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ABSTRACT Specimens of Pelomyxa palustris from five collecting sites had numerous nonmotile flagella. The structures are called flagella because of morphological similarities to flagella and because P. palustris has affinities with amoeboid flagellates. Flagella were photographed on living cells and studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. From 64 to 742 flagella per cell were estimated from scanning electron microscopy of ten cells 204 to 1269 μm in length. The nonmotile flagella arise from basal granules which were, in one strain, surrounded by radiating electron-dense microtubules. This strain also had excess axonemal microtubules. Abundant cytoplasmic microtubules were arranged in several different patterns. In about half of the P. palustris cells in which nuclei were studied, microtubules were either apposed to the nuclear membrane in a parallel alignment (with some also radiating) or radiating from the nuclear membrane (with none parallel). Bacteria associated with nuclei were of three characteristic types: Gram-negative rods, Gram-positive rods, and large rods. All nuclei within a given trophozoite had similar perinuclear features. Recent proposals for separation of Pelomyxa to its own phylum (based on its proposed primitive, unique nature) can not be justified. Pelomyxa is a complex, highly specialized organism adapted to live in a specific fresh-water environment. Mastigamoebid amoeboid flagellates of the genera Mastigamoeba, Mastigella, Mastigina, and possibly Dinamoeba are placed with Pelomyxa within the order Pelobiontida Page, 1976, emend., containing two families. Pelomyxidae Schulze, 1877, and Mastigamoebidae Goldschmidt, 1907.  相似文献   

Thirty-five strains of Clostridium bifermentans were, in most part, culturally homogeneous by conventional taxonomic criteria but were heterogeneous with respect to spore fine structure. Fourteen of the strains produced spores with appendages, distributed among four distinct ultrastructural types. No consistent correlation existed between spore type and other variable properties of these strains. It is proposed, therefore, that these spore appendage-type strains be considered as "varieties" of C. bifermentans and that they should not be designated as new species.  相似文献   

细胞周期蛋白(cyclin)E和周期蛋白依赖性激酶(CDK)2的复合物CyclinE-CDK2为细胞从G1期进入S期的关键激酶复合物,在细胞从G1期进入S期过程中起着至关重要的作用.它通过磷酸化其下游一系列底物如Rb、CDC6、NPAT和P107等而使细胞启动DNA合成,从而使细胞不可逆转地进入S期.CyclinE-CDK2除了受到其下游RB/E2F通路的正调控外,同时也受细胞中其他一些因子的调控,如CIP/KIP家族蛋白的负调控作用,以及Skp2-SCF介导的泛素化降解作用等.  相似文献   

FHL(four and a half LIM domain)家族是含有4 个半LIM结构域的蛋白家族,现发现该家族由5 个成员,即FHL1、FHL2、FHL3、FHL4、FHL5 /ACT 组成,其表达具有组织特异性.它们通过LIM结构域与某些结构蛋白、激酶、转录调控因子等多种蛋白质相互作用,对某些基因的表达、细胞分化与发育、细胞骨架形成等发挥重要调控作用.FHL1(four and a half LIM domain 1)是FHL家族中表达最广泛的成员,尤其在骨骼肌和心肌中高表达.近年研究表明其参与某些病理过程,与心血管疾病、肌肉疾病、肿瘤疾病等相关.  相似文献   

The fine structure of Cyanidium caldarium, as seen in thin sections of KMnO4-fixed cells examined with the electron microscope, is described. This organism, whose taxonomic position among algae is undetermined, contains a single well defined chloroplast, a nucleus, and mitochondria. Studies, with the electron microscope, of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Nostoc are also reported. Structural differences within cells of Cyanidium, chlorella, and Nostoc are discussed. It is concluded that if Nostoc can be taken as a typical Cyanophyte and Chlorella as a representative Chlorophyte and if the items of fine structure examined are diagnostic, then Cyanidium is certainly not a Cyanophyte and, while it has numerous features in common with Chlorella, is not a green alga similar to Chlorella. Comparisons are also made between Cyanidium and other algae whose fine structure has been described by others.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Studies were completed on the natural population density of Paramecium bursaria syngen 1 and on the life cycle stages to which the individuals belonged. Green paramecia were collected from two streams once every 20 days for over one year: 413 individuals on 26 collection dates in Mikumarikyo stream and 83 individuals on 23 collection dates in Momijidani-gawa stream. Individuals in nature did not maintain at a steady density but fluctuated greatly depending on the month. It seems that conjugation occurred from April to June in the Mikumarikyo stream and from May to June in the Momijidani-gawa stream. The appearance of individuals with mating ability might be related closely to increasing population so that sexual reproduction probably occurred near the peak of the population density. The 413 individuals from Mikumarikyo stream were examined to determine their position within the life cycle; 309 (74%) were immature, 55 (13%) were adolescent, and 49 (12%) were mature. No senile individuals were observed. The fraction of individuals with mating ability was generally less than 30% at any collection. Four mating types were observed occurring with about equal frequencies in mature individuals. The results show the frequencies of the recessive genes for mating types (a and b) are higher than for dominant genes (A and B). Of 83 individuals from Momijidani-gawa stream, 44 (52%) were immature, 21 (25%) were adolescent, and 18 (21%) were mature. Again, no senile individuals were observed. Because only two mating types were found, II and III (genotypes aaB- and aabb), it seems possible that the dominant gene A was rare or absent in the Momijidani-gawa population.  相似文献   

