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Tooth emergence data from a mixed-longitudinal sample of 58 chimpanzees of known age were analyzed using probit and survival techniques to produce median emergence ages, ranges of variability, and emergence sequences for primary and permanent teeth. Between-group comparisons were made to test for statistically significant differences in emergence ages. No such differences were found between right and left sides, or between maxilla and mandible, for any primary or permanent teeth. Male-female comparisons did demonstrate significant emergence-age differences for some teeth, although they were not always bilaterally symmetrical. More complete data are required to further clarify the nature of sex differences in tooth emergence in chimpanzees. Regression models for age prediction from the number of emerged teeth were generated and indicate that males achieve a given number of emerged teeth at a significantly later age than females. However, when fewer than five teeth have emerged, males are predicted to be younger than females. The sizable root mean square error values for these models suggest that this method of age prediction has limited usefulness owing to the amount of variability in timing of tooth emergence in chimpanzees. The implications of these data for studies on tooth emergence in early hominids are addressed.  相似文献   

Data on the permanent dentition of 63 coastal and 33 inland Alaskan Eskimos are presented. The number of cusps and groove pattern of the mandibular molars were recorded. Agenesis of the mandibular third molars was classified and the mesiodistal and buccolingual crown diameter was measured on the first and the second mandibular molars. The predominant pattern of the lower first molars was Y5, while for the second molar the dominating patterns were +5 and +4. In the lower third molar, +5 was found in the majority of cases. For M1 and M2, men showed a stronger tendency toward a conservative pattern than did women. In the case of M2, the inland population exhibited a more conservative trait than did the coastal population. No connection was seen between the groove pattern and agenesis of M3, however, a reduction in the mesiodistal crown diameter for the second molars was seen when the number of cusps is reduced from 5 to 4.  相似文献   

Distinctive expressions and incidences of discrete dental traits at the outer enamel surface (OES) contribute to the diagnoses of many early hominin taxa. Examination of the enamel-dentine junction (EDJ), imaged non-destructively using micro-computed tomography, has elucidated the morphological development of dental traits and improved interpretations of their variability within and among taxa. The OES expressions of one of these dental traits, the protostylid, have been found to differ among African Plio-Pleistocene fossil hominin taxa. In this study protostylid expression is examined at the OES and at the EDJ of Paranthropus robustus (n = 23) and Australopithecus africanus (n = 28) mandibular molars, with the goals of incorporating EDJ morphology into the definition of the protostylid and assessing the relative contribution of the EDJ and enamel cap to its expression in these taxa. The results provide evidence a) of statistically significant taxon-specific patterns of protostylid morphology at the EDJ that are not evident at the OES; b) that in P. robustus, thick enamel reduces the morphological correspondence between the form of the protostylid seen at the EDJ and the OES, and c) that if EDJ images can be obtained, then the protostylid retains its taxonomic value even in worn teeth.  相似文献   

2010-2011年,开展了田间水分胁迫和分期播种双因子组合试验,以揭示土壤水分和气温对东北地区春玉米(Zea mays)出苗速度的影响,建立基于土壤水分和气温的玉米出苗期评估指标和模式.结果表明:玉米出苗速度与土壤水分和气温的关系密切,在土壤水分较充足和气温偏高条件下,玉米出苗快,干旱和低温均推迟出苗期;播种出苗期间0~20 cm厚度的土壤湿度为(S)21% ~25%、土壤有效水量为(H)50 ~70 mm、平均气温为(T)18 ~20℃玉米出苗快,播种后10d左右出苗;0~ 20 cm厚度的土壤湿度为18% ~ 21%、土壤有效水量为30 ~50 mm、平均气温为16.5 ~18℃,出苗速度下降,播种后18d左右出苗;0 ~ 20 cm厚度的土壤湿度<18%、土壤有效水量<30 mm、平均气温<16.5℃出苗缓慢,播种后25 d左右出苗,甚至不出苗;玉米播种至出苗间隔日数(D)与S/H和T的关系方程为D=78.017-1.746S-1.642T或D=60.776-0.288H-1.937T.这些上指标和模式可评估和预测出苗期,指导抗旱生产活动和气象服务.  相似文献   

