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Circulating erythrocytes from rats were examined up to 30 weeks post whole-body exposures of 1.0 R for alterations in the expression of net negative surface charge as measured by whole-cell microelectrophoresis in saline sorbitol. Erythrocyte electrophoretic mobility was determined in an apparatus composed of a horizontal transilluminated cylindrical chamber, equipped with a reversible, blacked platinum electrode, immersed in a water bath maintained at 25.0±0.1°C (Rank Brothers). In two separate experiments, recurrent decreases in the expression of net negative surface charge occurred at 10, 17, and 30 weeks post-irradiation. At these times distribution analyses of recorded erythrocyte electrophoretic mobility (EEPM) values revealed a skewing of the normally distributed EEPM population values to lower EEPM. Total sialic acid content released from hydrolyzed erythrocyte membrane preparations revealed no significant differences between erythrocytes from sham and irradiated animals. In vivo post-irradiation labeling of erythrocytes with diisopropyl-[32P] phosphorofluoridate at 4 and 33 weeks (separate experiments) indicated only a minor abbreviated erythrocyte life span at 33 weeks. Therefore, effects from low dose (1.0 R) whole-body irradiation would appear to include a recurrent defect in the expression of the net negative surface charge.  相似文献   

The free solution electrophoretic mobility of a charged oligomer in an ionic solvent that approximately takes into account relaxation field effects, screening of the velocity field, and the hydrodynamic interactions resulting from motions of the charges due to an electric field is described. For double‐stranded DNA, the free solution electrophoretic mobility under ionic strengths determined by the buffer and pH conditions relevant to capillary electrophoresis increases with increasing molecular weight up to few hundred base pairs. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 49: 209–214, 1999  相似文献   

The free solution mobility of DNA has been measured by capillary electrophoresis in the two buffers most commonly used for DNA gel electrophoresis, Tris-borate-EDTA (TBE) and Tris-acetate-EDTA (TAE). The capillaries were coated with polymers of either of two novel acrylamide monomers, N-acryloylaminoethoxyethanol or N-acryloylaminopropanol, both of which are stable at basic pH and effectively eliminate the electroendosmotic mobility due to the capillary walls. The free solution mobility of DNA in TAE buffer was found to be (3.75 ± 0.04) × 10−4 cm2 V−1 s−1 at 25°C, independent of DNA concentration, sample size, electric field strength, and capillary coating, and in good agreement with other values in the literature. The free solution mobility was independent of DNA molecular weight from ∼ 400 base pairs to 48.5 kilobase pairs, but decreased monotonically with decreasing molecular weight for smaller fragments. Surprisingly, the free solution mobility of DNA in TBE buffer was found to be (4.5 ± 0.1) × 10−4 cm2 V−1 s−1, about 20% larger than observed in TAE buffer, presumably because of the formation of nonspecific borate-deoxyribose complexes. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 42: 687–703, 1997  相似文献   

An attempt was made to analyze the electrophoretic mobility data of human erythrocytes in media of different pH values and ionic strengths through cell surface models in which the surface charge layer consists of several ion-penetrable sublayers with a uniform charge distribution in each sublayer. As a result, the three-sublayer model was found to explain the mobility data much better than the two-sublayer model in a wide range of ionic strength at all pH values studied.  相似文献   

The effect of chlorpromazine (CPZ) on the shape of human erythrocytes with different values of transmembrane potential (TMP) was investigated. The shape of red blood cells with negative values of the TMP remained unchanged after the formation of stomatocytes by chlorpromazine, while cells with positive TMP showed a characteristic time course of shape change during the incubation with CPZ. Experiments with vanadate show that this might be due to a difference in the activity of the phospholipid-translocase at different values of TMP.  相似文献   

