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Conformation of two-stranded DNA in H2O–methanol, H2O–ethanol, H2O–isopropanol, and H2O–dioxane solutions at different concentrations of alkaline ions has been studied with the aid of circular dichroism. The following conclusions are drawn: The conformation of DNA in H2O and H2O–methanol belongs to a family of B forms (B, C, T forms are the representatives of the family). The magnitude of the winding angle between adjacent base pairs (θ) is determined by the concentration and type of the cations. In H2O the cation action is nonspecific and leads to an increase in θ value. In 80% methanol the ions act specifically, Cs+ being to stabilize a form with a greater θ value, and Li+ being with a lesser one. The total θ change is likely within the limits of 33° ? θ ? 45°. At high content of ethanol, isopropanol, or dioxane (~80%), but not with methanol, and in low ionic strength the conformation of DNA belongs to a family of A forms (A form is one of the members of the family) and is specified by the concentration and type of cation involved. The two-stranded regions of RNA in H2O are also of A type and winds with the rise of cation concentration. The range of θ variation is not narrower than 30° ? θ 33°. The conformational transitions within the families (induced by ions) are of non-cooperative pattern, wheras the transitions between the families (induced by nonpolar component) are of cooperative pattern. The effect of cations, when specific, is discussed on the basis of steric correspondence between the width of DNA narrow groove and the size of a hydrated cation.  相似文献   

The induced circular dichroism (CD) in the visible region of acridine orange bound to the double-stranded RNA from cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus and to yeast tRNA has been measured as a function of RNA phosphate-to-dye ratio (P/D), under the conditions of 0.01 M Na+ at pH 7.0. The shape of the CD spectrum of acridine orange bound to the double-stranded RNA was quite different from the spectrum of the dye bound to DNA. The CD spectral features of acridine orange bound to the double-stranded regions in tRNA closely resembled those of the double-stranded RNA-dye complex, suggesting that the dyes bind similarly to the two RNA's. It was further found that the CD spectrum of the tRNA-dye complex at sufficiently high P/D ratios, which is assignable to monomeric, intercalated dye to the base-paired parts in tRNA, is also distinct from the corresponding spectrum of the DNA-dye complex.  相似文献   

The CD spectra and melting profiles have been measured for nine synthetic double-stranded RNAs containing I · C instead of G · C base pairs: poly[r(I) · r(C)], poly[r(I-C) · r(I-C)], poly[r(A-I-C) · r(I-C-U)], poly[r(A-C) · r(I-U)], poly[r(A-I) · r(C-U)], poly[r(A-C-C) · r(I-I-U)], poly[r(A-A-C) · r(I-U-U)], poly[r(A-C-U) · r(A-I-U)], and poly[r(A-U-C) · r(I-A-U)]. CD spectra have not previously been reported for the latter six of these polymers. The substitution of inosinate for guanylate led to recognizable CD differences, with all but two of the polymers having two resolved positive bands above 230 nm. Also, the I-containing RNAs differed from their G-containing counterparts in the almost complete absence of negative CD bands at long wavelengths and in the reduction of negative CD bands near 210 nm. First-neighbor comparisons showed that the CD spectra of the I-containing RNAs were consistent with the nearest-neighbor sequences of the polymers, as previously shown for G-containing RNAs (D. M. Gray, J.-J. Liu, R. L. Ratliff, and F. S. Allen, Biopolymers (1981) 20 , 1337–1382). Moreover, two of the first-neighbor comparisons involved spectra of poly[r(A) · r(U)] and poly[r(I) · r(C)], polymers known to be in the A family of conformations in fibers (S. Arnott, D. W. L. Hukins, S. D. Dover, W. Fuller, and A. Hodgson, (1973) J. Mol. Biol. 81 , 107–122). Thus, differences in the CD spectra of I- and G-containing RNAs could be simply explained as resulting from differences in the hypoxanthine and guanine chromophores, without invoking differences in conformation. Finally, melting temperatures of the I-containing RNAs were found to vary much less with base composition than do the melting temperatures of G-containing RNAs, since A · U base pairs are closer to I · C than to G · C base pairs in stability.  相似文献   

The three satellite DNAs of Drosophila virilis, that approximate to poly d(CAAACTA)-poly d(TAGTTTG), poly d(TAAACTA)-poly d(TAGTTTA), poly d(CAAATTA)-poly d(TAATTTG), the satellite DNA of Drosophila melanogaster that approximates to poly d(AATAT)-poly d(ATATT), the synthetic DNA duplexes, poly dG-poly dC, poly d(AT)-poly d(AT), poly d(AAT)-poly d(ATT), poly d(AAC)-poly d(GTT), poly d(TAC)-poly d(GTA) and the block copolymer d(C15A15)-d(T15G15) all have circular dichroism spectra consistent with the propositions that they have the same molecular geometry in solution and that it is the kind and frequency of nucleotide triplet sequences that determines their spectral characteristics. Poly dA-poly dT is apparently an exception.  相似文献   

