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The relationship between stability of annual trunk growth and heterozygosity at 24 polymorphic isozyme loci was studied in 10-year-old trees of knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata Lemm.) that were the products of contrasting systems of mating, self-, and interpopulation cross-pollination. Heterozygosity and variability of trunk growth were strongly related only when inbreds and crossbreds were compared; the crossbreds showed greater residual variability on an absolute scale, and greater responsiveness to climate on both absolute and relative scales. Within the inbreds there was no evidence of a relationship between heterozygosity and variability. Within the crossbreds, only one trait, a measure of relative trunk growth rate, showed a relationship with heterozygosity, and indicated greater variability of the more heterozygous trees. These results, and others in the literature, suggest that the relationship of heterozygosity to homeostasis for fitness components is neither simple nor monotonic; it varies between scales of measurement, genetic backgrounds, and environments.  相似文献   

Pseudogamous females reproduce parthenogenetically but require sperm. We analyze a density- and frequency-dependent model for the ecological and evolutionary stability of bisexual populations exposed to invasion by pseudogamous clones. In particular, we examine the effects of partial niche overlap and asymmetric competition between sexual and asexual forms. The model predicts that for a variety of relative fitness values for asexual females, pseudogamous forms can successfully invade bisexual populations. The probability of successful invasion increases as niche overlap decreases. Furthermore, invaded populations are often likely to be stable; for the parameter values analyzed, only combinations of nearly complete niche overlap and high asexual fitness will lead to extinction. Even such combinations will be stable under pronounced asymmetric competition. Asymmetric competition does not, however, affect the invadability of bisexual populations. The model predicts that stable populations cannot have more than three or four females per male; populations with more biased sex ratios are expected to be unstable. We analyze available sex ratio data for pseudogamous insects, fish, and salamanders, and find significant changes in roughly one-half of the asexual-dominated populations, but in only one sexual-dominated population. This analysis includes previously unpublished data on population sex ratios in a pseudogamous bark beetle, Ips acuminatus. Some asexual-dominated populations have far more than four females per male, contrary to predictions of the model.  相似文献   

克隆植物的无性与有性繁殖对策   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
许多植物同时具有克隆生长与有性繁殖,两种繁殖方式间的平衡在不同物种间以及同一物种内不同种群间变化很大。旺盛的克隆生长可能会从多方面影响生活史进化。首先,许多克隆植物的有性繁殖与更新程度都很低,甚至有一些植物由于克隆生长而几乎完全放弃了有性过程,从而影响到克隆植物对局域环境的适应和地理范围进化。其次,克隆生长增大花展示进而增加了对传粉者的吸引,同时也增加了同株异花授粉的风险,而同株异花授粉往往会导致植物雄性和雌性适合度的下降。因此,克隆植物的空间结构与交配方式间可能存在着协同进化关系。最后,克隆生长与有性繁殖间可能存在着权衡关系:对克隆生长的资源投入将会减少对有性繁殖的资源投入。这种权衡关系可能是由环境条件、竞争力度、植物寿命和遗传等因素决定的。如果不同的繁殖方式是植物在不同环境下采取的适应性对策,那么我们可以预期:在波动和竞争力度大的生境中,植物应将大部分的繁殖资源分配给有性繁殖;而在相对稳定的环境中,克隆繁殖应该占据优势地位。但是自然选择对两种繁殖方式的选择结果是什么,以及控制这两种方式间平衡的生态和遗传因子究竟有哪些,到底是克隆生长单向地影响了植物的有性繁殖,还是与有性过程相伴随的选择压力同时塑造了植物的克隆习性?目前尚不清楚。同时从无性与有性繁殖两个方面综合考察克隆植物的繁殖对策是今后亟待加强的工作。  相似文献   

