In the present work, histones from this parasite were systematically characterized by spectrofluorometric analysis, amino acid composition, PAGE in one and in two dimensions, differential extraction with PCA and TCA, immunological cross-reactivity with antisera, and immunoblotting. We conclude that T. cruzi contains all five histones, H 1 presenting solubility and immunological properties similar to those in other species, but with a particular electrophoretic mobility in Triton-PAGE. Thus an explanation other than the absence of H 1 should be offered in order to understand the behavior of T. cruzi chromatin during mitosis. Moreover, histone variants were described by two-dimensional PAGE. The presence of histone variants suggests that they may participate in the regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation of this parasite, as it has been postulated for higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A video technic is described that permits a quantification of the degree of attraction of Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes to vertebrate cells in vitro. Bovine embryo skeletal muscle cells (BESM), HeLa cells and Vero cells all attract a myotropic strain of T. cruzi trypomastigotes. BESM cells, however, are 2-fold more attractive to trypomastigotes than HeLa cells and 10-fold more attractive than Vero cells. Heat-inactivation of BESM cells abolishes their ability to respire and also to attract T. cruzi trypomastigotes. As there is no difference in the endogenous oxygen consumption between BESM, HeLa, and Vero cells, it is unlikely that differences in the attraction of trypomastigotes to the 3 cell types are due to variations in the magnitude of pO2 or pCO2 gradients in the milieu around the cells.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion to surfaces represents the basis for niche colonization and survival. Here we establish serial quantification of adhesion forces of different cell types using a single probe. The pace of single-cell force-spectroscopy was accelerated to up to 200 yeast and 20 mammalian cells per probe when replacing the conventional cell trapping cantilever chemistry of atomic force microscopy by underpressure immobilization with fluidic force microscopy (FluidFM). In consequence, statistically relevant data could be recorded in a rapid manner, the spectrum of examinable cells was enlarged, and the cell physiology preserved until approached for force spectroscopy. Adhesion forces of Candida albicans increased from below 4 up to 16 nN at 37°C on hydrophobic surfaces, whereas a Δhgc1-mutant showed forces consistently below 4 nN. Monitoring adhesion of mammalian cells revealed mean adhesion forces of 600 nN of HeLa cells on fibronectin and were one order of magnitude higher than those observed for HEK cells.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The disruption of vimentin and actin filaments of host BSC-1 fibroblast cells by Trypanosoma cruzi was investigated using a mouse monoclonal anti-vimentin antibody and rhodamine phalloidin, respectively. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated that infection of BSC-1 cells by T. cruzi caused disruption of both cytoskeletal components. The disruption was greater as infection progressed. Mechanisms other than mechanical ones may play a role in the disruption since disrupted cytoskelelal elements were well removed from the parasites. In the determination of intracellular calcium concentrations using Fura-2 AM, infected and uninfected cells both showed an initial increase in intracellular calcium levels. At later times of infection (3 to 5 days), intracellular calcium levels of infected cells were significantly lower than those of control cells. There was no specific localization of intracellular calcium in the infected host cells as determined by image analysis.  相似文献   

Mild oxidation of epimastigote forms of T.cruzi followed by sodium borotritide reduction incorporates radioactivity into glycolipid fractions. Column chromatography on silica gel of the chloroform:methanol (2:1) extract separated two main peaks of radioactivity. Treatment with neuraminidase released 30% and 18% of the radioactivity, respectively. Paper chromatography showed peaks of radioactivity with relative migration to NANA7 of 1.33 in fraction A and 1.33 and 1.51 in fraction B. When unlabeled cells were submitted to a Folch extraction, thin layer chromatography of the upper phase showed at least two components detected with the resorcinol-copper reagent. Enzymatic and mild acid hydrolysis released a sialic acid with a migration relative to NANA of 1.22. These results suggest that a substituted sialic acid is present in glycolipids of the epimastigote form of T.cruzi.  相似文献   

