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This study examined two putative mechanisms of new fiber formation in postnatal skeletal muscle, namely longitudinal fragmentation of existing fibers and de novo formation. The relative contributions of these two mechanisms to fiber formation in hypertrophying anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) muscle were assessed by quantitative analysis of their nuclear populations. Muscle hypertrophy was induced by wing-weighting for 1 week. All nuclei formed during the weighting period were labeled by continuous infusion of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU), a thymidine analog, and embryonic-like fibers were identified using an antibody to ventricular-like embryonic (V-EMB) myosin. The number of BrdU-labeled and unlabeled nuclei in V-EMB-positive fibers were counted. Wing-weighting resulted in significant muscle enlargement and the appearance of many V-EMB+ fibers. The majority of V-EMB+ fibers were completely independent of mature fibers and had a nuclear density characteristics of developing fibers. Furthermore, nearly 100% of the nuclei in independent V-EMB+ fibers were labeled. These findings strongly suggest that most V-EMB+ fibers were nascent fibers formed de novo during the weighting period by satellite cell activation and fusion. Nascent fibers were found primarily in the space between fascicles where they formed a complex anastomosing network of fibers running at angles to one another. Although wing-weighting induced an increase in the number of branched fibers, there was no evidence that V-EMB+ fibers were formed by longitudinal fragmentation. The location of newly formed fibers in wing-weighted and regenerating ALD muscle was compared to determine whether satellite cells in the ALD muscle were unusual in that, if stimulated to divide, they would form fibers in the inter- and intrafascicular space. In contrast to wing-weighted muscle, nascent fibers were always found closely associated with necrotic fibers. These results suggest that wing-weighting is not simply another model of regeneration, but rather produces a unique environment which induces satellite cell migration and subsequent fiber formation in the interfascicular space. De novo fiber formation is apparently the principal mechanism for the hyperplasia reported to occur in the ALD muscle undergoing hypertrophy induced by wing-weighting.  相似文献   

The effect of sustained isometric contraction on somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) was studied. An attenuation of early SEP components N20--P30, P30--N35) was observed during the last minute of the endurance time. The late components (P45--N55, N55--P100) showed a significant increase of the amplitude during the first minute of the contraction. The amplitude of N35--P45 did not change during voluntary contraction, although it was decreased immediately after the contraction. An increase of the integrated EMG of forearm flexors was observed in the last minute of the endurance time. The maximal voluntary contraction was decreased immediately after the sustained contraction. The observed changes in SEPs could be attributed to possible changes in sensory information and motor command due to motor task.  相似文献   

Cell death is an intrinsic part of metazoan development and mammalian immune regulation. Whereas the molecular events orchestrating apoptosis have been characterized extensively, little is known about the biochemistry of necrotic cell death. Here, we show that, in contrast to apoptosis, the induction of necrosis does not lead to the shut down of protein synthesis. The rapid drop in protein synthesis observed in apoptosis correlates with caspase-dependent breakdown of eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF) 4G, activation of the double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase PKR, and phosphorylation of its substrate eIF2-alpha. In necrosis induced by tumor necrosis factor, double-stranded RNA, or viral infection, de novo protein synthesis persists and 28S ribosomal RNA fragmentation, eIF2-alpha phosphorylation, and proteolytic activation of PKR are absent. Collectively, these results show that, in contrast to apoptotic cells, necrotic dying cells retain the opportunity to synthesize proteins.  相似文献   

The functional elimination of synergistic muscles leads to dramatic muscle hypertrophy. However, neither resting EMG activity recorded by an implanted electrode array, nor activity during locomotion have substantiated the assumption that the hypertrophy in the rat soleus muscle is caused by hyperactivity.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are molecular chaperones that aid in protein synthesis and trafficking and have been shown to protect cells/tissues from various protein damaging stressors. To determine the extent to which a single heat stress and the concurrent accumulation of Hsps influences the early events of skeletal muscle hypertrophy, Sprague-Dawley rats were heat stressed (42 degrees C, 15 minutes) 24 hours prior to overloading 1 plantaris muscle by surgical removal of the gastrocnemius muscle. The contralateral plantaris muscles served as controls. Heat-stressed and/or overloaded plantaris muscles were assessed for muscle mass, total muscle protein, muscle protein concentration, Type I myosin heavy chain (Type I MHC) content, as well as Hsp72 and Hsp25 content over the course of 7 days following removal of the gastrocnemius muscle. As expected, in non-heat-stressed animals, muscle mass, total muscle protein and MHC I content were significantly increased (P < 0.05) following overload. In addition, Hsp25 and Hsp72 increased significantly after 2 and 3 days of overload, respectively. A prior heat stress-elevated Hsp25 content to levels similar to those measured following overload alone, but heat stress-induced Hsp72 content was increased significantly greater than was elicited by overload alone. Moreover, overloaded muscles from animals that experienced a prior heat stress showed a lower muscle mass increase at 5 and 7 days; a reduced total muscle protein elevation at 3, 5, and 7 days; reduced protein concentration; and a diminished Type I MHC content accumulation at 3, 5, and 7 days relative to nonheat-stressed animals. These data suggest that a prior heat stress and/or the consequent accumulation of Hsps may inhibit increases in muscle mass, total muscle protein content, and Type I MHC in muscles undergoing hypertrophy.  相似文献   

In the last decade, molecular biology has contributed to define some of the cellular events that trigger skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Recent evidence shows that insulin like growth factor 1/phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B (IGF-1/PI3K/Akt) signaling is not the main pathway towards load-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy. During load-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy process, activation of mTORC1 does not require classical growth factor signaling. One potential mechanism that would activate mTORC1 is increased synthesis of phosphatidic acid (PA). Despite the huge progress in this field, it is still early to affirm which molecular event induces hypertrophy in response to mechanical overload. Until now, it seems that mTORC1 is the key regulator of load-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy. On the other hand, how mTORC1 is activated by PA is unclear, and therefore these mechanisms have to be determined in the following years. The understanding of these molecular events may result in promising therapies for the treatment of muscle-wasting diseases. For now, the best approach is a good regime of resistance exercise training. The objective of this point-of-view paper is to highlight mechanotransduction events, with focus on the mechanisms of mTORC1 and PA activation, and the role of IGF-1 on hypertrophy process.  相似文献   

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