The coexistence and coevolution of sexual and asexual species under resource competition are explored with three models: a nongenetic ecological model, a model including single locus genetics, and a quantitative-genetic model. The basic assumption underlying all three models is that genetic differences are translated into ecological differences. Hence if sexual species are genetically more variable, they will be ecologically more variable. Under classical competition theory, this increased ecological variability can, in many cases, be an advantage to individual sexual genotypes and to the sexual species as a whole. The purpose of this paper is to determine the conditions when this advantage will outway three disadvantages of sexuality: the costs of males, of segregation, and of the additive component of recombination. All three models reach similar conclusions. Although asexuality confers an advantage, it is much less than a two-fold advantage because minor increases in the overall species niche width of the sexual species will offset the reproductive advantage of the asexual species. This occurs for two reasons. First, an increase in species niche width increases the resource base of the sexual species. Second, to the extent that the increase in niche width is due to increased differences between individuals, a reduction in intraspecific competition will result. This is not to imply that the sexual species will always win. The prime conditions that enable sexual species to stably coexist with or even supplant an asexual sister species are:

I compare the developmental stability of first generation hybrids between hatchery strains of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) to that of the three pure parental strains raised in a common environment. Two of three reciprocal hybrid pairs show significantly less fluctuating asymmetry of four meristic characters than is found in parental strains. In contrast, the third hybrid pair shows reduced but not significantly lower developmental stability compared to pure strains. These hybrids had previously been found to develop slower than their maternal parental strains, indicating divergence of parental regulatory mechanisms controlling early ontogeny. A significant positive association between the degree of relative delay in hybrid developmental rate and their degree of developmental instability supports this view. For example, the only hybrid pair with decreased developmental stability also had the largest relative delay in development time of all hybrids. Neither absolute developmental rate nor enzyme heterozygosity at 42 loci alone can explain the degree of fluctuating asymmetry in these hybrids. The developmental stability of hybrids is apparently a result of the interaction between the developmental divergence between parental strains and their genomic heterozygosity due to hybridization.  相似文献   

Associations between developmental stability, sexual selection, and viability selection were studied in the domestic fly Musca domestica (Diptera, Muscidae). Developmental stability of the wings and tibia of flies of both sexes, measured in terms of their level of fluctuating asymmetry, was positively associated with mating success in free ranging populations and in sexual selection experiments. Mated individuals may have obtained indirect fitness benefits from sexual selection of two different kinds. First, the entomopathogenic fungus Enthomophthora muscae (Zygomycetes, Entomophthorales) infects and kills adult domestic flies, and flies dead from fungus infections had more asymmetric wings than flies dead for other reasons. Experimental deposition of fungus spores on uninfected flies demonstrated that flies with asymmetric wings were more susceptible to fungus infections than flies with symmetric wings. Second, domestic flies were frequently eaten by insectivorous barn swallows Hirundo rustica, and flies depredated by birds had more asymmetric wings and tibia than surviving flies.  相似文献   

According to the Frozen Niche-Variation model, coexisting clones of an asexual species can freeze and faithfully replicate ecologically relevant genetic variability that segregates in the sexual ancestors. The present experiments with fish of the genus Poeciliopsis provide further evidence in support of this model. Sexual and clonal forms of Poeciliopsis live in the desert streams of Sonora, Mexico, and are exposed to environmental extremes ranging from flash floods to hot, desiccating, residual pools. We examined coexisting members of the monacha complex to see whether the fish types differed with respect to survival during stress and swimming endurance in an artificial flume. The two coexisting clones of the triploid gynogenetic fish P. 2 monacha–lucida differed dramatically: clone MML/II had the best survival during heat and cold stress and the worst survival during hypoxic stress, whereas clone MML/I had the best survival during hypoxic stress and the worst during heat stress. Poeciliopsis monacha, the sexual species with which these clones coexist, had intermediate survival during heat and hypoxic stress and very poor swimming endurance in the flume. The physiological differences seen in this study are consistent with the Frozen Niche-Variation model and provide some insights into environmental factors that affect the distribution and abundance of these fish.  相似文献   