The Thread of Life: Toraja Reflections on the Life Cycle. Douglas W. Hollan and Jane C. Wellenkamp. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1996. 239 pp.  相似文献   

Lankesteria clarki sp. n. from the treehole mosquito, Aedes sierrensis (Ludlow) in California, is described. This species can be separated from the closely related ones, L. culicis (Ross) and L. barretti Vávra, by the totally intracellular nature of the trophozoite, the shape of the gamont, the position of the gamont nucleus and the structure and position of the residual body in the spore. Morphologic and ultrastructural investigations of gametogenesis and sporogony were conducted and the host relationship discussed. Lankesteria clarki was found in mosquitoes collected from all treeholes examined near Novato in Marin County, California and an examination of over 6,000 larvae of A. sierrensis showed an infection rate of 27.5%. The parasite is capable of destroying the midgut epithelial cells during its trophic stage and Malpighian tubule cells during gametogenesis and sporogony.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Electron microscope observations of a strain of Labyrinthula indicate that the spindle cells glide within a collapsible slime tube rather than on top of it. These slimeways are clearly extracellular, partly covered with membranes, and consist of an amorphous matrix encrusted with many small vesicular elements.  相似文献   

逆转运复合体(retromer)作为一种蛋白复合物,参与蛋白质从内体到反面高尔基体的逆向运输或从内体到质膜的回收过程,调节了细胞内货物的丰度及亚细胞分布.近期研究发现,retromer可与一些病毒蛋白相互作用从而影响病毒的生命周期.本文通过总结retromer与丙肝病毒、人类免疫缺陷病毒、人乳头瘤病毒、痘苗病毒以及松鼠猴疱疹病毒的相互作用,探讨retromer在病毒侵染中的作用.  相似文献   

The leech Calliobdella vivida (Verrill) is the vector of Trypanoplasma bullocki. At 10°C, infective-stage flagellates were first present in the leech's proboscis sheath five days after feeding. At 5°C, infective-stage flagellates were not present in the leech's proboscis sheath until 10 days after feeding, but at 20°C, flagellates were located there as early as 24 h after feeding. Infected leeches retained flagellates through three subsequent feeds on uninfected fish. When flagellates were first observed in hogchoker, Trinectes maculatus (Bloch & Schneider), they were much larger than infective stages from the leech. Average flagellate length then decreased during early acute phase, but gradually increased thereafter. Peak parasitemia was greater in a hogchoker inoculated by only one leech but held at colder temperature than in a hogchoker inoculated by 45 leeches, suggesting that temperature may be more important than inoculum in determining peak parasitemia. Cell division in the fish host is described. SEM studies of fish blood flagellates revealed a pre-oral ridge and a cytostome.  相似文献   

The epidermal cuticle of the abaxial surface of the primaryleaves of Phaseolus vulgaris used for these experiments is notmore than 0.15 µm thick except on the walls of basal cellsof epidermal hairs. The cuticle apparently has no internal structure;neither channels or canals can be seen passing through it. An examination of the fine structure of leaf tissue 24 h afterthe application of 1.6 x 10–3 M solutions of 2-chlorophenoxyaceticacid (2-CPA), 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (4-CPA), 2,6-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid (2,6-D), and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) hasshown that 2,4-D alone, and then only in the light, induceschanges in the morphology and internal structure of the chloroplast.As early as 4 h after application, there is an apparent breakdownin the structure of the membrane systems of the cells of theepidermis, palisade, and mesophyll. After 8 h the chloroplastsare distorted and contain electron-dense granules, and the cellsappear to be plasmolysed. Subsequently these changes becomemore pronounced. It is possible that the specific disturbancesbrought about by 2,4-D reflect its phytotoxic properties.  相似文献   

Oncolytic alphavirus M1 has been shown to selectively target and kill cancer cells, but cytopathic morphologies induced by M1 virus and the life cycle of the M1 strain in cancer cells remain unclear. Here, we study the key stages of M1 virus infection and replication in the M1 virus-sensitive HepG2 liver cancer cell line by transmission electron microscopy,specifically examining viral entry, assembly, maturation and release. We found that M1 virus induces vacuolization of cancer cells during infection and ultimately nuclear marginalization, a typical indicator of apoptosis. Specifically, our results suggest that the endoplasmic reticulum participates in the assembly of nucleocapsids. In the early and late stage of infection, three kinds of special cytopathic vacuoles are formed and appear to be involved in the replication, maturation and release of the virus. Taken together, our data displayed the process of M1 virus infection of tumor cells and provide the structural basis for the study of M1 virus-host interactions.  相似文献   

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