We report the first measurement of the magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) of the basic polypeptide antibiotic netropsin (Nt). The MCD shows that the longest wavelength absorption band of Nt is the sum of more than one component and permits a radically new interpretation of the circular dichroism of the complex which Nt forms with DNA. We conclude that Nt has no major effect on the CD and thus the helical structure of the bases of the DNA to which it is bound. Thus the ability of Nt to inhibit the function of DNA polymerase, RNA polymerase, and the photoreactivating enzyme must be mediated by factors other than a distortion of the helical structure of the bases.  相似文献   

We have designed a set of 17-residue synthetic peptides to be monomeric helices in aqueous solution. Circular dichrosim experiments indicate the presence of helical structure in aqueous solution at low temperature and low pH. The two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance results for one of the peptides show a segment of ten residues which clearly meets all of the criteria for the existence of helical structure at both 5 degrees C and 15 degrees C. The first four residues of the peptide are in a largely extended conformation. Calculations suggest that residues 5 through 14 are significantly helical at 5 degrees C. When the temperature is increased, circular dichroism spectra indicate that the helical content decreases. At 15 degrees C, the 3JN alpha coupling constants increase in the helical region, indicating an increase in motion or conformational averaging in the helical segment. None of the peptides has pH titration behavior consistent with salt bridge stabilization of helical conformation. Our data lend themselves to interpretation with the helix dipole model and specific side-chain interactions. When the N and C termini charges are removed the helical content of the peptides increases. The amount of helicity increases as the pH is lowered, due to the ionization of His16. Much of the helical stabilization appears to be due to a specific side-chain interaction between His16 and Tyr12.  相似文献   

We present CD spectra of four trinucleoside diphosphates, UpUpG, GpUpG, ApUpA, and ApUpG, of four single-stranded polymers, poly AC, poly GU, poly AU, and poly AdU, and of five double-stranded polymers, poly A:U, poly G:C, poly AU:AU, poly AdU:AdU, and poly GC:GC. The measured spectra are compared with empirical firstneighbor calculations. Our results, taken together with data from the literature, suggest that UpA and UpG sequences are relatively unstacked in a single-stranded RNA compared with these isolated dimers in solution. These sequences may influence the structure and function of natural RNAs. Our results on double-stranded RNAs indicate that the spectral changes which occur upon formation of a double helix are unique to the type of base pair involved and are relatively independent of sequence.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) and UV-melting experiments were conducted with 16 oligodeoxynucleotides modified by the carcinogen 2-aminofluorene, whose sequence around the lesion was varied systematically [d(CTTCTNG[AF]NCCTC), N = G, A, C, T], to gain insight into the factors that determine the equilibrium between base-displaced stacked (S) and external B-type (B) duplex conformers. Differing stabilities among the duplexes can be attributed to different populations of S and B conformers. The AF modification always resulted in sequence-dependent thermal (Tm) and thermodynamic (−ΔG°) destabilization. The population of B-type conformers derived from eight selected duplexes (i.e. -AG*N- and -CG*N-) was inversely proportional to the −ΔG° and Tm values, which highlights the importance of carcinogen/base stacking in duplex stabilization even in the face of disrupted Watson–Crick base pairing in S-conformation. CD studies showed that the extent of the adduct-induced negative ellipticities in the 290–350 nm range is correlated linearly with −ΔG° and Tm, but inversely with the population of B-type conformations. Taken together, these results revealed a unique interplay between the extent of carcinogenic interaction with neighboring base pairs and the thermodynamic properties of the AF-modified duplexes. The sequence-dependent S/B heterogeneities have important implications in understanding how arylamine–DNA adducts are recognized in nucleotide excision repair.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) has become an increasingly important tool in the study of biological molecules as it enables structural information to be obtained nondestructively on solution-phase samples. However, sample requirements for CD are often seen as being too high with protein backbone measurements in standard cuvettes typically requiring ~100-300 μL of 0.1 mg/ml protein. To address this issue, we have designed a new form of CD sample holder, which reduces the sample requirements of the technique by two orders of magnitude, with a sample requirement of less than 3 μl. This sample saving has been achieved through the use of extruded quartz capillaries, the sample being held within the internal diameter of the quartz capillary through capillary action. The extruded quartz capillaries exhibit remarkably little birefringence, although still transmitting high energy UV circularly polarized light. The optics associated with capillaries were investigated. A configuration has been adopted with the light beam of the spectrophotometer being focused in front of the front face of the capillary using a biconvex lens and advantage being taken of the additional focusing effect of the capillary itself. The focusing is vital to the low wavelength performance of the cell, where we have acquired reliable data down to 180 nm using a Jasco J-815 spectrophotometer. The system performance was validated with Na[Co(EDDS)].H(2)O (EDDS = N,N-ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid), concanavalin A, lysozyme, and progesterone.  相似文献   

