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Three new acanthoecidaean species collected from the coastal waters of Taiwan and Japan are described: Acanthocorbis camarensis n. sp. resembles Acanthocorbis unguiculata in lorica morphology, but differs in having regularly arranged longitudinal and transverse costae at the anterior lorica chamber, and in lacking a nail at the apical end of anterior spine; Diaphanoeca spiralifurca n. sp. is characterized by the spiral arrangement of the costal strips in the posterior half of the lorica chamber and is closely related to Diaphanoeca grandis; Stephanoeca supracostata n. sp. is closely related to Stephanoeca elegans, but differs in having an additional transverse costa at the anterior lorica chamber.  相似文献   

The egg cases, eggs, and different stages of life cycles of Tropisternus lateralis (Fabricius), T. blatchleyi D'Orchymont, and T. collaris (Fabricius) are described. A table is given for separating the various developmental stages of the three species.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the outer membrane of Escherichia coli O111 gives a single, major, 42,000-dalton protein peak when analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at neutral pH. Further studies have shown that this peak consists of more than a single polypeptide species, and on alkaline SDS-gel electrophoresis this single peak is resolved into three subcomponents designated as proteins 1, 2, and 3. By chromatography of solubilized, outer membrane protein on diethylaminoethyl-cellulose followed by chromatography on Sephadex G-200 in the presence of SDS, it was possible to separate the 42,000-dalton major protein into four distinct protein fractions. Comparison of cyanogen bromide peptides derived from these fractions indicated that they represented at least four distinct polypeptide species. Two of these proteins migrated as proteins 1 and 2 on alkaline gels. The other two proteins migrated as protein 3 on alkaline gels and cannot be separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In purified form, these major proteins do not contain bound lipopolysaccharide, phospholipid, or phosphate. These proteins may contain a small amount of carbohydrate, as evidenced by the labeling of these proteins by glucosamine, and to a lesser extent by glucose, under conditions where the metabolism of these sugars to amino acids and lipids is blocked. All of the proteins were labeled to the same extent by these sugars. Thus, it was concluded that there are at least four distinct polypeptide species with apparent molecular masses of about 42,000 daltons in the outer membrane of E. coli O111.  相似文献   

In a further analysis of the effects of varying light intensityon growth and development in the vegetative phase the reactionsof thirteen herbaceous species have been recorded. In some experimentsthe degree of shading has been extended to 0.055 daylight, alevel near or below the compensation point. For Lathyrus maritimus, Trifolium pratense, and Vicia faba,the net assimilation rate is directly related to the logarithmof the light intensity, but for Helianthus annuus, T. repent,T. hybridum, Medicago sativa, Phaseolus multiflorus, and Loliummultiflorum the relationship, though curvilinear, is not logarithmic.It is concluded that for all species the assimilation rate ofunshaded plants was limited by light even though in high summerthe recorded light energy between 4,000–7,000 A averaged1,900–2,200 foot-candles. For all these species between daylight and 0.12 daylight theleaf-area ratio rises as the intensity decreases and in generalthe trend is logarithmic. When the degree of shading is increasedto 0.055 daylight the logarithmic relationship still holds forL. maritimus and V. faba though this level is below the compensationpoint. For other species, such as P. multiflorus andH. annuusthe trend may be reversed below 0.12 daylight and the ratiothen falls. When the light intensity is reduced from daylight to 0.5 daylight,then for the species already cited and for Lolium perenne, Phleumpratcnse, and Festuca pratensis the relative growth-rate isinvariably depressed. At 0.055 daylight the relative growth-ratenever exceeded 1 per cent. per day. For L. perennet, P. pratense,and Dactylis glomerata the reactions to shading of ‘hay’and ‘grazing’ strains were different. The ecological and physiological implications of these findingsare discussed.  相似文献   

A checklist of protozoa parasitizing fishes in the Volga basin is given. The checklist includes host species names for the each parasite and data on the occurrence of parasites in different parts of the Volga basin. The data on parasitic protozoa from 52 fish species are presented. The list containes 224 species and 10 subspecies names of the parasites. 9 species (Trypanosoma gracilis, Eimeria cheni, E. sinensis, Zschokkella striata, Chloromyxum cyprini, Myxobolus amurensis, M. driagini, M. pavlovskii, and Balantidium ctenopharyngodoni) were introduced into the Volga basin from the Amur basin along with acclimatizated fishes.  相似文献   

Abstract Life history characteristics, e.g., stage class structures of natural populations and associated reproductive characteristics, were studied for six sessile-flowered, diploid Trillium (Liliaceae) species that are restricted to the Coastal Plain region of the southeastern United States.
These sessile-flowered species reproduce primarily by vegetative propagation. Leaf area measurements were used to categorize stage class distributions of natural populations. Populations propagating mainly by vegetative reproduction had non-sigmoidal, convex-shaped population structures with most plants being in the intermediate stage classes. Low numbers of individuals in smaller stage classes and an abundance of intermediate sized individuals are due to the fact that vegetative propagules are the primary method for maintenance of local populations.
Characteristics associated with sexual reproduction were also examined. Seed output averaged about 20 seeds per plant, except for T. lancifolium which produced 9.7 seeds on the average. Seed setting rates varied between 15.61–44.15% and mean seed weight varied from 4.89 to 10.75 mg. The dominance of vegetative versus sexual reproduction may be due to the fact that all six species occur in ecologically unstable flood plain habitats.  相似文献   