A protein kinase activity, which uses casein as a substrate, has been purified to homogeneity from the epimastigote stage of Trypanosoma cruzi, by sequential chromatography on Q sepharose, heparin sepharose, phenyl sepharose, and alpha-casein agarose. An apparent molecular weight of 36,000 was estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Gel filtration chromatography and sedimentation analyses demonstrated that the purified native enzyme is a monomer with a sedimentation coefficient of 2.9 S. The hydrodynamic parameters indicated that the shape of the protein is globular with a frictional ratio f/f(o) = 1.36 and a Stokes radius of 27.7 A. When two selective peptide substrates for protein kinases CK1 and CK2 were used (RRKDLHDDEEDEAM. SITA and RRRADDSDDDDD, respectively), the purified kinase was shown to predominantly phosphorylate the CK1-specific peptide. Additionally, the enzyme was inhibited by N-(2-amino-ethyl)-5-chloroisoquinoline-8-sulfonamide, a specific inactivator of CK1s from mammals. Based on these results, we concluded that the purified kinase corresponds to a parasite CK1.  相似文献   

The existence of histone H1 has been questioned in Trypanosomatids. We report here the presence of a histone H1 in the chromatin of Trypanosoma cruzi. This protein was purified by narrow-bore reversed phase HPLC and its amino acid composition analyzed and compared with histones H1 from other species. Furthermore, the purified chromosomal protein was digested with proteases and the amino acid sequences of the resulting peptides were analyzed by the automated Edman degradation. The sequences obtained were found to present a high degree of homology when compared to the carboxy terminal domain of other known histones H1.  相似文献   

An early event in the Trypanosoma cruzi cell invasion process, the recruitment of host lysosomes, led us to investigate the involvement of signal transduction. Infective trypomastigotes were found to contain a soluble Ca2+-signaling activity for mammalian cells that is sensitive to protease inhibitors. Inhibitor and substrate utilization profiles were used to purify a candidate peptidase for involvement in this process, from which we isolated a full-length cDNA clone. The sequence revealed a novel enzyme, denominated T. cruzi oligopeptidase B, which is homologous to members of the prolyl oligopeptidase family of serine hydrolases, known to participate in the maturation of biologically active peptides. The T. cruzi oligopeptidase B was expressed as a fully active product in Escherichia coli, and antibodies to the recombinant enzyme inhibited both peptidase activity and Ca2+ signaling induced in normal rat kidney cells by trypomastigote extracts. Our data suggest that the T. cruzi oligopeptidase B participates in processing events in the cytoplasm of the parasites, generating a factor with Ca2+-signaling activity for mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Sporozoites of Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium knowlesi, incubated in normal serum readily interact with peritoneal macrophages of mice or rhesus monkeys, respectively. Interiorization of the sporozoite requires that both serum and macrophages be obtained from an animal susceptible to infection by the malaria parasite. Serum requirements for sporozoite attachment to the macrophage are less specific. Phagocytosis is not essential for the parasites to become intracellular. Our findings indicate that active penetration of the sporozoites into the macrophages does occur.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Two liquid media (F-29 and F-32) have been developed for the serial cultivation of T. cruzi amastigotes. F-29 consists of synthetic tissue culture fluid 199, trypticase, hemin and bovine fetal serum; F-32 is F-29 plus chicken plasma. The inocula for serial cultivation in both media contained over 99% epimastigotes. The proportion of structural types in the original inocula did not change significantly during 10 serial passages in F-29 medium at 29.5 C. However, in the 2nd passage in F-29 medium at 35.5 C most of the organisms becme amastigotes, and after several more subcultures over 92% were amastigotes. During the original passage in F-32 medium at 35.5 C. over 90% of the organisms were trypomastigotes with terminal kinetoplasts. After several more passages, and regardless of incubation temperature (29.5–35.5C), over 94% became amastigotes. In either F-29 or F-32 a 7-fold increase of amastigotes may be obtained after 4-day incubation at 35.5 C.  相似文献   

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