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George Gaylord Simpson famously postulated that much of life's diversity originated as adaptive radiations—more or less simultaneous divergences of numerous lines from a single ancestral adaptive type. However, identifying adaptive radiations has proven difficult due to a lack of broad‐scale comparative datasets. Here, we use phylogenetic comparative data on body size and shape in a diversity of animal clades to test a key model of adaptive radiation, in which initially rapid morphological evolution is followed by relative stasis. We compared the fit of this model to both single selective peak and random walk models. We found little support for the early‐burst model of adaptive radiation, whereas both other models, particularly that of selective peaks, were commonly supported. In addition, we found that the net rate of morphological evolution varied inversely with clade age. The youngest clades appear to evolve most rapidly because long‐term change typically does not attain the amount of divergence predicted from rates measured over short time scales. Across our entire analysis, the dominant pattern was one of constraints shaping evolution continually through time rather than rapid evolution followed by stasis. We suggest that the classical model of adaptive radiation, where morphological evolution is initially rapid and slows through time, may be rare in comparative data.  相似文献   

Body shape has a fundamental impact on organismal function, but it is unknown how functional morphology and locomotor performance and kinematics relate across a diverse array of body shapes. We showed that although patterns of body shape evolution differed considerably between lizards of the Phrynosomatinae and Lerista, patterns of locomotor evolution coincided between clades. Specifically, we found that the phrynosomatines evolved a stocky phenotype through body widening and limb shortening, whereas Lerista evolved elongation through body lengthening and limb shortening. In both clades, relative limb length played a key role in locomotor evolution and kinematic strategies, with long‐limbed species moving faster and taking longer strides. In Lerista, the body axis also influenced locomotor evolution. Similar patterns of locomotor evolution were likely due to constraints on how the body can move. However, these common patterns of locomotor evolution between the two clades resulted in different kinematic strategies and levels of performance among species because of their morphological differences. Furthermore, we found no evidence that distinct body shapes are adaptations to different substrates, as locomotor kinematics did not change on loose or solid substrates. Our findings illustrate the importance of studying kinematics to understand the mechanisms of locomotor evolution and phenotype‐function relationships.  相似文献   

The diversity of body sizes of organisms has traditionally been explained in terms of microevolutionary processes: natural selection owing to differential fitness of individual organisms, or to macroevolutionary processes: species selection owing to the differential proliferation of phylogenetic lineages. Data for terrestrial mammals and birds indicate that even on a logarithmic scale frequency distributions of body mass among species are significantly skewed towards larger sizes. We used simulation models to evaluate the extent to which macro- and microevolutionary processes are sufficient to explain these distributions. Simulations of a purely cladogenetic process with no bias in extinction or speciation rates for different body sizes did not produce skewed log body mass distributions. Simulations that included size-biased extinction rates, especially those that incorporated anagenetic size change within species between speciation and extinction events, regularly produced skewed distributions. We conclude that although cladogenetic processes probably play a significant role in body size evolution, there must also be a significant anagenetic component. The regular variation in the form of mammalian body size distributions among different-sized islands and continents suggests that environmental conditions, operating through both macro- and microevolutionary processes, determine to a large extent the diversification of body sizes within faunas. Macroevolution is not decoupled from microevolution.  相似文献   

翅果形态及其在槭树科分类与演化上的意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
徐廷志   《广西植物》1996,16(2):109-122
槭树科(Aceraceae)是北温带分布的科,含2属,全世界约200种,中国是槭树科植物的现代分布中心。对槭树科翅果的专门研究尚未见报道。本文1、引用一套槭属翅果形态学术语;2、观察并描述75种械属植物的翅果;3、研究槭属16个组的翅果的17个可比性状,根据分枝系统分析法得出槭属各组的演化关系及趋势,这趋势与依据其花、叶等性状得出的演化关系基本上是一致的。  相似文献   

Phenotypic evolution in contemporary populations can generally be witnessed only when novel selective forces produce rapid evolution. Examples of conditions that have led to rapid evolution include drastic environmental change, invasion of a new predator, or a host-range expansion. In cyclical parthenogens, however, yearly cycles of phenotypic evolution may occur due to the loss of adaptation during recombination in the sexual phase (genetic slippage), permitting an opportunity to observe adaptive evolutionary change in contemporary populations that are not necessarily subject to new patterns of natural selection. In insect herbivores, comparative studies suggest that morphological features that aid individuals in remaining on the plant or exploiting it as a food source are likely targets for selection. Here, we estimated the genetic variability of morphological traits in a cyclical parthenogen, the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum), to determine the potential for their evolution and we tested the hypothesis that size and/or shape evolves by clonal selection during one season of parthenogenetic reproduction. Genetic variation in a set of morphological traits was estimated using laboratory-reared descendents of clones collected from a single alfalfa field in May 1988 and April 1989 (henceforth, the “early” collections). In both years, there was significant clonal heritability early in the season both for overall morphology and for several individual aspects of size and shape. Because the course of short-term evolutionary change in the multivariate phenotype is a function of patterns of genetic covariance among characters, genetic correlations between size and 12 shape variables were also estimated for these early collections. A comparison between the mean phenotype of each early collection and that of a corresponding “late” collection made from the same field seven to eight clonal generations later in the same years revealed qualitatively similar changes in the average multivariate morphological phenotypes between the time periods in both years, although the difference was only significant for the 1989 samples. The pattern of genetic correlations that we estimated early in the 1989 season between overall size and various shape variables suggests that the observed short-term evolutionary changes in shape could have been due to natural selection acting only to increase overall size. We tested this hypothesis by estimating selection on size using a separate data set in which both demographic and morphological variables were measured on individuals reared under field conditions. Highly significant regressions of individual relative fitness on size were found for two major fitness components. Thus, it is likely that the evolutionary change in morphology that we observed is attributable to natural selection, possibly acting primarily through body size. A shift back to smaller size between the late 1988 and early 1989 collections from the same field suggests that either a cost of recombination or opposing selective forces during overwintering may produce persistent yearly cycles of morphological evolution in this cyclically parthenogenetic species.  相似文献   