The in vitro effect of Al3+ ions in the concentration range 1.7·10? 6 M–8.7·10? 3 M on pepsin activity at pH 2, via kinetic parameters and its electrophoretic mobility was evaluated. Kinetic study demonstrated the existence of an activation effect of Al3+ at pH 2 on pepsin molecule. Kinetic analysis with respect to concentrations of haemoglobin showed that Al3+ ions increase the maximal velocity (Vmax) and kcat values rather than apparent affinity for substrate (KS) implying the non-competitive nature of activation which indicated that aluminium was a non-essential activator of partial non-competitive type. The values of the equilibrium constants KS and KmA for dissociation of corresponding complexes were evaluated as 0.904 ± 0.083 mM and 8.56 ± 0.51 μM, respectively. Dissociation constant KA, of activator from enzyme-activator complex calculated via kinetic and direct measurement of Al3+ binding data, as well as activation constant A50, the activator concentration that gives a rate equal to half at a saturating concentration of activator, were found to be 8.82 ± 0.90 μM, 8.39 ± 0.76 μM, and 8.05 ± 0.48 μM respectively. Native PAGE electrophoresis shows the decrease in electrophoretic mobility of pepsin and confirms modification of the electric charge and conformational changes of pepsin caused by bound Al3+ on the pepsin molecule. Al3+ induced conformational changes of pepsin were verified by UV-VIS and IR spectra. Moreover, the absence of conformational changes in the haemoglobin molecule in the presence of Al3+ ions confirms that the obtained activation is a consequence of conformational changes caused only in the pepsin molecule.  相似文献   

Boundary element methods are used to model the free solution electrophoretic mobility of short DNA fragments. The Stern surfaces of the DNA fragments are modeled as plated cylinders that reproduce translational and rotational diffusion constants. The solvent-accessible and ion-accessible surfaces are taken to be coincident with the Stern surface. The mobilities are computed by solving simultaneously the coupled Navier–Stokes, Poisson, and ion-transport equations. The equilibrium electrostatics are treated at the level of the full Poisson–Boltzmann equation and ion relaxation is included. For polyions as highly charged as short DNA fragments, ion relaxation is substantial. At .11 M KCl, the simulated mobilities of a 20 base pair DNA fragment are in excellent agreement with experiment. At .04 M Tris acetate, pH = 8.0, the simulated mobilities are about 10–15% higher than experimental values and this discrepancy is attributed to the relatively large size of the Tris counterion. The length dependence of the mobility at .11 M KCl is also investigated. Earlier mobility studies on lysozyme are reexamined in view of the present findings. In addition to electrophoretic mobilities, the effective polyion charge measured in steady state electrophoresis and its relationship to the preferential interaction parameter γgG is briefly considered. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 46: 359–373, 1998  相似文献   

Irreversible changes in the heat capacity of human erythrocyte ghost suspensions due to the effect of 330-MHz radiofrequency radiation (at a specific absorption rate of approximately 9 mW/g) were detected by the method of scanning differential microcalorimetry. Using the data obtained from the analysis of infrared spectra of air-dried films of erythrocyte membranes, it can be postulated that the observed microcalorimetric changes are connected with the local interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the channel-forming portion of band-3 protein.  相似文献   

The effect of magnesium deficiency on antioxidant defence system was studied in RBC of mice suffering from hypomagnesemia. The animals were kept for 8, 15 and 22 days on magnesium-deficient diet with consequent reduction of magnesium level in plasma by 38% at the first 8 days and by 64% after 22 days of experiment. The activities of the most important antioxidant enzymes, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase, glutahione S-transferase were assayed in hemolysates. The level of reduced glutathione in erythrocytes was measured as well. Apart from catalase, the activities of antioxidant enzymes were decreasing. The activity of superoxide dismutase decreased gradually during the experiment and on the 15th and 22nd day of experiment was significantly (P<0,05) lowered by 30 and 32% respectively. The catalase activity was increased on each point of the experiment with the peak value up to 149% on 15th day, and by 32% on 22nd day. Glutathione peroxidase activity was insignificantly reduced. The reduction of Glutatione reductase and Glutathione S-transferase activities by 24 and 21%, respectively, were observed after 8 days of the experiment with a further downward tendency. The reduced glutathione was significantly depleted after 8 days by 33% and was kept on that level in the course of the study. These findings support previous reports on the hypomagnesemia – induced alteration in endogenous enzyme antioxidant defences and glutathione redox cycle of mice.  相似文献   

The influence of less than 1% of κ-carrageenan on the mobility of glucose syrup was studied in the context of the glass–rubber transition using proton NMR relaxometry. Glass-transition temperatures, (Tg) were measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) on glucose syrup samples containing 0 or 0.9% κ-carrageenan, between 0 and 1.4% KCl, and at water contents from 3.5 to 16% (wwb). Potassium chloride was added to vary the extent of gelation of the carrageenan in order to assess the effect of the biopolymer network on molecular mobility.