M F Maestre  D M Gray  R B Cook 《Biopolymers》1971,10(12):2537-2553
The MCD (magnetic circular dichroism) spectra of Ap, ApA, ApApA, poly A, Up, UpU, poly U and double-stranded poly A:U alternating copoly A–U and alternating deoxyribopoly A–T were measured with a Cary 61 spectropolarimeter fitted with a Varian superconducting magnet at a field strength of 50 Kgauss. The MCD spectra of T2 and T5 DNA at various stages of heal denaturation were measured as a function of hyperchromicity of the sample. MCD spectra of the intact and degraded T2 and T5 phages were used to study the degree of alteration of the DNA inside the phages versus the DNA in vitro. The results for the adenine polymers show that the main MCD bands, B2u(271 nm), B1u(252 nm), and E1u(212 nm), show a decrease in specific magnitude as the length of the polymer is increased, reflecting the degree of stacking of the polymer. In contrast, the uridine series of polymers shows little change of the MCD bands, indicating that there is little interaction between the bases regardless of the length of the polymers. The MCD spectra of poly A:U, alternating poly r(A–U): (A–U), and alternating poly d(A–T):(A–T) show significant differences among themselves in the magnitude of the B2u band and when compared with the sum of the spectrum for the poly A plus poly U. This may indicate the selective effect of hydrogen bonding on the B2u band. Alternatively, the difference may be due to the absence of an n → π* transition in the double-stranded polymer. Measurements of denatured T2 and To DNA's show increases in all MCD bands. The T2 DNA internally packed in phage shows an increase of the B2u and E1ubands, the B2u remaining unchanged. The internal T5 DNA shows an increase of the B1u band only. Thus, the internal DNA structure is altered in a manner quite different from a simple denaturation caused by hydrogen bond breaking. Furthermore, different MCD bands indicate that different modes of DNA packing exist for T2 and T5 phages.  相似文献   

The efficiency of photosynthetic light energy conversion depends largely on the molecular architecture of the photosynthetic membranes. Linear- and circular-dichroism (LD and CD) studies have contributed significantly to our knowledge of the molecular organization of pigment systems at different levels of complexity, in pigment–protein complexes, supercomplexes, and their macroassemblies, as well as in entire membranes and membrane systems. Many examples show that LD and CD data are in good agreement with structural data; hence, these spectroscopic tools serve as the basis for linking the structure of photosynthetic pigment–protein complexes to steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopy. They are also indispensable for identifying conformations and interactions in native environments, and for monitoring reorganizations during photosynthetic functions, and are important in characterizing reconstituted and artificially constructed systems. This educational review explains, in simple terms, the basic physical principles, and theory and practice of LD and CD spectroscopies and of some related quantities in the areas of differential polarization spectroscopy and microscopy.  相似文献   

M. F. Maestre  J. E. Katz 《Biopolymers》1982,21(9):1899-1908
A microscope capable of measuring the CD of intact single eukaryotic cells, DNA microcrystals, and other microscopic structures has been constructed and tested. It can measure the CD spectra in the 200- and 800-nm wavelength range and consists of a modification to a standard Cary 60 CD machine in combination with a Zeiss uv microspectrometer. Preliminary CD spectra of red blood cells and lymphocytes are presented.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) and UV/Visible absorption (UV/Vis) spectroscopy techniques were used to investigate the interaction between heparin and chloroquine, an antimalarial drug that has shown potential as an anti-prion agent. CD spectra of rac-chloroquine upon addition of heparin provide evidence of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) binding, support recent findings suggesting that interactions between heparin and antimalarial drugs are largely due to electrostatic interactions, and represent the first reported GAG-induced CD signal of a bicyclic, aromatic compound. The association constant (∼103 M−1) between chloroquine and heparin was calculated from a UV titration curve and provided additional insight into the nature of the association between these two compounds.  相似文献   

Viral satellites are small RNAs that depend on the presence of the specific helper virus for replication and that can modulate viral disease expression. The in vivo subcellular location of the double-stranded (ds) form of different Cucumovirus-associated satellite RNAs, which accumulate in large quantities in infected tobacco plants, is reported here. Subcellular fractions were obtained by differential centrifugation and characterized by their specific nucleic acid content and by electron microscopy. Results indicate that the viral and satellite ds-RNAs copurify with a size-homogeneous vesicular fraction. A similar vesicular fraction was also isolated from healthy tobacco plants. The results suggest that the replication of satellite RNAs occurs in close association with these vesicles and are consistent with the hypothesis of the satellite dependence on the viral-coded replicase.  相似文献   

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