We review functional data on MADS-box genes, recent phylogenetic analyses of these coding regions, and their roles in the development and evolution of key morphological innovations in plants. We map the origin of important morphological structures in particular diverse stages of the life cycle in different plant clades onto organismal phylogenies, and present relevant molecular genetic aspects of development related to the MADS-box genes. We focus on reproductive structures of the sporophyte because most functional characterizations have been done of MADS-box genes involved in flower development. We discuss MADS-box evolution in flowering plants, but we also review studies in the other nonflowering vascular plants, gymnosperms (conifers and gnetales), and ferns and preliminary data from the algae. We suggest that floral (e.g. flowering time, inflorescence, and flower meristem identity) MADS-box and nonfloral plant MADS-box genes should be the focus of future comparative research. Cloning and functional analyses of MADS-box genes in bryophytes, particularly in the experimental system Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) B.S.G., are needed. The ABC model of floral organ specification is an excellent general representation of an important network of genes; however, formal analytical tools are required to integrate data on complex gene interaction in comparative analyses. This and other analytical approaches to constructing gene network models will help to frame homology hypotheses in an evolutionary and developmental framework.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate convergent evolution toward durophagy in carnivoran skull shape using geometric morphometrics in a sample of living and extinct species. Principal components analysis indicate that, in spite of the different dietary resources consumed by durophages—that is, bone‐crackers and bamboo‐feeders—both groups of carnivorans share portions of skull phenotypic spaces. We identify by discriminant analyses a shared set of adaptations toward durophagy in the skull of carnivores. However, ancestral states indicate that although durophages reached similar phenotypes, the evolutionary pathways that they followed are different depending upon the family to which they belong. Furthermore, while the carnivoran cranium more closely reflects the nature of the resources consumed—that is, soft or hard and tough items—the mandible shows particular feeding adaptations—that is, bamboo or bone. This finding supports the interpretation that the mandible has more evolutionary plasticity than the cranium, which is more limited to evolve toward a particular feeding adaptation. However, we find that the shapes of the cranium and the mandible are highly integrated for the whole order Carnivora. Published studies of teratological cats and dogs indicate that the role of internal constraints in shaping this pattern of integration is absent or weak and malleable by selection.  相似文献   

We present two theoretical approaches to investigate whether organismal complexity, defined as the number of quantitative traits determining fitness, and the potential for adaptive diversification are correlated. The first approach is independent of any specific ecological model and based on curvature properties of the fitness landscape as a function of the dimension of the trait space. This approach indeed suggests a positive correlation between complexity and diversity. An assumption made in this first approach is that the potential for any pair of traits to interact in their effect on fitness is independent of the dimension of the trait space. In the second approach, we circumvent making this assumption by analyzing the evolutionary dynamics in an explicit consumer‐resource model in which the shape of the fitness landscape emerges from the underlying mechanistic ecological model. In this model, consumers are characterized by several quantitative traits and feed on a multidimensional resource distribution. The consumer's feeding efficiency on the resource is determined by the match between consumer phenotype and resource item. This analysis supports a positive correlation between the complexity of the evolving consumer species and its potential to diversify with the additional insight that also increasing resource complexity facilitates diversification.  相似文献   

The notion of a “developmental constraint” has become a catchphrase for a collection of poorly defined notions about how ontogeny affects phylogeny. In this paper, we shall attempt to define this idea more precisely by examining the vertebrate limb from three viewpoints. First, theoretical models of morphogenesis suggest several generalizations about how limb geometry is laid down during development. Comparative studies and experimental manipulations of developing limbs independently confirm these generalizations, which amount to a set of “construction rules” for determining how the major features of limb architecture are established in ontogeny. Armed with these rules, we can inquire how limb morphology can be varied during evolution and suggest a more precise operational definition of “developmental constraints” on morphological evolution.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster populations subjected to extreme larval crowding (CU lines) in our laboratory have evolved higher larval feeding rates than their corresponding controls (UU lines). It has been suggested that this genetically based behavior may involve an energetic cost, which precludes natural selection in a density-regulated population to simultaneously maximize food acquisition and food conversion into biomass. If true, this stands against some basic predictions of the general theory of density-dependent natural selection. Here we investigate the evolutionary consequences of density-dependent natural selection on growth rate and body size in D. melanogaster. The CU populations showed a higher growth rate during the postcritical period of larval life than UU populations, but the sustained differences in weight did not translate into the adult stage. The simplest explanation for these findings (that natural selection in a crowded larval environment favors a faster food acquisition for the individual to attain the same final body size in a shorter period of time) was tested and rejected by looking at the larva-to-adult development times. Larvae of CU populations starved for different periods of time develop into comparatively smaller adults, suggesting that food seeking behavior in a food depleted environment carries a higher cost to these larvae than to their UU counterparts. The results have important implications for understanding the evolution of body size in natural populations of Drosophila, and stand against some widespread beliefs that body size may represent a compromise between the conflicting effects of genetic variation in larval and adult performance.  相似文献   