Four natural populations of Clarkia tembloriensis, whose levels of heterozygosity and rates of outcrossing were previously found to be correlated, are examined for developmental instability in their leaves. From the northern end of the species range, we compare a predominantly selfing population (t? = 0.26) with a more outcrossed population (t? = 0.84), which is genetically similar. From the southern end of the range, we compare a highly selfing population (t? = 0.03) with a more outcrossed population (t? = 0.58). We measured developmental stability in the populations using two measures of within-plant variation in leaf length as well as calculations of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) for several leaf traits. Growth-chamber experiments show that selfing populations are significantly more variable in leaf length than more outcrossed populations. Developmental instability can contribute to this difference in population-level variance. Plants from more homozygous populations tend to have greater within-plant variance over developmentally comparable nodes than plants from more heterozygous populations, but the difference is not significant. At the upper nodes of the plant, mature leaf length declines steadily with plant age, allowing for a regression of leaf length on node. On average, the plants from more homozygous populations showed higher variance about the regression (MSE) and lower R2 values, suggesting that the decline in leaf length with plant age is less stable in plants from selfing populations than in plants from outcrossing populations. Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) was calculated for four traits within single leaves at up to five nodes per plant. At the early nodes of the plant where leaf arrangement is opposite, FA was also calculated for the same traits between opposite leaves at a node. Fluctuating asymmetry is significantly greater in the southern selfing population than in the neighboring outcrossed population. Northern populations do not differ in FA. Fluctuating asymmetry can vary significantly between nodes. The FA values of different leaf traits were not correlated. We show that developmental stability can be measured in plants using FA and within-plant variance. Our data suggest that large differences in breeding system are associated with differences in stability, with more inbred populations being the least stable.  相似文献   

The genetic basis for developmental stability in the haplo-diploid honeybee Apis mellifera was determined by comparing the level of asymmetry between diploid females and haploid males both among and within inbreeding levels. There was no significant relationship between the level of inbreeding and the level of fluctuating asymmetry for both females and males. It is therefore argued that the general level of genomic heterozygosity is not an important factor for the determination and maintenance of developmental stability in this system, but rather that the balance of genes within chromosomes plays the major role. The observation that males were generally more asymmetric than females suggests that developmental stability in females may also be influenced by additional factors such as gene dosage, sex-limited genes or cytoplasmic elements.  相似文献   

The environmental change experienced by many contemporary populations of organisms poses a serious risk to their survival. From the theory of evolutionary rescue, we predict that the combination of sex and genetic diversity should increase the probability of survival by increasing variation and thereby the probability of generating a type that can tolerate the stressful environment. We tested this prediction by comparing experimental populations of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that differ in sexuality and in the initial amount of genetic diversity. The lines were serially propagated in an environment where the level of stress caused by salt increased over time from fresh water to the limits of marine conditions. In the long term, the combination of high diversity and obligate sexuality was most effective in supporting evolutionary rescue. Most of the adaptation to high‐salt environments in the obligate sexual‐high diversity lines had occurred by midway through the experiment, indicating that positive genetic correlations of adaptation to lethal stress with adaptation to sublethal stress greatly increased the probability of evolutionary rescue. The evolutionary rescue events observed in this study provide evidence that major shifts in ways of life can arise within short time frames through the action of natural selection in sexual populations.  相似文献   

Developmental stability reflects the ability of a genotype to undergo stable development of a phenotype under given environmental conditions. Deviations from developmental stability arise from the disruptive effects of a wide range of environmental and genetic stresses, and such deviations are usually measured in terms of fluctuating asymmetry and phenodeviants. Fluctuating asymmetry is the most sensitive indicator of the ability to cope with stresses during ontogeny. There is considerable evidence that developmental stability, and especially fluctuating asymmetry, is a useful measure of phenotypic and genetic quality, because it covaries negatively with performance in multiple fitness domains in many species, including humans. It is proposed that developmental stability is an important marker of human health. Our goal is to initiate formally the integration of the sciences of evolutionary biology, developmental biology and medicine. We believe that this integrative framework provides a significant addition to the growing field of Darwinian medicine. The literature linking developmental stability and disease in humans is reviewed. Recent biological theoretical treatments pertaining to developmental stability are applied to a range of human health issues such as genetic diseases, ageing and survival, subfertility, abortion, child maltreatment by parents, cancer, infectious diseases, physiological and mental health, and physical attractiveness as a health certification.  相似文献   