Synopsis The histochemical localization of carbohydrates and lipids and some oxidative, hydrolytic and steroid-linked enzymes has been studied in the testis of the camel with particular reference to the effect of the season on the distribution of these substances. PAS-positive, but diastase-resistant, material was seen mainly in the wall of blood vessels and in the boundary tissues of the seminiferous tubuli recti and rete testis. Clear cyclical changes were seen for glycogen in the lining epithelium of the seminiferous tubules. Glycogen was most abundant in early stages and very scanty or absent in the late stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. Numerous small lipid droplets were seen in the interstitial cells and towards the lumen of the seminiferous tubules that contain elongate spermatids or spermatozoa. Large lipid droplets were also demonstrable in the basal layer of the seminiferous epithelium and in the cytoplasmic debri. Alkaline phosphatase was demonstrated in the boundary tissues of the seminiferous tubules, tubuli recti and reti testis and in the cells bordering the lumen of the seminiferous tubules. Succinate and lactic dehydrogenases showed similar patterns of distribution in the interstitial elements and intratubularly.5-3 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was exclusively demonstrated in the interstitial cells. 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase could not be demonstrated. The season seems to have no effect on the distribution of all these substances. The possible significance of all these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

A method is described for the rapid and efficient isolation of phagocytic vesicles from large scale cultures of Acanthamoeba castellanii (Neff) that have been incubated with polystyrene latex beads. Cells were allowed to phagocytose latex beads for 30 min and then were homogenized, and the phagocytic vesicles were isolated by one centrifugation through several layers of sucrose. Identity and purity of the phagocytic vesicles were determined by electron microscopy, chemical analyses, and assays of acid phosphatase, α- and β-glucosidase, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase. When phagocytosis was allowed to occur for longer periods the phagocytic vesicles appeared to fuse with each other and perhaps with digestive vacuoles. The resultant vesicles which contained many beads were heavier than those which consisted of only one bead or a few beads with a closely applied membrane. Ultrasonication ruptured the isolated vesicles, and the membranes could then be isolated in 30–50% yield based on phospholipid analysis. These membranes were essentially free of acid hydrolases and, presumably, other soluble proteins, as was also indicated by their low ratio of protein to phospholipid. The membranes have been prepared both as closed vesicles and as open sheets.  相似文献   

Diplazium with simply pinnate or bipinnatifid leaves. Diplazium wichurae var. wichurae, D. wichurae var. amabile, D. okudairae, and D. pin-faense are sexual diploids (2n=82; n=41II); D.× kidoi and D. × okudairaeoides are sterile diploids (2n= 82; meiosis irregular); D. donianum var. donianum is an apomictic triploid (2n=123; n=123II); D. donianum var. aphanoneuron is a sterile triploid (2n=123; meiosis irregular); D. crassiusculum, D. cavalerianum, D. incomptum, D. longicarpum, and D. pullingeri are sexual tetraploids (2n= 164; n=82II); and D. lobatum is an apomictic tetraploid (2n=164; n=164II). This is the first report of the chromosome numbers of D. lobatum, D. crassiusculum, D. incomptum, D. longicarpum, D. pullingeri, and D. × okudairaeoides, as well as the mitotic chromosome numbers of D. wichurae var. amabile, D. okudairae, D. pinfaense, and D. ×kidoi. The mitotic chromosome number, meiotic behavior, sterility, and allozyme analysis confirm that D. × kidoi and D. × okudairaeoides are hybrids between D. pin-faense and D. wichurae var. wichurae and D. okudairae and D. wichurae var. wichurae, respectively. Diplazium with simply pinnate to bipinnatifid leaves displayed an extraordinary cytological and reproductive complexity: a polyploidal series with diploids to hexaploids, sexual and apomictic reproduction, and natural hybridization. Received 14 August 2001/ Accepted in revised form 1 October 2001  相似文献   

Investigations concerning the monocytic and lymphocytic cell series were carried out on the peripheral blood and dabbings of the kidney, the spleen and intestines of healthy eels (anguilla anguilla), and eels taken ill with vibrio anguillarum. By means of histological, cytochemical, phaseoptical, and electronmicroscopical examinations independent development lines of the monocytes and lymphocytes were established. The place of origination for the monocytes was found to be the kidney, for the lymphocytes the spleen and the intestines additionally. The evidence of the cytochemical assay of enzymes for the differentiation of these blood cells and their cellular systems is primarily dependent on the distribution of the activity of the unspecific esterase, the naphthol-AS-D-chloroacetate-esterase, the peroxidase and the alkalic phosphatase. Macrophages were - on the basis of enzymocytochemical results - seen as derivatives of the monocytes. Plasma cells and lymphoid cells are transformation forms of the lymphocytes. Our results emphasize the significance especially of cytochemistry for the hematological diagnostics of fish diseases.  相似文献   

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