Diatoms have been classified historically as either centric or pennate based on a number of features, cell outline foremost among them. The consensus among nearly every estimate of the diatom phylogeny is that the traditional pennate diatoms (Pennales) constitute a well‐supported clade, whereas centric diatoms do not. The problem with the centric–pennate classification was highlighted by some recent analyses concerning the phylogenetic position of Toxarium, whereby it was concluded that this “centric” diatom independently evolved several pennate‐like characters including an elongate, pennate‐like cell outline. We performed several phylogenetic analyses to test the hypothesis that Toxarium evolved its elongate shape independently from Pennales. First, we reanalyzed the original data set used to infer the phylogenetic position of Toxarium and found that a more thorough heuristic search was necessary to find the optimal tree. Second, we aligned 181 diatom and eight outgroup SSU rDNA sequences to maximize the juxtapositioning of similar primary and secondary structure of the 18S rRNA molecule over a much broader sampling of diatoms. We then performed a number of phylogenetic analyses purposely based on disparate sets of assumptions and found that none of these analyses supported the conclusion that Toxarium acquired its pennate‐like outline independently from Pennales. Our results suggest that elongate outline is congruent with SSU rDNA data and may be synapomorphic for a larger, more inclusive clade than the traditional Pennales.  相似文献   

Morphology reflects ecological pressures, phylogeny, and genetic and biophysical constraints. Disentangling their influence is fundamental to understanding selection and trait evolution. Here, we assess the contributions of function, phylogeny, and habitat to patterns of plastron (ventral shell) shape variation in emydine turtles. We quantify shape variation using geometric morphometrics, and determine the influence of several variables on shape using path analysis. Factors influencing plastron shape variation are similar between emydine turtles and the more inclusive Testudinoidea. We evaluate the fit of various evolutionary models to the shape data to investigate the selective landscape responsible for the observed morphological patterns. The presence of a hinge on the plastron accounts for most morphological variance, but phylogeny and habitat also correlate with shape. The distribution of shape variance across emydine phylogeny is most consistent with an evolutionary model containing two adaptive zones—one for turtles with kinetic plastra, and one for turtles with rigid plastra. Models with more complex adaptive landscapes often fit the data only as well as the null model (purely stochastic evolution). The adaptive landscape of plastron shape in Emydinae may be relatively simple because plastral kinesis imposes overriding mechanical constraints on the evolution of form.  相似文献   

The New World family Didelphidae, the basal lineage within marsupials, is commonly viewed as morphologically conservative, yet includes aquatic, terrestrial, scansorial, and arboreal species. Here, I quantitatively estimated the existing variability in size and shape of the Didelphidae scapula (1076 specimens from 56 species) using geometric morphometrics, and compared size and shape differences to evolutionary and ecologic distances. I found considerable variation in the scapula morphology, most of it related to size differences between species. This results in morphologic divergence between different locomotor habits in larger species (resulting from increased mechanical loads), but most smaller species present similarly shaped scapulae. The only exceptions are the water opossum and the short-tailed opossums, and the functional explanations for these differences remain unclear. Scapula size and shape were mapped onto a molecular phylogeny for 32 selected taxa and ancestral size and shapes were reconstructed using squared-changed parsimony. Results indicate that the Didelphidae evolved from a medium- to small-sized ancestor with a generalized scapula, slightly more similar to arboreal ones, but strikingly different from big-bodied present arboreal species, suggesting that the ancestral Didelphidae was a small scansorial animal with no particular adaptations for arboreal or terrestrial habits, and these specializations evolved only in larger-bodied clades.  相似文献   

We examined the evolutionary and developmental responses of body size to temperature in Drosophila melanogaster, using replicated lines of flies that had been allowed to evolve for 5 yr at 25°C or at 16.5°C. Development and evolution at the lower temperature both resulted in higher thorax length and wing area. The evolutionary effect of temperature on wing area was entirely a consequence of an increase in cell area. The developmental response was mainly attributable to an increase in cell area, with a small effect on cell number in males. Given its similarity to the evolutionary response, the increase in body size and cell size resulting from development at low temperature may be a case of adaptive phenotypic plasticity. The pattern of plasticity did not evolve in response to temperature for any of the traits. The selective advantage of the evolutionary and developmental responses to temperature is obscure and remains a major challenge for future work.  相似文献   

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