A Danish anthropological collection of medieval human skeletons excavated in 1986 involves a mandible (No. 212) from an adult female born without the lower alveolar nerve and mandibular canal. It is believed that the defect has resulted in lack of tooth development on the affected side and that the mylohyoid nerve has partially compensated for this defect by development of teeth in localized areas. The defective mandibular dentition has caused a compensatory development of the alveolar process in the maxilla. The missing occlusal support has altered muscular traction on the mandible. This has caused an alteration in mandibular shape. Whether the asymmetric development of the mandible is caused by muscular dysfunction, by failure in angular growth apposition, or by a combination of these factors is discussed. The case presents valuable data in the ongoing discussion about the interaction between nerve tissue and tooth formation and about the interaction between occlusion, jaw morphology, and muscular traction. The study shows how archeological material in an interdisciplinary cooperation between archeological, embryological and orthodontic research can contribute to the clarification of current biological problems.  相似文献   

Soil moisture and temperature, sowing depth and penetration resistance affect the time and percentage of seedling emergence, which are crucial for the simulation of drought‐limited crop production. The aim of this research was to measure the effect of soil water potential on germination and emergence, shoot and root elongation rates (SER and RER) of two different seed/crop types. Sugar beet and durum wheat seeds were sown into two soils (clay and loam), submitted to five matric potentials (?0.01, ?0.1, ?0.2, ?0.4 and ?0.8 MPa) and incubated at constant temperature (25°C) and humidity. Cumulative count analysis was used to estimate parameters of the distribution of germination or emergence times for each box of beet or wheat seeds and to derive estimates for base potentials (ψb), hydrothermal times (H) and numbers of viable units. In a second experiment, NaCl solution was used to mimic the soil matric potentials to estimate potential RER and SER. Germination of sugar beet was slightly more sensitive to matric potential than durum wheat (ψb of ?1.13 and ?1.23 MPa, respectively). H(g) was longer for sugar beet than for durum wheat (67 vs 47 MPa °Cd). For emergence ψb was similar for both seed types and soils but hydrothermal times (H(e)) were 40 MPa °Cd higher for sugar beet than for wheat. Emergence was about 20 MPa °Cd earlier in loam than in clay. SER measured in soils were similar for both crops and for durum wheat it agreed with those determined in NaCl solution. RER and SER fell with decreasing osmotic potential to approximately 20% of their maximum values (1.03 mm h?1 and 0.57 mm h?1, respectively). Seedling viability decreased with decreasing matric potential and more in clay than in loam soil and more for sugar beet than durum wheat. Seed and soil aggregate size are discussed with respect to the effects of water diffusion and soil–seed contact on germination and emergence modelling.  相似文献   

留茬免耕播种对河西绿洲灌区春小麦出苗和产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究通过田间定位试验,探讨了河西绿洲灌区单作小麦、小麦/玉米间作、小麦/大豆间作3种典型春小麦生产模式下,长期留茬免耕播种对春小麦出苗和产量的影响,为该区域春小麦高效可持续生产提供理论依据.结果 表明:与传统翻耕相比,留茬免耕播种小麦/玉米和小麦/大豆间作的小麦出苗率、出苗均匀度下降明显,降幅分别为3.3%~8.6%...  相似文献   