Contrary to the reported increase of the rheologically determined glass-transition temperature, in the presence of gelling agents, the addition of 0.9% κ-carrageenan to glucose syrup with and without KCl, had no effect on the DSC measured Tg. In addition, there was no effect on molecular mobility in the glassy region. The presence of carrageenan only significantly affected the mobile part of the NMR free induction decay at relatively high temperatures.  相似文献   

The free solution mobilities of single- and double-stranded DNA molecules of various molecular weights have been measured by capillary electrophoresis in solutions of constant ionic strength containing a common anion and fifteen different monovalent cations. In solutions with the same ionic composition, the mobilities of different DNA molecules can vary by up to 20%, depending on molecular weight, the number of strands, and the presence or absence of A-tracts, runs of four or more contiguous adenine residues. Importantly, the mobilities observed for the same DNA sample can vary by up to 40% in solutions containing different cations. The mobility differences observed for the same DNA in solutions containing different cations cannot be rationalized by differences in the anhydrous radii or intrinsic conductivities of the various cations, or by the sequence-dependent binding of certain cations to A-tracts. Instead, the observed mobilities are linearly correlated with the average number of water-water hydrogen bonds that are present in solutions containing different cations. The mobilities are also correlated with the viscosity B coefficients of the various cations and with the rotational correlation times frictional coefficients observed for water molecules in solutions containing different cations. Hence, monovalent cations modify the free solution mobility of DNA primarily by perturbing the hydrogen-bonded structure of water, affecting the friction experienced by the migrating DNA molecules during electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The dielectric dispersion in the MHz range of the zwitterionic dipolar phosphocholine head groups has been measured from 0–70°C for various mixtures of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) and cholesterol. The abrupt change in the derived relaxation frequency f2 observed for pure DPPC at the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition at 42°C reduces to a more gradual increase of frequency with temperature as the cholesterol content is increased. In general the presence of cholesterol increases the DPPC head group mobility due to its spacing effect. Below 42°C no sudden changes in f2 are found at 20 or 33 mol% cholesterol, where phase boundaries have been suggested from other methods. Above 42°C, however, a decrease in f2 at cholesterol contents up to 20–30 mol% is found. This is thought to be partly due to an additional restricting effect of the cholesterol on the number of hydrocarbon chain conformations and consequently on the area occupied by the DPPC molecules.  相似文献   

By use of fluorescence probes 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid, 2-toluidinylnaphthalene-6-sulfonate, pyrene, perylene and chemical label phosphatidylethanolamine 2,4,6-trinitrobenzele sulfonic acid, the effect of microwave radiation on the erythrocyte membrane was studied. The studies with the fluorescence probes were carried out on erythrocyte ghosts and with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid on whole erythrocytes. The fluorescence was measured during irradiation of the membranes with 340-MHz microwaves at an SAR of 100 W/kg. Trinitrophenylation of phosphatidylethanolamine from whole erythrocytes was performed simultaneously with microwave irradiation at 900 MHz (10 mW/cm2). It was shown that the microwave field decreased lipid viscosity, altered the structural state of lipid-protein contact regions, and decreased the protein shielding of lipids. These changes corresponded to those produced by thermal action of microwaves.  相似文献   

Model equations for the kinetics of the synthesis and decay of molecular aggregates are used to show the high sensitivity of equilibrium concentrations of high-molecular aggregates to external radiation. This phenomenon is used to explain the effects of low-intensity microwave fields on the functioning of biological systems. The experimental results on the influence of SHF-radiation on ferricyanide reduction by erythrocytes are interpreted in detail.  相似文献   