Previous theories and studies have postulated negative correlations between allozyme heterozygosity and developmental noise and between heterozygosity and phenotypic plasticity. We examined these relationships for morphological and life-history traits of Daphnia magna in four independent experiments using two different Moscow populations and one German population. Clones were raised under a range of food levels or individual densities. Heterozygosity was scored at five allozyme loci in two experiments and at three loci in two others. Relative differences in developmental noise among clones with different heterozygosity levels were estimated as the pooled residual variation from an analysis of variation that removed the effects of macroenvironment, clones, and their interaction. Plasticity was measured as the amount of macroenvironmental variation plus genotype-by-environment interaction variation. We found a positive correlation between developmental noise and heterozygosity, although this correlation varied among traits and experiments. This result contradicts most previous claims about these relationships. In contrast, we found that phenotypic plasticity and heterozygosity were negatively correlated for some traits. Developmental noise and phenotypic plasticity were correlated for only two traits in two different experiments. This trait-specific relationship is in concordance with previous studies. Our results could not be explained by effects of developmental time, a previously hypothesized mechanism. We propose several explanations for our results and the disparate results of others that do not require that heterozygosity be the actual cause of variation in developmental noise.  相似文献   

Mutation may impose a substantial load on populations, which varies according to the reproductive mode of organisms. Over the past years, various authors used adaptive landscape models to predict the long‐term effect of mutation on mean fitness; however, many of these studies assumed very weak mutation rates, so that at most one mutation segregates in the population. In this article, we derive several simple approximations (confirmed by simulations) for the mutation load at high mutation rate (U), using a general model that allows us to play with the number of selected traits (n), the degree of pleiotropy of mutations, and the shape of the fitness function (which affects the average sign and magnitude of epistasis among mutations). When mutations have strong fitness effects, the equilibrium fitness of sexuals and asexuals is close to ; under weaker mutational effects, sexuals reach a different regime where is a simple function of U and of a parameter describing the shape of the fitness function. Contrarily to weak mutation results showing that is an increasing function of population size and a decreasing function of n, these parameters may have opposite effects in sexual populations at high mutation rate.  相似文献   

The sexual and asexual portions of the life cycle of Glenodiniopsis steinii were examined at both the light and scanning electron microscopic levels. Asexual reproduction by cell division occurs every 2 to 3 d under optimal conditions. Gamete formation and sexual reproduction can be induced by either nitrogen deprivation or aging of cultures. Fusion of gametes peaks about 10 hr into the light cycle and requires about 10 hr for completion. Cells remain motile during fusion but the zygote loses motility. The cell then undergoes changes that give it a thick-walled, warty appearance.  相似文献   

We define a new genetic identity measure that is especially well suited for asexual polyploid species as it circumvents errors in the estimation of gene frequencies. It also can be applied to sexuals allowing the study of phylogenetic relationships in species complexes consisting of sexuals and asexuals of different ploidy levels. The measure groups genotypes into classes dependent on homozygosity vs heterozygosity and the number of ancestral allele types vs the number of presumed new mutations. Its value is related to evolutionary time since divergence. The application of the method is illustrated by using electrophoretic data on the species group Solenobia triquetrella (Lepidoptera: Psychidae). A high similarity of estimated relationships among the proposed as well as other genetic identity measures is shown in the case of diploid sexual and asexual races of this species group. The phylogenetic relationships within the group are reanalyzed and monophyletic vs polyphyletic origin of parthenogenesis in this species complex is discussed. The genetic identity values found by the proposed procedure are explained by a polyphyletic origin of parthenogenesis, though a monophyletic origin of parthenogenesis in a broader sense cannot be excluded. The explanation of the phylogenetic relationships is based on the assumption of hybridization between related species and the extinction of one ancestral species. Furthermore, the genetic diversity is compared among sexual and parthenogenetic races of the species.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) with greater heterozygosity at enzyme loci also have greater developmental stability, as measured by bilateral symmetry of five meristic traits. Fish with increased amounts of liver phosphoglucomutase activity have greater developmental stability and develop faster than fish with normal activity. These observations suggest that the differences in developmental stability between homozygotes and heterozygotes may be the result of differences in developmental rate. Faster developmental rates are expected to decrease the probability of accidents during critical periods of development, resulting in a more stable or uniform phenotype. As indicated by differences in hatching time, heterozygotes tend to develop more rapidly than homozygotes. This association is not strongly expressed within families at any locus except Pgm1-t. However, heterozygotes for Mdh3,4 and Hex hatched significantly sooner than homozygotes in a population sample. These results suggest that differences in developmental rate between homozygotes and heterozygotes may account for the positive association between developmental stability and heterozygosity in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

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