Matrix remodeling is regulated by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). Periostin, originally identified in a mouse osteoblastic library, plays a role in cell adhesion and migration and in mechanical stress-induced matrix remodeling. In this study, we analyzed and compared the distribution patterns of TIMP-2 and periostin during mouse mandible development. Immunohistochemical staining for TIMP-2 and periostin was carried out on serial cryosections obtained from mice at embryonic days 13–16, postnatal day 2 (P2), P35, and 12 weeks of age. TIMP-2 and periostin exhibited a strikingly similar protein distribution during mandible development. From bud to early bell stages of molars, TIMP-2 and periostin were highly expressed on the lingual and anterior sides of the basement membrane and on the adjacent jaw mesenchyme. In pre- and postnatal incisors, the basement membrane of the apical loop and dental follicle was immunostained for TIMP-2 and periostin. At postnatal stages, TIMP-2 and periostin were prominently confined to the extracellular matrix (ECM) of gingival tissues, periodontal ligaments, and tendons (all recipients of mechanical strain). However, periostin was solely detected in the lower portion of the inner root sheath of hair follicles. Gingiva of P2 cultured in anti-TIMP-2 antibody-conditioned medium showed markedly reduced staining of periostin. We suggest that TIMP-2 and periostin are co-distributed on ECM exposed to mechanical forces and coordinately function as ECM modulators. This work was supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology and by Niigata University Research Projects.  相似文献   

  • The impact of global warming on seed dormancy loss and germination was investigated in Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard), a common woodland/hedgerow plant in Eurasia, considered invasive in North America. Increased temperature may have serious implications, since seeds of this species germinate and emerge at low temperatures early in spring to establish and grow before canopy development of competing species.
  • Dormancy was evaluated in seeds buried in field soils. Seedling emergence was also investigated in the field, and in a thermogradient tunnel under global warming scenarios representing predicted UK air temperatures through to 2080.
  • Dormancy was simple, and its relief required the accumulation of low temperature chilling time. Under a global warming scenario, dormancy relief and seedling emergence declined and seed mortality increased as soil temperature increased along a thermal gradient. Seedling emergence advanced with soil temperature, peaking 8 days earlier under 2080 conditions.
  • The results indicate that as mean temperature increases due to global warming, the chilling requirement for dormancy relief may not be fully satisfied, but seedling emergence will continue from low dormancy seeds in the population. Adaptation resulting from selection of this low dormancy proportion is likely to reduce the overall population chilling requirement. Seedling emergence is also likely to keep pace with the advancement of biological spring, enabling A. petiolata to maintain its strategy of establishment before the woodland canopy closes. However, this potential for adaptation may be countered by increased seed mortality in the seed bank as soils warm.

Association of a distinct strain of Chilli veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV) with severe mottling and distortion disease of Datura inoxia was investigated based on the presence of flexuous filamentous particles of ~800 × 11 nm and sequence analyses of ~1.5 kb amplicons obtained during RT-PCR from two representative samples, designated as GMT (accession JN692501) and JNP (JN624776). Both GMT and JNP isolates contained partial polyprotein gene comprising of partial nuclear inclusion b gene, complete coat protein gene and 3′ un-translated region, a hallmark gene array of genus Potyvirus. The isolates under study shared 99% nucleotide sequence identities with each other and 83–85% identities (marginal value for species demarcation recommended by ICTV) during basic local alignments and distant phylogenetic relationships with strains of ChiVMV, hence identified as isolates of a distinct strain of ChiVMV. Association of ChiVMV strain with mottling and distortion disease of D. inoxia is being reported for the first time from India.  相似文献   

Natural occurrence of yellow mosaic disease was observed on Armenian cucumber (Cucumis melo var. flexuoses) and wild melon (C. callosus var. agrestis) with disease incidences of ~36 and ~27%, respectively. Association of tomato leaf curl Palampur virus (ToLCPV) with the disease was investigated by Polymersae chain reaction (PCR) using begomovirus-specific primers. Full-length genome was amplified by rolling circle amplification (RCA) method from representative samples of C. melo and C. callosus. RCA products obtained were cloned and sequenced. Analyses of sequence data revealed the presence of full-length begomoviral genome of 2756 nucleotides with the gene arrangement of a typical begomovirus: HQ848383 (C. melo) and GU253914 (C. callosus). Both the isolates shared 99% sequence identity together and high 97–99% identities and the closest phylogenetic relationships with ToLCPV strains reported worldwide, hence identified as two new members of ToLCPV. Natural occurrence of ToLCPV on C. melo and C. callosus is the first report.  相似文献   

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