Interactions between spectrin and the inner surface of the human erythrocyte membrane have been implicated in the control of lateral mobility of the integral membrane proteins. We report here that incubation of “leaky” erythrocytes with a water-soluble proteolytic fragment containing the membrane attachment site for spectrin achieves a selective and controlled dissociation of spectrin from the membrane, and increases the rate of lateral mobility of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled integral membrane proteins (> 70% of label in band 3 and PAS-1). Mobility of membrane proteins is measured as an increase in the percentage of uniformly fluorescent cells with time after fusion of fluorescent with nonfluorescent erythrocytes by Sendai virus. The cells are permeable to macromolecules since virus-fused erythrocytes lose most of their hemoglobin. The membrane attachment site for spectrin has been solubilized by limited proteolysis of inside-out erythrocyte vesicles and has been purified (V). Bennett, J Biol Chem 253:2292 (1978). This 72,000-dalton fragment binds to spectrin in solution, competitively inhibits association of 32P-spectrin with inside-out vesicles with a Ki of 10?7M, and causes rapid dissociation of 32P-spectrin from vesicles. Both acid-treated 72,000-dalton fragment and the 45,000 dalton-cytoplasmic portion of band 3, which also was isolated from the proteolytic digest, have no effect on spectrin binding, release, or membrane protein mobility. The enhancement of membrane protein lateral mobility by the same polypeptide that inhibits binding of spectrin to inverted vesicles and displaces spectrin from these vesicles provides direct evidence that the interaction of spectrin with protein components in the membrane restricts the lateral mobility of integral membrane proteins in the erythrocyte.  相似文献   

Twelve healthy male volunteers performed two resistance exercise sessions: a moderate resistance (MR) exercise session and a heavy resistance (HR) exercise session. Blood was collected before exercise and 5 min, 30 min, and 24 h after exercise. Urine was collected for 24 h before and 24 h after exercise. Plasma zinc (Zn) was markedly increased both 5 min and 30 min after MR and HR exercise and was returned to control values the next day. Total blood cell (TBC) Zn was decreased 5 min after MR and HR exercise but was not significantly different than control values at 30 min or 24 h. The changes in plasma and TBC Zn after HR exercise were significantly greater than changes after MR exercise. The results of this study are the first to report changes in Zn after resistance exercise. These data agree with previous studies reporting increases in plasma Zn and decreases in erythrocyte Zn after strenuous running, treadmill, or cycle ergometry exercise; however, the magnitude of the changes reported in this study are considerable greater that changes reported these previous studies. These data support suggestions that increases in plasma Zn levels are the result of leakage from the muscles resulting from muscle damage. The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as reflecting the views of the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.  相似文献   

Virtually all plant parts rotate slightly about a central axis, a movement called circumnutation, but vines show exaggerated circumnutation. This study contrasts circumnutation in two congeneric twining vines, specifically focusing on differences in erect and prostrate shoots, and examines the impact of circumnutation on exploitation of available climbing supports and exploration for more distant ones. Elongating shoots of Lonicera japonica and L. sempervirens growing in a common garden were classed as (1) erect but not climbing, (2) climbing on a trellis, or (3) prostrate, and their circumnutation quantified by tracking the compass direction of shoot tips. To quantify the impact of different circumnutation behaviors, the climbing success of erect shoots and the maximum dispersion and rooting success of prostrate shoots were measured. Erect shoots of both species circumnutated at similar rates (averaging 31°/h), and did not differ in their success rate of exploiting trellises (averaging 76.8%). Prostrate shoots differed, with those produced by L. japonica having reduced circumnutation. In contrast, prostrate shoots of L. sempervirens continued to circumnutate as much as erect shoots. The specialized circumnutation behavior of the prostrate shoots of L. japonica results in increased rooting success and maximum dispersion compared to the unspecialized shoots of L. sempervirens.  相似文献   

The influence of short-term exposure to lead on the energetic status of erythrocytes in rats is reported in this study. The male Wistar rats selected for this study drank water containing 1% lead(II) acetate and/or intraperitoneal injections of 1 or 2 mg/kg body wt every 4 d starting on the eighth of the experiment, over a period of 1 mo. The whole-blood lead concentration measured after 4 wk was 1.51–35.31 μg/dL. The concentrations of adenosine, adenosine triphosphates, diphosphates, and monophosphates (ATP, ADP, and AMP), guanine triphosphates, diphosphates and monophosphates (GTP, GDP, and GMP), guanosine (Guo), inosine (Ino), inosine monophosphate (IMP), hypoxantine (Hyp), and nicotinamide dinucleotide and its phosphate (NAD+ and NADP+) were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The mean concentrations of ATP, GTP, NAD+, and NADP+ and those of adenylate (AEC) and guanylate (GEC) were significantly reduced in erythrocytes from the animals exposed to lead when compared to untreated controls. These results suggest that a lead ion disrupts the erythrocyte energy pathways. The decreases of NAD+ and ATP could be used as an indicator of the extent of exposure to low levels of lead.  相似文献   

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